@Gigili If I may: part of being a politician (unfortunately, that's part of what being a mod is) is taking even barbed comments into stride. Have you watched your local politicians lately?
In any event: it's not exactly a written rule, but one must always try to be gracious even with barbs. You tip your hand about being easily provoked, you lose.
@TheChaz BTW, I find disclaimers like that cloying; if things go badly, people will use those statements as an out. If you're having trouble expressing yourself, it is good to note that, but if problems arise, pointing to "textual communication" as the source of the problem is disingenuous.
@lewist Call it what you want. If you knew the personal pain that text-based miscommunications have caused me, you would probably keep that opinion to yourself.
@JM Yes, absolutely, I just think it's important to encourage people to communicate at the same level of seriousness. If I'm directly frustrated with a situation, idle musing tends to provoke me further, so in the reverse situation, I try to avoid just dipping my toes into somebody's anger (or having that appearance.)
@Gigili I suppose you've edited by now, but what confused me about the third paragraph was how these attributes would (concretely) come into play. I'd rather hear about what actions moderator might take, differently or similarly, than what qualities a moderator might possess. The second paragraph was really good along those lines, though.
@lewist Thank you for your time. I thought I could name something that would make my moderating style different, which is what I said in the third paragraph. I'll add more about what you suggested tomorrow.
You vagely should hear that the first one uses more O and A sounds, while the second more have a more clear rrr sound. Third one vagely uses more EEEeee sounds... Hard to expain, hahaha.
@N3buchadnezzar I once I asked a finnish guy to tell me how many vocals his alphabet had - when he moved on to counting with two hands I realized scandinavian languages are quite a big deal
@N3buchadnezzar You misunderstood my question, I think. I wasn't asking about the pronunciation; I was asking whether this dialect ao corresponds to standard å, i.e., whether pao is dialect for på and so on.
@DylanMoreland You're right. As a side note, someone here called me "narrow-minded" and I concluded it's not an insult since then. I'd travel in time to flag that message if I could.
@PeterTamaroff me? no specific questions. a friend of mine said that her complex teacher said that routinely. i'm familiar with the basics of the stereographic projectection onto the Riemann sphere.
We approximate functions with lines (constant slope), but we also approximate their curving with circles (constant curvature). We know the radius of the circle is $1/C$ (where $C$ is the curvature). What is the curvature of a line?