@MatheinBoulomenos As before, let $g$ be an irreducible $F$-polynomial with a root $b_1$ in $K$, and let $L/K$ be the splitting field of $g$.
1. For each $b_j$, let $p_j : F(b_1) \to K : b_1 \mapsto b_1$ and $q_j : F(b_1) \to L : b_1 \mapsto b_j$, and let $\Omega_j = (K \otimes_{F(b_1)} L) / \mathfrak m$. This gives us $\varphi_j : K \to \Omega_j$ and $\psi_j : L \to \Omega_j$ such that $\varphi_j(b_1) = \psi_j(b_j)$.
2. Using the maps $\psi_j$, consider $\Omega = \Omega_1 \otimes_L \Omega_2 \otimes_L \cdots \otimes_L \Omega_n / \mathfrak m$. This gives us maps $\alpha_j : K \to \Omega_j \t…