import analysis.real
lemma div_pos_iff_mul_pos (x y : ℝ) (Hy : y ≠ 0) : 0 < x * y ↔ 0 < x / y :=
have H : 0 < y * y,
rcases lt_trichotomy 0 y with H | H | H,
exact mul_pos H H,
exact absurd H.symm Hy,
exact mul_pos_of_neg_of_neg H H,
intro H1,
have H2 : (x * y) / (y * y) = x / y,
rw div_eq_div_iff (ne_of_gt H) Hy,
rw mul_assoc,
rw ←H2,
apply div_pos H1 H,
intro H1,
have H2 : (x / y) * (y * y) = x * y,
rw div_mul_eq_mul_div_comm,