@Semiclassical Hey I have a numerical experiment question
that you may or may not be interested in
Let $S_n$ be the set of pairs of nonnegative integers adding to $2n$ (so $\{(0,2n), (1,2n-1), (2,2n-2), \dotsb, (n,n)\}$)
(not caring about the orders of the elements in the pairs)
Let $S_{n,k}$ be $\{(a,b)\in S_n\mid p_i{\not\mid}a,b,~1\le i\le k\}$
so, like, the set of pairs where neither of the entries are a multiple of any of the first $k$ primes
This is like the sieve of Eratosthenes, where at each step we're sifting out the things that are multiples of the $k$th prime
(ex: $S_{49,3}$ is the set of pairs of things adding to $98$ where neither is a multiple of $2$, $3$, or $5$)
(which is $\{(1,97),(7,91),(19,79),(31,67),(37,61),(49,49)\}$)
Also as $k\to\infty$, the set $S_{n,k}$ becomes the set of primes adding to $2n$
(plus possibly $(1,2n-1)$, if $2n-1$ is prime)
so Goldbach's conjecture says that that isn't empty, right? (And that it's still not empty when we delete $(1,2n-1)$, which is an annoying edge case)
Consider $|S_{n,k}|/|S_{n,k-1}|$
Intuitively that should be around $(p_k-2)/p_k$ or $(p_k-1)/p_k$
(About $1/p_k$ of the elements of $S_{n,k-1}$ will have the first entry be a multiple of $p_k$, and about $1/p_k$ of them will have the second entry be a multiple of $p_k$)
(and those might overlap if $2n$ itself is a multiple of $p_k$)
So the question is, how accurate is that guess
Like, if you compute $|S_{n,6}|/|S_{n,7}|$ for lots of $n$, how closely is it approximated by $15/17$ and $16/17$
The reason I'm interested in this is that, if the lower bound is reasonably close to $(p_k-2)/p_k$, this implies the Goldbach conjecture.
The reason is that $n(\frac{3-2}3)(\frac{5-2}5)(\frac{7-2}7)\dotsb(\frac{p-2}p)$ where $p$ is the largest prime less than $\sqrt{2n}$, goes to infinity
and basically is never near zero except for small $n$
so if that's a good approximate lower bound for $|S_{n,\infty}|$, then we get that there's lots of pairs of primes adding to $2n$
Apparently if we graph that approximate lower bound we get this
(Orange is $n(\frac{3-2}3)(\frac{5-2}5)(\frac{7-2}7)\dotsb(\frac{p-2}p)$ where $p$ is the largest prime less than $\sqrt{2n}$, blue is the number of pairs of primes adding to $2n$)
You'll notice that this isn't actually a perfect lower bound - for example, there are 13 pairs of primes adding to 992 and the formula predicts a lower bound of 15
(well, 14 if we ignore the pair (1,991) — 991 is prime)
so this approximation is quite rough, and this is not an actual proof of the Goldbach conjecture
but it's a good heuristic support I think
(Credit for the idea goes to a certain Reddit user who is convinced that this is a valid proof)
(but I don't really think it'll go anywhere)