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glory is, in my opinion, vastly overrated. obtaining it, doesn't change you. learning something DOES.
surely glory has changed many people.
hello, jiggily. i would call you "darling" but i don't want to offend the on-lookers.
@anon perhaps it has. probably not for the better.
i like Gigili. she has an effervescent quality, like champagne does, that i find rewarding to interact with. some people might mistake that appreciation for something else...and i cba to explain it, hence.
@DavidWheeler We diagram econo.
the trouble with typed chat, is the loss of inflection. words are so damned FLAT.
people often mistake irony or playfulness for deadly seriousness. that pretty much devastates half my social repertroire
now, i'm all about talking math, if people really want to...it's hit and miss even in this room. now that's ironic.
@lewist what in god's eternal love does THAT mean?
I figured it meant something like "economists quantitatively diagram the self-reported effects glory has had on individuals obtained via surveys" or somesuch.
Perhaps I am extrapolating too far.
@anon priceless. for everything else, there's mastercard.
are there really only 5 candidates running? I notice none seem to have a frim grasp of English (not that i hold that against anyone...WASPs no longer rule the world, amirite?)
i take that back...Chris Taylor seems to.
@DavidWheeler It's a tongue-in-cheek punk rock reference. Your statement reminded me a little of the DIY asthetic that some bands push for. Three people in a van, touring and recording as cheaply as possible, figuring things out as they go.
Fame really doesn't enter into it.
thank you for the link. now that i know what you meant...it's teh funny
Uh dear, don't tell me they have to be a native English speaker to nominate.
@Gigili of course not. but the ability to communicate effectively is a part of the job.
i used to be a moderator on a game forum, once. we had players from all over the world apply.
They do have the ability, I presume.
i remember this one guy from portugal...he seemed nice, but it wasn't always clear what he was trying to say. the default language of a given forum is something that is part of its baggage.
tru dat.
oh dear, i've kinda stuck my foot in it, eh? well, after i pull it out of my mouth, i'd like to say i abhor prejudice of all kinds.
it literally doesn't matter to me if someone's from harlem, cairo, tel aviv, paris, beijing...i don't care
and goddayum, lemme tell ya, i wish to GAWD i didna live in texas...i try to stay indoors a lot so my neck doesn't sunburn...
I'm from Amazon, if that helps you feel better.
Or Amazonia, I must say.
did you cut off the left one to help your bow skills?
I did, with one bullet.
see, if I had to do that..i'd be: no way...i'll stick to berry-gathering
I couldn't help but notice you noticing me noticing you.
a verbal triple axel. impressive.
today i woke up, drank coffee. investigated the conjugate subgroups of D6. slept a bit, played a video game. typical day.
Very well done.
I woke up, played a video game and found myself here.
so i am just a character in your video game? how bizarre...i always though i had some "independent existence"...
Well, I live with the characters of the video game in my head for a while.
@KannappanSampath hi
Your meta post is a good point but unfortunately the community is a little out of sync here @ymar. (I +1'd it.)
I'm not surprised it got down-voted. It's an easy one to down-vote.
Does it show "god" in my message for you?
Yes, it does.
But, you edited it?
Yes, and it should be "got" now.
It shows "got" in the edit box.
No way.....
refresh your page kannappan
I don't even see a pencil to show you edited it.
@FortuonPaendrag Oh! Yes. It's fine now. So, for every edit, I'll have to refresh then?
hello ymar. i remember you...you're the guy fascinated by semi-groups.
Refreshing helped. I think there must be some problems with the chat.
Hey David, fascinated is a big word. :)
BTW, thank you for that tip @FortuonPaendrag
A non-negligible part of the things nominations propose are things that are capabilities that users generlly acquire through reputation :/
i have noticed your interest on at least two different sites. ok?
@KannappanSampath Given how often I change my mind, it will be a nightmare for the chatroom if they had to refresh after every edit.
@ymar what was the problem?
@Mariano if nominated, i will not run. if elected, i will not serve.
@David You could have noticed it on at most 3 :)
@MarianoSuárezAlvarez I saw your comments. Hope the nominees realise that.
@FortuonPaendrag Your edit is fine. I did not have to refresh.
@robjohn I had to refresh once to see a new message, and then refresh to see an edit to my message.
@MarianoSuárezAlvarez Yes, there is a small addition that mods get that 20K+ don't have.
if anything, being a moderator means one cannot vote to close and such as before modhood, because one's votes become final!
@robjohn, we see emails, IPs and other private parts of users...
@ymar hmm... I've never seen that. I've had to refresh to see someone's new gravatar, though.
@MarianoSuárezAlvarez hey, no looking at my private parts!
@MarianoSuárezAlvarez Yes, that was one of the things I noticed while looking up things about mods today.
look, as long as you don't use my credit cards, we cool :)
too late, then, David
not again!
Sad, they proved 2-(57,12,2) design does not exist. I was thinking about it too.
The next open case would mean larger numbers, more computers.
it was proven using computers?
Yes. They showed a stronger result using computers, of which this and a non-existence of strongly regular graph fell out as corollary.
(Bagchi gave a combinatorial argument but it was shown that the proof had a gap after three years.)
Do you have a link to this result, @Kannappan? I've never heard of it.
That was back in 1988, gap pointed out in 1991.
Um, How can one insert dollar sign?
Without getting LaTeX errors, One dollar or something
@Gigili \$
Thank you Tee-Bee.
'ello, by the way!
@tb good morning :-)
@FortuonPaendrag Are you learning about designs too?
it is 11:03
Good morning everyone!
Good morning.
@KannappanSampath, no, I have never heard of them
i wonder if i could use biplanes in songwriting...that might be interesting
@Gigli, the owner edited it into emptyness
@DavidWheeler they are harder to play in a marching band than a trombone.
@FortuonPaendrag This is an interesting area of combinatorics, a lot of it comes from knowing about the group of automorphisms of this object--technically called, collineation groups.
@Gigli, if it was by mistake, that happened an hour ago... we would have heard or the edit would have been reverted
hello, I am the first biplane in the London Symphony
@MarianoSuárezAlvarez Yes, but by accident. He wanted to capitalize the "o"!
The paper does not construct the first biplane, we know quite a few of them before that paper. @robjohn
@MarianoSuárezAlvarez Not that everyone sits there to get an answer. It was posted just an hour ago.
@KannappanSampath Ah, combinatorics. I find the subject oddly distasteful, no offense to combinatorians.
@robjohn Oooooooh!
@Gigili, if you delete the whole content of the question, you notice immediately
i'm reading about the (11,5,2), i thought it might make for an interesting rhyme scheme
@FortuonPaendrag just don't count on a combinatorist...
dear dear. what have I gotten myself into.
@DavidWheeler where exactly, I am sure the paper does not talk about it. First, I don't know if it exists.
@MarianoSuárezAlvarez We could at least wait a day or so. No, I don't notice immediately, perhaps He had to leave in a hurry.
on another forum, someone's signature read: there are two ways to solve a math problem: a) turn it into an easier problem b) turn it into a combinatorics problem, and have somebody smart solve it
@Gigili, if the OP really wants to undo the edit, he simple has to flag for some mod to undelete it (and he can edit the question even if it is deleted, because he owns it)
Having an empty question for a day or two does not work, and the user actions tell us that he wanted to clear the question
I'm just saying you could wait more for him to get back to his questions. It was really quick.
@DavidWheeler I've heard a similar thing with Linear algebra/Representation theory.
if his futute actions tell us that he made a mistake, then we'll undelete
otherwise, we are guessing that he made a mistake
I guess he wanted to capitalize the first letter of the sentence, nothing else. He typed a lot for a question, why would he delete it.
I don't know
but I do know he deleted most of the content of the question
My point is, we could wait more to make sure.
we are sure he deleted the content of the question
if it was accidental, then when he tells us, we'll fix it in a couple of seconds
Why didn't you roll back the edit?
for all we know, the question is copied out of a test
and he developed a conscience after asking it
Good that he did.
Unless we hear from him, we can but act on his wishes
I am pretty serious about this test questions coming here.
@KannappanSampath, notice I have no idea if this came out of a test or not: it is just a possible explanation for someone asking a question and then deleting its content
You're wrong, he didn't want to delete the question.
I am sure I'll be informed by him and then I or someone else will undelete it
@MarianoSuárezAlvarez Oh, I see.
We can keep good questions for the sake of the site, not the user.
but he deleted it!
hi guys
You could wait!
he did not wait
he simply left an incomplete sentence as all the content of the question
I wonder if one can edit posts of others on mathoverflow, or at least if it requires some points
@MarianoSuárezAlvarez Oh, that probability question! Even Patrick left a comment. I did not roll back the edit nor did I flag.
@Ilya, sure one can
(with sufficient rep)
Hi @Ilya
The probability question did not have an extravagant answer--it was simple minded; we were doing it right.
@MarianoSuárezAlvarez I see. I thought the system with reviews is similar and wanted to edit this question
there are no suggested edits there
@KannappanSampath which one?
that's a SE2.0ism
@MarianoSuárezAlvarez there where? on MO?
@Ilya That distribution problem we had to show about a sequence of distribution functions converge if and only if....
@Mariano: so "nu =no". I thought "nu = new"
@KannappanSampath so what was the solution?
@Ilya We proved the result for the points of continuity, right?
Let $x$ be a point of discontinuity of $F$.
"suggested edits" was added to MSE relativey recently; MO is running code which has not significantly changed in almost two years
@Ilya Yes. corrected
@MarianoSuárezAlvarez thanks for the clarification. I also wonder if questions can be moved from MO to MSE. The one I've linked doesn't seem to fit MO and be better put on MSE, I think.
@ilya: good morning :-)
@KannappanSampath yes, corrected as well. What if $x$ is a point of discontinuity?
@robjohn: good night :)
@Ilya, no, you cannot migrate from MO to MSE or backwards
we just tell users to ask again here
@Ilya It is 2:23 AM here (morning to some :-)
Now, since $F$ is monotonic, for every $\delta >0$, there must be two points, one each is $(x-\delta, x]$ and $[x, x+\delta)$ at which $F$ is continuous.
cut and paste is usually all that is involved, so it is not that much work :D
@MarianoSuárezAlvarez sure :)
@KannappanSampath I think now I know how to finish it :) so you've solved this problem?
(Recall: monotonic functions have atmost countable points of discontinuity.)
@Ilya Yes, so did I. Just a small improvisation to our idea, no?
@KannappanSampath if $F$ is monotonic (or of bounded variation) it is continuous except on a countable set. (actually differentiable, a.e.)
@robjohn Yes, right, which is why we get that, no?
@KannappanSampath yes, just that evening was in the end of the week and I was trying to learn some irreducibility stuff, which my mind resists to admit
@KannappanSampath yes
@Ilya Never mind. I was happy I could come up with that on my own.
@KannappanSampath that's good
@FortuonPaendrag Perhaps this might change your opinion.
@ymar Thank you for the link! My statement is already Ironic, given that I am studying in Hungary
@FortuonPaendrag May I know where at Hungary?
In Budapest, @Kannappan
Oh, Budapest Semesters in Math?
Yes, that one. :)
Will being inactive for a while affect the votes I might get?
How did you hear about it? @KannappanSampath
@FortuonPaendrag Just browsing through. But, I was under the impression, your school must sponsor your trip and stay and consider that as a part of the work you've done. But, my school most certainly won't.
Umm, I want to participate but I have no self-confidence.
Also, I don't know much about how to apply to this place or whatever.
Oh, thats unfortunate! But why though? @KannappanSampath
Not even accept the courses, I mean.
But I think it is only for students in colleges in the US.
I am not sure about that.
On that same note, I have a question for you.
@FortuonPaendrag No, only one Indian has ever been there, AFAIK. So, it is not exclusively for US colleges.
But budapestsemesters.com says otherwise @KannappanSampath
@FortuonPaendrag Shoot! :)
@FortuonPaendrag Search for Tata here.
I have been thinking about grad schools and naturally, India was in my thoughts. Do you know anything about the abundance/availability of not-necessarily-applied-math-grad-opportunities in india?
Ah, I see. That makes sense.
But, well, I am not saying I know better than you do. I am just pointing out what I do know, sorry, if it came across wrongly.
Nonono! I appreciate being corrected! @KannappanSampath This is not a contest,afterall. :)
Hey guys
Hello @BenjaminLim !
I'm thinking of running for moderator
Thats great! @BenjaminLim If I can in anyway assist you, please let me know. Goodluck!
@KannappanSampath What do you think of me as moderator
For instance, I am reasonably certain, there is no seminar courses in the graduate school in my institute.
@BenjaminLim Sure, would like that. I'd like to see you win. :)
@KannappanSampath I was looking at nbhm.dae.gov.in/pdf-docs/phd-sample-2006.pdf , which is an exam for graduate school funding I think. Not to sound arrogant, but the questions seemed a little too simple.
The nominees now have not impressed me anyway.
Ah ok :D
I concur with Kannappan.
@BenjaminLim That means you stand a big chance. :)
@Mariano: on the Theory page it says, "Moderator votes are binding. Any place we have voting..." That doesn't apply to up/down voting I assume. Moderators still vote normally there, right?
@robjohn I'd assume so.
Oh, I just assumed mods went around +10ing things...
@KannappanSampath I would, too, but the wording is a bit ambiguous.
@anon +10?
@robjohn yes, votes for closure and deletion are binding (and votes for deletion by mods cannot be overruled by 10k+ users). I did get upvotes on answers from Willie and Akhil (when he still was a mod) which they acknowledged.
+1 is an upvote. By linearity, +10 is ten upvotes.
@tb good. Otherwise, being a mod would be a bit of a downer.
@tb Do you think it is a good idea for me to run for moderator?
@anon Obviously, but I couldn't make sense of your sentence.
I was sarcastically suggesting I thought mods went around pumping multiple upvotes into things they really liked.
Corollary: Impress your moderators.
Ah, I see.
I have posted my election nomination
Nice, Let me see it now.
@BenjaminLim If you want to do it and think you'll have enough time to do it then I'd say go for it. I'd recommend to sleep over it for a few days, there's no hurry to submit the nomination now.
@tb I submitted the nomination
too late ...... :(
(och, too late :))
@tb After the nomination phase is the voting phase?
@anon: It might not be my place to suggest this, but I think you would make a very good moderator.
@Ben It's nice. But, I have a suggestion: Why not make the migration more universal by suggesting, you'd migrate the posts that will find better place elsewhere on the network. The "physics" thingie looks too localised, no?
Ah ok
I was just trying to give a specific example.
But, by far, your nomination is very clear.
And, Chris' is fine too.
Thanks Kannappan :D
@BenjaminLim there's a "primary phase", too. Nominations are set and we're supposed to read the nominees' stances on all kinds of things we happen to find crucial for our giving the votes to them, like "when to close", "what about homework", and so on. Browse the tag on meta.
Each phase is about a week, if I remember correctly.
And, you have an impressive amount of helpful flags. @Ben
:D :D
thanks theo
wish me luck guys!!
*crosses fingers*
@FortuonPaendrag Well thanks, I was pondering it. I'm sure there's some kind of baseline maturity level moderators should have amply demonstrated on the site though... :-)
Um, why italic doesn't work?
@Benjamin So far you and Chris are the only viable candidates IMHO.
@anon You mean all the rest are inexperienced?
@Gigili it does but I deliberately *disabled it*
@tb Whoa, how?
@Gigili magic backslash again \*disabled it\*
@anon Thanks man
@KannappanSampath What's with the helpful flags?
@BenjaminLim That shows your participation in the site and the fact that you care for this place.
So, I think others are low on that.
@KannappanSampath Only the top 30 highest rep guys get to the election primary phase?
@BenjaminLim I'd really be concerned about this: there's going to be a conspiracy of the top thirty users bullying you out of the election by nominating themselves :)
@BenjaminLim No, anyone with 150 rep. meta.math.stackexchange.com/questions/1212/…
@tb hahahahahahahahaahah
@tb Great, thank you.
Like ninjas, we crouch in the shadows and wait for the opportune moment.
Am I bonkers or is this futile?
In particular, I don't understand the construction of $h$.
@Gigili how do you get strikethrough tags?
I have a question:
Why do people make their posts purposefully low quality?
They don't appreciate readability I guess.
I have no idea if that was purposeful.
@anon what's unclear about the construction of $h$?
I guess that doesn't have anything to do with the product as I know of it, nevermind then.
Oh, it operates as a disjoint union.
Ha! You win : )
Meh. : )
Doesn't work in comments on main, though...
ok guys
I'm off now
going to do some AM
See ya! Have fun! : )
commutative algebra
WIsh me luck in moderator election!
test` ̶t̶e̶s̶t̶2
looks like the cheat code didn't work
@BenjaminLim Good luck. I'd vote for you. :)
Hm... I thought Kannappan was going to do CA. I can't tell you apart anymore since you have the same icons : )
@tb I was AFK, tssk.
tb just said how...
But I can tell anon apart from the rest. : )
Luv that avatar.
@BenjaminLim Oh you are running? I will vote for you!
I finally got too tired of not having a good link for the Baire-Osgood theorem. So I wrote one myself: proofwiki.org/wiki/Baire-Osgood_Theorem :). Now to edit all old posts to incorporate it...
@kahen Good job. Although I am not sophisticated to understand the math, I appreciate the intent.
It doesn't look all that good right now though. The syntax for the wiki is... suboptimal. It doesn't exactly help that their pages default to being waaaay too wide
@JasperLoy I'm running, too. I'm trying to lose a couple micrograms. I also run to catch the bus. Vote for me.
@kahen Well done.
@Gigili I am not running. I only walk.
@JasperLoy Good for you. Not a good reason to vote for someone anyway.
I hate some people commenting issues they don't even understand.
@KannappanSampath But then you're full of hate all the time :(((.
I am joyful too. I have liked something too.
Anyway, I appreciate your observation.
Teddy was lucky there. In Switzerland they just shoot them in the head.
@JonasTeuwen -> hatred is the noun : )
@MattN Thanks :-).
f? : D
@MattN flying bears!
@robjohn Yes : D
@MattN Strange picture.
that was flying, not lying with the errant 'f' :-)
@Gigili If you want to delete your account, I think you should contact the moderators.
@ymar I know what to do.
@Gigili Okay then.
@ymar Actually I am in the process of deleting my account, the in-the-heat-of-the-moment-requests step.
If my previous response was a little aggressive.
@Gigili That's always an important step in decision-making.
@Gigili It did come across this way a bit, yes, but no hard feelings on my side.
@ymar Sorry, I didn't mean to upset you or anything.
@Gigili It's alright. :-)
Hi! @KarenVO
@MattN you have bears in Switzerland?
@Ilya apart from me? yes
@tb you're not quite a bear (which is clear to $\mu$-almost everybody, where $\mu(\mathsf{Matt}) = 0$ is a necessary condition)
@KarenVO Welcome to the Maths chat room.
@tb: in fact, in Beijing I had a talk with a professor from UBC which told me a lot of stories about bears walking around. All this puzzles me with respect to the stereotype of Russia being the bear country. In fact, I think Russians (also in Siberia) barely meet bears
@tb: by the way, when you're working with random walks - do you deal with irreducibility?
@Ilya heh :) No I don't know what irreducibility is.
@tb each state can be attained from any other state in a finite number of steps within the finite number of steps (for countable spaces). It can be generalized to measurable spaces by introducing so-called irreducibility measures. This construction is used a lot when they talk about transience and recurrence
As I said, I don't know about this (I don't know much about random walks -- and probability in general).

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