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@tb I escaped the vampires :-)
@robjohn I'm very glad :)
Did you bring enough garlic?
Interesting self-enrichment occurs when a category $\mathcal{C}$ has a monoidal closed structure. Then, every morphism $X \to Y$ corresponds to a unique morphism $I \otimes X \to Y$, and so to a unique morphism $I \to [X, Y]$. So then one can factor $\textrm{Hom} : \mathcal{C}^\textrm{op} \times \mathcal{C} \to \textbf{Set}$ through the functor $\textrm{Hom}(I, -) : \mathcal{C} \to \textbf{Set}$.
@tb of course! and standing by mirrors helps :-)
There's also non-interesting self-enrichment like assigning to every pair of objects the unit object $I$ as the internal hom...
I guess waiting for the downvoter will be just as fruitful as waiting for an acceptance yesterday.
@ZhenLin okay, I think I got that. But now Qiaochu wants to replace Set by Top, doesn't he?
Yes. But he's also avoiding the problem that $\textbf{Top}$ is not self-enriched by changing the target category to some category enriched in $\textbf{Top}$.
But something must be wrong...
Here's the category I know best: Ban. The internal hom is the space of linear maps equipped with the operator norm. It is simply not true that a continuous map $G \times V \to V$ corresponds to a continuous map $G \to [V,V]$.
(action I mean).
Really? That's disturbing. Is there a correspondence in at least one direction?
Yes, a continuous map $G \to [V,V]$ gives a continuous map $G \times V \to V$.
Hmmm. Then perhaps one might argue that a continuous map $G \to [V, V]$ is the right notion of a continuous representation...
That's tempting but uninteresting: If $G$ is a compact group then a continuous map $G \to [V,V]$ is a direct sum of a finite-dimensional representation and a Banach space with trivial action.
So you exclude natural and important stuff like $L^p(G)$ even for compact groups.
Hm. I'm not sure what to think. Maybe there ought to be two notions of group action.
I think the problem is that $[V,V]$ ought to carry the compact-open topology for this to work but the operator norm topology is much stronger.
Well, could we change the enrichment of $\textbf{Ban}$ to make it work?
Well, I think it should work when considering Ban as enriched over locally convex spaces.
This actually gives a looser notion of representations than the one people are actually interested in, but at least a reasonable one.
@robjohn I suspect that it might be the other one who posted an answer. One reason might be that you didn't post code but actually a nice FSA...
I'm confused. Are you saying that when we take $\textbf{Ban}$ as enriched over locally convex spaces, then we get continuous maps $G \to [V, V]$ which don't give continuous maps $G \times V \to V$?
@ZhenLin No, the bijection is fine. People usually don't want to consider mere continuous actions but rather continuous actions by isometries. I don't know how to implement that nicely in terms of enrichments.
That's what I meant.
Ah, I see. That must be the unitary representation thing I keep hearing about.
Exactly if you take Hilbert spaces. That's certainly by far the most important and riches case.
We could again change the target category by removing all the non-isometries... but this is really getting quite contrived.
That's essentially what I'm saying. It's getting quite complicated and messy quite quickly. You deal with at least 3 if not four different categories at the same time and exploit their interactions.
"Dans la $2$-catégorie $\mathfrak{Top}$ les $2$-produits sont représentables."
I'm not sure why the Grothendieck school decided that that "répresentables" should also mean "[limits] exist"...
Wild guess: SAFT?
Well, without having read much of their work, I'd guess that it's because the limit of a diagram $F : \mathcal{J} \to \mathcal{C}$ exists if and only if the functor $\varprojlim \mathcal{C}(-, F) : \mathcal{C} \to \textbf{Set}$ is representable.
Oh, right.
I suppose it's possible that our modern notion of limit via universal cones post-dates the definition via representable functors.
On the other hand it seems incredibly prescient: no matter what limits $\mathcal{C}$ has, the Yoneda embedding $\mathcal{C} \to [\mathcal{C}^\textrm{op}, \textbf{Set}]$ will preserve them, so we can always take limits in $ [\mathcal{C}^\textrm{op}, \textbf{Set}]$ and regard them as surrogates for the limits which may or may not exist in $\mathcal{C}$...
It might be that many things were developed in parallel: limits via cones certainly are in Kan's adjoint functors. But limits are also in Tohoku (I don't remember how G. defined them) and I thought the importance of representables became only apparent in a Séminaire Cartan by Grothendieck (where he also proves or rather mentionsthe Yoneda lemma).
I just checked: Tohoku also uses the cone definition for limits.
Interesting. Hmmm.
Blah, the theorem I want is stated but the proof is hidden somewhere. In French.
Is it long?
Well, I need to find the proof first...
Oh :)
Ah, it seems that the entire section is dedicated to the proof of the theorem.
Or "paragraphe", as she calls it...
"Le but de ce paragraphe est de montrer qu'à tout $\mathscr{U}$-topos annelé $(\mathsf{X}, A)$, on peut associer de façon universelle un couple formé d'un $\mathscr{U}$-topos annelé en anneaux locaux [...]"
I posted a comment to Qiaochu's answer
Good find!
Huh, it's 1am already. I haven't made any significant progress on my essay in the last 3 days because I keep getting sidetracked by topos theory. Hm. Maybe I should just abandon this little point and come back to it later when I've written the more important things...
This sounds like a reasonable decision.
I wonder if this sounds as awkward in French as the obvious English translation would be... "Soit $(\mathsf{X}, A)$ un $\mathscr{U}$-topos et soit $\mathsf{E} = (\mathsf{S}, J)$, où $\mathsf{S}$ est une $\mathscr{U}$-catégorie et où $J$ est une $\mathscr{U}$-topologie sur $\mathsf{S}$, un $\mathscr{U}$-site standard de définition de $\mathsf{X}$."
Not particularly elegant in my opinion...
Especially the end looks murky
Indeed. I got confused reading it the first time.
Okay, I have to go now. See you around!
2 hours later…
Hi @Ben
@tb Back from the doctor, the park, and dinner. I'm glad that you thought my FSA was nice. I haven't gotten much other response other than a few upvotes (and the downvote).
I know I missed him, but hopefully, he will see it in his inbox.
@robjohn Are you unwell?
@KannappanSampath Do you know what is Dukkha
@WillHunting No, I am quite fine.
@BenjaminLim Life is dukkha, said the Buddha.
@WillHunting Smart you are.
@BenjaminLim I read quite a bit of both Theravada and Mahayana.
@WillHunting Wow that is pretty good. Are you a practitioner of meditation?
@BenjaminLim No. Officially I am of no religion, but I have a feeling Theravada is the ultimate truth.
@WillHunting Honestly I today's world to be quite different from the teachings of the buddha.
@WillHunting I do not believe in things like rebirth, but still I like to practice mindfulness and metta
@BenjaminLim Yes, without practice much study is useless.
@WillHunting Nothing beats direct experience. But if you look at today's world and the teachings of the buddha, man.....
@BenjaminLim What do you mean? It is a bit vague.
@KannappanSampath How is TeXmaker so far?
In today's world we often go after a lot of pursuits
@robjohn Very good.
@WillHunting You know of the 5 skandhas?
@BenjaminLim Dukkha is a sad event.
@KannappanSampath Right.
@BenjaminLim Sort of.
Hey, guys, I was off for breakfast, Idli and Vada! :-)
@KannappanSampath Hey in the vada do they put green chilli in it, chick peas lentils?
@KannappanSampath What is Idli and Vada?
dried red chilli?
@WillHunting Where do you live in the world now?
@BenjaminLim Singapore.
@WillHunting I am getting pretty accustomed to it!
@WillHunting Idli and Vada should be pretty common there.
@KannappanSampath Very good. I still prefer TeXworks!
@KannappanSampath I usually like idli with coconut chutney (the red one not white one)
@BenjaminLim You're right.
@BenjaminLim They ususally add fresh green chillies and dried Red chillies is less common.
@KannappanSampath But for vada I prefer to eat it with nothing else. It has already got a lot of flavour and dipping it into anything else for me destroys my ability to taste it.
@BenjaminLim I would like to believe there is rebirth even though we cannot recall our previous lives, because my current life is really messed up, details omitted.
@WillHunting I encourage you to practice mindfulness.
I find if my mind is say messed up after thinking about tensor products I meditate
@BenjaminLim That is unheard of! You must be one of the Bodhisattvas enlightening me!
@KannappanSampath The table is beautiful like the leaf.
@WillHunting The white one is Idli and the other one is vada.
@KannappanSampath Are you vegetarian?
@WillHunting youtube.com/watch?v=JWqut2W2Wg0. I am not a bodhisattva because I still drink and use profanities at will.
@WillHunting Yes. A kind of. I am starting to give up non-vegetarian. I have been successful for three months. No non-veg food whatsoever.
@KannappanSampath I see you guys have it with the white coconut chutney. Is that sambar by the side.
@KannappanSampath My friend was once a vegetarian but he has given up. It is hard to find good vegetarian food here.
@BenjaminLim Yes. :-)
@WillHunting In Singapore?
@KannappanSampath Yes, in the public food places I mean. They sell things made of flour which tastes like meat but that is not really proper nutrition.
@WillHunting But, I don't. I am happy with TeXmaker. :-)
@WillHunting Do you know of the 4 immeasurables? Upekkha, mudita, karuna, metta
@KannappanSampath Good, no more TeXnicCenter?
@WillHunting If I were I would ditch the vegetarian meat, vegetarian fish with seaweed, etc...
@WillHunting Yes. Sure, That was uninstalled the day I started availing the services of TeXmaker.
@BenjaminLim The red cocunut chutney, that has a hot flavour you mean?
@BenjaminLim Not really, I am looking it up!
@KannappanSampath A very poetic description!
@WillHunting You claim to have read theravada and mahayana?????
@KannappanSampath Yes and it is also slightly sweet.
@BenjaminLim Well, that was many years ago. And I know the concepts but not necessarily the translation.
@BenjaminLim I agree with this observation! But, there is also recipe that dips vada in Sambar or curd. I like both of them too...
@BenjaminLim What is vegetarian meat, huh?
@WillHunting Ah ok. Metta is something I try to cultivate. Like I wish Metta on tutors who like to create trouble. For those who are petty. For those who are pedantic. I wish that they be happy.
@KannappanSampath It is made of soy beans
@BenjaminLim Oh, I see. : -)
@BenjaminLim I have great hatred for some people who have cause me extreme suffering.
@WillHunting Hatred does not cease by hatred. Only by non-hatred does it cease - Dhammapada
Ping me, in case, any translation service is required. I am working on the other tab!
@BenjaminLim Yes, I remember this one. I just want to say my suffering is very great and has been for very long and will not end any time soon. But I am working on things and hoping for the best.
@WillHunting Even though I am only 19, I wish to gain wisdom to penetrate the true nature of suffering and reality. And from experience, usually by our own wrought mind do we always think that our suffering is very bad. When you look at things you have got and the blessings that you have, it becomes less. But the problem is that our mind is like a washing machine and thoughts the clothes. When it spins it does not stop.
@WillHunting For example you can be thankful you have a lay practitioner like me talking to you now :D
@BenjaminLim Yes I understand, but I just want to add you have no idea what I have been through.
@BenjaminLim Yes, I am still thankful I have still have certain things in life.
I visited you web page @ben. It turned out to be your prof's. :-)
@WillHunting How do you know "he" is my prof?
Did you check his CV or something?
@BenjaminLim Just a guess.
@WillHunting But that does not mean that I do not have compassion for you. According to the buddha, thinking about duality and "me" and "you" are wrong views (noble eightfold path). Therefore just because a person does not know what you have been through does not mean he/she cannot connect with you. Sometimes I see a poor man on the street, no legs or disabled and I feel like crying. Even though I don't know the background of that person.
@BenjaminLim Good for you. I hope you attain enlightenment soon. For me I just hope to be liberated from my current situation.
I think Bhikkhu Bodhi is a good writer. I read his "In the Buddha's Words".
After that one can study the Nikayas themselves.
@rob Congrats on hitting 20k!
@WillHunting Thanks! I see that you must have just gotten there recently, too. :-)
@robjohn No, that is the total rep for all my SE accounts.
That is what shows up in chat. I only have 1k plus here.
@WillHunting Ah. Isn't that what counts, or is it just counted for each account?
@robjohn Well, the privileges associated with each site are based on the rep for that site alone.
It must be for each, because I didn't get the "trust" until just today
@WillHunting yes :-)
The only thing is that if you have 10k SE-wide you get chat flags.
@robjohn If you are trusted at TeX.SE, you get the credit card number of Paul Ceredra, an user there. ;-)
@WillHunting You mean that's when we can see them?
@KannappanSampath Oh why him specifically?
@robjohn Yes, the blue circles which correspond to flags in all chat rooms.
@WillHunting He jokingly once made that remark and that has become to stay! :-)
@KannappanSampath He is also the interviewer of people for the blog.
@WillHunting I didn't know that was from the site wide rep. It makes sense.
@WillHunting Yes! :-)
I gave three people presents today, shh...
@WillHunting votes?
@robjohn Yes. I see the terminology I use in the other room is not known here! There many people say cryptic things and we all understand one another quite well even though nobody knows what the hell is going on.
@WillHunting well, we call them presents here, but it usually only makes sense when we are doing it (so there is some context)
@robjohn And a few of us there email each other now and then so there is more than what is in the transcript. :-)
@WillHunting There are a couple of people here who work in the same place. Other than that, I am not sure there are many who know the email addresses of the others.
@robjohn That's what some of the deleted messages there are, people's email addresses which are flashed and then deleted!
On the other hand, what is deleted here is often some pretty harmless remarks!
@WillHunting Sometimes I catch it. Mostly though, I just see (deleted)
I got 3 upvotes close together :-)
@robjohn Shh...
@WillHunting :-)
1 hour later…
(Typos! )
@KannappanSampath skype
@BenjaminLim Logging in!
1 hour later…
$\int_0^\infty\frac{t^2}{(t^2+1)^3} dt=\left[\frac{t(t^2-1)+(t^2+1)^2\arctan(t)}{8(t^2+1)^2}\right]^{\infty}_{0}$, how should I proceed here?
It is an indefinite integral so I am careful with division.
Hello, a stupid diversion -- is anyone able to say how to to create a bookmark -bar to Google Chrome for this Latex thing here?
there is a link in meta
@hhh: Go to the wrench in the upper right, click it and hover over "Bookmarks," and in the menu that comes up check (click) "Show Bookmarks bar"
@Rajesh: That's exactly what hhh linked; the issue is getting the bookmarks bar to actually show so that the mathjax thing can be dragged to it.
Okay @anon...Click on the Sponner icon to the top left of your browser and the drag mouse over Bookmarks and then click on Show Book marks Bar....Hope this helps
@anon Now, I understand Linux version of Google Chrome is different to Windows version. Windows version has no Bookmarks -thing but Linux version has. I pressed CTRL+SHIFT B to get the bar showing, now it should work -- second.
what's a Sponner?
The thing used to remove/fix nuts
@Rajesh: I think you're talking about the wrench in the top right, which is exactly what I just said.
and bolts
The spanner!
thanks for the correction @Kannappan
$\lim_{M\rightarrow\infty}\left[t(t^2-1)(t^2+1)^{-2}\right]^M_{0}=(t^3-t)(t^4+2t^2+1)^{-1}=\lim_{M\rightarrow\infty}\left[(1/t-t^{-3})(1+2t^{-2}+t^{-4})^-1\right]^M_0=0-0=0$, wrong! But why? thinking...messing up with indefinite integral...
If I divided by $t^4$, I get into division by zero situation. But if I do not divide by $t^4$, I get an $\infty$ there -- dilemma...there had to be some theory to handle this, differentiating both up/down -- L'Hospital? Thinking...second.
After the first = sign, how do you have no limits or M?
also, how in the world are you plugging t=0 into $(1/t-t^{-3})$?
Does anyone know of a good reference for Jordan Normal form?
@hhh: Note that it can be rewritten as $$\frac{t}{t^2+1}\left(1-\frac{2}{t^2+1}\right)$$ Can you work with that?
FWIW, what is called a "wrench" in United States English is called a "spanner" in most other English-speaking countries.
@Kannappan : In what context/subject it is seen ?
Wow. Did not know that.
@David : The word Wrench along side with spanner, is used in India , The adjustable spanner is called wrench here
@RajeshD Matrices; Finite Dimensional vector spaces and in many places. I am looking for a finite dimensional vector space version and its proof. Some applications and what not..
Containing Jordan Blocks ?
I heard it in LA lectures by Strang, but he did not really get into it...just mentioned it and stopped there
@KannappanSampath I've solved that and found more theorems about those things. If you want to talk about it, let me know.
@ymar Hello! Great to hear!
I am in at CA room! We can see more theorems today.
So we were trying to prove the following theorem.
Let $R$ be a ring and $S$ a mulitplicatively closed subset.
Then there exists the smallest saturated set $S'$ containing $S$.
Earlier I said it was minimal, but smallest works too.
I'll give two formulas for $S'$.
$(1)\;\;S'=\{t\in R\,|\,(\exists s\in S)\;\;t|s\}.$
Crazy, we are in Math room!!!
Oh damn.
Hi Kannappan : )
@ymar LOLzzzz
Hi @MattN
Hi ymar : )
OK, I'll copy that to CA
I did :)
What? : )
I missed that!
@KannappanSampath Can you flash it again, please?
Facing wifi issues! : (
Never mind.
I thought you were going to post a friendly insult. : D
I see.
Uncanny. How did you figure that?
But I didn't send you any requests. Is it Ben?
No. It's ok.
Gotta go. See you later : )
@KannappanSampath Just keep it to yourself. And tell Ben to keep it to himself too.
@MattN Sure. Sorry! : )
@MattN By definition the product $\sigma$-algebra $\mathcal{E} \otimes \mathcal{F}$ is the $\sigma$-algebra generated by the measurable rectangles $E \times F$, that is it is characterized by being the smallest $\sigma$-algebra containing $E \times F$. Now for a measurable rectangle, the $\sigma$-algebra $\mathcal{A} = \bigcap_{x \in E} \{C \subset E \times F\,:\,C(x) \in \mathcal{F}\}$ certainly contains the measurable rectangles, hence $\mathcal{A} \supset \mathcal{E \otimes F}$.
Now by definition $\mathcal{H}$ consists of maps such that $f_C : x \mapsto Q(C(x))$ is measurable and that's the only thing used in Davide's answer.
A few subtleties: It is very rare that the product measure on $\mathcal{E} \otimes \mathcal{F}$ is complete, so one usually works with the completion and this is where things get hairy. It's no longer true that all slices of a set in the completion are measurable (think of a null-set times a non-measurable set, which is a null-set, hence in the completion) but part of Fubini's theorem states that almost all slices are measurable.
Hi Kannappan
@Matt: Another subtlety is that if $X$ and $Y$ are topological spaces with Borel $\sigma$-algebras $\mathcal{B}(X)$ and $\mathcal{B}(Y)$ then it is not true in general that $\mathcal{B}(X) \otimes \mathcal{B}(Y)$ coincides with $\mathcal{B}(X \times Y)$ when $X \times Y$ carries the product topology. See here for a positive result ($X$ second countable is enough) and here for counterexamples.
@KannappanSampath sorry, gotta go again.
@tb </3
Back from Paris, I love this city!
@Ilya Welcome. This is MSE.
@KannappanSampath what do you mean by that? :)
@Ilya Hi!
@Ilya I was reminding you that you are in MSE, which you forgot about for a long time. :-)
@Jonas: hi
@KannappanSampath 3 days at most? from which 2 are weekend when I usually don't show up?
@Ilya :-)
@anon It is still indefinite, I cannot divide by $t$ there. With $\infty$, I usually try to get a situation with $\lim_{M\rightarrow\infty}1/M$ but if I do that I get division by zero -- a problem with the other border.
@hhh: Where is division by $t$ in my comment you linked to? I see division by $t^2+1$.
@Kan: did you have a question about $\sigma$-algebras?
@anon I meant $\frac{t}{t^2+1}=\frac{1}{t+1/t}$ is what (division by $t$ up/down) I usually do with $\infty$ but here I cannot do it because other border is 0.
@Ilya No... I think Matt had one, though. :-)
@hhh: Then just use that equality for the $t=M\to\infty$ evaluation but not the $t=0$ evaluation.
@Jonas: so Skull has finally been reconsidered as a troll?
@Ilya He wants to duel me, but I don't duel kids!
@Jonas: I was just surprised that some people here were supporting him at least implicitly
@anon When I do that I get $0-0$ but that is a wrong result.
@hhh does $0-0$ mean a surprised-frog-smiley?
@hhh: Then your error is somewhere before the math you've posted, I infer.
I am trying to solve

$\int_0^{\infty}\frac{t^2}{(t^2+1)^3} dt$
Those are both correct; the limit at infty minus the evaluation at 0 is 0. What makes you think this is in error? In order to evaluate your original integral you still have to do the arctan part, no?
the last ) should be a }
@anon ah, thanks. Perhaps I have mis-integrated.
(well this was a subproblem in my original problem...)
No, your integration is fine. You forgot to evaluate $(\arctan x)/8$ at $\infty$ minus its evaluation at $0$.
This gives $\pi/16$, which W|A says is the correct value of the integral.
@anon I see, now I need to understand how to come up with clever substitution such as $t=\tan(u)$ here to crack the first puzzle, is it just experience or is there some generic way to make such integrals to easy interals?
Well, the numerator $1$ can be split into $(1+t^2)/2$ and $(1-t^2)/2$, but this route would require you to know a priori that $$\frac{d}{dt}\frac{t}{t^2+1}=\frac{1-t^2}{(1+t^2)^2}.$$ I'm not really that good with integrals. :/
partial fraction decomposition with complex numbers looks like it might be straightforward
Indeed: $$\frac{1}{(1+t^2)^2} = -\frac{1}{4}\left(\frac{1}{t+i}-\frac{1}{t-i}\right)^2=-\frac{1}{4}\left(\frac{1}{(t+i)^2}-\frac{2}{t^2+1}+\frac{1}{(t+i)^2}\right).$$
Oh wait, you were talking about your original integral. I am so off today.
But the same principle should work, just more scratch work to pull off.
You meant?

$\frac{1}{(1+t^2)^2} = -\frac{1}{4}\left(\frac{1}{t+i}-\frac{1}{t-i}\right)^2=-\frac{1}{4}\left(\frac{1}{(t+i)^2}-\frac{2}{t^2+1}+\frac{1}{(t-i)^2}\right).$

Where did you get the -4?
Oh, yeah
I see now, I have never complex-integrated (or cannot remember it anymore) --- is it easy?
the integral of $(t+a)^k$ is $\frac{1}{k+1}(t+a)^{k+1}+C$ regardless of whether $a$ is complex or purely real
after you integrate you should be able to put the pieces involving complex quantities back "together" like Legos and end up with real functions again
but a clever trig substitution might shortcut all of this, I'm not good at them
@hhh: why do you star messages by anon if I may ask
@anon: trying to reduce the number of your [badge:outspoken]
I thought you can only get one outspoken badge?
I didn't say that my attempts have any sense
Watz up myan
@anon It looks like I need your help again, can you help me please?
Hi @ymar
Maybe, dunno. What's up?
Hi Kannappan.
@anon I am looking for Commutative Algebra in English by Bourbaki. I am sorry I keep making reference requests. Can you point me somewhere, please?
@ymar You may also know some source. Please help.
@KannappanSampath No, I only have Algebra chapters 1-7.
@ymar Hah. I see. I went to my library to get disappointed!
@KannappanSampath Springer Yellow Sales had at least one year all Bourbaki books at large discounts, not sure about this year, 2012 SY apparently here.
@hhh Thank you but the books look French... : (
Why do you want Bourbaki specifically?
Is there something in there other books don't have?
@ymar I happen to learn that there are many exercises that are relevant to saturated sets! :-)
Oh! So you should see Kaplansky's Commutative Rings
It's advanced, but there are some things our level.
@KannappanSampath If you want to buy them, I would email Springer and ask whether they have Bourbakis this year on sale at discounted prices. It is a pain to use their website... or if you do not want to buy them, there may be some torrents but no idea about them.
@Kannappan : I found this
@RajeshD Yeah but that's not it.
@hhh I found they have a copy in English and exactly is what I want. They cost 50 $\euro$
I usually go to that site before i check anywhere
@KannappanSampath That's a lot of money, but perhaps it's worth it?
@KannappanSampath also google "bourbaki Theory of Sets filetype:pdf" or use baidu or use some Russian friend to find them -- all of the latter has worked for me :P (never tried it though on bourbaki books...)
@ymar I am likely to say yes. :-)
@hhh Checking out....
I'll let you know guys!
How I wish library.nu lived!
Give it a year and someone with a copy of everything on it will start something else.
@anon What does this mean!
Why would anyone this day and age would study set theory from Bourbaki??
@AsafKaragila I am not going to do set theory from Bourbaki, your majesty.
@KannappanSampath your majesty? Did Asaf pay you with gold for that?
@AsafKaragila ask French people :D
@Ilya Why would anyone do that?? :-)
@Ilya He just sent me his Bourbaki and that is gold. :-)
So I sent you the empty set? Neat.
@AsafKaragila they are more careful about traditions
Is anon around?
@N3buchadnezzar did you mean "Is anon Sauron"?
@Ilya Is this the reason that French people are not supreme rulers of the world?
@AsafKaragila at least this is the reason why you can't talk them in English on the street as free as in the Netherlands or Scandinavia, say.
I am more athin than around.
Hmph... No luck.
@AsafKaragila you may also want to ask Didier why does not he rule the world
I just ran into another somewhat simpler integral, I was unable to solve.
Makes me think learning complex analysis is a good thing.
$$ \int_0^\infty \frac{1}{x^a} \frac{\log x}{x + 1} \, \mathrm{d}x $$
@KannappanSampath I've found a library near me that has the book. If you want I can take a look at it and send you some scans. (But not the entire book!)

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