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[that's the hint]
Anyway I have to leave now
I'll be back later
so we have $L-x_{p_n}$ and $L+x_{p_n}$?
@GFauxPas not sure how that helps
i meant
the intervals can be, maybe, $[x_{p_n} - |L| .. x_{p_n} + |L|$
@GFauxPas no, that wouldn't make sense
or, rather
ive never proved anything like this before :( hm
draw a graph
of xpn only
you don't need xn anymore
what about $a_n = -|x_{p_n} - L|,b_n = |x_{p_n} - L|$?
@GFauxPas it wouldn't work
draw a graph
you're close
you just need to think more carefully
$\inf S$ and $\sup S$?
not the whole thing
Hello :)
of $S$ for $n> p_n$?
@GFauxPas draw a graph
I did
i have a bunch of dots asymptoting and a horizontal line $L$
What a limit $ \lim_{n \to \infty} \sqrt[n]{1+x^n} $
If $x \in [0,1)$ we have 1.
try setting $y = (1+x^n)^{1/n}$ and taking $\ln$ of both sides
is my first inclination
i dont see why $L\pm x_p$ wouldnt work, and if it doesnt work i dont see how to make it better :(
oh, i see why it doesnt work
but still dont see how to fix it
So, I have $f_n(x)=\sqrt[n]{1+x^n}$ and I looking for area convergence..
@TobiasKildetoft here?
Don't forget to participate in the election!
Oh yes, I have a question I meant to ask
Let $a_0,r\in(0,1)$
Define $a_{n+1}=r\cdot a_n^2$
I've found that $a_n<a_0^{2^n}$, but are there any significantly better bounds?
@SimplyBeautifulArt $a_3 = ra_2^2 = r(ra_1^2)^2 = r(r(ra_0^2)^2)^2 = r^7 a_0^8$
So by inspection $a_n = r^{2^n-1} a_0^{2^n}$
good enough bound?
@LeakyNun Wow, I'm stupid xD
@SimplyBeautifulArt no, you obviously aren't
@LeakyNun :P
@SchrodingersCat Well, as a replacement problem, you may be interested in finding a function such that every nth derivative evaluated at zero is (n!)^2
Okay.. thats nice.. lets think..
@SimplyBeautifulArt oh for the love of god
@SchrodingersCat Lol, actually I already posted my solution in here. @LeakyNun can testify. Though it is a fairly interesting problem IMO.
@LeakyNun xD
Another problem, the one I was originally working on, is somewhat interesting
The problem is to compute the solution to x = -2^x
@SimplyBeautifulArt ?
This solution is most nearly x ≈ -0.641185744505
@SimplyBeautifulArt Well, we can obviously use Taylor expansion and plug that value... We get an awkward inf series.. you want something better as an answer...
@SchrodingersCat it wouldn't converge
And as I was working, I found a decent numerical iteration method that converges at the rate of ≈ O(0.376^(2^n))
$$\begin{array}{rcl} x &=& -2^x \\ -(x \ln 2)e^{-x \ln 2} &=& \ln 2 \\ -x \ln 2 &=& W(\ln 2) \\ x &=& - \dfrac {W(\ln 2)} {\ln 2} \end{array}$$
And 0.376^(2^n) is extremely fast, in case you didn't notice
Just find an approximation method of $W$
@SimplyBeautifulArt it's just quadratic convergence
@LeakyNun Yeah I realize
But it was relatively simple for quadratic convergence I guess
I think Newton should be enough to do quadratic convergence
@SchrodingersCat You get a series with zero radius of convergence. The terms happen to be n! x^n
@LeakyNun Hm, I haven't checked if my solution is equivalent to Newton's yet...
@SimplyBeautifulArt it doesn't matter
@LeakyNun sure it does
Oh, nifty
$$W_0(x) = \sum_{n=0}^\infty \frac{(-n)^{n-1}}{n!} x^n$$
This should converge fast (nvm, it shouldn't)
Newton's method always over approximates, and my method always under approximates
Well, yes... I just made a mess... took the inverse and was getting radius of convergence infinity.. @SimplyBeautifulArt
@LeakyNun Lmao, $\ln(2)>1/e$
@SchrodingersCat but it wouldn't have the required properties
@SchrodingersCat Haha, :P
@SimplyBeautifulArt rip
Yes they dont @LeakyNun
$\ln(-x) = x \ln 2$
does iterating that work?
@SimplyBeautifulArt $x_{n+1} = \log_2(-x_n)$
@LeakyNun How are you iterating it?
Fails to converge
Simply iterating $x=-2^x$ will converge
@SimplyBeautifulArt speed?
Btw, if you can't see MathJax in chat: tinyurl.com/cfqcvpc
@LeakyNun $\mathcal O((x\ln(2))^n)$
wait, $x$?
Yes, where $x=-2^x$
You do realize I just took the derivative of $-2^x$ at it's fixed point?
@SchrodingersCat Want some hints on how we solved that crazy differential thing?
(or solution if you don't wanna do it yourself)
Give me some hints man... i m running out of options..
Suppose that $$f(x)=\sum_{n=0}^\infty n!x^n$$
And that in some crazy world this converged
Compute $1+x\frac d{dx}(xf(x))$
via termwise differentiation
I think I came up with a fun problem, although it might be too easy
@LeakyNun Well, you'll notice that $(-2^x)'<0$, and so $a_{n+1}=-2^{a_n}$ is alternating around $x$
You get 1+\sum_{n=0} n.n! x^n @SimplyBeautifulArt
Hence why $\frac{pa_n+qa_{n+1}}{p+q}$ might converge faster than $a_n$
No you don't.

1 + x D (x * f(x))
where D means derivative
Wow missed x...
Let $k$ be a field and $X \subset k$ an infinite subset. Show that $X^n \subset k^n$ is dense in the Zariski topology
@LeakyNun And so from there you would want to choose weights $p,q$ such that $p+qx\ln(2)=0$
I ended up making $p,q$ functions of $a_n$
and the result was quadratic convergence.
Okay I was careful.... You get \sum_{n=0} n! x^n =exp(x)
@SchrodingersCat x'D No, it should be $\sum_{n=0}^\infty n! x^n = f(x)$
exp(x) has n! in the denominator
@SchrodingersCat exp(x) is sum x^n/n!, not multiply
So you get a horrendous second order differential equation
which obviously has a horribly complicated solution
I should be off to sleep ... I have no right to stay awake anymore...
Lmao, good night @SchrodingersCat
If you are interested, the second solution requires taking the Borel sum of the divergent series @SchrodingersCat
Still okay... lets finish this first... i want to know how u did it
Oh ... okay...
Well, you get something along the lines of: 1 + x f(x) + x^2 f'(x) = f(x)
ah! divergent series
And with the condition that f^{(n)}(0) = (n!)^2, this boils down to...
@SimplyBeautifulArt: are you not proud that you're living in such a glorious time? you're freely discussing divergent series without any getting embroiled in any deeply heated controversy
f(1/x) = x e^(-x) Ei(x)
Where Ei(x) is the exponential integral
@Fine Lmao!
@SchrodingersCat My solution basically goes as follows:
\begin{align} f(x)&={\small\mathcal B}\sum_{n\ge0}n! x^n \\&= \int_0^\infty\sum_{n\ge0} x^nt^ne^{-t}~ \rm dt\\ &=\int_0^\infty \frac{e^{-t}}{1-xt}~\rm dt\\&=\dots\end{align}
(note it still requires another regularization of the series inside the integral)
If x < 0, this integral converges to the claimed solution above
where the exponential integrals are almost naturally apparent.
@SchrodingersCat And if you want another challenge, try having the nth derivative equal (n!)^3
Hello, how to prove that $\inf{2+\frac1n, n\in\mathbb{N}}=2$ without using limit, just the cararterisation of the if that is : $\forall \varepsilon>0, 2+\frac1n< \inf\{2+\frac1n\}+\varepsilon$
(we're still sorta working on that one)
I think doing Mittag-Lefler with a=2 should work for that
@Semiclassical so messy though x.x
No disagreement there =P
I found using the approach of turning it into a differential equation to work half-decently with heavy WA assistance.
(also very messy)
Well, I'm off.
Good night! @SchrodingersCat
@LeakyNun I'm not confident that that statement is correct, Leaky. You ordinarily need a pair of complex conjugate roots to get a transposition in the Galois group.
I thought you said 5 real roots in what I just cited.
Hi @TedShifrin
heya @Alessandro
oh you were citing an incorrect version
I corrected it later
Have you run over me yet, Alessandro?
Well, it's still there, @Leaky.
hi @MatheiBoulomenos.
3 hours ago, by Leaky Nun
Theorem (Galois theory): any irreducible rational polynomial of degree 5 with exactly 2 non-real roots is not solvable by radical.
@TedShifrin here
Well, I only looked at your idiotic "Any polynomial of degree 5 has no solutions" and what was near that. I'm not going to read the whole transcript.
You can replace 5 with any odd prime
greater than 3
Most cubics can be solved by radicals. Most. :D
@LeakyNun =P Pretty sure any polynomial of degree 5 has at least one complex solution, and at most 5 solutions.
@TedShifrin that's my fault
@SimplyBeautifulArt and exactly 5 solutions counting multiplicity
I think Leaky is earning a reputation for being a troll.
@LeakyNun =P
Well, I can see that this visit is a waste of my time. I'm going to cook dessert for guests tonight.
@Faust: Did you figure out the angles on your pentagon? You saw my comment/hint?
What I can write : $\sqrt[n]{1} \le \sqrt[n]{1+x^n} \le .... $ ?
for $ x \in [0, \infty)$
@PawełKusz it probably isn't the right lower bound
wait, it depends on the value of $x$
I wrote interval :)
I know, but it still depends
@Semiclassical :o
@TedShifrin do you have any problem for me regarding Galois theory?
So, I am looking for area convergence for $f_n(x)= \sqrt[n]{1+x^n}$...
@PawełKusz it converges everywhere
What function is a limit?
I know you didn't ask me, but you could try to compute the Galois group of $X^6-2tX^3+1$ over $\mathbb{Q}(t)$
@MatheiBoulomenos thanks
what is t?
Well, it's a variable
Let $u=X^3$. Then, $u^2-2tu+1=0$ gives $u=\dfrac{2t\pm\sqrt{4t^2-4}}{2}$
Maybe I should warn you
My computation of that Galois group is super messy
do I need to do casework?
but maybe you can figure out something more beautiful than I did
Let $r_1^3=r_2^3=r_3^3=u_1$ and $r_4^3=r_5^3=r_6^3=u_2$
@MatheiBoulomenos I kind of learnt them just today
so don't expect much
@SimplyBeautifulArt the suggestion to write the reciprocal binomial coefficients as beta functions and then pass to the integral representation seems particularly smart
where $r_2=r_1\omega$ and etc
Okay, it might be to advanced if you just learned about Galois groups today
so basically you have $p$, $p\omega$, $p\omega^2$, $q$, $q\omega$, $q\omega^2$
oh and also $u=t\pm\sqrt{t^2-1}$
where $p^3+q^3 = 2t$
So we need $\Bbb Q(t,p,\omega)$ amirite
Yes, that description of the splitting field is a good starting point
I feel like we would swap $p$ and $q$
@LeakyNun $f_n(x)$ will be uniformly convergent?
as well as complex conjugation which swaps $\omega$ and $\omega^2$
@PawełKusz I believe so, but I have no idea
$(14)(25)(36)$ and $(23)(56)$
oh I hate $S_6$ you know
@MatheiBoulomenos I kind of don't believe that $x^3-1$ has Galois group $S_3$
but it does seem to include the transposition
oh, lol
it is $S_2$
x^3-1 is not irreducible
are my generators correct?
I have to say that my computation of this Galois group avoided writing down any actual permutations of the roots, so I'm not sure
is your group bigenerated?
that looks good
my group looks like $V_4$. Am I correct?
@Faust hi
morning leaky
@MatheiBoulomenos hmm
@Faust as you see I'm stuck lol
im stuck on geometry too
Yeah, my computation of that thing seems more like a hack than an actual computation lol
@MatheiBoulomenos how can you know if you've missed any automorphisms?
Do you want to see my solution?
I don't
One way to see that it can't be $V_4$ is that the polynomial is irreducible, so the splitting field must have at least degree 6
$p(X) = u^2-2tu+1 = (u-p^3)(u-q^3) = (X^3-p^3)(X^3-q^3) = (X-p)(X-q)(X^2+Xp+p^2)(X^2+Xq+q^2)$
@MatheiBoulomenos hmm
oh, intermediate fields
we should consider $\Bbb Q(t,p)$ and $\Bbb Q(t,\omega)$
the latter is degree 3 of base
the former is, well
$\mathbb Q(t,\omega) / \mathbb Q(t)$ is degree 2
@MatheiBoulomenos facepalm
@Semiclassical Isn't it a standard approach?
Well, the minimal polynomial of $\omega$ is $x^2+x+1$
well, $\Bbb Q(t,p^3)/\Bbb Q(t)$ is degree 2 and $\Bbb Q(t,p)/\Bbb Q(t,p^3)$ is degree 3
@MatheiBoulomenos oh right
so $\Bbb Q(t,p)/\Bbb Q(t)$ is degree 6
Probably. Doesn’t make it any less smart
@LeakyNun Have you checked out the coursera course on Galois theory? There are also some pretty good problems as assignments
@MatheiBoulomenos is it behind paywall?
No, you can access all the materials for free
You only have to pay if you want a certificate
Say, what happens to the rate of convergence of Newton's method when we replace the derivative with a difference quotient?
But you have to register
@MatheiBoulomenos am I doing anything wrong?
No, it's just that the problem maybe isn't really well-suited if you just learned about Galois theory. I was hoping that maybe you would come up with a more elegant solution than what I did
@MatheiBoulomenos give me more time to think lol
we all deserve time to think
$p, p\omega, p\omega^2, 2t-p, 2t\omega-p\omega, 2t\omega^2-p\omega^2$
hoping that category theory will save the day
the degree is 12
in The h Bar, 1 min ago, by Secret
I have a clusterf*** of a last night dream: Imagine that, a Groundhog day style dream where it repeats more than 6 times and you try so hard to wake up!
This is no ordinary dream. details later
@Secret write a blog
Yes, degree 12 is correct
@MatheiBoulomenos sure but I should have come up with 12 much earlier
I found like 3 paths already
it has 3 2 and 2 3
I'm considering $\Bbb Q(t,p,\omega)/\Bbb Q(t,p^3)$
I found a path of $3 \times 2$ and another of $2 \times 3$
When numerically evaluating $x=f(x)$, does $$a_{n+1}=\frac{f(a_n)(a_n-a_{n-1})+ a_n(f(a_n)-f(a_{n-1}))}{a_n-a_{n-1}+1}$$ generally converge quadratically, given $a_0\ne a_1$ are close enough to the root?
@LeakyNun Oh, that's simpler than what I did to compute the degree

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