@Jordan, what problem are you having plugging in 1?
Have any other chrome users been having issues with Mathjax these past few weeks? Any TeX won't render after hitting "show comments" or if someone edits an answer while you're reading it. It seems like the first time a page loads is the only time it'll render things.
The only time it really trips me up is when expanding comments. There's no way for me to see any TeX below the first few comments which display before you have to click show more.
Chrome and Mathjax haven't been playing nice recently...
@DylanMoreland For reference, this is my adaptation of the first bullet point of "Essential properties of the canonical homomorphisms" pg 2 of Applications of Burnside Rings in Elementary Group Theory (obviously I haven't got very far in!)
I don't know much field theory. Apparently the sketch is: $$[\Bbb Q(\zeta_m):\Bbb Q(\zeta_m+\zeta_m^{-1})]=2\implies \varphi(m)\le2\implies m\in\{1,2,3,4,6\}.$$ But I'm not familiar with the proof.
(On the assumption $\zeta_m+\zeta^{-1}_m$ is rational)
This is really nice. Usually with these wacky limit questions you can just eyeball them and guess the answer, but for this one I at least have no idea. math.stackexchange.com/questions/154058/…
@BenjaminLim Well, it's slightly better than that. There is a unique extension of degree $n$ inside any algebraic closure, or however you want to put it.
To put it another way, the elements of any quadratic extension are roots of the polynomial $X^{q^2} - X$.
Can't have more than $q^2$ of those! I'll try to think of something more constructive.
I think I have solved a problem in Topology by Munkres, but there is a small detail that is bugging me. The problem is stated in this question's title. I will write down the proof and will highlight what is troubling me.
We prove by contradiction: Assume $X$ is not Hausdorff. Then there exist po...
Si yo tuviera que hacer examenes pondría unos cuatro problemas para evaluar lo que se debe evaluar un problema extra de puntos adicionales pero que sea bien dificil
inicialmente el cambio se suponía que era empezar en anal. I con cálculo enb varias variables, asumiendo que en el CBC ya habían aprendido cálculo en una variable
Si, yo ya lo habia leido y releido muchas veces el Spivak.
Le debo mucho a ese libro.
Es el que mas use. Ahora estuve repasando un poco lo que es la Completitud de $\Bbb R$, las cotas superiores, viendo un poco si incorporo lo que es el $\limsup$/$\liminf$ que esta ahi