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Set Theory , Differential Geometry and Commutative Algebra
@MattN I am about to venture into Galois theory after I graduate. I learned a bit in my abstract algebra course.
my favorite field in math was geometry, it actually made sense
Sounds good : )
then operational research on friday, then i will literally drink wine all day every day till I start my PhD
@MattN Yeah I found it funny how you literally gave me a type of field. Hahaha. But I agree with you on that. Computation is not where it is at. I love pure math.
or maybe that is an exaggeration :)
I have 11 hours! Differential Geometry, Commutative Algebra, Topos Theory, Computable function Theory
@HowardRoark : )
(scottish word for vomit)
@ZhenLin are you a student?
I'm already sick of Differential Geometry and I haven't even looked at it in weeks...
@Ilya Yes, of course.
I have no idea why I am doing Differential Geometry
@ZhenLin bachelor or master, if I may ask
I get a M.Math in a few weeks.
Hey everyone :)
@PaulSlevin I wouldn't. Because once it's out of your body the miserable feeling just comes back.
@ZhenLin what's that?
@PatrickDaSilva Hi there, first time here?
Me and Zhen Lin are on the same course but we get a different degree
@PatrickDaSilva: hi
Definitely not first time on MSE, but first time on chat, yes
@MattN Well I mean I am going to basically party my socks off for as long as I can after this gruelling year
@PatrickDaSilva That's what I meant. Welcome! : )
@PaulSlevin : )
I will literally have no socks
they will be gone
lost on a drunken adventure
@PatrickDaSilva Yello.
@PaulSlevin So you Scottish people do wear socks but no underpants?
@PaulSlevin: I hear you get to continue partying throughout your Ph.D. until you actually have to write up a thesis... :p
@MattN again?
When I wear my kilt I always wear pants
I never understood this true scotsman nonsense
I freaking love this website! I just found out about it like three days ago! So awesome!
@Paul: so you're a PhD student?
You actually wear kilts?
Bro tips: You can tag people with @, hyperlink with [whatever] (link here). You can tag more than one person here. You can edit what you wrote.
@PaulSlevin : D
@Ilya No I will get my MASt degree (master in advanced study) in july
IF you click my display picture you can see my kilt
its hanging up in my cupboard. will be wearing it to graduation
@Peter : Lol. I know, but I think the question kinda spoke for itself.
$\log_a(-a) = 1 + i \pi + 2 i \pi n$ where $n \in \mathbb{N}$ ?
@PaulSlevin I am proud of you son.
Ah, they still allow that? I thought they took "national dress" off the regulations recently.
Everyone hires kilts or has their own in Scotland for formal events
they did but 5 years later they put it back on
@PatrickDaSilva What question?
you need special permission for national dress
@PaulSlevin ah, so that's UK thing
I'm melting. I think I'll have another shower and go to bed. Good night everyone, nice talking to you!
And thanks, Zhen!
@Ilya the degree is a Cambridge thing, I think at other universities you get MSc's MSci's for science, oh and MMAth
@MattN bye
night Matt
@MattN goodnight!
but yeah when I got my kilt permissions it came with all these clauses attached
Good night, Matt.
@PaulSlevin: It's complicated. In England, M.Math. is a 4-year undergraduate degree
so people on one-year standalone courses can't get M.Math.
You have to be in the habit of wearing it at formal occasion. And I'm not allowed to wear the Sgian Dubh (the knife)
@Peter : The one about wearing kilts.
@PaulSlevin why aren't you?
@Ilya because cambridge is very proud of its arbitrary rules
@PatrickDaSilva Oh, sure.
Another thing on the list was that "Candidates should wear a tartan appropriate for them"
@Zhen: so to start M.Math you don't have to have BSc degree?
I was thinking, what would be an inappropriate tartan
@Ilya: No. I have no degree yet!
@Zhen: icic
How weird.
I have one just now but its about to be vastly superceded, presuming i pass
@Gig weird what
so whereas Paul is considered a genuine postgraduate student, I'm still an undergraduate for many intents and purposes.
@Ilya You get master without a bachelor degree?
For most of Part III I had no idea whether I was a postgrad or not, officially I mean haha
My college told me I was an undergrad who was allowed to live with the grads
@Gigili no. I got BSc, worked for 2 years in industry, got MSc and started PhD recently
@PaulSlevin Aren't tartans associated with clans or something?
Well yes, but
but I never cared about being undergrad/grad/postgrad
@Ilya Wow, are you that old?
My family is Irish
@Gigili natural?
so I have no scottish affiliation
and its all bullshit made up by victorians. kilts only existed in the 19th century
24 or 42?
so nobody really has a tartan :)
@Gigili born in 1987, you can subtract :)
@Ilya Okay, I'm depressed. Go enjoy yourself!
@Gigili why?
And that is a fact that kiltmakers always press home. they always say Any tartan is appropriate, if you like it you can wear it. So it suggest that indeed the clause in my conditions is jst some arbitrary rule some old man made up
In the meanwhile I played in a couple of bands - that was a good time!
@Nimza: привет!
Anyway yeah Id better go and think about Kurepa trees
have a good night everyone
you too, @Paul, you too
@Ilya hi, too late for you :)
@Nimza: and what about you? 2.15am?
@Ilya yeah, I'm going to bed)
Bleh, I want something sugary but then I'm sure I'll end up sleepless...
@ZhenLin how is it related? or sugar in UK necessary contains caffeine?
@Ilya I'll start master's in fall and you started Ph.D.
I dunno, isn't sugar supposed to do that?
@Gigili I started PhD in 2010. You started your master that year?
@ZhenLin I don't think so - sweet tea is one of the best things before the sleep
Why are tutors so expensive? It is insane, no one else makes that much money
@Gigili: how old are you?
@Jordan that's not the right place to ask these questions, finally!
just before I go I should say quickly, eating sugar will make you sleep because the sugar crash causes you to become sleepy
@Jordan How much is expensive?
@PaulSlevin nice remark :)
I think $10 an hour for a student is more than enough, but most tutors want $25-50 an hour
@Ilya 25.
@PaulSlevin: That explains alot!
@Zhen: all in all, I think you can eat some sugary stuff without being afraid of a sleepless night
@Jordan Well, $25 is not that bad
$50 is quite a lot
@Gigili well, I'll be 25 in December
I have never made more than $8 an hour, kind of ridiculous that people can make that much tutoring
@Ilya December was one of my guesses?
@Jordan I usually help people for about 9 U$S an hour.
I charge less for friends of my friends
@Gigili nope. They were August, October and November
And free to my friends.
@PeterTamaroff I usually help people for free :) that's why it's called 'help'
The tutors here are expensive and really bad
@Ilya I only charge some to buy books!
@Ilya Huh, I was about to say it.
Hey @David!
@Gigili good to know
But I help most of the people for free.
Hello @Gigili
I will go and sleep for about 600 minutes
and everyone else.
A lot of the times I will have to wait for the tutor to finish the problem for quite a while so they can tell me if I did it right
@Ilya If they can't afford it, I won't charge them, of course.
@PeterTamaroff nevermind :) I didn't mean you're doing something wrong
@DavidWallace What time is it there?
@Jordan That's not good enough.
@Gigili 10:25am
@Jordan A competent tutor should be able to look at your work very quickly and tell you if it's right or wrong.
Especially if you're paying $50US per hour.
@Ilya Well, sure. But when I mean help I mean I give them guides, I prepare them for make up exams, help them online, mail them solved excercises (in $\LaTeX$ pdfs) and similar stuff =)
@Ilya Good night.
@Ilya спокойной ночи
@Gigili So you're going for a Master's?
@PaulSlevin According to Wikipedia, the kilt originated in the traditional dress of men and boys in the Scottish Highlands of the 16th century.
Yes, hopefully.
I'm 1/4 Scottish but I've never worn one.
hi all
Most of the tutors here don't speak english natively so that is a pretty big barrier as well
@Ilya I thought you meant to say something like "This Grandma is going to give you a hard kick up your soft little arse".
What am I suppose to do for homework? For these integral problems there are 49 of them, so about 25 if I just do the odds, each problem takes me about 30 minutes so that is about 12 hours of homework. Am I really expected to do all these? There are 30 more word problems as well
hi there
@DavidWallace history.utoronto.ca/material_culture/rmclean/html/trad.htm "The third invented aspect of the Highland tradition of Scotland, Trevor-Roper argues, is that of tartan. Family tartans, as they are now generally conceived, probably never existed. Instead, tartans probably were regionally based with different patterns belonging to different areas of the country. What tartan one wore was mainly a decision based on preference or fashion.…"
@leo Hey leo.
what's going on
@Jordan Don't you want to study the rest? you don't need a tutor that much.
Oh, dear. I'm slow.
@Gigili nice foot
@Gigili i see you've updated your avatar
@MarkDominus Have a look at the 1680 and 1744 pictures on en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_kilt
@leo Thanks!
@Eugene Thanks.
Yes, but it also says "The small kilt or walking kilt (similar to the 'modern' kilt) did not develop until the late 17th or early 18th century, and is essentially the bottom half of the great kilt." which is consistent with those other claims.
@Gigili i see i don't deserve an exclamation mark
@Eugene but she have used that avatar before. Dont she?
@leo beats me
@MarkDominus Yes, that's true.
But the 1744 picture fits with what I think of as a kilt.
Anyway, it's off-topic for this channel, and I probably shouldn't have posted so much about it. Sorry.
Oh, and it fits with your argument as well, sorry.
Q: Alternate proof for polynomial with minimal $L^{\infty}$-norm and leading coefficient 1

JulianLet $P_n^1$ be the set of all polynomials of degree $\leq n$ with leading coefficient $1$ and define $\lVert p \lVert_{\infty}=\sup_{x\in [-1,1]}\lvert p(x)\lvert$. Compute $\inf_{p\in P_n^1} \lVert p\lVert_{\infty}$. I know that $\inf_{p\in P_n^1} \lVert p\lVert_{\infty}=\frac{1}{2^{n-1}}\lVert...

Brain fart there for a moment.
@Eugene I thought the version without an exclamation mark was preferred?
Oh pft, I can't sleep.
@Gigili beats me as well
I like the way the two fingers are cuddling.
@PeterTamaroff this is for you
It's interesting that no one makes comments about your avatar when you put your real picture.
I made
@Gigili you mean that's not how you look like???
@Eugene My whole life is a lie!
@Ilya Eh? Perhaps I didn't know you at that time?
@PeterTamaroff :-O
Note: I don't look like the C&H plushies.
@PeterTamaroff it seems you've already seen it
@Eugene Sorry, I didn't mean to disappoint you.
@Gig I've asked if it is your real face
And you replied me
So I guess you knew me that time
@Eugene Yes. That's why Patrick is here. I invited him-
@PeterTamaroff of course i knew that. i've seen toy story after all
But it's only a guess
Ah yes, I remember that.
@Eugene lol, I don't get it but somehow it is funny.
@Gigili all this time i thought that's how you looked
@PeterTamaroff all talking plushies are shown in toy story after all no?
Hi. I am in London.
@Eugene Now what? Do you want to get a divorce?
@jonas hi
@JonasTeuwen nice
@Eugene Not that many methinks.
I need your help with restaurant @Jonas
@Gigili an annulment actually. I was fooled
Would you answer me in fb?
@JonasTeuwen Hello!
Yeah. When will you go?
@Eugene As you wish.
@Gigili @PeterTamaroff hopefully you'll enjoy this
@Jonas I'm following your photo report from London's trip. I knew you took a chainsaw.
@Gigili That would be rude.
@PeterTamaroff ram murty's book is amazing. you should check it out
Yeah he is called Leon.
@Gigili we can still be friends though
@DavidWallace The kilt worn in those days was not the affair people wear today ; it was basically some cloth they wrapped round themselves
@Eugene Who's that¿
the victorians came up with the modern kilt and completely romanticised Scottish history and promoted tourism to the country
and you should get a kilt :)
@DavidWallace Right.
@PeterTamaroff i have a link in the analytic number theory question
@Eugene No, thanks.
@Eugene I really need more context.
@Gigili Do you really want people here to comment on how your face looks?
@DavidWallace Of course not, I just found it interesting.
@Gigili that makes me sad. =(
We had some mockery going around when Ben and anon provided some pics.
@PeterTamaroff i put a link to ram murty's book here.
@Eugene Did you expect it to make you happy or what?
@Gigili i guess not. lol
But we did have a conversation here a while back about Jonas' face in his avatar, if I recall correctly.
And a few remarks about David Wheeler's skin colour.
is there someone with enough power to close etc?
@PeterTamaroff you? right?
@leo I mocked no one. It was mostly about their height, anon being on the short side and Ben on the tall side.
@leo OH!
I can clse, sure.
@PeterTamaroff give me a second. I think I have found some dupes
damn ben is tall
Who's damn ben?
@PeterTamaroff Remember this one. I think it answer this
@Gigili are you an analyst?

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