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Can someone tell me an example of a real semisimple non-split Lie algebra? non-split = no Cartan subalgebra in which each ad(X) is diagonalizable
@Daminark (Damint! I was going to read that post!)
hello guys
I have a question on pigeon hole principle , i would be very happy if someone can explain it to me
prove that if 101 integers are selected from the set S = {1,2,3 .......,200} ,then there are two integers such that one divides the other
Hint: Not only will one divide another, but you can always find one that's exactly half another!
@KasmirKhaan well, what you need in order to apply pigeonhole?
Also, if there are 101 things chosen, you presumably want 100 pigeonholes
let me show you my idea and tell me if its good
each integer in S can be written in this form
hi DogAteMy, Demonark, @Kasmir
x that belongs to the set S = y*2^n where gcd (2,y) =1
@TedShifrin Hello !! :D
Hi @TedShifrin
Oh, you guys are doing my favorite induction problem. But you're doing it a different way.
There is too much onion vapor in my eyes
so by that principle we have the set |B| =100 ( all odd numbers )
removes DogAteMy's eyes
Ted! tell us the good way =p
Q: non-split real Lie algebra

nigelWhat are some examples of simple or semisimple non-split real Lie algebras? By non-split, I mean that no Cartan subalgebra $\mathfrak{h}$ is such that $\mathrm{ad}(X)$ is diagonalizable for each $X \in \mathfrak{h}$. Is there a list somewhere? Or how can non-splitness be detected?

you're doing it the clever way. But I always assigned this as an induction problem when I taught modern algebra (or Spivak).
(Which should I learn first, Lie algebras or Truth algebras)
You know, sometimes I hope to someday understand some of the discussions which go on in this room
Me too, @LegionMammal978.
@TedShifrin thanks :D first complement from you to me _ , ehm, well now am stuck with the reasning, can I say that since am gonna pick 101 integers am garateed that a= y *2^n divides b = y*2^m if m>n or otherwise if n>m ?
How many $y$'s can there be?
the odd integers
Hmm ...
Now reread your question.
Hey @Ted!
@TedShifrin lets say i pick all the odd integers and 1 even making 101 integers

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