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sup chat
heya Eric
hi @Ted
I saw you got my note about the geometric analysis lectures.
yup im gonna start watching after i finish homework for the night
You can let me know what you think. I haven't looked yet.
I saw you like your PDE class. What else did you settle on?
im taking grad algebraic top and rep theory
Ah, that's a good balance ...
all of my profs are fantastic lecturers so it's probably gonna be a fun quarter
Well, you lucked out.
yup yup
although the PDE class looks like it's gonna be tough
You need tough :)
true enough, i am very hyped for it
pdes r tough
Hello all, is there a thematic entry on SE for "correct result obtained by applying wrong method" ? I searched a bit, but didn't found, yet I would be surprised that such a topic won't exist yet.
ah, found it !
Yo @Eric
sup dude
And @Ted sorry I was out during that time. Classes are quite fun!
Eric: Is PDE on MWF or TR?
Sat in on DCal's class today and I can confirm his accent is quite nice to listen to
is he teaching complex analysis?
Today was mostly dull since he went all the way through the very basics of complex numbers and all, though he did talk a bit about field automorphisms so there was that
@AkivaWeinberger Say, do you happen to know how one could define what it means for a function to be recursive as far as $f:\Bbb{Ord}\mapsto \Bbb{Ord}$?
Same with any other function, no? If it's defined based on other arguments
But one would usually say that, for example, $f:x\mapsto\varepsilon_x$ is recursive
Where $\varepsilon_x$ is the $x$th epsilon number
No, I don't think that's my problem
*::walks away for a moment to collect himself::*
@AkivaWeinberger I guess my problem is defining "based on other arguments" when dealing with limit ordinal inputs
I mean, I wouldn't really put a rigorous meaning to what it means for a function to be recursive
Rather, I'd define what it means for a specific definition of a function to be recursive
Like, $F_n=F_{n-1}+F_{n-2}$ is recursive, but $F_n=(\phi^n+\bar\phi{}^n)/\sqrt5$ (or whatever) isn't
Oh, wait
I wanna make a Fibonacci ordinal sequence now
just for funs :-)
$\Bbb N\to{\rm Ord}$ seems possibly interesting, like a generalized Fibonacci function
$f(0)$ and $f(1)$ are random ordinals, the rest are defined by the recurrence relation
Hm, maybe it's not that interesting. Hm
Certainly, $f(0)=\omega$, $f(1)=\omega+1$ is predictable
$f(n)=\omega F_n+1$
I was personally thinking of $\Bbb{Ord} \mapsto\Bbb{Ord}$ :-P
$$F_\alpha = \sup\{F_\gamma+F_\delta:\delta<\gamma<\alpha\}$$
That's the simplest I could cook up
Hm, interesting
Yeah, that could be interesting
I wonder if it changes if you write $(\delta\ne\gamma)\land(\delta,\gamma<\alpha)$ instead
$F_\omega=\omega \\F_{\omega+1}=\omega2 \\F_{\omega+2}=\omega3\\ F_{\omega+3}=\omega5\\\vdots$
what with noncommutative addition and all
@AkivaWeinberger You mean allow $\delta>\gamma$?
(Noncommutative addition, my God. Not even ring theorists go that far)
Well, actually, in a ring with unity it follows from the axioms anyway
Well, if we agree that $F_\alpha$ is strictly increasing, then allowing $\delta>\gamma$ doesn't have much effect
(Expand $(x+1)(y+1)$ in two ways)
@SimplyBeautifulArt $F_{\omega+1}$ changes, no?
Wait, hold on, the way you wrote it, $F_{\omega+1}$ should just be $\omega$
@AkivaWeinberger But beyond that, there is little change
Hi chat
@AkivaWeinberger $F_{\omega+1}\ge\sup \{\omega+F_\delta: \delta<\omega\}$
hits drum set
akiva I igot a question about isomorphism theorem
abstract algebra
@SimplyBeautifulArt Oh!
$F_\gamma+F_\delta$, not the other way around
Sorry, I had misread
Yeah, I think that at every fixed point, it kinda goes "bleh" and repeats the Fibonacci numbers
@KasmirKhaan Go ahead
Nothing superbly interesting unfortunately :-(
we have a homomorphism from f :G-->G' the theorem sais that G/ ker f isomorphic to G'
my question is what is the map from G---> G/H
Is f surjective in that theorem?
I'd expect G/ker f to be isomorphic to im f
well yes i was going to write Im (f)
@KasmirKhaan You mean $G/\ker f\to G/H$ (the isomorphism)?
(Test: $\ker f$ $\im f$)
We started with G--->G'
we did G--> G/H then G/H --->G'
what is the map from G---> G/H
The quotient map
x maps to xH
so basicly what the theorem sais
(which equals Hx because H has to be a normal subgroup (because otherwise you couldn't quotient by it))
that if we compose f bar with the quotient map
where f bar is the map from G/H ---> G'
its the same as going from G-->G'
all right thanks :)
This also shows that all kernels are normal subgroups (otherwise G/ker f doesn't make sense) @KasmirKhaan
Also, all normal subgroups can be kernels (take the quotient map G-->G/H, the kernel is H)
Thus, a normal subgroup could be defined as "something that can be the kernel of something"
I know that the kernels are normal ,but why would 'nt make sense
you mean the multiplication law on cosets would fail right?
Define a $f\in R_\beta$ if it satisfies one of the following:



$$\gamma\in l_\beta\\g\in R_\beta\\\varphi_\eta(g,\delta)=\begin{cases}\sup\{g(\varphi_\psi(g,\delta)):\psi<\eta\},&\eta>0\\\delta,&\eta=0\end{cases}\\l_0=\{0,1,2,3,\dots\}\\m_\beta=\bigcup_{\zeta<\beta}l_\zeta\\l_\beta(0)=m_\beta\cup\sup(m_\beta)\\l_\beta(n+1)=l_\beta(n)\cup\{f(\pi):\pi\in l_\beta(n),f\in R_\sigma,
I'm heading to bed, but I wonder if this can define recursive functions @AkivaWeinberger
Hopefully its also well-defined
@AkivaWeinberger how to make sense of R/Z
I know Z is a normal subgroup of R
but what do the cosets look like ?
@KasmirKhaan It's also called the "circle group"
Breaking reality:
Essentially you add real numbers but ignore the integer part
Imagine adding angles but ignoring multiples of 360 degrees
but with the idea of G/H
we have a cosets in the form
aH where a in G
I dont see the analogy here
@KasmirKhaan Remember these are additive groups
Actually no, maybe do it this way:
$(S^1 / \Bbb{Q}) /\Bbb{Z}$
So you would have the elements be of the form a+Z
okay but where does it say to ignore integer part?
for example is 1 coset right?
@AkivaWeinberger why even call it addition then :S
Hi semi
Actually, what is a nontrivial normal subgroup of $\Bbb{R}/\Bbb{Q}$?
these stuff is all comfusing to me
the index is inifinity on these cases
a+Z , a in R
each irratianal number is in its own coset
@KasmirKhaan not quite. for instance, $\sqrt{2}$ and $\sqrt{2}+1$ are both irrational but differ by an integer.
so they're in the same coset.
yeah thats what i said =p
irrational + Z
well, i was objecting to "each irrational number is in its own coset"
both sqrt(2) and sqrt(2)+1 are irrational, but they define the same coset.
Yeah but i meant if we ignore the addition by Z
each irrational number will have its own coset
well sqrt2 +Z
sqrt 3 +Z
How do you even define a coset in that case?
let me think if i got this right
The point is this. Given distinct irrational numbers a,b, it need not be the case that a+Z and b+Z represent distinct cosets.
yes i know but i meant
soemthing like sqrt 3
will be the representative of sqrt 3 +Z
so we dont need to worry about sqrt 3 +17
its allready been taking care off
pi will be in the coset {…, 0.14, 1.14, 2.14, 3.14, 4.14, …}
yes exactly
Well, 0.14…, not 0.14, but you know what I mean
I was about to say :P
yes yes =p
Right sure so like (0.7+Z)+(0.4+Z)=(0.1+Z)
'cause 1.1+Z and 0.1+Z are the same cosets
those are rationals
yeah. the setting here is R/Q not R/Z
ah =p
I'm not sure how one gets a handle on R/Q tbh
Some discussion on that here: math.stackexchange.com/q/182247/137524
i like Asaf's answer.
(and comparing his answer to the bottom one is an object lesson in why using paragraphs is essential)
> Any set of representatives for ℝ/ℚ cannot be measured.
wait, a nonmeasurable set?
the comments to that answer reference the Vitali set
which is really weird
once again, infinitary set theory is cray cray
Well, Leaky, simpleart and I were currently somewhere in the wilderness of choiceless universes, and we are so far doing fine
well, that's certainly your choice :P
So I suspect when we return to the choiceful universe, we will be fine also
because the wilderness has a reputation of being even weirder than constructs from AC
@HernanEscobarSánchez are you sure this is your full name ? did not miss something ?
what is the axiom of choice?
Also need to check later: Whether the cantor set can be found inside the set of irrationals
considering 1/4 is in the cantor set
probably not
@Semiclassical Because it's the most logical extension of addition to the ordinals
Note that $\Bbb N\subset{\rm Ord}$
and ordinal addition on the finite ordinals (i.e. $\Bbb N$) is just regular addition
You could also think of it as a special case of order type addition
If $\alpha$ is the order type of an ordered set $A$ and $\beta$ is the order type of B, then $\alpha+\beta$ is the order type of the disjoint union of $A$ and $B$, with every element of $A$ placed before those of $B$
Will try to find the normal subgroups of $\Bbb{R}/\Bbb{Q}$ later, need to get back to the chemistry symposium
For example, if we call the order type of $\Bbb R$ "$\lambda$", then (since $\lambda$ is also the order type of $(0,1)$) we have that the order type of $[0,1]$ is $1+\lambda+1$
(The order type of a finite set with $n$ elements is just called $n$, so $4+5=9$ and such hold)
('cause if you smash a four-element ordered set and a five-element set together you get a nine-element set)
[double-checks that four plus five is, indeed, nine]
@Semiclassical Incidentally, that's why Indiana Jones shouldn't have bothered
He should have just let them show it to Hitler like they wanted to do
1 hour later…
@Semiclassical Just a reminder that your graph theory room is close to 14 days interval after which it can be frozen.
@Secret "the" cantor set: not really; "a" cantor set: maybe
@Secret interesting question
@Secret yes, you can't have all sets measurable with countable additivity and translativity
@KasmirKhaan every number in [0,1) defines a coset; nothing to do with irrationals
yeah, R/Z is much nicer than R/Q
R/Z: oh, that's just a circle
R/Q: ...yikes
2 hours ago, by Secret
Will try to find the normal subgroups of $\Bbb{R}/\Bbb{Q}$ later, need to get back to the chemistry symposium
Don't think of it as the set of representatives: think of it as set of cosets
That way, it is easily seen that $\langle \pi+\Bbb Q \rangle$ is a subgroup
(obligatory remark: since it is abelian, every subgroup is normal)
horrible question: What can be said about $(\mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Q})/\langle \pi+\mathbb{Q}\rangle$?
@Semiclassical the same about $\Bbb R/\Bbb Q$
Why the hell latex doesn't shows up in windows Edge ? That's one of the reason windows edge sux.
@AlexKChen you need to enable latex using the link in the room description
I know, but it isn't working in Edge, but the exact thing worked in Chrome
@LeakyNun so, not much? :)
Should have listened to the guy before installing windows
@Semiclassical well it's uncountable and non-measurable :)
@AlexKChen can't you still use chrome?
@Semiclassical are you going to prevent your room from freezing?
i dunno, tbh. it was there for discussing a specific problem and I'm not really looking at it now
so if it's served it's purpose then there's little sense having it outlive that
@Semiclassical I've raised a question there
hopefully you can read it
sure, I can read it. i just have no hope of answering it :P
6hrs of testing my brain fried pancake
hope jasper got some help today
hes been pretty down lately
@AlexKChen to find a finite field of order $p^k$, firstly find a polynomial of degree $k$ which is irreducible modulo $p$. Then, pretend $\omega$ is a root of that polynomial, and your field elements would be polynomials of $\omega$ modulo $p$ of degree less than $k$.
$i$ failed for $p=5$ because it represented the root of $x^2+1$ which is reducible modulo $5$: $x^2+1=(x+2)(x-2)$
So you can't find the order of a prime which is 1 modulo 4, because it has -1 as a quadratic residue, right ?
@AlexKChen it doesn't work for order of a prime which is 1 modulo 4 because it has -1 as a quadratic residue, but you can always find other polynomials
Wrong ?
you don't have to stick to $x^2+1$
Yup I once found $4x^2+1$ works too
@AlexKChen $4x^2+1=4(x+1)(x-1)$ shouldn't work
on the other hand you can try $x^2-2$
No I mean it works perfectly for primes not of the form 4k+1
@AlexKChen oh ok
OK, so this is impossible to progress further without using python, so should I use class when writing code to manipulate stuff with fields ?
BTW, thanks, this looks way too much interesting :thumbup:
@AlexKChen I refuse to give you any opinion on whether you should use class :P
No well why ? You don't use class ?
I don't know enough Python to tell you whether you should use class
Oh OK.
Great, now you're talking about Python in the Math room :P
pythons math whats the diffrence?\
@LeakyNun That's a lot of cosets (continuumly many)
@Secret what is?
Pick any irrational number $r$ and form $\langle r+ \Bbb{Q}\rangle$, that's already a coset and a normal subgroup
and no two of them overlap
$\sqrt{2}$ and $\sqrt{2}+1$ are both irrational and generate the same coset.
or do you mean, no two of the cosets overlap?
uh, I think I should be saying: Any two irrational numbers whose difference is not a rational
e.g. $e, \sqrt{2}$
@Semiclassical come on you are being hard
but still, yeah
pick any element in $\Bbb R/\Bbb Q$ and have it generate a subgroup
thus there are continuumly many subgroups
pick $a$ and generate $a\Bbb Q + \langle \Bbb Q \rangle$
this gives a subgroup isomorphic to $\Bbb Q$
in a sense you are dividing by $\Bbb Q$ twice
this amazes me
@Semiclassical can you fact check
i'm not nearly awake enough to fact check that
ok thx
I came with a very interesting problem recently: the set of primes is $P$ and let $S \in P$ such that $S$ and $P-S$ is both infinite. Prove there exists a integral irreducible polynomial $Q(x)$ such that all terms of $S$ doesn't divides $Q(a)$ for all $a$, and another polynomial $R(x)$ such that the set of prime divisors of $R(\mathbb{Z})$ is subset of $S$.
@AlexKChen $S \subseteq P$
Morning @TedShifrin
Morning, Faust.
How was your day?
Other than toothaches, OK ... didn't play so well at bridge, but ... meh.
@TedShifrin care to fact check my rant above?
hmm i never was that fond of bridge
regarding dividing by $\Bbb Q$ twice
i prefer strategy games
I like bridge a lot. There's lots of strategy, actually.
hmm have to explain it to me sometime
I don't understand your notation at all, Leaky.
my friends say im not allowed to play games of chance
well they wont let me play with them =(
I mean, $\Bbb Q^2$ is isomorphic to $\Bbb Q[\sqrt2]$ so you can just do $\Bbb R/\Bbb Q[\sqrt2]$ right @Secret @TedShifrin
Isomorphic as vector space, yes.
as groups
Aren't you just saying $\Bbb R$ is uncountably generated as a $\Bbb Q$-vector space? I don't see the point of modding out.
It must be morning for Alessandro :)
Well, exciting as this is, I guess I'm calling it a night.
@TedShifrin well i'm stupid
Hardly. But you and I think very differently.
because I was thinking about subgroups of $\Bbb R/\Bbb Q$
But those are in one-to-one correspondence with $\Bbb Q$-vector subspaces of $\Bbb R$.
@TedShifrin hmm, really?
For example, $\langle \pi+\Bbb Q \rangle$ would be a subgroup of $\Bbb R/\Bbb Q$
I don't know what that notation means.
the subgroup generated by $\pi+\Bbb Q$ as a coset
i.e. $\{\cdots,-2\pi+\Bbb Q,-\pi+\Bbb Q,0+\Bbb Q,\pi+\Bbb Q,2\pi+\Bbb Q,\cdots\}$
Oh, blah. Yeah. It's too late.
I'm going to bed.
good night
@Waiting hahah I'm doing great, how about you?
BTW, Can you guess what I'm writing: BaDaAhSeJaYeGaBaSeJaHeYeJa.... KyMrUsMaSaKiJaHyJiKa... VaSrKaBr.... KyAmKiNaRiSeYeRaWaAyJiPaChDh...
Hint: It's the first two letters of each word in a song lyric.
1 hour later…
Now to try writing a popular scientific description of my project. And in Danish no less, which means I may have to make up some words as I go.
Hello!! Is someone familiar with the exterior product?
@MaryStar Sure
@TobiasKildetoft I have posted my question also in the main... I will send the link:
Q: For the exterior product it holds that $\omega\land \sigma=(-1)^{k\ell}\sigma\land \omega$

Mary StarTwo of the properties of the exterior product are the following: Let $\psi_1, \ldots , \psi_k, n_1, \ldots , n_{\ell}\in V^{\star}$ then it holds that $$\left (\psi_1\land \ldots \land \psi_k\right )\land \left (n_1\land \ldots \land n_{\ell}\right )=\psi_1\land \ldots \land \psi_k\land n_1\la...

Do you maybe have an idea?
[Random] $\pi +e=\frac{a}{b}$ $b(\pi+e)=a$
@MaryStar How could the second property follow from the first one?
the first property is basically just associativity
Maybe they mean that we can prove the second property using (besides others) the first property? @TobiasKildetoft
@MaryStar They mean you can prove the second property from knowing the general properties of exterior powers (possibly)
Ah ok. But how could we continue from $\omega\land \sigma=\left (\psi_1\land \ldots \land \psi_k\right )\land \left (n_1\land \ldots \land n_{\ell}\right ) \\ = \psi_1\land \ldots \land \psi_k\land n_1\land \ldots \land n_{\ell}$ ? Do have have to apply a permutation on the indices? @TobiasKildetoft
@MaryStar You obviously have to use one of the other properties of the exterior product (more or less the defining property)
$e^{bi\pi}e^{bie}=e^{ia},(\cos(b\pi)+i\sin (b\pi))(\cos (be) +i\sin (be))=\cos(a)+i\sin (a)$
Now we are getting somewhere...
$((-1)^b+0)(\cos (be)+i\sin (be)) =\cos (a) +i\sin (a)$
$(-1)^b\cos (be) + (-1)^b i\sin (be) =\cos (a)+i\sin (a)$ and now...:
$(-1)^b\cos (be) =\cos (a),(-1)^b\sin (be) = \sin(a)$
If $b$ even:
@TobiasKildetoft I have changed a little my post. Could you take a look at it if it is correct so far?
$\cos (be) = \cos (a),\sin (be)=\sin (a) \implies be = a+2n\pi,be = a+2m\pi$
@MaryStar Actually, I just realized that what I told you were also commented on that post 5 hours ago
@TobiasKildetoft Oh yes... I didn't see that I have a comment.
If $b$ odd:
$-\cos (be) = \cos (a), -\sin (be) =\sin (a) \implies \cos (\pi - be) = \cos (a), \sin (-be)$
$= \sin (a) \implies \pi - be = a+2n\pi, -be = a + 2m\pi\implies - be = a+(2n-1)\pi, -be = a + 2m\pi \implies a + (2n-1)\pi = a+ 2m\pi \implies (2n-1) = 2m$ contradiction
If $b$ even (cont.):
$2n\pi = 2m\pi \implies 2n=2m$.
Therefore if rational: $\pi + e =\frac{a}{b}$ and $b$ even

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