if $E/K$ is separable with $[E:K]=n$ and $\overline{K}$ is an algebraic closure, then $\overline{K} \otimes_K E \cong \overline{K}^n$ (as algebras). So if $E/L/K$ is a subextension with $[L:K]=m$, then tensoring the inclusion $L \hookrightarrow E$ gives an injection of $\overline{K}$-algebras $\overline{K} \otimes_K L \hookrightarrow \overline{K} \otimes_K E$, but since $\overline{K} \otimes_K L \cong \overline{K}^m$, it is a subalgebra generated by idempotents,
but there are only finitely many idempotents in $\overline{K} \otimes_K E \cong \overline{K}^n$, all components have to be $1$ or $0$