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then plug that $\mu(R)$ into $s$ and $r$---or, more specifically, into the expression $(r/s)^2$
Given sidelengths $a$, $b$, and $c$, is there a simple expression of coordinates of vertices of a triangle with those sidelengths
in any dimension
then differentiate with respect to R and find the R for which it's maximized
I'm guessing no
which I got and this verifies the bound
at which point I noticed that what I got happened to be isosceles
and that let me get it a bit more simply
But uh
this was pretty horrible
Arccos a fifth
definitely not suitable for a journal problem solution
So while I'm confident enough in the condition for equality, I don't have an actual solution to the inequality
not a respectable one anyways
What's the area of the triangle with vertices $(A,0,0)$, $(0,B,0)$, $(0,0,C)$
…Are all triangles of that form acute?
(Or right, if one of $A,B,C$ happens to be zero)
Conversely, are all acute triangles congruent to something of that form?
Note that the relative vectors between the first vertex and the other two are $(-A,B,0)$ and $(-A,0,C)$
Hence the dot product is $A^2$ which is positive non-negative
Positive dot product
And that means no obtuse angles allowed
hi, i need to find an embedding of $C_{60}$ in $S_{12}$ . anyone can help?
As for the area, I guess you'd use heron's law?
$C_{60}$ is the cyclic group with 60 elements
Oh but you know what you could do
$(A,0,0)$, $(0,B,0)$, $(0,C,0)$
you've got $(a,b,c) = (\sqrt{B^2+C^2},\sqrt{A^2+C^2},\sqrt{A^2+B^2})$
and uh throw away the third coordinate
for obtuse triangles
in which case you're back to 2d?
Oh that works for all triangles doesn't it
Eh whatever
I don't want to do out Heron's
me either
What's the distance from $(0,0,0)$ to the plane through those points
@MatheinBoulomenos maybe you have an idea?
the plane would be $x/A+y/B+z/C=1$
so the normal vector is $(1/A,1/B,1/C)$
hence the point of closest approach should be $(t/A,t/B,t/C)$ for some $t$
plugging in we get $t=(A^{-2}+B^{-2}+C^{-2})^{-1}$
and therefore the distance is $t\sqrt{A^{-2}+B^{-2}+C^{-2}} = 1/\sqrt{A^{-2}+B^{-2}+C^{-2}}$
And so the distance is $\sqrt t$?
@user123 $60=3 \cdot 4 \cdot 5$ and $12=3+4+5$
Sniped again
Aight so the volume of the tetrahedron of those four points and the origin is $ABC/6$
which is one-third base times height
Any wave theorists out there? What happens when two first harmonic waves collide?
so we get that the area of the triangle is $\frac12ABC\sqrt{A^{-2}+B^{-2}+C^{-2}}$ I think
Do they cancel eachother out?
Seems legit
Which is $\frac12\sqrt{B^2C^2+A^2C^2+A^2B^2}$
@user123 so, if you take for example $\sigma=(1,2,3)(4,5,6,7)(8,9,10,11,12) \in S_{12}$, then this has order $60$
The problem is
I forget why I wanted to know that value
yeah, I was wondering
so if you map a generator of $C_{60}$ to $\sigma$, you get an embedding of $C_{60}$ into $S_{12}$
i only got the last step :P
Oh I think I wanted to find the inradius
'cause area is $sr$
of course it would be an embedding if we found an element of order 60
but how did you come up with that?
@akiva one line of approach to this is to consider equation (4) here: mathworld.wolfram.com/Incenter.html
@user123 if you have a product of disjoint cycles, then the order is the lcm of the cycle lengths
Problem is the semiperimeter is ugly
right!! ahh i forgot this.
and equate that to the inradius
To get a (admittedly horrible looking) constraint on $a,b,c$
@MatheinBoulomenos thanks a lot!
@user123 np
and then somehow show that $(r/s)^2$ is maximized when $a,b,c$ are as in that triangle
I can't get myself to care that much tho
@MatheinBoulomenos maybe you could help me with (g) ? i only need the $= \cap Core(H_i)$ equation
the other equation is simple, but this one im not sure
$G\X$ is the set of equivalence classes under $x~y$ iff $y \in O(x)$ where $O(x)$ is the orbit of $x$
if the top three strings are moving down and the bottom three strings are moving up do they cancel each other out?
@AkivaWeinberger yeeeep
@user123 you can reduce it to showing that for $X=G/H$, we have $\cap_{x \in X}\mathrm{stab}_G(x)=\mathrm{Core}(H)$
One cute thing about that, I guess
Suppose you restrict $a,b,c$ to $[0,1]$ each
For what region of the $(a,b,c)$ cube is the numerator of that expression positive?
btw in (f) the $H_i$ are the stabilizers right ? @MatheinBoulomenos
If you were just looking at that numerator directly, that'd be pretty tough
now just compute that in this case $\mathrm{stab}_G(g)=gHg^{-1}$
but geometrically you know that the distance is well-defined so long as the triangle exists
so the numerator should be positive so long as $a+b>c,b+c>a,c+a>b$
Which I think would be a cone?
@user123 yes, they are stabilizers for a system of representatives for $G \backslash X$
So the region over which that numerator is positive is actually pretty simple
@MatheinBoulomenos and the union is disjoint because $X$ is a disjoint union of the orbits?
@user123 yes
alright, just wanted to make sure :P
I said that
but once I plot it in mathematica I get something substantially weirder...
$\mathrm{stab}_G(g)=gHg^{-1}$ for $X=G/H$ is just a special case of $\mathrm{stab}_G(gx)=g\mathrm{stab}_G(x)g^{-1}$
namely, I find that the numerator is positive on a bigger region than the cone I stated
so $d$ having a real value is evidently a necessary but not sufficient criterion to have a triangle with those sides :3
(that the area be real, by contrast, is a necessary and sufficient condition)
who is $H$ here ?@MatheinBoulomenos
i mean when you write $X = G/H$
@user123 I just considered the case that $I$ has only has one element and $H_1=:H$, the general case can be deduced from that
the main thing to do is to prove how the stabilizer changes for elements in teh same orbit (the formula that I wrote above). And of course the stabilizer for $\overline{1}$ in $G/H$ is $H$
@MatheinBoulomenos cool . thanks. are you familiar with $Q_{2^n}$ ?
@user123 I know the definition, but not much else
i think for you it is enough :P am i right that this group has only one element of order 2?
$Q_{2^n} = <x,y| x^{2^{n-2}} = y^2 , y^4 =1 , yxy^{-1} =x^{-1}>$
i think im wrong now.
@user123 yes, this is correct, $y^2$ is the unique element of order $2$
but then i dont get the question im solving: we are asked to show that $k=2^n$ is the smallest $k$ s.t. there exists an embedding of $Q_{2^n}$ into $S_k$
the hint is to identify the elements of order 2 in $Q_{2^n}$
in $S_m$ there are a lot of elements of order $2$ for every given $m$ (in general)
@user123 so let $z$ be the unique element of order $2$ in $Q_{2^n}$. By Cauchy's theorem, every non-trivial subgroup of $Q_{2^n}$ contains $z$. Suppose that we have an embedding of $Q_{2^n}$ into $S_k$ for $k < 2^n$, i.e. a faithful action on a set of $k$ elements for $k < 2^n$
let $\alpha:Q_{2^n} \to S_k$ be that embedding
let $X$ be the $k$-element set on which $S_k$ (and hence $Q_{2^n}$) acts. You know that $\mathrm{ker}(\alpha)= \cap_{x \in X} \mathrm{stab}_G(x)$
do you see how this helps together with the fact that $z$ is contained in every nontrivial subgroup of $Q_{2^n}$?
$z\in ker(\alpha)$
so its in $\cap_x stab_G(x)$
but that means that $\alpha$ is not an embedding
but i couldn't figure where $k<2^n$ was crucial
I think you don't understand the proof
you show it the other way around: $z$ is in $\mathrm{stab}_G(x)$ for each $x$ (by orbit-stabilizer, since the orbit has less than $2^n$ elements)
me too :P
wait , $ker(\alpha)$ is a subgroup of $Q_{2^n}$
this was my thought
yeah, okay, but we don't know that it is not trivial at this point
so by what you said it must contain z
no it might still be trivial
Hi @Alessandro
ohh, any non-trivial..
Is the semester going to begin next week at your uni too?
so orbit-stabilzer says that $|\mathrm{stab}_G(x)| |\mathrm{Orb}_G(x)| =|G|$
@AlessandroCodenotti we still have a bit left
G here is $S_k$ right?
no, $G=Q_{2^n}$
right right we have an homomorphism from $Q_{2^n}$
Now here's the part where $k < 2^n$ is crucial: $|\mathrm{Orb}_G(x)| \leq k < |G|$, since $G$ acts on a $k$ element set, so $|\mathrm{stab}_G(x)|=1$ is impossible
thus $\mathrm{stab}_G(x)$ is a non-trivial subgroup of $G$ and thus it contains $z$
and so $z$ must also be contained in $\cap_{x \in X} \mathrm{stab}_G(x) = \mathrm{ker}(\alpha)$
very nice ! thanks
Hi all :)
Hi @ÍgjøgnumMeg!
Hi @ÍgjøgnumMeg how was your interview?
Hey :) It went well I think
There were no mathematicians in the room so I had to give a layperson's explanation of FLT and Iwasawa theory
Sounds challenging
It was fine, they asked me what my research interests were and what kinda of impact they would have and stuff
and I basically had to say
"Some number theorists might be interested"
Well, in 3 weeks' time I will know the outcome

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