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(At the last line) the author writes it out like it’s a very obvious fact but I have to verify it separately.
@DarkRunner You can turn this into algebraic equations. Write $\sec\theta$ in terms of $UI$ and $DE$ with the first equation, then substitute into the second equation (replacing $\tan^2\theta$ with $\sec^2\theta-1$).
I just asked a question; If anyone could take a look, that would be great. math.stackexchange.com/questions/3387557/…
@TedShifrin Ok, let me try that
@TedShifrin Oh; That's the problem. I actually meant $(\frac { 1 }{ 2 } -\tan { \theta } )^{ 2 }=DE(DE+IE)$, not $(\frac { 1 }{ 2 } -\tan { ^{ 2 }\theta } )=DE(DE+IE)$
Sorry about that bad latex
I played with your original one, and it comes out with no unique answer, for sure, and it's a total mess.
OK, this is going to be a horrendous mess. I am not going further with it.
is the derivative of $f(x) = x / ||x||_2$ defined from n-dimensional real space without zero, just zero?
Good luck.
Of course not, @KonformistLiberal.
The unit vector varies as you change direction.
Oh no. It's that bad?
Could you tell me what it's?
OK let me see what I can do
@KonformistLiberal Me?
@KonformistLiberal: What precisely are you trying to do?
I am trying to show that that function is differentiable
Without using theorems?
With anything really, but actually I want to find the derivative itself too
So work it out in $\Bbb R^2$. You can take partial derivatives of the component functions by formulas. Or you can use the quotient rule. The beginning is know the derivative (or gradient) of $\|x\|$, which is one of my favorite examples in multivariable calculus. You can reason it out geometrically or, of course, you can just do the easy calculation of partials.
I did that and found that derivative of $\|x\|$ is $x / \|x\|$
sorry $x^{T} / \|x\|$
OK, good! (Points radially outward because that's the direction in which $\|x\|$ increases the fastest, and the maximal rate of change is $1$, so a unit vector!)
OK, so now just do quotient rule.
I did and got 0
Oh no you didn't :P
It's a bit tricky because this is a vector-valued function.
When finding the matrix of a linear transformation, one can find out where the transformation sends the basis vectors. Will any basis vectors do here or is the matrix specific to a given basis? (i.e. can one try the standard basis)
The derivative is an $n\times n$ matrix.
@schn: Depends what you're trying to do. Unless otherwise specified, usually the standard basis is intended.
oh is it $(\|x\| - 1) / {\|x\|}^{2}$?
How is that an $n\times n$ matrix?
@TedShifrin Okay.
I honestly get 0 haha
You're messing up the matrix form of the thing. One term is $(1/\|x\|)I$, where $I$ is the identity matrix. What's the other term?
Hi @Semiclassic
The other term is $-(1/\|x\|)I$?
Nope, nope.
If you think about taking the directional derivative in direction $v$, the other term will give you $x(-x^\top v/\|x\|^3)$.
It's very important not to confuse $xx^\top$ (a matrix) with $x^\top x$ (a scalar).
Is the answer messy?
I don't consider it messy.
But it has two terms :)
Whatever the answer is, it will not be $0$, but it should give $0$ if you apply it to a vector in the direction of $x$ (because as you move in that direction, the function is in fact constant).
$(1/\|x\|)I - (xx^\top)/ \|x\|^{3}$?
Yes, which you can write a bit more nicely as $$\frac1{\|x\|}(I-xx^\top/\|x\|^2).$$
Note you're subtracting from the identity a projection onto $x$.
You're most welcome.
I hate that uncertainty after you've just finished a test where you weren't sure how you did
Are you one of those people who moans "Oh I flunked it so bad" and then gets a 97?
Maybe? Usually I like to think that my predictions are accurate.
I just hate when I could see it going either way
Hi @Eric.
Like, I'm pretty sure I did the math correctly, but did I use the correct rules in the correct places?
Yeah, with probability you always have to wonder about setting up the sample space correctly.
I would actually like if the class were more theoretical and less computational. (On that note, I need to brush on my calculus. Got stuck on one integral for 15 minutes)
I taught a pretty computational class, but we discussed theory and proved a lot of stuff (and I even made them write a few proofs on exams).
Some people hate proofs. I've grown to where I actually enjoy them
@TedShifrin Regarding my question of finding the matrix of a linear transformation earlier...say one is given the equation of a plane in 3-space, but the basis isn't explicitly given except that it's orthogonal. To find the matrix of the transformation of projection onto the plane, one can first find the transformation onto the line with the normal of the plane as a direction vector, but which vectors are at hand to plug into the transformation to see where it sends them
if the basis vectors aren't given?
Though, my proofs are very "stream of consciousness" style. I start writing what I am thinking and then just follow where my mind goes
What basis is orthogonal?
You need practice writing good proofs, @Rithaniel.
@schn: I do not know what your exercise is. I have stuff in my course where we use a convenient basis (namely vectors in the plane together with the normal) and write down that matrix, and then use the change of basis formula to give the standard matrix. You can do it all directly, if you think.
Well, obviously I plan the proof somewhat, or at least go back and clean it up after getting it all down
@TedShifrin Okay.
okay, so i'm doing a little boolean algebra for computer science, and i'm stuck on this one question. basically, it's asking me to prove A or ((not A) and B) is equal to A or B using only properties. does anyone know where i should start? i've been trying to use Double Complement and Distributive Property, but i'm not sure that's the right way to go.

Sorry for interrupting, i just have absolutely no idea where to go.
@WilliamSun Ha, I remember having trouble with that line the first time I read it some years ago!
The idea shows up frequently, so it's not a bad thing to spend some time internalizing it anyway.
any answers for my question?
@JavaScriptCoder Yeah, the distributive property is a good idea here. Different people list different axioms to work with. Do you have some sort of way to derive A = A or (A and X) for any X?
yeah i think i did, isnt it
A or (A and X) = A and (1 or X) = A and 1 = A?
I'm not sure how that helps though...
yeah, but that's not A... oh wait I think I might get it, give me like 15 seconds
wait no, I don't think I get how that works with not A
The distributive property helps; think in reverse.
You might have to use the commutative property.
i dont know what properties youre working with, but did you manage to convince yourself that in fact the equality holds?
I used truth tables, so I've convinced myself in a most thorough way
it's just that I'm not allowed to use truth tables in real life
I mean for this assignment at least haha
truth tables are ok, but here's better -- suppose A is true, does equality hold?
well also good luck using truth tables when you have even 4 variables
yeah that's true. i've already imagined that, but i don't see how that will help me get to a final answer
so wait. indulge me for a second. suppose A is true, does equality hold? why?
The proposition states --
$A \ lor (\neg A \wedge B) = A \ lor B$
If A is true, the equality holds because (TRUE OR X) is always true, and if A is false, the equality holds because (FALSE OR X) is X.
lemme turn my MathJax on
but I still don't get how to get to a final thing
one sec, ill get it right
$A \vee (\neg A \wedge B) = A \vee B$
no, @JavaScriptCoder that wasn't quite convincing
hmm, how should I make it more convincing?
well, if $A$ is true, then both sides of the equation are true. If $A$ is false, then $\neg A$ is true, so that $\neg A \wedge B = B$, and so that both sides of the equation reduce to the truth value of just $B$.
anyway, the replacement rules you're looking for are here -- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distributive_property#Rule_of_replacement
the second rule is exactly what you need. show me your proof when youre done
so, here's what I got:
A OR ((NOT A) AND B) = (A OR NOT A) AND (A OR B) = 1 AND (A OR B) = A OR B

Interesting that my teacher didn't give me this part of the distributive property - to be fair it looks really familiar, almost like a De Morgan's Law sort of thing, but I don't know exactly where I last saw it
hm, if he didn't give you this distribute property, then you might need to prove it from your existing distributive properties (mind listing them all out here?) indeed, this property is at the heart of this exercise
hello how you all doing
just a simpe help
is the sentence
" the sun is shining " - a proposition ?
I was relatively easily able to prove it as a lemma using distributive property (A OR NOT A) AND (A OR B) —> (A AND A) OR (NOT A AND A) OR (A OR B) OR (NOT A OR B) @JoeShmo
And hello @Noob
I am pretty sure it is a proposition -- it is either true or false, no?
this can be true or false
why are you asking
i can not understand like i dont know whether the sun is shining or not then how can i assign a truth value to it . thus its not a proposition ?
that's the problem with defining a proposition as "something that can be true or false"
it's pedagogically (and semantically) ambiguous
so does this make it not a propostion or a propostion
for eg. x + y = 10 , we dont know any informatio about x and y so this is not a propostion . so can we use this same analogy for the above proposition ?
Ok i have figured it out
one more thing which of the given two is propostion
" will it rain today ?"
"today it will rain"
I can't remember where I got this link from. Was it one of you guys?
Neat lecture about formalizing mathematics, and the lack of people actually doing it
with a concrete plan and call to action
and also a lot of railing against the old guard and their egos
@AkivaWeinberger it was viral on fb etc
Several people on this chat belong to the intersection of "people who understand algebraic topology" and "people who understand type theory"
(I'm not one of them)
so his claim that there's basically no one in that space seems not very true
I guess he means professors
Does there exist $f : \mathbb{R}^{n \times m} \times \mathbb{R}^{n \times m} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^{n \times m}$ such that $\operatorname{argmax}_{x \in \Delta_n} \min_{y \in \Delta_m} f(A,B) \cdot y \cdot x = \operatorname{argmax}_{x \in \Delta_n} (\min_{y \in \Delta_m} A \cdot y \cdot x + \min_{y \in \Delta_m} B \cdot y \cdot x)$?
You watched it, I'm guessing?
What's $\Delta_n$
where $\Delta_m$ is the standard simplex.
Because of this the $\min_{y \in \Delta_m}$ can be changed to $\min_{i \in [m]}$ and the $\cdot y$ to $\cdot \mathrm{e}_i$.
i.e. minimizing $y$ over a simplex means you just have to choose the best coordinate.
That's just an addendum in case it might be helpful to figuring this out.
@AkivaWeinberger not really but he told me those things many times lol
Oh you go to where he teaches?
Where is that, again?
Is that right next to Metric
we fight every sunday
Posted the question here in case anyone's interested: math.stackexchange.com/questions/3387792/….
If $D=[-1,1] \times[-1,2]$, show that $1 \leq \iint_{D} \frac{d x d y}{x^{2}+y^{2}+1} \leq 6$
so I understand that the max area can be 6, which is just the rectangle
but why $1 \leq$
$x^2+y^2+1 \le 1+4+1 = 6$
sorry where are you getting that from?
from $|x| \le 1$ and $|y| \le 2$
ah I see
and x is 0 y is 0 to minimize
Hi I was reading Tom apostol calculus book I came across these [[enter image description here][1]][1]
Where is how how to get a new step function by adding step up function, I solved the question by actually find the value of h(x) =f(x) +g(x) by putting x, but I didn't, t get how to get the function h(x) without plotting this can anyone help me
Hello. I wonder, if the figure about vector fields on manifolds on Wikipedia is incorrect: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vector_field#Vector_fields_on_manifolds I thought that vector fields "live" on tangent bundles.
So if that's not a vector field on S2, then what is it?
It's a map that associates each point $p\in S^2$ with a vector $v\in T_p(S^2)$
so the image is right
They've drawn the image of each point on the point.
They've placed the origin of $T_p$ at $p$
\text { (a) IF } \lim _{x \rightarrow \infty} f(x)=\infty \text { THEN } \lim _{x \rightarrow \infty} \sin (f(x)) \text { does not exist. }
Thanks for the reply! But I don't understand, how can the vectors on the equator be in T_p, if they point outwards? I don't see now something...
I think this statement is false but is there any way to prove this formally using limit defination
just take $f(x) = \lfloor x \rfloor \pi$
Can you please elaborate using limit definition?
@Laotse Oh yeah on looking at the image more closely the vectors do look almost perpendicular at places
They shouldn't be doing that
Could be a perspective thing
(or maybe a genuine mistake)
That's what I wonder. So each vector v should be indeed at T_p? If the vectors are not on T_p, does that image then illustrate then a more general vector bundle than a vector field?
Maybe it's a map from $S^2(\subseteq\Bbb R^3)\to\Bbb R^3$ or something
Better picture of a vector field on a surface
I'm very new at differential geometry, so is $S^2(\subseteq\Bbb R^3)\to\Bbb R^3$ a vector bundle?
I don't actually know what a vector bundle is, sorry
@ÍgjøgnumMeg lol I didn't consider that this is not standard everywhere, I'm so used to it
A continuous (tangent) vector field on a sphere cannot be nonzero everywhere
Now those vector fields look like to be on TM!
Where do you refer to?
you can click on the arrow to see which message I'm replying to
@Laotse I don't get by what you mean by a more "general vector bundle". What you might want to say that is the Wikipedia image is a pictorial representation of a section. But as Mathein says S^2 is not a vector bundle of R^3
I was refering to the question if $S^2 \to \Bbb R^3$ is a vector bundle
Thanks, I'm a beginner at these topics. I still wonder, what is going on in the Wikipedia image, if it cannot be a vector field (some of the vectors are almost perpendicular to the manifold)?
I guess we're conflating vector bundle with vector fields, two very different (albeit related) concepts
@Laotse it's supposed to be a vector field
It's a vector field and the picture on Wikipedia is wrong, as Wiki mostly always is wrong.
or rather the zero vectors are depicted as pointing outwards for ease of visualization or something
Q: Iterated Integral question and fubini theorem

maths student$$ \begin{array}{l}{\text { (3) Let } f \text { be an integrable function. Express the integral }} \\ {\qquad \int_{0}^{1} \int_{y}^{2 y} \int_{0}^{x+y} f(x, y, z) d z d x d y} \\ {\text { as a sum of iterated integrals in the order } d x d y d z \text { . }}\end{array} $$ For this to be in orde...

That's what I was thinking about. But if we forget now that it's a misleading vector field and say that we indeed assign R^# vectors on each point of the manifold (which do not belong to T_p), are we then handling with vector bundles?
no, it's not a vector bundle
it's closer to a section of a vector bundle, if that's what you mean
it's actually a section of a vector bundle
it's the tangent bundle on R^3 restricted to S^2
Ok, thanks a lot!
I would still have another question regarding to differential geometry, but I think I have spammed stupid questions enough...
Actually the question was already posted on main site, but no one answer how to get the new function math.stackexchange.com/questions/2857132/…
@Mathein :D It was funny hehe
@SayanChattopadhyay please have a look once
Since it's quiet here, I might ask my second question.
I'm confused about symplectic forms and Hamiltonian dynamics. If our configuration space is manifold M, then we our phase space is TM. A point q in TM is a tuple (x,p). Now, TM is 2n-dimensional. The question is, where does the symplectic form belong to? Does it map tangent vectors from T(TM) to real numbers or tangent vectors from TM?
Ok, I cant type T^M as T star M.
A new try. I have seen notations for the canonical two form like d_xi /\ d_pi, so the two form is constucted from the cotangent bundle's coordinates. I don't see, how the two form can map vectors from TM (which are tuples (x,v)), if the two form is NOT constucted from T_x^M, but rather from T^M.
In an easier case, one has covector p from T_x^M and it can be paired with vector v from T_x M. But how do things work in the bundle level?
I know, my description looks messy. I'm just confused, how can we plug d_xi /\ d_pi (which looks to belong to T_(x,p)^T^M) with TM?
@Laotse In that case the symplectic form is a form on $TM$, that is a map $T^*(TM)\to\Bbb R$
check the side-bar for instructions on how to compile latex in this chat
I think it's maybe best to ask this multi-part question in the Math.SE itself...
Can this result be used to prove the Mayer-Vietoris sequence?
If we show the square consisting of $C_n(A\cap B)$, $C_n(A)$, $C_n(B)$ and $C_n(X)$ (with the obvious arrows) is both pushout and pullback, then we will get an SES in complexes whose LES in homology will give us the Mayer-Vietoris.
*for singular homology (I am aware that not all homology theories are given by the kernel-mod-image of a chain complex, so clearly this proof of Mayer-Vietoris will no make sense there).
hello anyone here know something about logic
i want to translate a given sentence in to propositional formula

  Basic Mathematics

This room is meant for all basic mathematical discussion, incl...
user21820 the logician resides there
@Alessandro you were soooo right about german bureaucratic efficiency being a lie
I know
What happened in particular? @ÍgjøgnumMeg
@Alessandro just having lots
of trouble opening a bank account
@ÍgjøgnumMeg why though?
it shouldn't be that hard
maybe I can help you
Ah I see, luckily I didn't need to do that
my talk still isn't short enough
how to get faster
talk really fast and write really fast
can I ignore questions too
If $Y$ and $Z$ are subspaces in a Hilbert space, what does it mean to say that $Y$ is orthogonal to $Z$? That $Y$ is contained in the orthogonal complement of $Z$?
it means that $\langle y,z \rangle =0$ for all $y \in Y, z \in Z$
but the thing with the orthogonal complement works as well
@Mathein it’s okay it’s been sorted out now lol, the building I live in is really new so I guess the delivery got screwed up, damn Deutsche Post!
Hi, I have something not clear about issue of Godel's incompleteness theorem and their argument.
I have the following sentence from book titled, "Quantum Computing since Democritus" by Scott Aaronson, chapter 11, p.151. He writes,
[But let's start by summarizing, in a few sentences, the Godel argument itself for why human thought can't be algorithmic. How about this: The first incompleteness theorem tells us that no computer, working within a fixed formal system F such as Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory, can prove the sentence: G(F) = "This sentence cannot be proved in F" But we humans can just
Could someone explains to me what he means by [But we humans can just "see" the truth of G(F) while computer not]? If you have question/sharing points, anyone is welcome
Wow @RyanUnger, you're talking about the positive mass theorem, that's pretty cool.
@SayanChattopadhyay it is
I don't know anything about it but I really hope to learn something on it someday.
1 hour later…
@MatheinBoulomenos $\Bbb Q_2(\sqrt{6})$ reaccs only
Why is $\mathbb{Q}[\sqrt{5}] \cong \mathbb{Q}[X]/(X^2-5)$ ? And is $(X^2-5)$ the ring-theoretical ideal in this case?
@T_01 $(X^2 - 5)$ is the kernel of the evaluation homomorphism $\Bbb Q[X] \to \Bbb Q[\sqrt{5}]$.
and yes $(X^2 - 5)$ is the ideal of $\Bbb Q[X]$ generated by $X^2 - 5$
@ÍgjøgnumMeg so if $L/K$ is a field extension and $\phi: K \rightarrow L$ the evaluation homomorphism, then $L \cong K[X]/Kern(\phi)$ ?
uhh well no
I'm sorry, I'm pretty new to algebra
if $L=K[\alpha]$ for some $\alpha \in L$ and you consider the evaluation homomorphism $K[X] \to L$ that evaluates $X$ to $\alpha$, then we do have $L \cong K[X]/\mathrm{Ker}(\phi)$
@Mathein I took the Straßenbahn going in the wrong direction from Mannheim and travelled from Mannheim, through Heidelberg, Dossenheim, Viernheim, back to my flat, instead of just Mannheim $\to$ my flat
@MatheinBoulomenos Oh well I see my problem. Thank you!
@ÍgjøgnumMeg lol
And then if I have the field extension $L/K$ the Kernel of the evaluation homomorphism $K[X] \rightarrow K[a]$ is an ideal generated by some polynomial $\mu_a(x)$ and THAT is the minimal polynomial of $a$, right?
So this minimal polynomial thing does only make sense if we are looking at polynomial rings i guess
I don't really get what you mean, it's a polynomial so of course it only makes sense in the polynomial ring
Yes. I'm just looking at my lecture notes and everything seems like I'm reading it the first time because the professor is so fast, I have no time to think about everything in the lecture
@MatheinBoulomenos hast du mein Kommentare gesehen?
@LeakyNun ja
@MatheinBoulomenos bin ich richtig?

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