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@RGS Would you like the generalized version of my problem?
Or rather, one generalization
but I am about to go off
Oh, okay
Let $G_0(n)$ be how many steps it takes for $n$ to reach zero in my sequence.
Let a number be in base-b,1 SGF if it is of the form:
$G_0(x_k) + G_0(x_{k-1}) + \dots + G_0(x_0) + b + b + \dots + b + c$
where $x_k \ge x_{k-1} \ge \dots \ge x_0 \ge b$, and $x$ is in base-b,1 SGF.
For example, $8 = G_0(G_0(1)) + G_0(1)$ in base-1,1
The approach is similar. Start by writing in base 1, then go to base 2 and subtract 1, then base 3 and subtract 1, etc.
Let $G_1(n)$ be how many steps it takes for $n$ to reach zero in the above sequence...
And then it loops around to give $G_k(n)$
:-) All for the joy of creating absurdly large finite numbers.
$G_2(n)$ grows faster than the Goodstein sequence, which @AkivaWeinberger may find interesting.
way too sleepy to understand that
gotta go to sleep
thanks :P
@RGS You should change the printing statement to " + "
It should have plus signs in your program.
I wonder if this probability is valid and already has a name: take sample space $\Omega = [0,1]$, and sigma algebra $\mathcal F = \mathcal P(\Omega)$. Take an enumeration of the rational numbers $\varphi: \Bbb N \to \Bbb Q$. Then, define $P : \mathcal F \to [0,1]$ as follows: $$P(E) = \sum_{n \in \Bbb N} \begin{cases} 2^{-n} & \varphi(n) \in E \\ 0 & \varphi(n) \notin E \end{cases}$$
I think this is uncountably additive
(cc @AlessandroCodenotti)
@Ted hi
I don't even know what uncountably additive means.
@RGS In theory you could golf your code even further. Whenever you have something like ...+1 if ... you can shorten it to ...+1if .... You don't need a space between a number and an if/else statement. Also, can you use ternary expressions?
@TedShifrin Hello Ted :D
@TedShifrin usually probabilities are countably additive: if you have a countable set of disjoint events $E_n$, then $\displaystyle P\left(\bigcup E_n\right) = \sum P(E_n)$
this solves the usual problem of "the probability of each point is 0 so they can't add up to 1"
hi @TedShifrin
3 hours later…
@MartinSleziak Thanks for your invitation.
Why wouldn't you ask that on physics stack exchange?
in The h Bar, 4 mins ago, by Secret
It may seemed that we are given 24 hours, but in reality, in order to have a healthy body, and combined with the transportation time, we technically only have 13-15 hours per day (including 7 hours of sleep)

There's an insane amount of time wasted on just traveling from A to B as part of the routine (We are not talking about travelling in terms of relaxing or sighseeing like those in trips)

Sure, with the advert of mobiles and other electronic devices, we can try to squeeze some of that unutilised time, but there are still a lot of jobs that only a desktop computer can do and thus all tha
1 hour later…
This says in the notes that topology generated by the basis $\cal C=\{[a,b): a<b; a,b\in \Bbb Q\}$ is not comparable to the countable complement topology on $\Bbb R$.
I think since any basis for the countable complement topology is $\Bbb R$ with countably many points removed, we can find $[a,b)$ with $a,b$ rationals such that $[a,b)$ is in that basis for the countable complement topology, so topology generated by $\cal C$ is finer than the countable complement topology. Am I right?
Why is $[a,b)$ in the cocountable topology? Is its complement countable?
@AlessandroCodenotti I am not saying that $[a,b)$ is in the cocountable topology, I am saying that if $B$ is basis for cocountable topology and $x\in B$ then there exists $[a,b)$ such that $x\in [a,b) \subset B$.
Your last sentence is very unclear, is $x$ a point or a set?
@AlessandroCodenotti Its a point.
Elements of $B$ are sets though
@AlessandroCodenotti, if you have Munkres' Topology, i am using lemma 13.3 given on P81.
@AlessandroCodenotti How so? $B$ is a basis element for cocountable topology, an example of $B$ is $\Bbb R-\{0\}$, so elements of $B$ are reals.
Oh, ok, you wrote $B$ is basis earlier so I thought $B$ to be a basis not an element of a basis
What you said earlier it's true then, but it's not helpful in establishing whether one of the two topologies is finer than the other
$\tau$ finer than $\eta$ means that all open sets in $\eta$ are open in $\tau$, right?
yes yes, that's how Munkres defines it.@AlessandroCodenotti
Shall i ask this on main site?
I think you're close enough to work it out, earlier ypu concluded that the topology generated by $[a,b)$ is finer the cocountable one, if that were true all of the sets with countable complement should be open in the topology generated by $[a,b)$
Have you seen what a separable space is already?
2 hours later…
@KonformistLiberal hah :) I am fan of Mr. Knuth
How do I get "start Mathjax to work", please? I don't understand "drag to bookmark bar". There is nothing obvious on the chat page. Sorry novice here.
there is something else there @Laska
save it to bookmarks
what does $m+1$ in $x_i^{(m+1)}$ mean in the Jacobi method description?
btw what is the start vector?
@Kirill: I right-clicked on link in math.ucla.edu/~robjohn/math/mathjax.html to "add it to bookmarks", but that only affected what was visible in that mathjax page. It doesn't affect what I see here. I am sure this is extremely obvious when you know what to do.
If it's on your bookmarks
Look at this page and then click on the bookmark
you mean Firefox bookmark? I click on bookmark there and a new window opens, but nothing in it.
You drag it to your bookmarks, don't click on it there.
@Laska save what is said to be saved in your bookmarks, and click every time you enter this chat
hi @TastyRomeo! Any idea about that?
24 mins ago, by Kirill
what does $m+1$ in $x_i^{(m+1)}$ mean in the Jacobi method description?
1 hour later…
Some MatLab profi here?
I went to a talk about finite fields and Weil conjectures
good shit
they spent 99% of the time on finite fields and 1% on the first conjecture
what was the venue / audience composition?
”undergraduate colloquium”
if it's not a strong pure math undergrad community then I'd believe that
i would have learnt more by googling weil conjecture at home
@anon it’s imperial college for god sake
I have actually forgotten the main statement of Weil conjectures. I think one of them says that the zeta function of a F_p-variety is rational?
Which follows from the Lefschetz fixed point theorem of the etale or l-adic or whatever the heck cohomology theory, if memory serves
@BalarkaSen yes that one
@BalarkaSen they never managed to prove anything
I don't expect them to
they mentioned galois though
I went to a graduate level student seminar on Weil conjectures; they just explained the etale cohomology theory axiomatically and how the Weil conjectures follow from that machinery, but I suspect it's very hard to construct the etale cohomology theory.
they didn’t mention those
they literally stated the first conjecture
and then dismissed us
Well this stuff is nontrivially hard, so
@Semiclassical perhaps you might be knowing FORTRAN?
Hi @Alessandro
@Alessandro Yo
I have had too much of ODEs today
Any positive amount of ODEs is too much ODEs in my opinion
it's good ass stuff
The only thing I know about ODEs is Picard-Lindelöf
Anyway back to the only allowed topic: algebra
Picard-Lindelof is useful. It's also important that solutions of C^k ODE's depend C^(k-1)-ly on the initial conditions
I want to construct an example of an irreducible but not separable polynomial, I know I need to work over an infinite field of positive characteristic
Ah I asked this to Mathei a few days ago
Which means $\Bbb F_p(X)$ because that seems nicer than $\overline{\Bbb F_p}$
Really? I must have missed it
$X^p - t^p$ in $\Bbb F_p(t)[X]$ works I think
Uh, no, try $X^p - t$
That splits as $(X - \sqrt[p]{t})^p \in \overline{\Bbb F_p(t)}[X]$, so you're rekt
does anyone know how to render the mathjax in chat on chrome on android? I tried this approach, tinyurl.com/cfqcvpc, but with no success.
This example has convinced me that in all commonly encountered cases separability is free
Like Mathei and I discussed, separability is about having Hausdorff fibers of covering spaces (tee-hee)
Which is pretty generic
I know very little about covering spaces, mostly the definition, but it looks like you need to have seriously ugly spaces for that to fail
Oh I mean, fibers of a covering space are discrete spaces.
It's just than in field theory it's sort of like a generalization where the fibers could be non-Hausdorff
That's what nonseparability brings us
Oh, wait, fibers over a point
I was thinking about the $p^{-1}(U)$ part being covering spaces, but of course $p^{-1}(\{x\})$ is discrete
ah yes that is what i meant
14 hours ago, by Leaky Nun
I wonder if this probability is valid and already has a name: take sample space $\Omega = [0,1]$, and sigma algebra $\mathcal F = \mathcal P(\Omega)$. Take an enumeration of the rational numbers $\varphi: \Bbb N \to \Bbb Q$. Then, define $P : \mathcal F \to [0,1]$ as follows: $$P(E) = \sum_{n \in \Bbb N} \begin{cases} 2^{-n} & \varphi(n) \in E \\ 0 & \varphi(n) \notin E \end{cases}$$
@AlessandroCodenotti did you read this?
could you read this?
hmmm it looks like a proper measure to me
@AlessandroCodenotti thanks
I wonder if it is uncountably additive
If you pick uncountably many disjoint sets in $[0,1]$ all but countably many will have measure $0$
@AlessandroCodenotti so it reduces to countable additivity, which means the answer is yes
it looks uncountably additive to me
@mercio thanks
also it reminds me of (I think ?) the devil staircase
didn't really get inspiration from the devil's staircase
I got the inspiration from a strictly increasing function that is discontinuous at every rational number
$$f(x) = \sum_{q \in \Bbb Q \cap (-\infty,x)} 2^{-\varphi^{-1}(q)}$$
this is like impossible lol
functions can be bad
anyone who thinks they can imagine the rational points inside the real line cannot.
bad functions are not necessarily fun
but functions
@BAYMAX nooooope
functors are fun
Any MSE site I can ask about this
unfortunately Computational science SE chat not so much active
@BAYMAX what are you trying to do?
These two colors are different, but they feel the same
@Secret colors in pictures are never what they seem.
Yeah, thus sometimes when I pick out colors from my photos, I tried to use the sliders to recreate the color I actually saw in the real scene as close as possible. It works ok for most colors except near the violet side of the spectrum (which is beyond the range of RGB galunets)
So, in the above pics, that pale greenish looking tile as seen from my computer screen and my eyes is the closest color I saw in the real beach
(But the tile will look very different in color on another computer due to resolutions and its color range)
It will be great if there exists some kind of linear map that maps color representations from one computer to another, so that when transferring photos from one computer to another, they will all look the same to you regardless of the computer display
Hi @Krijn
What's up mathematically Balarka
And, in real life, too
Learning full blown dynamics of ODEs
Unfortunately nothing ever is up in real life, only down :)
Why is $\mathrm{SL}(2,\mathbb{R})$ a torus topologically?
It is not. $\pi_1(\text{SL}(2, \Bbb R)) \cong \Bbb Z$; the torus has fundamental group $\Bbb Z^2$.
Wait, "from the topological point of view it is homeomorphic to the inside of a torus"
Is that better?
Yeah that's a lot better. That should be true.
So, yeah, you can see this as follows
$\text{PSL}(2, \Bbb R)$ acts on the hyperbolic plane $\Bbb H^2$ by isometries
So $\mathrm{PSL}(2,\mathbb{R})$ is apparently the group of matrices such that $x' = \begin{bmatrix} a & b \\ c & d \end{bmatrix}(x) = \frac{ax+b}{cx+d}$ right?
In fact this action extends to the unit tangent bundle $T_1 \Bbb H^2$, defined by $g(p, v) = (gp, dg_p v)$ where $g$ is the isometry of $\Bbb H^2$ corresponding to the matrix in PSL_2(R).
@bolbteppa Well, no. SL_2(R) is the group of such matrices with determinant 1.
That action (on the complex plane) is true for all matrices in GL(2,R), but PSL(2,R) is what the action factors through
Oh, $\mathrm{PSL}(2,\mathbb{R})$ is that action up to scalar multiples of the numerator and denominator (which cancel) right?
PSL(2,R) is a group, not an action
It's SL(2,R) mod +/-Id
And SL(2,R) is the subgroup of GL(2,R) of matrices with det 1
(as blarka said)
I am saying blarka deliberately because it's fun
I like that
I should change my name to blarka
@anon Right, the point is, that action restricted to $\text{PSL}(2, \Bbb R)$ is actually free + transitive
(I am sure you know all this)
and KAN is a beautiful way to prove it
well, not free on H
it's regular on the unit tangent bundle of H
AN acts regularly on H, and K=Stab(i) acts regularly on i's unit tangent space
Of course, I agree. It's free+transitive on T_1H
@anon ah interesting
Okay that's making more sense, so $\mathrm{PSL}(2,\mathbb{R})$ is a group whose action is to produce two lines $(ax+b,cx+d)$, such that $(\lambda(ax+b),\lambda (cx+d)) = (ax+b,cx+d)$,
@bolbteppa Er? It acts by fractional linear transformations on the upper half plane
"to each operation in this group correspond two real linear substitutions in two variables. The homographic group ($\mathrm{PSL}(2,\mathbb{R})$), therefore, has one-valued and two-valued representations, but no multivalued representations of order higher than two. "
@BalarkaSen :(
Very confusing
@anon I guess the way I would see the action is transitive is as follows. Take $(p, v)$ and $(q, w)$ on $T_1 \Bbb H^2$, and join $p, q \in \Bbb H^2$ by a geodesic. Translation from $p$ to $q$ by this geodesic, composed with a hyperbolic rotation takes $(p, v)$ to $(q, v')$ to $(q, w)$. That establishes transitiveness.
That's the boring proof though :)
(Freeness is easy)
@bolbteppa In any case, if you're prepared to believe all this, then by orbit-stabilizer, $\text{PSL}_2(\Bbb R)$ is diffeomorphic to the unit tangent bundle $T_1 \Bbb H^2$. But that's a circle bundle on a disk, so $S^1 \times D^2$ is the topology.
$\text{SL}_2(\Bbb R)$ is just a double cover of this, so has the same topology.
I wish I could understand it :p
I suspect there are simpler proofs using just group decompositions. KAN is perhaps one way
Seems like, using group actions, you can say it in an easier way, but then justifying it, or just generalizing to groups, uses that kind of language
KAN is another thing I've seen yeah
Actions let you identify abstract objects like groups to topological objects on which it acts, that's all, really
KAN is very simple. you use A to radiate from the origin, which gets a point to the height you want, and N translates left and right. uniqueness is obvious. you can use K to rotate a tangent vector around i to begin with.
Right, and A and N are both 1-parameter subgroups there, so you end up with R x R x S^1 as topology
Trying to do the analogue of this for $\mathrm{SL}(2,\mathbb{R})$: Lets say you want to represent the group $SO(3)$, because it is only connected and not simply connected, you can start with a rep $T(R)$ and go along a closed path and end up with $T(R)$ or $-T(R)$, giving 'double-valued representations', so we should represent $SO(3)$ by representing the simply connected double cover of $SO(3)$. I believe the simply-connected universal cover is called the metaplectic group,
and I think you can show that the rep $T(R)$ of any $R \in \mathrm{SL}(2,\mathbb{R})$ goes to $T(R), T(R) \pm \pi, T(R) \pm 2 \pi, \dots$ just as $T(R)$ went to $T(R), -T(R)$ in $SO(3)$. Thus you can't represent $\mathrm{SL}(2,\mathbb{R})$ with a spinor with a finite number of components, while we could represent $SO(3)$ with a spinor of two components. Does that sound fairly sensible?
$d^2\equiv1\pmod{24}$ and
so $n/d\equiv-d\pmod{24}$ for all $d\mid n$. how do i prove this?
Galois’ dream: group theory and differential equations
@BalarkaSen have you read?
I have not but I vaguely know about differential Galois theory
That's pretty much how Lie theory originated; they wanted to study symmetries of differential equations under various actions on the phase space
Just like polynomials
differential Galois theory O.o
Hey @Brody
lol hey
two independent events cannot be disjoint, and two disjoint events cannot be independent. correct?
@BalarkaSen the place where I ran into differential Galois theory head on was this paper: arxiv.org/pdf/1011.1642.pdf
and by 'head on' i mean i smacked my head against it for a while and then gave up
(spectral theory, differential galois theory, and theta functions oh my!)
@Brody the two empty events are both independent and disjoint
@LeakyNun oh. so non-empty events then
how is that being generated?
I drew it with a pixel art thingy
It wasn't computer generated, I mean
i thought there might be some algorithm behind it
Draw scribbles on a piece of paper and try to align them to a grid
It would be cool to see an algorithm like that
Also, an interesting (and possibly completely intractable) combinatorics question would be to ask how many such things there are in a grid of that size
@BalarkaSen hi
Hi everyone
@AkivaWeinberger So, when are we learning covering space theory? :)
Hi @Adeek
Are you guys doing a group about group theory lectures ?
I dont know if that is what you asked
Is it possible to find the upside down question mark with given x
An in degrees, not length
anyone willing to help with this question of mine?
@Semi does qmech
Is this actually a vector or is it a 2-tensor? I don't know how to interpret ket multiplied by ket otherwise
bra-ket notation is total confusing bullshit
A dyslexic physicist walks into a ket
@Balarka yeah =P I have no idea what the difference between a vector and a 2-tensor is, so I couldn't tell you.
i was pretty sure it was a vector.
A 2-tensor is a vector, but in a different vector space.
I suspect by $|H_1\rangle |H_2 \rangle$ you people actually mean $|H_1 \rangle \otimes |H_2 \rangle$.
@BalarkaSen Yes, those two mean the same :)
Composite bras and kets
Aha, ok
@IşıkKaplan cut the angle in half by drawing a line through the centre of the circle to form two triangles. Then use the fact that the angles in a triangle add to 180 degrees.
@heather So, say you have two hilbert spaces $A$ and $B$ such that $|H_1\rangle$ is a ket in $A$ and $|H_2\rangle$ is a ket in $B$. Then $|H_1 \rangle \otimes |H_2 \rangle$ is a ket in $A\otimes B$. Just divide by it's norm to normalize it.
@Blue right, but see my on-site question. I don't know how to divide by the norm, because i'm not sure what the components are.
Your on-site question lacks context. What are the basis of your vector space?
@heather We don't know what your components are. You need to find those experimentally.
@BalarkaSen I don't know; I'm just trying to figure it out from the paper.
To normalize any vector $\vec{Z}$ we just write it as $\frac{\vec{Z}}{|\vec{Z}|}$
doi: 10.1117/12.883261
We don't know the components unless you specify them.
I mean, if this is about Hilbert spaces, it doesn't make sense to talk about square root of sum of squares of components.
all i know is $|H\rangle_1|H\rangle_2\pm e^{i\psi}|V\rangle_1|V\rangle_2$ is the state
Hilbert spaces have infinite basis.
To find the norm you'd have to take inner product of the relevant vector with itself, and take it's square root. Whatever your relevant inner product is...
and this represents the unnormalized state of photons after type i spontaneous parametric down conversion
@BalarkaSen All infinite dimensional ones...
@0celo7 Yes, of course, thanks.
$\Bbb C^2$ is a perfectly good Hilbert space used all the time in physics
how do you calculate an inner product with bra-ket notation?
@heather Why are you asking these guys about bra-ket notation?
If this is quantum mechanics I guessed we were in L^2 or some shit
@BalarkaSen Lots of QM (quantum computing) is done on finite-dimensional spaces.
@heather Your question might be a perfectly fine physics question, but it lacks mathematical context.
And stuff like lasers, etc.
@0celo7 Ah I see
well it started with trying to figure out how to do what you said the other day, so i was asking how to take my state and divide it by the norm when i didn't know what the components are
We take x-y basis for linear polarization and R-L basis for circular(or any other arbitrary) polarization.
and then @balarka said i should take the inner product of the vector and itself and the sqrt it.
Check out some examples
@BalarkaSen In your QM class you will spend a lot of time on perturbation theory for finite-dimensional systems. One can do a more general theory but it never works out in a coherent way
@0celo7 I see
@BalarkaSen You end up having to sum over all states with different energies. That's tough if there's more than like 3 of them
that's how you can design a 3-hour test: just do degenerate perturbation for a 5-dimensional system
@heather I think the standard basis vectors should suffice here. {1,0} and {0,1}
As you are considering horizontal and vertical polarization
That's the usual convention
@TrevorGunn Thanks, I sometimes can't see things even though they are just in front of me.
any expert on measure theory that can answer math.stackexchange.com/questions/2478475/… this question?
I am not the author of the question but he asked me personally and I could not solve it
@0celo7 here’s my ‘favorite’ instance of that: stsrt with a free particle on a ring, with states $e^{in\theta}$ for integer $n$. Key point is that all the excited states are doubly degenerate. (Contd)
Now take the perturbation to be a cosine potential. The most obvious question is “are all the degeneracies lifted”
Since the states are degenerate, you do the usual degenerate perturbation game. If I’m remembering right, you’ll find that the degeneracy of the $n=\pm 1$ states are lifted, and the rest seemingly aren’t
so are the sums infinite or do they get killed off because the potential is diagonal in some sense?
Actually, if you look at the matrix elements in the complex exponential basis, it’s rather nice
hey guys i have one short question but i'm too dumb for that
$-0.75x^2-0.75y^2 \leq xy$, $x,y \in \mathbb{R}$

how could i show this..?
@Semiclassical sorry busy right now. Doing that thing where I have to pretend to have done reasearch
and I have to do fortran hw too
It’s an infinite dimensional matrix, in both directions . Diagonal elements are $H_{nn}=An^2$ and the first off diagonal elements are 1. Everything else is zero
Kk. I’ll just do the punchline, and you can look at it when you have a chance
argh, that should be $2xy$
@Semiclassical Actually what I'm finding is that my advisor didn't do a complete literature review of this problem in the last 15 years
muh bak hurt
I've got like 10 new papers that have done what we're trying to do
@PVAL-inactive vicodin
I've got digestive problems that opioids would make a lot worse.
If you do the problem more exactly, you find that all the degeneracies are in fact lifted
@0celo7 If you think you have something new, you should email experts in the field to be sure.
besides physically asking your adviser.
can someone help me to solve the inequality?
@PVAL-inactive I don't really have anything new
The splitting of the kth pair of excited states scales as alpha^k where alpha is the depth of the cosine potential
I spent a lot of time fixing some old stuff
But now I'm finding more papers. It's a Russian nesting doll
Which means that each successive degeneracy is lifted at a higher order in perturbation theory
In degenerate perturbation theory, mind
So if you want to get the splitting of the $n=\pm 2$ states you have to do second-order degenerate perturbation theory ... aiiii
So doing it right gets miserable fast
@PVAL-inactive I need a good system to compile all of my literature research. The problem is harder than I was initially led to believe and now I'm all over the place
I spent too much time on stuff that's not important in the long term
I might just make a TeX file with summaries of everything
@T_01: It seems to be wrong, if I'm looking at the correct inequality. Try $x=-y=1$.
äh well
i messed up one factor
@Semiclassical oh no
I remember doing on of those problems
Not that bad but one had to do double degenerate perturbation theory
@TedShifrin the correct one is $-0.75x^2 - 2.75y^2 <= 2xy$
@Semiclassical Is there some clever way to do an inductive step and badabing get all of them in 1 shot?
wolfram alpha says no solutions exist for the negated inequality.. but i have no idea how to show it: wolframalpha.com/input/?i=-0.75x%5E2-2.75y%5E2%3E2xy
@T_01: The general approach is to put everything on one side and change signs so we don't get confused. We want to see if $$\frac34 x^2+2xy+\frac{11}4 y^2\ge 0$$ for all $x,y$.
And the way to do this is to complete the square.
complete the square?
ah i didnt know the english term
Google and learn how to complete the square. I'll write this one down in a moment.
i know how to do it with one variable
but here i have x and y..
So $$\frac34 x^2+2xy = \frac34(x^2+\frac83xy) = \frac34(x+\frac43y)^2 - \frac43y^2.$$
@T_01 Pick one and complete with respect to that variable.
hm okay and does this help me?
Therefore, the original expression is $$\frac34(x+\frac43y)^2 + (\frac{11}4-\frac43)y^2.$$
So you have a positive sum of squares. How can that ever be negative?
You can see that the coefficients matter a lot.
ooh wait a moment
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