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Can we recover $\Bbb Z_p$ from $\Bbb Q_p$ algebraically?
(cc @MatheinBoulomenos)
what do you mean by recovering it algebraically? as in you don't want to mention the norm/ valuation?
@loch if you can somehow build it then it's fine
without topology
so im assuming you're defining $\mathbb{Z}_p$ as an inverse limit, and then take its fraction field to define $\mathbb{Q}_p$
and you want to find a way to get back $\mathbb{Z}_p$
@loch right
apparently the multiplicative group $\mathbb{Q}_p$ is isomorphic to $\mathbb{Z} \times \mathbb{Z}_p \times \mathbb{Z}/(p-1)$. So I would imagine you can read off $\mathbb{Z}_p$ from here?
@loch interesting
although actually im not sure how do you read off $\mathbb{Z}_{p}$ from that
1 hour later…
Prove that if $a,b\in \mathbb Z_+ \implies a+b \in \mathbb Z_+$

I can prove that $X=\{x: x\in \mathbb R \text{ and } a+x \in \mathbb Z_+\}$ is Inductive. We can easily prove that $1\in X$. Let $x\in X \implies a+x\in \mathbb Z_+.$ Then, $(a+x)+1=a+(x+1) \in \mathbb Z_+ \implies x+1\in X.$ Hence, $X$ is inductive. How do I prove that $\mathbb Z_+ \subset X$? Can you please help me?
@loch any proof of the isomorphism you show?
@vidyarthi a reference can be found in theorem 3.2.2 of Serre's a course in arithmetic - the idea is that any $x\in \mathbb{Q}_p$ can be uniquely written in the form $p^a z$, where the p-adic valuation of $z$ is $0$ - then you have to figure out how to describe this guy
@loch do you have any idea regarding the proof?
@N.Maneesh im not very sure how things are defined in your text and so I'm not too- but anyway if you proved that $1\in X$ and that if $x\in X$ then $x+1\in X$ then that already implies that $\mathbb{Z}_+ \subset X$
@anon: Sorry! And I was not aware of that.
@loch How does it imply $\mathbb Z_+\subset X$?
i guess you can look at $X\subset \mathbb{Z}_+$ (I'm assuming your $X$ is defined as a subset of $\mathbb{R}$, from your description), then argue by induction / if it's not $\mathbb{Z}_+$ there's going to be a least element $a$ in $\mathbb{Z}_+$ not contained in $X$ but then $a-1\in X$ and conclude
see 'Comments on the manuscript by Scholze–Stix concerning inter-universal Teichmüller theory'
and, pray tell, where is this paper?
@loch proof 2 I understood. Thank you.
@Iza_lazet: Apparently Mochizuki and Fensenko have seen it, but I would not be aware of anyone else. I guess Mochizuki withholds it until S&S come out with their critics publically. Which would make sense. But since Mochizuki (concluding from what Fesenko writes) does not agree with the critics, it might well be, that its wrong or contains some larger problem in itself. Which all of course will further delay any progress ...
@Rudi_Birnbaum Did you read the entire Fesenko thing?
@TobiasKildetoft yes.
@Rudi_Birnbaum Does he in fact confirm in it that Mochizuki's paper has been submitted to PRIMS?
@TobiasKildetoft and I have to admit in part he speaks from heart
He is pretty majorly invested in IUTT being a thing, as he has a large grant to research it.
@TobiasKildetoft "PRIMS" can't tell it straight away, I read all kinds of rumors, would have to check it again. "invested" yes that's mentioned in the discussion of "not even wrong" by some very strong-opinioned person.
@TobiasKildetoft: "from my heart" was refering to his general implications on basic research.
One of the comments seemed to say that it was confirmed there, but I didn't really want to read through it to check
a minute
@TobiasKildetoft: Well, btw. PRIMS is his (SM) home journal, where he is editor, isn't it?
editor in chief even
Then I can tell straight ahead: its an old story, yes he submitted it to there
which is the major issue if it really has been submitted there
But again thats no news
I thought it was never confirmed (since such submissions are not meant to be public)
Thats already discussed for like 3/4 of a year at least,.
- i see.
Plus of course the fact that PRIMS - while a pretty good journal - is nowhere near the level one would expect someone to submit a proof of abc to
Sure. I have a screenshot from the paper: ibb.co/jUjW18
Where is that from?
That Fensenko paper we were just discussing ("REMARKS ON ASPECTS OF MODERN PIONEERING MATHEMATICAL RESEARCH") sorry for the caps is c&p.
Ahh, I see
Its in a way an odd choice. In a way I can understand him, though. He has his priorities and principles, he felt obliged to RIMS and so he submitted it to there despite the problem he is editor in chief --- not that I necessarily would have done the same. On the other side all depends on the refereeing process no matter what the "organ of publication" is. Perelman I think only "posted" it on ArXive, didn't he?
So maybe the "optics" is something which should be of least concern.
Hey everyone!
Hi @Daminark
I can't imagine how anyone is still interested in the iutt drama to be honest
I am certainly tired
How's everything going?
pretty well thanks
I think I'm not going to do well in the modular forms exam though
I just can't remember stuff like
$$\sum_{m \geq 1}\left[\delta_{m,n} + 2\pi \cdot (-1)^{\frac k2} \cdot \left(\frac mn\right)^{\frac {k-1}2} \cdot \sum_{c \geq 1} \left( \frac 1c \cdot \left(\sum_{\substack{d (\operatorname{mod} c) \\ (c,d)=1} \\ d \bar{d} \equiv 1 \pmod c} e^{2\pi i \frac{md + n\bar{d}}{c}} \right)\cdot \left(\frac{2\pi \sqrt{mn}}c\right) ^{k-1} \sum_{\ell \geq 0} \frac{\left( -\left(\frac{2\pi \sqrt{mn}}c\right) \right)^\ell}{\ell! (k-1+\ell)!} \right)\right]e^{2\pi i m}$$
Also wait has that flared up again? I feel like every now and then there's some ridiculous new development with IUT and then at the end of the day the conclusion is still something to the effect of: shrug
@Mathein holy snap this is ridiculous. Are modular forms that formula-heavy?
@Daminark depends on the approach I guess
we have to know a lot of formulas
@MatheinBoulomenos: looks mean, but don't underestimate your ability to "learn by mind". Just go and practice ... Its incredible how much stuff one can memorize.
We = those of us who do modular forms? Or we = our class?
we = our class
@MatheinBoulomenos: And try to detect patterns ;-)
@LeakyNun the p-adic valuation is the unique non-trivial valuation (up to equivalence) on $\Bbb Q_p$ that makes it complete (due to a theorem of F.K. Schmidt)
Ah I see. Yeah in some talks that my professor gave in the REU he seemed to emphasize the analysis a bit more but I've heard from at least one grad student that it doesn't really need to involve that much if the icky side you play your cards right
@Daminark it's a beautiful subject, no matter how you approach it (the analysis is just complex analysis, so that's alright), but our prof wants us to know every formula and every proof for the exam
Yeah that's fair
@MatheinBoulomenos so how many of those is it, about?
every proof?
@user2236 well, every proof that was in the lecture or the exercise sheets, yeah
I mean, I think most of my professors had the policy of, anything that happened in class or the psets is fair game for the final, so if you want to ensure you do well you need to know everything
@MatheinBoulomenos nice
@Rudi_Birnbaum there are a lot of those, I don't really want to count them
Though the problem is that when the formulas are this bad... Yeah
(Also kinda random aside, someone I know brought this up once and it had me thinking: is math in the foreseeable future gonna reach a stage where it's "too hard"? Like, if the background required before you start doing research just gets too high?)
@MatheinBoulomenos Could be a first step ;-)
just don't give up!
@Rudi_Birnbaum thanks
@Daminark I don't think it will. Because at the same time that the background expands, we also get a much more conceptual understanding of many of the underlying things, which allows us to better understand them without necessarily first going through all of the original way of doing things
@MatheinBoulomenos Honestly, there is always a chance, especially when its is known that others before you passed the test!
Hmm, are there any situations where this already happened that you have in mind? @Tobias
@Daminark Probably the way we think about groups is a good example
Also, the language of category theory has actually done a lot towards this
Do you @TobiasKildetoft know about the langlands project?
Did someone say Langlands?
@user2236 Only in very vague terms
(I know nothing of it but practically half the profs here do it)
did someone say langlands
I did a poster on it :P
@Daminark I think it's unlikely that this will happen without parts of the background being blackboxable. I talked to a grad student in number theory and he told me basicallly that it would take forever to get a proper foundation in all the stuff that is used in modern number theory like abelian varieties, harmonic analysis, étale cohomology, crystalline cohomology, motivic cohomology, K-theory etc. but he said that you can just take some results as a black box and work with that.
Like for étale cohomology you just accept that there's a cohomology theory with some properties and you can wor
Did someone say Floer homology?
Oh, no? Oh well
Yeah I know the song
Unfortunately hard to find by googling "Adam Levine song"
Ah there's a singer named Adam Levine, that makes sense
@MatheinBoulomenos which year do you think CFT belongs to?
I did it in year 3
@MatheinBoulomenos Yeah, I read up on $l$-adic cohomology sufficiently to understand the idea behind Deligne-Lusztig theory in a few hours. Actually learning that would take years
like readin the principia would take years :P
@LeakyNun year 3 is kinda tight, you need an intro course on ANT before that and for that you need Galois theory and a bit of commutative algebra, so I think year 3 is the earliest you can reasonably do it without skipping stuff
do you think I know those prerequisites?
you know enough Galois theory and commutative algebra yeah
but I would strongly advise learning basic ANT before diving into CFT
I mean stuff like the first 2 chapters of Neukirch for example
isn't ANT just about norms and traces and primes
neukirch :o
norms and traces and primes certainly play a role, but it's not "just about that"
@MatheinBoulomenos can you give me the full name of the neukirch book?
"Yes I can"
Neukirch "Algebraic Number Theory" (or "Algebraische Zahlentheorie" if you want to practise your German)
let's practise my ANT before ich mein Deutsch practisieren
how good is the translation?
I only work with the German original, so no idea
but a lot of number theorists are fond of that book, so it can't be that bad
@MatheinBoulomenos I think I know chapter 2?
ok not all of them
ok I think I can manage Neukirch Ch.1-2
(although I've only looked at the table of contents)
I should read some more Neukirch tbh
German textbooks are extremely concise.
Did very little this past few days
@MatheinBoulomenos can an average student from year 1 read Cox?
that's a really readable book
it's more about motivation for CFT, but it's great
assuming you mean "Primes of the Form $x^2+ny^2$"
@MatheinBoulomenos have you read any of Gauss' original work?
@MatheinBoulomenos why is the norm the product of all conjugates
I read a bit in disquisitiones, it's well-readable (but I didn't get that far)
@LeakyNun isn't that the definition?
or were you using some other definition
then why is it the determinant of that linear transformation?
@LeakyNun that's nontrivial yeah
how nontrivial
it's not particularly deep or anything
kannst du es beweisen?
Oh Neukirch has a proof of that. Basically take an integral element, the characteristic polynomial of the map x to ax is actually gonna be a power of the guy that annihilates it
I know that the char-poly divides a power of the min-poly
btw in my head I go like "a finite field extension is algebraic by CH" like it's trivial
but every time I explain it to a friend I find that it isn't very trivial
am I just being a butthole?
You sorta just choose the right basis and get a nice matrix
I usually don't process it as Cayley Hamilton. I just say take a bunch of powers, they're linearly dependent
Then that's your polynomial
but that's not algebraic
Algebraic meaning every element is the root of a polynomial?
I don't know, I just somehow like the CH proof better
@MatheinBoulomenos why are there only finitely many units in $\Bbb Z[i]$?
@LeakyNun units have norm 1
do you have an overkill answer?
Dirichlet's unit theorem
and the fact that $\lim_{n \to \infty } \varphi(n) = \infty$
if $L/K$ is a finite Galois extension you can show that the characteristic polynomial of $\alpha$ is the minimal polynomial to the power $n/d$ where $n=[L:K]$ and $d=[K(\alpha):K]$ you can get the equivalent definitions of norms from that
but I don't want to write down all the details
so basically $\Bbb Q(i) \otimes_\Bbb Q \Bbb R = \Bbb C$?
so $r = 0 + 1 - 1 = 0$?
I see
but what's with your phi?
you need to show that any number field contains only finitely many roots of unity
do you have a proof using Artin Reciprocity?
@MatheinBoulomenos but that's not true
oh, misread
I don't think you can do it with Artin Reciprocity, there are no roots of unity in the statement of Artin reciprocity or units in the ring of integers
surely you can get the units of $\Bbb Z$ from $\Bbb I_\Bbb Q$?
you can use ideles to prove the dirichlet unit theorem
but that doesn't use Artin reciprocity
Can I use stone weierstrass theorem to approximate linear forms in dual space?
Is there any known result to extend stone weierstrass theorem to normed linear space
linear forms?
approximate linear forms by what?
some algebras of linear forms.
approximate linear forms by linear forms? There is nothing to do.
1 form is linear form right?
@loch my poster got 96
@LeakyNun Out of 100?
I think so
I am working through the proof that, given any vector $x$, closed convex subset $C$ of a Hilbert space has a unique vector closest to $x$. Here is the part confusing me: "Uniqueness is clear--if two vectors $y$ and $z$ in $C$ minimize the distance to $x$, then $x,y,$ and $z$ lie in a (real) plane so any vector on the line segment between $y$ and $z$ would be strictly closer to $x$."
The claim seems to be that $||x-ty-(1-t)z||$ is strictly smaller than $||x-y||$ and $||x-z||$ for any $t \in [0,1]$, but I don't see why this is true. I tried the triangle inequality...but that didn't seem to go anywhere.
@user193319 since the theorem doesn't hold in general Banach spaces, just using the triangle equality can't be enough
@user193319 let's just work with $t=\frac{1}{2}$ for simplicity. Clearly we must have $\|x-y\|=\|x-z\|$ since both $y$ and $z$ minimize the distance to $x$.
Thus we get by the parallelogram identity: $4\|x-y\|^2=2\|x-y\|^2+2\|x-z\|^2=\|2x-y-z\|^2+\|y-z\|^2$, so $\|2x-y-z\|^2=4\|x-y\|^2-\|y-z\|^2$ which implies that $\|x-\frac{y+z}{2}\|^2=\|x-y\|^2-\frac{1}{4} \|y-z\|^2$, so if $\|y-z\| \neq 0$, then $\|x-\frac{y+z}{2}\| < \|x-y\|$ which contadicts the fact that $y$ minimizes the distance to $x$
in general it's often easier to work with the square of the norm than the norm itself in a Hilbert space
Hello all. I'm trying to implement an algorithm from a book about recommendation systems, and the math is a little over my head in some parts. I'm trying to parse this formula. It says that phi represents the density and distribution functions of the standard normal, but it seems they only take one parameter? The algorithm models click rates for two items over two intervals (current and next).

The parameters: x: fraction of user visits to item, theta: state vector with clicks and views for item, q0: known click rate of other item, q1: known click rate of other item in next interval, N0: nu
forgive me not using latex
the p-hat values are for estimated click rates of the item
This might be more helpful
@MatheinBoulomenos We're in $\Bbb R^2$, just draw a picture! /s
picture left as an exercise
I've just watched a promotional video for the undergrad maths course at nottingham and there's a guy talking about how much he loves the applied side of mathematics
and then the video cuts to him flicking through a copy of dummit and foote
proof by paint
@ÍgjøgnumMeg Neukirch is my favorite applied math book
it applies algbra to number theory
therefore it's applied math
he was talking about how much he loved mathematical biology in his second year
@MatheinBoulomenos beautiful
ah that should be (y+z)/2 of course
too lazy to fix it
someone here familiar with model theory? infinitary languages? ($L_{\infity,\omega})$
Do you mean $L_{\omega_1,\omega}$? Or what's that $\infty$? Anyway I'm somewhat familiar with model theory and know next to nothing regarding infinitary languages
how do you write forall and or here ?
\forall \exists \lor \land \neg \rightarrow = $\forall \exists \lor \land \neg \rightarrow$
ok, i want to show that given the constant symbols $d,c_0,c_1,\dots$ then the following set is finitely satisfiable but not satisfaible :
$$\{d \ne c_i : i\in \omega\} \cup \{ \forall v \lor_{i \in \omega} v = c_i\}$$
@AlessandroCodenotti thanks..
Ok so why is it finitely satisfiable?
i need to show there is a structure satisfy each finite subset ?
how does a finite subset looks like ? $ \{d\ne c_0 , \dots, d\ne c_n\} \cup \{ \forall v \lor_{i\in \omega} v = c_0 , \dots ,\forall v\lor_{i\in \omega} v = c_m\}$ ?
The second part has an or indexed by $i$ followed by stuff that doesn't depend on $i$
@Liad and here there is a single sentence in the second set if I understand the language you're using properly
so the second set is a single formula?
it does not defined for each $c_i$ ?
Isn't it an infinite conjuction in the infinitary language?
that what im trying to uderstand. im working out 2 chapters of some book and trying to get the definitions.
i guess you are right, i just came across the notation $L_{\kappa,\omega}$
@LeakyNun that's great!
@AlessandroCodenotti if you want i can send you the online version of this book
Oh, Marker, I like his style
so to show any finite set is satisfiable, then if $d\ne c_0 , \dots, d \ne c_n$ are the formulas in it( with the one from the other set) then we can take any set of $n+1$ elements and this set will satisfy this finite set? @AlessandroCodenotti
@Liad with distinct elements being the interpretations of distinct constants of course, but yes, this works
ok, how can i show it is not satisfaible? @AlessandroCodenotti
Think about what those sentences mean
the first set means that it is countable (at least)
Intuitively it is finitely satisfiable because you can have every element be a $c_i$ while some element $d$ is different from finitely many of the $c_i$
Can every element be a $c_i$ while an element is different from all the $c_i$?
@AlessandroCodenotti how do i formulate this?
In English, in my opinion, I wouldn't insist on being too formal on this details
why did you say that the elements are $c_i$ ? @AlessandroCodenotti
can't $d$ be an element?
The second sentence $\forall v \bigvee_{i\in\omega}v=c_i$ says that every element of the model has to be the interpretation of a $c_i$
ah. the second formula
ok thanks. have you read this book?
Find the number of ways in which a person can buy 6 chocolates 🍫, if there are 3 types of chocolates 🍫 available. (Chocolates of same type are identical)
do I have to solve for x+y+z=6 for positive integer solution? But then how to remove identical cases?
@Liad nope, nor any other book on infinitary logic
I've read a bit of Marker's model theory book
@MatheinBoulomenos Could you help me understand how almost-dedekind domains fit in with everything else? It looks like Prüfer domains are almost-Dedekind, and I suppose almost-dedekind implies some other conditions I already have?
@rschwieb the other way around: almost-Dedekind domains are Prüfer domains
by theorem 9.4 in Larsen-McCarthy, if $R$ is an integral domain that is not a field, $R$ is almost-Dedekind iff it is a Prüfer domain of Krull dimnesion 1 that has no idempotent maximal ideals
@Fawad the required number is the coefficient of $x^6$ in $(1+x+x^2+x^3)^3$, which is equal to $\binom{8}{6}$, as you could choose 0,1,2 or 3 chocolates of each kind,nwhich correspond to $1,x,x^2,x^3$ in the formula respectively.
@rschwieb almost-dedekind domain implies normal domain
@yasar a divides b
if I fill the unit square with infinite horizontal lines
is that considered a space filling curve?
@MatheinBoulomenos Ah, i overlooked the "discrete" in "discrete valuation domain" in your definition. I knew that Prufer domains have localizations that are valuation domains. I was searching for domains characterized by that, but I couldn't find anything clear
I was wondering why this holds: if a≡c(modb), then (a,b)=(c,b).
Why do space filling curves all look so fractal?
or are these just the most common ones
like the hilbert curve and the peano curve
@MatheinBoulomenos So Dedekind --> AD--> Prüfer and normal . I did a little bit of searching but I couldn't find a non-normal Prüfer domain. Are you aware if that's possible?
because humans described the pattern, and we are lazy bastards so some recursion is unavoidable
by nature, it's hard to draw a true space filling curve
are you talking to me @Iza_lazet?
so you want to draw something that is a prototype of such, in the sense that we can follow the pattern set by it in order to obtain the true limiting curve
so convergence is necessary
there's probably a more refined explanation than what I just said, of course
How is continuumly many horizontal lines stacked together form a "curve"? you cannot even describe that with only one parameter
thanks @Secret
i was just wondering why that wouldn't suffice
conceivably, you could take your curve to be: a horizontal line to the right, a short vertical line up, then a horizontal line to the left, and another short vertical line up
and then repeat
the shorter the vertical segment, the more times you'll repeat that portion over a given vertical range
but does it converge everywhere?
@MatheinBoulomenos Where can I learn why AD--> normal?
Actually I would love some kind of sketch proof that can show how to prove what I just said. Sure it intuitively makes sense, but continuum cardinals are well known to play havoc to our intuition
It also does not help I cannot start with rationals and then complete the process, because horizontal lines at every rational definitely does not form one connected component
though clearly the limiting case is simply-connected
"space filling curves could be used to reduce Lebesgue integration in higher dimensions to Lebesgue integration in one dimension."
I didn't know that.
@Iza_lazet so it's a possibility but it hasn't been proven or something?
@rschwieb ah you're right, Prüfer is enough for normal
that's missing a little context: the full quote from Wikipedia is "Wiener pointed out in The Fourier Integral and Certain of its Applications that space filling curves could be used to reduce Lebesgue integration in higher dimensions to Lebesgue integration in one dimension."
so presumably he actually did show it in there
so we have Dedekind=> AD => Prüfer => normal
oh i see
it somewhat makes sense
in general an integral domain is normal iff the localization at each prime ideal is normal and valuation domains are normal
but now the curves need to preserve measure, and I am not so sure how that works
@MatheinBoulomenos Oh, right, I did already have that programmed in but I overlooked it :/ thanks for confirming
@MatheinBoulomenos I put the property in the database... it'll be another day or so before i process existing rings to fill it out
@ÍgjøgnumMeg so if you had a probability measure then the curves would have to respect the axioms of probability right
like the area under the curve for the limiting function would be 1 or something
*area under the supremum curve would be 1 i mean
@rschwieb another thing is that AD implies regular (since DVRs are regular local rings), this doesn't hold for Prüfer domains since regular local rings are by definition Noetherian
@MatheinBoulomenos Now included! THanks
@MatheinBoulomenos tfw I thought I finished two chapters of Neukirch
but it turns out to be the first two sections of the first chapter
@Abcd I just finished showering
@LeakyNun I got intuition for Leibniz integral rule for fixed limits of integration using the above diagram^
What is the proof/ diagram for variable limits form of Leibniz Integral Rule?
$$D\left(\int_{f(x)}^{(g(x))}h(x) dx \right) = g'(x)h(x) - f'(x)h(x)$$
where D denotes derivative wrt x
@LeakyNun Will you be replying or not?
...Never mind...
Hi, I have trouble proving that the language $L_1=\{a^ny, y \in \{a,b\}^*, |y|= n, n\in \mathbb{N} \}$ is not regular using the pumping lemma. My issue is, when I try to pump a $x \in L_1, x =uvw$ I can always construct $uv$ such that it contains only $a's$ and after pumping $x'$ is even, then $x' \in L_1$
what am I doing wrong?
@Abcd Let $H(s)$ be the antiderivative of $h$, i.e. $\frac{\mathrm d}{\mathrm ds} H(s) = h(s)$. Then, left hand side = $\frac{\mathrm d}{\mathrm dx} [H(g(x)) - H(f(x))] = H'(g(x)) g'(x) - H'(f(x)) f'(x) = h(g(x)) g'(x) - h(f(x)) f'(x)$
1 hour later…
Do there exist permalinks to these chat rooms? Is the 36 in the url above liable to change on me?
I don't believe it'll change, no
It's been 36 for the past 6 years
But is it always $n^2$? No I am jk.
$$\int_0^1 \left(\prod_{r=1}^n (x+r)\right)\left(\sum_{k=1}^n \dfrac{1}{x+k}\right) dx$$
@Abcd I feel like I've seen that problem before, though I have no recollection of how to do it
I mean, once you multiply out the integrand, you should have something like (x+2)(x+3)...(x+n) + (x+1)(x+2)(x+4)...(x+n)+...
but that seems way too brute force
Mathematica gives the results for n=1 through 10 as 1, 4, 18, 96, 600, 4320, 35280, 322560, 3265920, 36288000
If you differentiate $\prod_{r=1}^n (x+r)$, you're left with exactly that integrand @Abcd @Semiclassical
which shows up in OEIS as the first 10 terms of a(n) = n*n!=(n+1)!-n!
so then you can do the integration explicitly
@B.Mehta Oh okay thanks.
Right, and you get $(n+1)! - n!$ immediately
@rschwieb forget what I said about AD => regular. The definition of regular ring I had in mind was "every localization at a prime ideal is a regular local ring", but it seems common at least to require regular rings to be Noetherian
Looking at rigid body transforms it looks like inverting the matrix gives you -Rtrans*t for the translation component, I guess I was expecting -t and (Euler) (-Rx, -Ry, -Rz); is there any mathematical term for just "negating" a rigid body transform like this? I think I must have gotten confused somewhere. I can just multiply t by -1 but doing the same thing with R doesn't work, I'm not sure what to search for on that.
if R is an orthogonal matrix, then the tranpose of R is also the inverse of R
in which case you're just inverting the transformation
and rotation matrices are generically orthogonal
I guess a more rigorous definition of what I'm thinking of is, a reflection over a plane drawn at the origin with the orientation of the rotation matrix? Does that sound right? I have a hard time googling this because a reflection is itself a rigid transform
You shouldn't be able to have reflections according to the construction they provide
"Supposedly first you align the axes by rotating the frame O around x, then translate the frame O to O′ - and finally align the two coordinate frames."
what is x in this case?
good question
I'm quoting the question itself
it's not a perfect post for what I'm thinking, just the closest one I could find
the main thing is that rotations are specified by a rotation matrix R, and those act to send vectors v_k to R*v_k
the inverse transformation is then R^{-1}
If memory serves, the Euler angles of the inverse transformation will indeed be minus those of the original transformation
but you have to do some work to go from the Euler angle specification <=> the rotation matrix
(there's a matrix exponential formula which is sorta annoying)
Prove that for any sequence $(a_n)$, we have $\liminf_{n\to\infty} a_n \le \limsup_{n\to\infty} a_n$. Can someone help me with this? Just to clarify, my definitions for limsup and liminf are in this question: math.stackexchange.com/questions/2861356/…
@Semiclassical did it on paper a little while ago, I solved it by making three matrices (one for Rx, one for Ry, one for Rz) then doing R = Rx * Ry * Rz
the inverse transformation is then R^{-1} = Rz^{-1} * Ry^{-1}*Rx^{-1}
I think part of the confusion here is, I might have been expecting a rigid body transform to be a translation, followed by a rotation (where the two operations are totally independent), doesn't seem like that's the case because R affects t when doing the inverse
I'll note that there is a Wiki page for rigid body transformation, for which they take such a transformation to be T(v) = Rv+t
Actually, for the definitions see books.google.com/…
so you rotate the vector and then translate it
I've been at this problem all afternoon, so any help is appreciated.
If you suppose that the inverse T' of a rigid body transformation is another rigid body transformation, then one should have T'(v)=R'v+t' such that T'(T(v)) = v
so that imposes R'(Rv+t)+t' = R'Rv +R't+t' = v
in which case it looks like one wants R'R = 1 (so R' is the inverse of R) and t'=-R't
right. I found that when I was doing the math.
I have to head out, thanks for the help!
Y'know what, try this link for the definitions instead: books.google.com/…
Same preview, it's just more specific.
In terms of the search, that is.
@Crosby: Your task is to show that $a_N^- \le a_M^+$ for any $M,N$. Then can you see how it finishes?
Oh, then $\sup(a_N^-)\ge \inf(a_N^-)\ge \inf(a_N^+)
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