I always found it redundant when the same concept is given many different names
and I always thought tarski finite is weaker than finite because "names are cool"
Let $C$ be a partial order of objects, with elements $c \in C$
Let $P$ be a program that does the following when $PC$ is executed:
1. Randomly pick a $c \in C$ that is not picked in the previous iteration, compute $Pc$
2. If $d \in C$ such that $c \leq d$, compute $Pd$
3. After a complete run for each $Pc$, refer to checklist.
4. Repeat Steps 1-3
(Very important assumption here. $P$ is not a turing machine. The best way to understand it is it can run for absolute infinite amount of time and steps, thus it can terminate for any transfinite value of time and steps thus there is no infinite loop in the usual sense of the term. I have yet to figure out a way to drop this)
1. If the current $Pc$ maintain its run without switching steps, output "potential infinity detected, $C$ is not finite"
2. If the current $Pc$ terminates due to inability to fulfill step 2, output "maximal element detected"
3. If all $Pc$ fulfills Condition 2, output "$C$ is bounded by maximal elements"
4. If all $Pc$ fulfills Condition 3 and the element that triggers termination is identical, output "$C$ has a maximum"
5. If the current $Pc$ fulfills Condition 1 but some elements are revisited, output "cyclic order of period <number of steps before each revisiting> detected"
6. If the current $Pc$ fulfill Condition 1, some elements are revisited irregularly, output "quasiperiodic cyclic order detected"
7. If the current $Pc$ fulfills Condition 1 and no elements are revisited, and that the output has both a upper and lower bound, output "aperiodic cyclic order detected"
8. If all $Pc$ fulfills Condition 1, and none of these have length equal to $C$, output "$C$ is dedekind finite". Otherwise output, "$C$ is dedekind infinite"
(actually no, I need to rule out countable subsets)
8. If all $Pc$ fulfills Condition 1 or 2, and none of these have the same length if one is a subsegment of another, output "$C$ is dedekind finite", else output "$C$ is dedekind infinite"
9. If all $Pc$ and its subsegments fulfills Condition 3, output "$C$ is tarski finite"
10. If all $Pc$ fulfills Condition 9 and each subsegment contain subsegment of length 1, output "$C$ is finite"