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@MattN I used to be. Not so much anymore, but something spectacular like the transit of Venus is something I wouldn't miss.
And we offered a 'scope to a friend of mine who passed his Ph.D. exams recently, so I'd have gone with him. He's very much into it and photography.
I would love to see it but
I don't even know what it means : ) And I'm too lazy to look it up.
@tb About the email I sent you the other day: is no answer a yes or are you still making up your mind?
venus moves in front of the sun
Don't mean to be a young grasshopper...
@PaulSlevin I see.
ooo I'm an established user I didn't even notice!!
What does it mean?
1000 rep
I can see downvotes
Congratulations! : )
I answered some daft integral question before I went to bed last night and people were really into it apparently
Thanks :)
It's so annoying because I can almost get an enlightened badge (for a different question), but the user has absconded and not bestowed his best answer
But it's night here. How can you see the venus move in front of the sun? Must be happening tomorrow.
@PaulSlevin Which one? Link pleeze.
@MattN If you go to the mountains there's the chance of seeing something early in the morning...
But then I'm asleep! : )
@MattN Not entirely sure yet, but a friend of mine from Berlin announced that my Hotel might be needed over the week-end. Sorry. I'm really bad at dealing with emails these days.
@tb No worries about emails. Then I'll hope he'll break his little legs and won't be able to walk to your hotel.
They even make graduate students teach courses... Not just marking or exercises classes.
Almost the first day they put me in this room with >100 people.
Sorry 2 secondss
A: Are isomorphic structures really indistinguishable?

Paul SlevinIt depends on the structure you are talking about. Isomorphisms are defined to respect a given structure - for example in the category of sets the isomorphisms are just bijections. Any two sets with a bijection between them are virtually indistinguishable - the elements are just labelled differen...

A: Integral of$\int_0^1 x\sqrt{2- \sqrt{1-x^2}}dx$

Paul SlevinSince you tried to use a trig identity, I'll use one in this solution. Let $x = \sin \theta$ so that $1 - x^2 = 1 - \sin^2 \theta = \cos^2 \theta$, and $\mathrm d x = \cos \theta \mathrm{d}\theta$. Our integral becomes: $$ \int_0^{\frac \pi 2} \sin \theta \cos \theta \sqrt{2 - \cos\theta} \mathr...

Those are the 2
@JonasTeuwen was that not terrifying?
@PaulSlevin Only slightly.
Five minutes before that I knew they would record it and put it on the web.
I'd call that a monologue.
Ah, some good old Cesaro.
Seen it already.
I even answered this lazy question because Eugene told me to do so.
So you always do what you're told?
I'm close to deleting everything and voting to close as not a real question. It is difficult to tell what is being asked here.
@JonasTeuwen Yeah, using Silvelight so no one is actually able to watch any of it.
@tb Hmm, well, it seems like a genuine question to me, it is not that easy.
But the question doesn't show any work, that is true.
@MattN Worked with Mono for me.
Can't be bothered to do anything in order to be able to watch something. It just has to work.
I agree. I didn't make it.
: )
@JonasTeuwen So you ask the guy if he's got any idea. Obviously he hasn't got any. It's not that easy but parts of it are obvious. Then you give him an outline. No reaction. Then you post a full-fledged answer. No reaction. And the guy's been here over and over again. Lazy bastard.
Then why did you write an answer if he didn't respond to any of your comments?
@tb 8-). But the answer is of high quality, so you can keep it for someone else?
That's what I'm probably going to do...
@MattN As I said, I asked Eugene if I should and he insisted. Shouldn't have followed that opinion. Asking if I should should've been enough indication that I shouldn't.
Thank you for the upvote
Welcome : )
Now you got your badger.
another nice answer is in the post now haha
Good night to everybody whom I didn't seen
@JonasTeuwen Thanks, by the way...
Tell me please, will a support function of "good sets" (like unit ball) in C[a,b] be continuous?
@Nimza Good evening!
@tb hello :)
@Nimza what do you mean by good sets like unit ball?
And what's a support function?
@tb unit ball at first
Unit ball in C[a,b]?
@tb yes
Support function = has compact support?
And what's a support function? The function associating the support to a function?
From C[a,b] to the compact subsets of [a,b] with the Hausdorff distance?
Support function for the set $M$ is a function $\rho ( \Lambda | M ) = \sup\limits_{x \in M} \langle \Lambda, x \rangle$, $\Lambda$ is from $C^{*}$
Continuous in $\Lambda$?
Well, if $M$ is the unit ball, then this is simply the norm of $\Lambda$. So it is continuous in the norm topology of $C^\ast$.
@tb yeah, like in finite dimensional case (if $M$ is a subset of $\mathbb{R}^k$). That's good
@tb other "good sets" for me are functions $y(x)$ from $C[a,b]$ such that $y(x) \in P(x)$, where $P(x)$ is some continuous convex compact
And if $M$ is any bounded subset of $C[a,b]$ then this is the supremum of uniformly bounded Lipschitz functions, hence Lipschitz with respect to the norm.
So it is always continuous for bounded $M$.
yikes what?
i gave my students my email address today
bad idea.
i know
oh man
have you got unsolicited mail
that was really stupid of me
depends what you mean by unsolicited
Fan mail? Or hate mail?
question mail
Isn't that what you're being paid for?
eg: why did i get xx on assignment xx
I thought maths questions.
oh well
spam folder!
@Eugene that's what the dice in my crystal ball told me
@tb good crystal ball
i was i had consulted it first
you live and you learn i guess.
I get the sense that people here don't complain about grades as much. But that's probably because the examiners are much harder to reach, and there are rules about how to contact them...
@Eugene you could also use the magic eight ball for grading.
it says in the handbook under no circumstances contact the examiners
i invented a system called binary marking
if i wasn't empty you'd get full points
and if it was you'd get 0
they told me i'd get fired if i tried that
@tb I was so looking forward. Now I'll have to cry myself to sleep.
@PaulSlevin You have a handbook? : O
@PaulSlevin another +1 to cambridge
this is why you shouldn't go to shitty schools.
The examiners here are like a mysterious group of entities
like the Jedi council, I wouldn't even know how to get in touch with them
I think another reason people don't ask about their grades is that they are too traumatised by the exams to care
@tb thank you a lot! but I can't understand, why if $M$ is a set of uniformly bounded Lipschitz functions, then $\sup\limits_{x \in M} \langle \Lambda, x \rangle$ is continuous function of $\Lambda$
@MattN I'm terribly sorry. I should know by tomorrow night or Thursday morning.
@tb Don't worry. I'm being silly. Well, with a tiny bit of truth in it. Note that I'm not (at all) criticising your response time. : )
why this got downvoted is nonsense. it is a perfectly legitimate answer. whoever downvoted this is just lazy to work it out.
+1 from me
@Nimza No. What I was saying is: $\Lambda \mapsto \langle \Lambda, x\rangle$ is a Lipschitz continuous function of $\Lambda$. Since $M$ is uniformly bounded, you're taking the supremum of Lipschitz with bounded above Lipschitz constant. Hence the supremum is Lipschitz continuous.
@PaulSlevin thanks. i don't get what's wrong with it. can someone tell me?
Hmm, students hardly ever mail me, @Eugene :D.
If they don't leave a comment why then they probbaly don't have a good reason
@JonasTeuwen lucky you. =(
When they ask such idiotic questions, I would surely let them notice I think it is an idiotic thing to ask.
Stuff like: "plz giev me all solutiosn to ch 7".
Then I CC the director of education in the reply.
@PaulSlevin oh well as long as it's not wrong. i hope my knowledge of linear algebra hasn't decayed THAT much.
@JonasTeuwen the problem is the canadian higher education system is not as critical of its students
Neither is the Dutch, but I like at least some respect.
every tutorial section i get question to the effect of "what's the answer to question xx"
I'm not their drinking brother, that one could write to me in that way 8-).
and most of the time it's not even to the effect. they ask it outright.
They demand from me a decent reply, then they should write a decent e-mail in proper Dutch (or English).
that is good on you.
i wish i could do that.
Why can't you?
today they were talking so loud i had to yell.
I asked the director of education and he fully agreed.
@JonasTeuwen my instructor gave explicit instructions to be nice to them.
@Eugene Why not just scratch across the blackboard with your fingernails?
@MattN cause that would annoy me as well.
Well, I don't think he means you should be nice to them if they think this is a children playground.
Sissy : )
@JonasTeuwen he's limited my powers to telling them to shut up.
I would say something like: Ladies and gentlemen, this is not the restaurant. This is on the next floor.
politely on top of it
And if they don't shut up, don't speak until they do.
If they don't kick some out.
That works!
I'd scratch the board. I'm quite sure if I scratched it a few times even the last one of them would shut it. : )
i'm serious. i tried being hard on them. they complained that i was condescending. i got reprimanded for it
If that still doesn't work, well I don't know. I would just leave.
here's what happened.
i was solving examples on the board.
Perhaps you have the wrong attitude and they notice.
someone asked me a homework question.
Basically I asked our director of education if this was okay to do. He said: Of course, they should have at lease some respect for the lecturer and you did this in the right way.
I've tutored a few classes, too. I've never encountered anything like this.
i literally wrote the answer on the board in my examples (unknowingly)
i said you should know this. i did this on the board.
i got reprimanded.
That sounds stupid.
it is.
I would complain to somebody above the lecturer 8-).
Just some basic social rules, what the...
If you want to be an idiot, fine, but not in my lecture room, now I am the boss for once! 8-).
i told the instructor they were talking the whole tutorial so i told them they should know it because i didn't want to explain it again.
he said you should be nice to the weak students.
needless to say, i am powerless.
I have a great fear of having rowdy students
Oh, something like that. But then he responds to the last statement which is true.
You should of course help the weak students who know when to stfu.
@PaulSlevin What's a rowdy student?
ones that mess around and make noise
throw paper planes etc.
@JonasTeuwen haha. ah i wish i was in one of those anonymous schools.
@PaulSlevin Uh, kick them out?
@JonasTeuwen if only!
how does one go about that
I doubt they do not allow you to kick out the people that ruin it for the rest.
I imagine saying please leave the room and they just sit there and make me look like an idiot
today i was this close to telling the noisy ones to get out of my classroom.
@PaulSlevin Something like: Please talk softer, if this is not possible leave the room.
Well, then you call security to remove them.
@PaulSlevin You say: "You there!" point finger at him and give stern look "Please leave this room, as you are disturbing the other students in here who are trying to learn."
I recon this will only be necessary once...
throw the chalk duster at them
No, you cannot do that.
that was EXPLICITLY forbidden
Do not use any physical method.
seems like it happens often enough!
well actually
my friend who does compute science was telling me, he was late for class once, and the lecturer took a complete flaky and got up and shoved them all out the room
Hmm, I have a button on my desk to lock the doors.
(from the outside)
Oh noes! How did it get so late again!?
@MattN time has a way of doing that.
The aliens again...
But I accidentally slept 9.5 hours last night, maybe that's why I'm not too sleepy.
I don't mind if my people are late
I was late for my first ever university class (statistics)
Neither do I, they can enter from the back door.

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