We have the subset $A=\{(x,y)\in \mathbb{R}^2 : y=\sin\frac{1}{x}, x\in (0,\frac{1}{\pi})\}$. I want to determine the boundary of $A$.
Do we maybe check for that where a convergent sequence of the set converges?
It holds that $(a_n, b_n)\rightarrow (a,b)\iff a_n\rightarrow a$ and $b_n\rightarrow b$.
We have two cases: if $a\neq 0$ and if $a=0$.
If $a\neq 0$: Let $(a_k,b_k)\in M$. We have that $a_k\neq 0, \forall k\geq k_0$ since $a_k\rightarrow a\neq 0$.
We also have that $b_k=\sin\frac{1}{a_k}\rightarrow b\in [-1,1]$.