> Theorem 1 (Zarach). It is consistent with ZFC- that ω1 exists but is singular and hence that a countable union of countable sets can be uncountable.
Proof. Consider the model W as constructed in the L ́evy collapse of אω above. Note that every cardinal אVn is collapsed in V [Gn ] and hence in W , but אVω remains a cardinal in every V [Gn ] and hence also in W . Thus, ω1W = אVω , which has cofinality ωinV andhenceinW,aswitnessedbythesequence אVn |n<ω ∈V ⊆W. So W satisfies that ω1 is singular. In particular, W satisfies that ω1 is a countable union of countable sets, as ω1W = {אVn | n ∈ ω}.