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Let $f : H \to G$ be a Lie group homomorphism, and $\alpha_{v} : \Bbb{R} \to H$ that unique one parameter subgroup such that $\dot{\alpha}_{v}(0)=v$. How do I compute $\frac{d}{dt} \big|_{t=0} f(\alpha_{v}(t))$?
We have this functor $L$ which I'm not sure how to define. I want to show that $\frac{d}{dt} \big|_{t=0} f(\alpha_{v}(t)) = Lfv$, but I don't see how to compute the derivative...I need some sort of chain rule.
All I know is that $L$ is a map from the Lie algebra $LH$ associated to $H$ to the Lie algebra $LG$ associated to $G$.
2 hours later…
the chain rule
it's $df(\alpha'_v(0)) = df_e(v)$. your functor "$L$" sends a Lie group to $T_e G$ and a homomorphism to $df_e$
If a geometer is present, I'd like to know on Riemannian Manifold, we have connection and hence covariant differentiation. Then what is the use of Lie Derivative? As covariant differentiation is more precise.
@Hawk Vector fields are very crucial in manifolds. Given one vector field you want to know how another vector field "flows" with respect to the other. Here you need the Lie derivative
Note that you need to define a connection to make sense of the covariant derivative. A lie derivative doesn't need that.
So in some sense it's natural on a manifold
@SayanChattopadhyay and covariant derivative does not tell you how vector field flow wrt another? I am just asking because on a Riemannian manifold the covariant derivative seems to completely replace Lie derivative.
@Hawk they encode different sets of information(Though there's a formulae relating the two). For instance consider the fact that any connection compatible with the metric should satisfy $\Del_{X}g = 0$. This means that tangent vectors along X a flowing in a manner such that the metric on them remains the same. Whereas there are tons and tons of vector fields such that $L_{X}g \neq 0$. If it were it would mean that it's a killing vector field and generates an isometry.
4 hours later…
Suppose that $f$ is a measurable function on $\Bbb R$, must there be a Borel function $g$ that differs from $f$ on a measure $0$ set?
@AlessandroCodenotti write $f$ as a pointwise limit of simple functions and use that every Lebesgue measurable set is a union of a Borel set and a null set. I think this should work out
I think that works, I'll write down the details
Hi @Sayan
Came back home?
For the weekend, yeah. I'm back in ISI now
Cool. Is this your second year at ISI?
Great. Do you have any plan for masters?
you think too far ahead
Having a plan for the future is always good
@MikeMiller lol yeah, I have to plan for stuff given that I do not have much economic stability
(Even if it doesn't come to fruition)
@SayanChattopadhyay fair enough, though to a degree it's not clear to me what planning on your soph year impacts
@SayanChattopadhyay No clue man
Yeah, I guess, just some convo. Though I am not in soph year so I thought of asking that question
those that do not plan ahead get pushed aside by those that do have a plan
that is the nature of competition
aggressive as it sounds
A fair dire outlook: kill or be killed, eh?
Darwinism at its finest :P
perhaps not a consistent outlook with spending your time on a math chatroom
The chatroom is part of the plan
Clearly, if you master the chatroom then you master the world
also there are worse inconsistencies in life...
Hi chat
@Rithaniel you don't need to be "killed," just being pushed around all your life
or at least until you realize how to push back
@Rithaniel Clearly!
You get pushed around all your life until you realize how to pullback
please clap
Ok, but just once
the sound of a one hand clap?
Drawing fiber diagrams obviously takes you higher up the status hierarchy
push forward in life, pull back when the commute breaks down
Ted is the master of this chatroom
@BalarkaSen You get pushed forward rather hmmm ?
are you taking any classes for advanced students @BalarkaSen
What's an advanced student ?
honours classes
This actually raise a much deeper question about exploring mathematics and the connection between formal mathematics and recreational mathematics:
> Given a mode of presentation $P$ of a problem $q$ with deep theorems $d$, which has artefacts $A$ such that there is some map $f$ where $f(A)=d$, how to find such $P, A$
In this particular case, it just happens the geometric artifact of the topology of a circle allows the residual classes, which is part of dirichlet's theorem to be singled out because they force the mathematical concidence $\frac{a}{b}\approx n\pi$
Likewise, we saw very similar things happening in $\Bbb{R}^2$ such as how certain curves can compute transcendentals while others cannot, and how certain family of lines can be used to prove a cantor diagonal theorem of the cardinality of $\Bbb{R}^2$
The very act of visualising mathematical problems, actually imposes a constraint $P$ onto the problem $q$ such that $P(q)$ contains artefacts which contains parts of the underlying deep theorem
Can I get some help with homework?
It's linear algebra
Ask away
I don't guarantee an answer though
But other than rely solely on neural networks, is there a efficient way to find those $P,A$ given problems $q$?
Consider the sets A:={1,2} and B:={a,b,c}. Do AxB.
I think it's {a+b+c,2a+2b+2c} is this correct?
Is that the cartesian product of the sets A and B ?
Then that's not it
How do I do it?
AxB is the set of the (x,y) where x is an element of A and y an element of B
for instance (1,c)
Actually I am not sure if it's the cartesian product. That's all it says
Does what I said help ?
Not really
Is that the full statement of the problem? "Do AxB" isn't even a full sentence
"Determine A x B."
It's all it says.
Alright, that's more clear, at least. You've probably been given a description of what x is supposed to represent, but, without that, the best we can give you is what we would suspect x to represent
x is the multiplication sign. Sorry.
How is it defined in your course ?
Which I would say, in agreement with Astyx, is the cartesian product. After all, both A and B are sets and, if they were vectors, they are of mismatched dimensions and so multiplication doesn't make sense.
Unless of course A is meant to be a column vector, in which case AxB would be a 2x1 matrix multiplied by a 1x3 matrix
But if they are expressed as sets, then I'd still favor the cartesian product
hmm, considering it's meant to be linear algebra that's probably it
The answer to all your math problems is chia seeds. Just remember to soak them in plenty of water over night.
Tangentially, if that's what is wanted, the entries of the resulting matrix correspond quite clearly to the ordered pairs of the cartesian product
Birds of a feather flock together.
My habit:
Give me a maths video
And I will create a problem so meta it blow up people's mind
Q: Are there mathematical objects that have been proved to exist but cannot be described in words?

SecretThis might be a very stupid, and possibly philosophical question, but attempt to apply mathematics to everything plus inspired by this question caused me to ask this question Is there any mathematical object that has been proved to exist but cannot be described in words? If the answer is...

And yes I have done that before
3 hours later…
The logarithm function is a multiple-valued function when it takes complex arguments, so you'll have to be careful and define what you mean by logx in this case. I'm not even sure that well-defined exponential and logarithm functions exist when you go to the quaternions and octonion
Q: Spatial network whose vertices are actually graphs when viewed at the proper distance?

UltradarkLet's say you have a spatial network, and when you zoom in on one of the vertices, you actually find another spatial network, and when you zoom in on one of the vertices of that spatial network you find another spatial network, and so on. I'm not sure how to capture the notion of "zooming in." I...

@Ultradark Do you know what the adjacency matrix of a graph is?
for an undirected graph, it’s a matrix whose i,j entry counts the edges between vertices i and j (if there are any)
If you apply that idea to your networks, then what you’d get is a block matrix—that is, a matrix whose elements are themselves matrices
You can do multiple levels of this nesting, and I know I’ve seen that discussed in regards to block matrices
So it seems plausible that that sort of hierarchical view of networks has been explored
Hello!! Is someone of you familiar with Gödel number of Turing machines?
1 hour later…
Brain teaser for you all:
Q: Computing magmas for the smallest grammar problem.

Shine On You Crazy DiamondBackground: Wikipedia: the smallest grammar problem Now imagine there were a space representing all ways you could subdivide an arbitrary strings $S = abcdefg\dots z$ (not necc. 26 letters), using parentheses, and for the sake of computing smallest grammars. So for instance splitting $(ab)$ fur...

If you don't understand smallest grammar it's easy
$\text{SG}(a^6) = \{S \to AA, A \to aaa\}$ And there's another one with instead $2$ a's.
But you're only required to compute one of them to be an exact smallest grammar algorithm, by definition.
I think though that most algorithms that are making use of symmetries will have a way built-in to enumerate all of them.
The math is more elegant when you include all of them. The cartesion product to "any one of these" has no natural standardization.
Is it possible to link images here?
I have a quick math question :) Thought it would be a waste if I created a post
imgur.com/a/JxBCplr is it correct that this matrix system is consistent for all values of a, b and c?
@Mathein @Alessandro alright nobody told me about the knocking on the tables thing
Yes, seems right. I think you only have to go as far as your third matrix to check consistency tho
At that point, it should be obvious that there’s no way the rows are linearly dependent
@ÍgjøgnumMeg Lmao it caught me by surprise too last year
@dondeman: As long as you have no rows of zeroes in the echelon form, it will be consistent for every right-hand side vector.
hi @ÍgjøgnumMeg, @Semiclassic, demonic @Alessandro
Hi @Ted
@TedShifrin Thank you very much
@Alessandro we had the first Iwasawa theory talk today, at the end I'm getting my hands ready to clap and everyone just starts hitting the table, felt so cultish hahaha
oh, hi a @Balarka
Hey @Ted @Balarka @Alessandro @@@@@@@@@@@@@
Hi @ÍgjøgnumMeg
Lol they knock their hands on the table as applause?
@Balarka yeah! Well with their knuckles, not just brutally smacking the table with their palms
so weird
Very funny, I literally opened my hands to clap and that happened, so I awkwardly just went along with it
I wonder if @Rithaniel ever thought about his group theory question.
For some reasons that's the German version of clapping in an academic context
@Alessandro apparently it's done after business meetings etc.
Given a transformation $F$ that projects onto $\text{im} \ F$ along $\text{ker} \ F$, to find the equation of the plane that is projected onto (i.e. $\text{im} \ F$), one can find the kernel of $\text{ker} \ F-I$, since this is equal to $\text{ker} \ I-F = \text{im} \ F$. However, if given the matrix of $F$, would this be equivalent to determines the number of column vectors of the matrix that are linearly independent and write them into a parametric equation for the plane?
Not yet, unfortunately. Spent a total of nine hours on campus already and I've gotta leave in 30 minutes to go up and take a test.
@ÍgjøgnumMeg Ah I see
Poor @Rithaniel :(
In my one hour of free time, I've been watching dumb YT videos to refresh my brain
@schn: Do you know this is literally a projection linear map? Or are you using that word?
Nah, I'm sure you guys have had rougher semesters.
Not counting cancer, I only made life rough on my students :)
They do that at the end of every lecture, it's kinda weird but you get used to it @ÍgjøgnumMeg
@Alessandro fair enough hahaha
at least the talk was super interesting
@TedShifrin What do you mean by 'projection linear map'?
You used the word projects. Tell me what that means.
Yesterday I discovered that my seminar talk won't be at the beginning of December as I thought but in 20 days instead lol
Well, I know that grading assignments can be just as difficult as filling out assignment
@Alessandro oops
I spent 40+ years grading a lot, @Rithaniel, but I considered it an important part of my job, even though most professors don't grade much (especially in Europe).
I graded homeworks and exams for all my upper-level courses.
Exams for everything, of course.
@Alessandro: You're experienced. You'll do fine.
It seems the norm at my university that first and second semester grad students do the grading for a lot of the professors.
There's a guy from my university who joined Bonn this year I believe
I talked with the professor supervising the seminar, should be doable to prepare it in a couple of weeks, I just need to go through this short set theory paper
Just what you've always wanted! (Yuck.) :D
@BalarkaSen I haven't met the new students yet
@TedShifrin Probably meant projection.
@TedShifrin Pfff it's actually very nice, it's about the independence from ZFC of a strong version of Fubini's theorem
Strong how?
I'm asking you to explain, @schn.
imgur.com/a/At8S7aN, How do I find all values for P so that the matrix is invertible
Thought that I could calculate the Det(B)
Which gives me $p^3 + 5p^2 - 2p - 8$
Then I can solve it for $p^3+5p^2−2p−8 = 0$, however don't I have to use the Rhapson method for solving this?
You need to learn how to put actual questions here without graphics, @dondeman. Anyhow, you need to find roots.
Can you find an integer root by inspection?
Hi all.
Hi @anakhro.
Suppose $F\colon \Bbb R\times\Bbb R\to[0,\infty)$ is such that for almost all $x$, $F_x$ and $F^x$ are measurable and such that the functions $x\mapsto\int F_x dx$ and $y\mapsto \int F^ydy$ are measurable. Must the two iterated integrals be equal?
The main thing is that it doesn't ask for $F$ to be measurable
@AlessandroCodenotti hey that sounds like something I asked you a few months ago :P
I don't know what $F_x$ is, as opposed to $F^x$.
$F_x$ is $F$ with the first coordinate fixed to $x$, $F^x$ is fixing the second one
@TedShifrin, by using the Newton Method?
Q: A counterexample in measure theory on $\sigma$-infinite spaces

Alessandro CodenottiUsually measure theory books include the following theorem (citing Proposition 5.1.3 in Cohn's measure theory book) Let $(X, \mathcal A , \mu )$ and $(Y, \mathcal B, \nu )$ be $\sigma$-finite measure spaces. If $E$ belongs to the $\sigma$-algebra $\mathcal{A}\times\mathcal{B}$, then the funct...

A painful notational convention.
Blah @noation, Alessandro. OK.
@dondeman: No, do you know what integers can possibly be roots of a polynomial with integer coefficients?
@LeakyNun It's kinda similar
@TedShifrin If given a vector space $V$ that is the direct sum of $U'$ and $U''$, and given $\textbf{u} \in V$, then the unique vectors $\textbf{u'}$ and $\textbf{u''}$ such that $\textbf{u}=\textbf{u'}+\textbf{u''}$ are called the projections of $\textbf{u}$ on $U'$ and $U''$ respectively.
@TedShifrin I am sorry, English is not my primary language. I do not seem to understand your question
So the iterated integrals in different orders can be equal without having the double integral exist? @Alessandro
Anyway it's easy to construct models of ZFC in which that theorem fails (any model of CH will do), my talk will be about this result of Friedman in which he constructed a model where the theorem holds
Why do non-identity elements of a cyclic group generate the same cyclic subgroup?
Am I being an idiot and this is obvious for some reason?
OK, @schn, so nothing about orthogonality.
@dondeman: Look up Rational Root Theorem.
@anakhro: That's very false unless the order is prime.
Yeah the order here is prime minus 1.
@TedShifrin If say $U''$ is the orthogonal complement to $U'$, then it's an orthogonal projection.
@schn: So you're looking for equations for the image, i.e., the subspace.
So what are they meaning........hmmmm
@TedShifrin Yes.
OK, @schn. With orthogonality, it would be easier. So you're asking how to find equations for a subspace if you know a basis for the subspace?
@Alessandro for basically the whole talk there was a restriction to all primes $p < 163 \times 10^6$
which was somewhat humorous
No, the basis isn't given. Only the matrix of the projection linear map.
@ÍgjøgnumMeg Is that as far as computers got or?
Yes, but you can always find a basis for the column space of the matrix.
@TedShifrin Would that be 1,2,4,8 for 8?
@Alessandro yeah, some guys did some calculations and that's as far as they went I guess
$\pm$ @dondeman
Ah, and for p^3 It is only 1?
@schn: And you can find the kernel of the matrix, too.
@ÍgjøgnumMeg Makes sense
@dondeman: No, it's only $0$ !!
it was just kinda funny "let $p$ be an odd prime less than 163 million"
I suppose it's conjectured to hold for all $p$, whatever it was?
So @schn you had the right idea, I think. A vector is in the image of $F$ if and only if that vector is in the kernel of $I-F$.
@TedShifrin So if one finds the number of linear independent columns of the matrix, one could deduce the equation of the image of the transformation?
@TedShifrin wouldn´t that make p/q impossible?
No, just knowing dimensions doesn't tell you the image, just its dimension.
Linear optimization is A+ stuff
No, @dondeman. I don't know what you're reading. Here $p$ is a factor of the constant term and $q$ is a factor of $1$, the coefficient of $p^3$. So you're dividing $\pm (1,2,4,8)$ by $1$.
@schn: You have the answer from what you wrote (and what I wrote just up there).
@Alessandro I think the relevant conjecture was something about the $p$ primary part of the class group of some number field was always elementary abelian
and for every prime less than that bound it's true
So all the possible p's so that the equation equals 0 is $1, 2, 4, 8, -1, -2, -4 , -8$?
Possible rational roots only.
But if you find one obvious rational (integer) root $r$, then you can divide by $p-r$ and solve a quadratic.
@TedShifrin Okay, so finding the kernel of $I-F$ is equivalent to finding the independent column vectors of the matrix (since they span the image)?
Oh so! I have to try each value to check if it equals zero
Got it
Yes, but you have more information than that. What does it mean to give equations for a subspace, @schn?
@dondeman: I was able to see one obvious one doing arithmetic in my head :)
@TedShifrin In which case do I have more information?
In your problem. Answer my question. What does it mean "to give equations for" a subspace $V\subset \Bbb R^n$?
As opposed to giving a basis for it ...
Okay. One could determine if a point belongs to the plane?
@TedShifrin None of these values inserted into the equation equal zero? Or am I doing something wrong?
How is that "giving equations"?
Hmm, @dondeman. Maybe I screwed up. What about $-1$?
Oh, you're right. My apologies.
Gives -1
Sorry ... my fault.
OK, so have you double-checked your computation of the determinant?
No problem, just curious as to how I solve it
I will double check once again
I just did it. You should see a factorization immediately from computing that.
Your polynomial is wrong.
@TedShifrin If $U'$ is given the equation $x_1+x_2+x_3=0$, that equation determines if a point belongs to the plane and the normal vector to the plane.
Hmm is it?
Will try again
$(p+2)(p^3+3p-4) = (p+2)(p+4)(p-1)$.
@schn: OK. So how do you find such an equation (or several equations) for your question?
Yeah, I messed up the polynomial
Best thing to do is to try to keep things factored in case you can combine terms in a smart way.
Thank you very much for your help
@schn: I'll give you a big hint. Giving equations for a subspace is expressing the subspace as the set of solutions to $Ax=0$ for some matrix $A$.
You're welcome, @dondeman. And that stuff about integer roots may come in handy later on :)
Yeah, that was really cool stuff
Have never been taught that at school which is quite weird
I always taught my linear algebra students this when I got to eigenvalues/eigenvectors. But it should be in high school math.
We are at eigenvalues right now
So you will probably find it useful with homework on $3\times 3$ integer matrices.
@TedShifrin Right, if one knows the linear independent vectors that span the subspace, one also has a parametric system of equations, which one could solve for a single equation.
No, not a single equation, in general. It depends on dimensions.
@TedShifrin Yeah, thanks for mentioning it
But think carefully about what I just typed and what you and I both typed a while ago. @schn
You can tell your friends in the class, @dondeman :)
Will do!
@TedShifrin Every plane can be represented by an equation of the form $ax+by+cz+d=0$, where $x,y,z$ are the components of the coordinate vectors in 3-space. Isn't this equation derived from a system of equations, where each coordinate $x,y,z$ is expressed in terms of parameters $r,t \in \textbf{R}$?
Last question, will write this here and not as a graphic question. Given a set of linearly independent vectors $ S = (v1, v2, v3, v4, v5) $ and u1 to u5 is given as $u1 = v1$, $u2 = -v1 + v2 $ , $u3 = v1 - v2 + v3$, $u4 = -v1 + v2 -v3 + v4$ , $u5 = v1 - v2 + v3 - v4 + v5$. How can I show that $ T = (u1, u2, u3, u4 , u5) $ is a set of linearly independent vectors as well?
My first thought was the zero vector, but I guess that is not relevant here
You're right, it depends on dimensions. A subspace in $\textbf{R}^4$ spanned by two vectors may not be a plane...
Hello, fellow mathematicians!
I am here to ask a question about infinite-dimensional polar coordinates.
hi loch
If $f$ is odd on some real interval centered at $0$ and we're given the Fourier sine series for $f$, then integrating the series term by term will yield the cosine series for an antiderivative of $f$ on that interval (assuming the function is polite enough for all this)
But how does the initial term $a_0$ come about :thonk: Indeed, ignoring it and just integrating the sines will leave the series function off by that much
@dondeman: You have to start with the obligatory sentence: "Suppose $c_1u_1+\dots+c_5u_5=0$. I must show that $c_1=\dots=c_5=0$." You might find some of my lectures on YouTube helpful. For this, see lecture 35.
Hi @ted
Any antiderivative has a $+C$ appended to it, @Corellian.
So you'll get the average value of your function (antiderivative) appearing as the $+C$.
Good point
Does that set your mind at ease? :)
I'm given that $a_0$ is the average value by definition
Yes, so it's going to depend on your particular even function ...
although in this case with the antidifferentiation I'm wondering why it's determined that way
It's not determined by antidifferentiation.
You're getting the general odd function as a sine series and the general even function as a cosine series. The particular coefficients depend, of course, on the particular function.
That makes more sense
Simple example: if $x \;=\; \sum b_n\sin u(x)$ then we can get the cosine series for $x^2$ by integration.
So $x^2 \;=\; a_0 + 2\,b_n\sum\int\sin u(x)\,dx$
Huh? So, you need to pay attention to details. What is $u(x)$? This isn't right. And what interval are you using?
a real interval centered at $0$ with length (say) $2L$
so then $u(x) = \dfrac{2\pi x}{L}$
No, no, no. You need $n$'s.
oops right brain fart, $\dfrac{n\pi x}{L}$
Sit down and do everything carefully.
I've got other things to do right now.
sure np, thanks
Hi, I need help with a problem
I've been fiddling with it for the past three weeks, but I just can't figure it out
It's basically a system of equations:
$\frac { 1 }{ 4 } =UI(sec\theta -DE)$
$(\frac { 1 }{ 2 } -{ tan }^{ 2 }\theta )=DE(sec\theta -UI)$
I seek to express $DE$ and $UI$ in terms of $\theta$
It would be great if someone could help out; I've tried various methods, but to no avail.
Quick question for the map from a ring $A$ to its prime localization $A_p$ defined by $a\mapsto a/1$ why does the maximal ideal of $A_p$ have preimage p?
I can’t see that immediately although I know I can prove it using the fact that the image of $A-p$ are all units in $A_p$.
Sorry about the notation above: $p$ denotes a prime ideal in $A$.
Spaces $Spec (S^{-1}R)$ and $\{p \in Spec R | p \cap S = \emptyset \}$ are homeomorphic.
@WilliamSun (Here S is a multiplicative subset of R)
I am trying to find the derivative of the function $f(x) = x / {\|x\|_2}$ defined from non-zero real numbers.
Thank you for the reply. Yes that makes sense to me. I came up with this question after reading a proof in Atiyah’s Intro to commutative algebra. It goes as follows:

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