Okay. Here's another way that seems to avoid induction...not sure if it's any better. Given $A \in SO(n)$, the columns of $A$ form an orthonormal basis. These basis should be able to be continuously rotated to the standard basis vectors which represents the identity...
This should form a path from $A$ to $I$...but I'm not sure how to make it more precise...
The only thing that worries me is that such reasoning would seem to prove that $O(n)$ is path connected, but it isn't...so I must be missing something.
Boring linear algebra problem: Suppose I have two unit vectors $u,v$ and their corresponding projection operators $P_u:=u u^\top$, $P_v:=vv^\top$. If $u,v$ are orthogonal, then the projector onto the span of $u,v$ is just $P_u+P_v$.
Is there an obvious modification to make when $u,v$ fail to be orthogonal? (i'm assuming $u\neq \lambda v$)
I suppose the smart thing to do is take $v$ and project it onto the orthogonal complement of $u$, i.e. $v':=(I-uu^\top)v$
Then $\|v'\|^2 = v^\top (I-uu^\top)v = 1-(u^\top v)^2$, so the projector along $v'$ would be $$P_{v'} := \frac{v'(v')^\top}{\|v'\|^2} = \frac{v(I-P_u)v^\top}{1-(u^\top v)^2}$$
so therefore the projector onto the span of $u,v$ should be $P_u+P_{v'}=uu^\top+\dfrac{v(I-P_u)v^\top}{1-(u^\top v)^2}=uu^\top+\dfrac{vv^\top -(u^\top v)^2}{1-(u^\top v)^2}$
@user193319 as a corollary of the spectral theorem, you can show that for any $A \in SO(n)$ there is a basis such that $A$ is block diagonal with matrices of the form $\begin{pmatrix} \cos\alpha & -\sin\alpha \\ \sin\alpha & \cos\alpha\end{pmatrix}$, you can continuously deform such a matrix via the path to the identity matrix given by $t \mapsto \begin{pmatrix} \cos(t\alpha) & -\sin(t\alpha) \\ \sin(t\alpha) & \cos(t\alpha)\end{pmatrix}$
you can do this for each block diagonal matrix (each with a potentially different $\alpha$) and then compose with the needed base change and this will give you a path from $A$ to the identity matrix
there's no induction in this of course, but I don't see how to do it inductively
@MatheinBoulomenos do you know if the curves $y^2=x^3-x$ and $y^2=x^3-x+\varepsilon$ are isomorphic as curves over $\Bbb C[\varepsilon]/(\varepsilon^2)$?
@MatheinBoulomenos Shouldn't it be a direct sum of 2x2 rotations possibly together with number of $1$'s? How do you prove the corollary? It is a quick proof? It's not clear to me how to prove it.
Given $A \in SO(n)$, $A$ is normal and therefore unitarily diagonalizable. I.e., there exists a unitary $V$ and a diagonal matrix $D$ such that $A = V^* D V$. But why is $D$ block diagonal?
there can be $-1$, but only an even number of them
and if we have two $-1$, there is no problem, note that $\begin{pmatrix} \cos\alpha & -\sin\alpha \\ \sin\alpha & \cos\alpha\end{pmatrix}=-\mathrm{Id}$ for $\alpha=\pi$
@MatheinBoulomenos Okay. So $A = Q^{-1}DQ$, where $D$ is the block diagonal of the form described above. I know the columns of $Q$ are the eigenvectors of $A$; but why does this imply that $Q \in SO(n)$?
For the corollary I don't remember the full proof, but the idea was that you diagonalize over $\Bbb C$ and since the matrix is real, eigenvalues and eigenvectors come in conjugate pairs and then you combine them like $v + \overline{v}$ and $v - \overline{v}$, then rescale by $\sqrt{2}$ to keep unit length and this will give you your real basis
here conjugation in $\Bbb C^n$ is done componentwise
Oh,...if it's in $O(n)$, that might be problematic. You've shown there is a path from $D$ to $I$ in $SO(n)$; but when you conjugate this path by $Q$, it might land outside of $SO(n)$, right?
more generally if $q \in \mathfrak{q} \setminus \mathfrak{p}$, then $qX \in \mathfrak{p}+ \mathfrak{q}(X)$, but $q,X \notin \mathfrak{p} + \mathfrak{q}(X)$
If $\mathfrak{p}$ is a homogenous prime ideal not containing $x$, then it must be generated by elements in $A$, since all homogenous elements are of the form $ax^n$
so if we intersect with $A$ and extend again, we get the same ideal
and if we take an ideal $I$ of $A$, extend to $A[x]$ and intersect with $A$, then clearly we get the same ideal back, since the extended ideal just consists of all polynomials with coefficients in $I$
1. open https://www.szynalski.com/tone-generator/ on two tabs 2. play the first one (default on 440) 3. set the second one to 441 and then play 4. be shocked at what you hear 5. justify it mathematically
@LeakyNun you can think of proj as a quotient. A grading on $A$ is equivalent to a $\Bbb{G}_m$ action of $\mathrm{Spec}(A)$ and Proj is the quotient by that action
or at least a quotient of some subset of $\mathrm{Spec}(A)$
now $A[x,x^{-1}]=A \otimes_{\Bbb Z} \Bbb Z[x,x^{-1}]$, so taking $\mathrm{Spec}$, we get a map $\mathrm{Spec}(A) \times \Bbb{G}_m \to \mathrm{Spec}(A)$
well, any $\Bbb N$-grading is also a $\Bbb Z$-grading