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@BenjaminLim Or whipper-snapper, if you prefer. : )
@BenjaminLim From your comment I can guess what it is; if I’m right, it’s not even $T_0$.
that is correct. It is so stupid.
@BenjaminLim Because Matt’s command of idiom is very impressive.
@BenjaminLim Er, what about the empty set? Haha.
@BrianMScott how is it impressive
@BrianMScott More like exotic.
Oh @ben I noticed you still don't like to use the arrows to reply.
And neither do I like to use tab complete!
@ClarkKent ok
@BenjaminLim In this case the reference to a phrase from Star Wars that’s become something of a catchword in the U.S.
@BrianMScott Ooh, carrots! munch munch munch
what phrase brian?
@BenjaminLim Young grasshopper.
@BrianMScott now I can guess three (or six) of the hundred movies you saw :)
@MattN I can tell you about lots of idioms/phrases that we have here in australia
Like if someone has done something really stupid
you wanna be sarcastic
good on ya
@tb Speaking of which, I think I have not gone to the cinema for a few years.
@BenjaminLim Like "Hey mate, let's throw a snag on the barbie!" : )
@tb @BrianMScott @ClarkKent @MattN Guys watch The Dictator starring Sasha Baron Cohen super funny
Don't like Borat too much.
@MattN Where did you learn about that?
@tb Fewer than a hundred, and I’m familiar with quotations from a lot of movies that I’ve not seen (e.g., Casablanca). I did actually see the first Star Wars movie, though.
@BrianMScott Regarding your answer: you're talking about a nbhd of a set. Is that a typo?
@MattN In australia people like to give nicknames to everything
@BenjaminLim OK I will try to check it out. And are you going to turn around and show us your lovely face in the photo like Jonas has?
Lachlan = lochie
@BenjaminLim Not sure. I don't remember. : )
electrician = sparky
Hello everyone
fridge guy = friggie
@ClarkKent You show yours
@Szabolcs Morning.
@MattN tasmania = tassy
brisbane = brissy
@BenjaminLim Haha, I showed mine on a few occasions. You missed it!
I get the idea : )
dean = dino
@MattN I am? Where?
I have a short question---or reference request
Benjamin = Beny
@MattN no not really just ben.
Oh, wait, let me guess.
@Szabolcs Please shoot.
@BenjaminLim Just joking, don't worry : )
You’re thinking of the definition of a nbhd of $D\in\mathscr{D}$.
Each of those sets $D$ is a single point of $X$.
@MattN devastated = devo
There is someone who disapproved of using \mathbb. Was it Bourbaki?
@BrianMScott Doh.
wetsuit = wettie
If it makes you more comfortable, replace $D$-the-point by a new point $p_D$ whose nbhds are $\{p_D\}\cup(D\setminus F)$.
@BrianMScott Can I ask you something
when I do maths I tend to get super overly excited
Of course.
@BenjaminLim So cutie = cute suit ?
then I lose focus and stuff
@BrianMScott how to calm down?
@ClarkKent they didn't have anything to object to at the point they decided to use \mathbf. See here.
@ClarkKent no
@BenjaminLim I don’t think that I can answer that: I’ve never had the problem, so I don’t have any real feel for what it’s like.
@BrianMScott Would it help if I tell you I have ADHD?
I did wonder, when you mentioned ritalin.
I have some 10000 points on the surface of a sphere, with near-uniform (but not quite) distribution. I need to make a plot of the density of points on the surface of the sphere, where I can "increase the contrast" (i.e. rescale the density) to make the variation in the density visible. Some sort of smooth histogram. I need to use Mathematica, but there's no built-in thing for this, so I'll have to do it myself.
Can you point me to some pages which deal with somthing similar, so I won't have to reinvent the wheel and work out all details myself? I'm thinking of using something like kernel density estimation, except on the surface of a sphere, hopefully avoiding most of the mess that introcuing spherical coordinates will bring (especially because of the 'singularity' at the poles)
I'm interested in the maths, not implementation details, of course.
@BenjaminLim So you are trying to focus but cannot? And then what happens? You go do other things?
@BrianMScott some people take it here as a recreational drug and the results are disastrous. But if I have ADHD then how???
@ClarkKent I did not say I can't focus but tend to get overly excited and then that disturbs my brain.
@BenjaminLim Sports?
@MattN I'm possibly playing some tennis tomorrow morning
If you're too exhausted you can't get too excited, I'd assume.
@BenjaminLim Nah, I was thinking marathons or similar, not play.
@Ben: I’m too ignorant of ADHD to feel comfortable offering advice, though I do wonder whether there might be meditation or relaxation techniques that might help.
@BenjaminLim first of all don't get too worked up about having ADHD. It's become far too popular a thing to diagnose...
@MattN I can. In fact, exhaustion frequently makes me unable either to focus or to rest.
@BenjaminLim OK. But what is the problem exactly?
@tb I did a diagnosis a few years ago in 2007.
@BenjaminLim the trend dates back to before you were born :)
@ben I don't have ADHD but I have something very serious which I shan't disclose here.
@BrianMScott Probably you're right. I do meditation but for some reason I get overly excited....
Well, probably I'm just lazy :-)
@tb hmmmmm......
@BenjaminLim Do you recognize it quickly when it happens?
@tb Even my supervisor complains that I get too excited.
@BrianMScott kinda my feet and hands get really cold and I start to twitch a lot.
for some reason either maths gets my adrenaline pumping super high or I become frustrated and become a manic depressive
@BenjaminLim Seems to me that that would be a good indication that you need to take a break and make a conscious effort to relax.
@BrianMScott Like for example that day when I proved that if every prime ideal is maximal then a ring mod out by its nilradical is absolutely flat
my adrenaline was pumping like hell and I could not sleep for 2 hours
@BenjaminLim Are you sure it is the adrenaline or something else?
But that sounds normal. If I solve problems before I go to bed I can't sleep either.
@MattN I get super pumped up.
@MattN It really depends on the exact magnitude of the problem.
The first and only time I was unwillingly sleepless was the night before the first exam of my finals last year...
lucky you...
ok bye all, I have to go for dinner.....
@BenjaminLim I'll talk to you again!
@ZhenLin I learned as a runner that one shouldn’t worry about missing sleep the night before something important: it’s the nights before that that really matter.
@ZhenLin Every single exam I've had at uni, I slept the night before at 4 or something: My neighbour has a lot of loud sex that is really disturbing.
@BenjaminLim Haha. Why not join him?
@tb I’ve always lain in bed awake for a considerable while before falling asleep, as far back as I can remember.
@Brian : sorry about my previous comment, I don't know why i was unnecessarily making a complete fool of myself.
@RajeshD No, you are not a fool.
@RajeshD Frustration, I expect. Don’t worry about it.
The trick is to try to sleep 8 hours a day and not take naps.
Of course easier said than done.
@BrianMScott Interesting. Why?
@ZhenLin Sorry, I’m lost; what’s interesting?
"night before that" etc.?
Oh, okay.
I used to run an hour every day.
Missing sleep the night before isn’t generally a problem for a healthy person: the effects aren’t felt right away, especially if there’s something to get you going, like a race or an exam.
I want to know how it's possible to be sleepless for a prolonged period of time. And also, if you are, will it go away again? It seems like an incredibly dangerous thing to have.
How prolonged?
@MattN There are some people in the world who have not slept for years.
Ah, OK. Yes, I suppose so.
@BrianMScott Like for example how you can sleep 2 or 3 hours per day for a week.
@MattN Lots of coffee, and try to not overuse energy.
The less sleep I get the more likely I am to fall asleep including during the day.
@MattN Good. You are normal.
I want to understand how this works.
@MattN I’ve probably at least come close to that a time or two; I don’t recommend it, though.
@BrianMScott I also came close to that when I was in the army.
@ClarkKent I dislike coffee. And cats.
@DavidWallace You mean real cats? Because cats also stand for something else.
@ClarkKent I probably got about four or five most of the time when I was in the army. Except on Friday and Saturday nights, when I got caught up a bit.
@ClarkKent Do they? What do cats stand for?
@DavidWallace Cat =woman. Dog = man. At least there is such an association in some chat rooms here.
Brian, in your answer you say "each point in X is isolated" before we know what topology we have on X.
@ClarkKent I think you come from a different country from me.
@DavidWallace No, see above.
@ClarkKent Chambres du chat?
@MattN Can you give me a link, so that I don’t have to dig it up?
@DavidWallace Yes, like the ELU chat room.
@ClarkKent I have never encountered such a room.
Sorry, of course.
@DavidWallace See above again. But it is not used frequently.
@ClarkKent Hmm, I just went there. All I see is a couple of idiots arguing about squid.
@DavidWallace Like me. Like I said it is not frequently used.
@DavidWallace What is there about squid that’s worth arguing about?
@rajesh You may also want to read Erdos's biography.
@BrianMScott We were talking about whether they could kill humans.
It all started with talk on octopuses.
@ClarkKent Oh. I see.
@ClarkKent That's octokitties!
@BrianMScott Ah never mind.
@MattN Are you sure?
@matt Does your avatar represent anything?
@BrianMScott No, I'm never sure of anything.
@MattN I just dug it up. I suspect that you were referring to the place where I was defining the topology on $X$ by specifying that points in $\Bbb N$ are isolated and the other points had such and such nbhds.
@BrianMScott But... I gave you the link up there^
@MattN Was that there originally, or did you edit it in after I stopped looking at it? :-)
@BrianMScott I put it there right after you requested it : )
@BrianMScott Oh. So it's a definition.
@MattN Yes.
@RajeshD We call him the nutcase with the suitcase in the other room. Erdos carries a suitcase everywhere he goes.
He wears silk underwear as he has a skin disease.
i just got reading his wiki page
Carried, if you’re talking about the Erdős.
good one
@RajeshD One day I will read your page too.
@zhenlin I confirm that the plural of tomato is tomatoes and not tomatos in whatever dialect. I checked two authoritative big dictionaries.
OK I usually check oxforddictionaries.com or merriam-webster.com if I want rare words.
They correspond more or less to the Oxford Dictionary of English and MW Collegiate respectively.
The plural of potato is potatoes and not potatos as well.
@ZhenLin So that spellchecker of yours is questionable!
@ClarkKent Oxford English Dictionary.
@DavidWallace No, I mean what I wrote. They are different.
ODE is not the same as OED.
@ClarkKent Yes, one's a bit more elaborate than the other...
@BrianMScott Well, I only know one Erdos.
@ClarkKent: Next you'll be telling me that tomato is pronounced /təˈmeɪtoʊ/. I really don't care.
Holy monkeys!
@JM A bit here is more like 10 bits!
@ClarkKent My apologies; you're absolutely right. How confusing!
@ClarkKent I love understatement. :)
@ZhenLin Neither do I care about tomatoes or potatoes. I only care about you. :-)
hey there
@ClarkKent So sweet!
I would like to know why the Wikipedia page describing the ODE shows a picture of a different dictionary.
@Ilya Hi!
@Ilya Hi!!!!
Who's so sweet?
I have a question. Let $X$ be a Polish (topological separable completely metrizable) space. Suppose I want to say that $d$ is a metric on $X$ which agrees with the topology of $X$ and makes $X$ a complete metric space. How can I say it in short?
@JonasTeuwen You beat me. I used only one exclamation mark.
@Gigili me
@JonasTeuwen HI!!!!
@Gigili Clark Kent, of course.
@Ilya I guessed it might be it.
I need some coffee.
@Ilya So you pinged him and not me because he used more exclamation marks?
@Ilya I’d just say that $d$ is a complete metric on $X$.
@tb I'm freezing cold. Now we have something to bond over : )
Anyone offhand know the conditions under which local convexity implies global convexity?
@BrianMScott thanks
@MattN It's been extremely cold today.
@DavidWallace Are NZ guys usually quite... direct or is this the case only with our Auckland "bro"? 8-).
@DavidWallace So this room is a candy can.
@ClarkKent who knows. Certainly, not me
@JonasTeuwen Me too but I've run out.
@JonasTeuwen Who's our Auckland bro?
@MattN hi. Is it cold in your Southern Land?
@DavidWallace A PhD student from Auckland in our group.
(here, in NL, that is).
@JM I certainly fancy a doughnut though.
@MattN With mayonaise?
@JonasTeuwen you have only one group in NL? never thought it is that small
So you know one direct NZer, and you want to know if we're all alike? Is that what you're asking?
@Ilya Hi! Yes. shudders
@Ilya We only have one analysis group in Delft!
@DavidWallace Precisely :-). He says, that's how we do this in NZ. So I was wondering...
@ClarkKent Next time say hi like a jest
@JonasTeuwen Groups exist in algebra, not analysis.
@JonasTeuwen No, I'm not Dutch enough : D
As I thought the Dutch are quite direct, but holy monkey, he's much worse.
@JonasTeuwen No wonder you drink! Doughnuts with mayonnaise?
@JonasTeuwen Maybe. What did he say that was so direct?
But very cool nevertheless.
@JonasTeuwen mayonnaise
Understand that Aucklanders are nothing like other New Zealanders.
@MattN Not this one I have; it's graphite...
Not sure, be quite arrogant to some professors. But he got lucky with one apparently 8-).
"You're so arrogant. I like that!"
@JonasTeuwen Hmm, that seems unethical on the professor's part.
@DavidWallace More Auckward?
Oh someone in the other room said mayonnaise is shit, try hollandaise instead.
@BrianMScott It's just like; there's Auckland, and then there's "South of the Bombay Hills".
@ClarkKent He's probably Dutch.
@ClarkKent I wonder why no one says thank you to you for correcting all misspelling.
(Bombay is just south of Auckland).
The hollandaise is the worst thing I've ever eaten.
You need Belgian mayonaise.
@BrianMScott No! Because I like to have a good drink!
@Gigili It's OK. I help a lot of people in chat and usually they thank others but not me.
@DavidWallace: Are you from NZ?
@JonasTeuwen mayonnaise
I will be in NZ next year!
@TaraB Yes. Just north of Wellington.
@ClarkKent No, in Belgium we say: mayonaise!
And as that is the only real one, the word is mayonaise.
@JonasTeuwen The flavor of hollandaise sticks to the tongue. So cloying... >_<
@JonasTeuwen Oops!
@JonasTeuwen for how long?
@DavidWallace A couple of weeks!
Now that I'm neither candidate, nor moderator, I can say everything I feel like saying. How nice is to be free.
Up to a month I suppose.
I'll be in Australia next year, and then go to NZ for a conference.
@JonasTeuwen Which places are you planning to visit?
@Gigili it is to be
@Gigili The unshackled life is a good one...
@DavidWallace I don't know yet, I think the conference is in Auckland, so probably Auckland first :-).
@JM One should be restrained not by fear and also not restrained by fear.
OK, but don't just see Auckland. It's just a large spread-out city like every other large spread-out city in the world. Make sure you go somewhere else too. Anywhere else, frankly.
@DavidWallace: I'm from Auckland. =] I don't really understand the perception that Aucklanders are somehow different from the rest of NZers.
Come round for dinner if you're in Wellington.
I also want to see the haka and the kiwi!
@ClarkKent I know the feeling. You have my deepest sympathies on the death.
@DavidWallace Yes, that would be nice!
(i.e. "you've seen one city, you've seen them all")
So @jonas you speak French?
@JonasTeuwen: But DO actually see Auckland!
@ClarkKent Yes.
@JonasTeuwen Best place to see kiwi is the National Aquarium in Napier. Strange but true.
@Gigili It's OK. I have more important things to worry about, like my three wishes.
@DavidWallace: Auckland is "just a large spread-out city like every other large spread-out city in the world". No way! How many large spread-out cities have you been to?
@TaraB What would you recommend for Jonas to do, while in Auckland?
@DavidWallace I see the kiwi in the supermarket.
Kiwi's in an aquarium?
@TaraB Lots, actually.
@ClarkKent Now I understand why they don't say thank you to you.
@Gigili Because they know I have more important things to accomplish.
@ClarkKent Superman doesn't need to be thanked.
@JonasTeuwen Yeah, a bit odd. But take my word for it. They've got the level of light exactly right, so that the kiwi think that it's night, and run around heaps, but you can still see them.
Go to West Auckland.
@TaraB Offhand I don’t think that any of the large cities that I’ve visited or lived in have much resembled any of the others.
@BrianMScott: Same for me.
Auckland has no interesting places to visit, I was bored to death when I was there.
@Gigili: I highly doubt you visited everywhere in Auckland.
@Gigili Auckland has many interesting places to visit.
@JonasTeuwen I just ate a few kiwis the other day.
It's absolutely huge.
I'm pretty sure I did.
But the rest of NZ has more.
At least they said so.
@DavidWallace: Yes, but since I've found that most people who visit Auckland go away without a positive impression of it, I have started to try to encourage people to actually see the good bits.
@Gigili Who was "they"?
I know that you can find just as good beaches and bushwalks and everything elsewhere in NZ.
But I would like people to realise that Auckland does have those things.
Oh, I'm pretty sure I will like it anyway.

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