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No, I don't remember why I started.
Maybe rebellion against your apostrophes.
rebel :P
@Mathphile: Have you considered something like unique factorization? Any prime factor of $x!$ must divide $x$.
@nbro I don't know what the derivative of a function with respect to a function is. If $f$ is a function of $x$, and $\Delta x$ is an independent variable, how in the world is $f$ a function of $x+\Delta x$?
Heya Ted
hi @Rithaniel
@Alessandro si dice p.es. "un gelato della fragola" oppure "un gelato con la fragola"?
oh, hey @Mathein
hey @Ted
buonasera! @Alessandro
@Tanvir You there?
Hello, I'm trying to show that the direct sum of the line spanned by $u=(1, 0, \dots , 0, \dots)$ and its orthogonal complement (the set of sequences with $u_1=0), is not equal to $l^2(\mathbb N)$
Are you sure?
All sequences with $u_1=0$ or all $\ell^2$ sequences?
In other words, orthogonal complement in what Hilbert space?
Oh in $\ell^2(\mathbb N)$
So what makes you think the whole space isn't the direct sum?
Well, as far as I'm concerned it is the direct sum, but I stumbled upon a problem that claims this, the only thing I changed was that instead of the first element being $1$ they chose it for some $n$
I don't believe it.
Can you clearly state what the vector space in the other problem is?
If you have a closed subspace of a Hilbert space it always decomposes as that and it's orthogonal complement
@AjayMishra yes
It's just $\ell^2(\mathbb N)$, isn't it infinite-dimensional ?
No, I mean, what is the subspace?
growls at Balarka's apostrophe
Oh the line spanned by the vector $u=(1, 0, \dots, 0, \dots)$
@Tanvir How you figure out azimuthal part? or you are getting in that part?
@FuzzyPixelz $\ell^2(\Bbb N)$ is $\langle (1, 0, \cdots ) \rangle \oplus \langle (1, 0, \cdots ) \rangle^\perp$. I was referring to what the precise problem in the other thing you saw that made you think otherwise.
@FuzzyPixelz: Somewhere recently I saw a post about sequences that only had had finitely many nonzero terms as a subspace of $\ell^2(\Bbb N)$ or $\ell^\infty(\Bbb N)$. Are you sure you're not confusing things?
Sorry @Ted
Ill try be more careful next time
@AjayMishra for the hemisphere I get that but for a spherical cap did not get that
My text precisely says that they consider the set of all sequences $(u_n)$ in $\mathbb R ^ {\mathbb N}$ such that $\sum_n u_{n}^2$ converges, with the typical inner product
@MatheinBoulomenos "un gelato della fragola" is wrong, "un gelato con la fragola" means an ice cream with a strawberry added on top, "un gelato alla fragola" means a strawberry flavoured ice cream
@AlessandroCodenotti ah of course!
Di niente!
Are you studying Italian in your break semester?
@Tanvir It seem to require another parameter.
I'll try at least
I could post the problem here but it's in french.
@Ted knows French
je suis une baguette
@AjayMishra Yeah I also think so. Either height of the cap or polar distance from center of sphere
I approve of that choice @Mathei :P
Balarka, Ted is trying to unravel the nonsense in this, but Fuzzy's will certainly be easier.
I bet what you have in mind is the subspace of $\ell^2(\Bbb N)$ spanned by $a_1, a_2, \cdots$ where $a_n = (0, \cdots, 1, \cdots, 0)$ with $1$ at the $n$'th plane.
That is not closed: it's what Ted said, the subspace of finite sequences with trailing zeroes
@Tanvir I took height as the parameter, but that is not helping at all.
@AjayMishra Did you try with angle?
@FuzzyPixelz Yes, OK. So your scenario and the scenario in the problem are different.
which angle, specify it please!
The line spanned by $a_1$ is a closed subspace, the subspace spanned by $a_1, a_2, \cdots$ is not.
Yeah, @Fuzzy, you're thinking $n$ is fixed, and they're taking the span for all $n$, as @Balarka suggests.
overkill approach: a Banach space is never countably-infinite dimensional by Baire
@AjayMishra check here theta angle. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spherical_cap
I'm embarrassed now, thank you.
I think it's confusing, actually. But they never said $n$ was fixed.
@AjayMishra that also defines how large will be the cap. if it is 90 means its a hemisphere
@TedShifrin Looks scary
I asked the person who gave me this whether it's fixed or not and they didn't give me a clear answer
Some day you should learn about Chern-Simons, Balarka.
@Alessandro è difficle parlare italiano nella vita quotidiana, volo fare forse un "tandem"
@TedShifrin Roughly, what's it about?
I don't have a clue
You know what transgression is, right?
Yup, those arrows in the spectral sequences I never really understood, right?
Doesn't need to be coming from a spectral sequence.
Eg one which comes in Gysin sequences but that's easier to interpret as cup product with the Euler class
Huh, I see, I haven't heard of them in other contexts
posso parlare solo un piccolo, piccolo po' dell'italiano, probabilmente troppo poco per fare un "tandem" (non so come si dice "tandem" nell'italiano)
Basically, when a cohomology class vanishes (say a 4-dimensional class on a 3-manifold), you can get a canonical "antiderivative" (in this case a 3-form) that is interesting. That's the transgression.
Oh interesting
Gauss-Bonnet has something similar, working on the frame bundle. That's how Chern got the invariant (generalizing geodesic curvature for surfaces) to integrate over the boundary in the case of a Riemannian manifold with boundary.
@everyone, Can you please have a look in this problem? stuck for a quite long time.
Q: Area of a spherical cap crossing an intersection

TanvirI have a sphere that equally divided in to two hemisphere P and S. There is a plane that separate two different zone. Upper zone called A and lower zone called B. The angle $\alpha$ defined where the sphere is touching the intersection plane.So $\alpha$ larger means sphere is more in zone A and v...

I always did the moving frames proof locally but never tried to see what happens if I do it globally on the frame bundle. I should try that out once
So Chern's genius was to intuit expressions in connection and curvature forms to get a combination whose derivative would be the Pfaffian of curvature (namely, the integrand in Gauss-Bonnet).
For surfaces, it's all trivial, of course.
Really struggle with people who pronounce "Weierstraß" as "Weierstrauß"
is that really a thing?
I concur, @ÍgjøgnumMeg.
yeah it happens all the time lol
I even had a brilliant professor who misspelled it.
Silverman is doing it...
That ^
is the best
I think this is a good time for a lunch break for Ted.
Teed Sheefreen
@Ted forgive me
that reminds me, my mother is an English teacher and she had a student translate "Vogel Strauß" as "bird bouquet"
hahaha wat
not to mention the translation of "Der Menschenauflauf löste sich auf" as "The human gratin dissolved"
So what is a bouquet of birds?
the fuuuh
does anyone know what the set of "critical values" of the devil's staircase is? It's not all of [0,1]...is it dense. Full measure?
critical values meaning the values of the intervals on which it's constant
"Vogel Strauß" means ostrich
oh, how in the world did that come to be?
@RyanUnger Complement of the Cantor set, right?
because of all the colors?
@BalarkaSen I mean the values on the y axis
Apparently "Weier" translates to "fish tank"
Weierstraß was just an aisle in a pet shop
complement of the cantor set has connected components which are more than points
Oh, what it maps to
Strauß comes from the Greek στρουθίον (strouthion), from where the Latin avis struthio is derived, which turned into the english ostrich
I think there are no actual bouquets involved, seems like a homonym
That's a very roundabout etymology
@RyanUnger Take a Cantor set and mark all the midpoints of each of the intervals during the one-third removal in the process of building the Cantor set
That's the thing, I believe
so uncountable but not dense and not full measure
it has measure zero I mean
yes, I checked "Vogel Strauß" and "Blumenstrauß" have completely unrelated etymologies
but then maybe you can do this with a fat cantor set
scary thought
@MatheinBoulomenos voglio*
But it sounds like a good idea
@AlessandroCodenotti grazie
I'm just worried my Italian is too bad for even basic conversations
More precisely, I mean the midpoints of each of the intervals in $[0, 1] \setminus C$
Why isn't Italian a language of modern math?
@RyanUnger It's countable, isn't it.
Alright, so with this orthogonal complement of $F$ must reduce to $\{0\}$, but then $F$ alone contains the non-square-summable sequences of $\ell^2(\mathbb N)$. I call it a day.
penso che il mio italiano sia troppo male per fare un tandem
Right, @FuzzyPixelz, the subspace of eventually zero sequences in $\ell^2(\Bbb N)$ is dense.
Smells like topology, I don't know any topology, but thanks nonetheless.
\o @Daminark
Hey there ya lot of nerds
you dont know topology but are trying to work with Hilbert spaces?
Hey @Daminark
you just added one to the counter @Daminark
Actually, my course focuses on Euclidean spaces and occasionally inner product spaces, I was just trying to get a conter-example.
Hey, I am much more of a dork than a nerd, thank you very much.
nerd vs dork
vs bookworm
Join the Dork Side
Dork Vader
@BalarkaSen basically I am wondering how bad the critical values of a graph can be
can a map $I\to I$ have dense critical values?
@Tanvir Do you know the answer?
I know it's possible for $R\to R$
the rational bumps thing
i dont want to think about that it seems awful
@MatheinBoulomenos just go ahead and try, practice is the best regardless of your level
does that work for $I\to I$? I guess it does if you make the bumps go like $1/2^k$ width
"seems awful" yeah welcome to this project
@AjayMishra Nope. Thats why I post it. I have edited the question. It might be helpful
@AjayMishra So far nobody can answer this problem. Not even a hint.
I will.
its like you have to have the height of the bumps converge to whatever the values at $0$ and $1$ are
which seems complicated and ugh
I've written down everything, atlast i realize that it is 3 D, I have everything prepared.
i am leaving the chat out of pure disgust
@AjayMishra Lets see. Can you upvote it? so that it draw attention.
My rep = 7
ohh ok..no worry then
2 hours later…
@BalarkaSen order of the quotient grp is 6 cause the lcm(ord[2]_4, ord[4]_6) is 6 and Z4 X Z6 has order 24, so S3 and Z6 are the two isomorphism classes
How do I check if the quotient grp is isomorphic to any of those without computing its elements?
Hey guys. I have a question.
2 hours later…
Ask away avant le garde
Pour vous avez veux ca
Un bonne phrase c'est bien connaitre: Juste demander; ne pas demander a demander.
Parlay voo
Oui je suis courrament en francaise
wee wee
Question: What is a cotangent space? It says it's the dual space of the tangent space but I don't understand still.
Okay after reading a bit more I think I understand better
Is there a way to formalize how malleable a symplectic manifold is compared to a quite rigid Riemannian manifold
you can think of them as the span of the $1$-forms
the cotangent spaces
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