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@ShaVuklia hey awesome user @ShaVuklia! How is it going? haha, do you cook well? Then take care a lot if you want a slim bf. Cooking well may lead to gaining many pounds. :P
Do you think it's possible to do high-level maths research as a hobby ? (ie with another full time profession)
that's what I am currently trying (well, PhD is full time anyway)
@Astyx you asked the channel or it was a question addressed to me?
The channel in general, put your input could be appreciated :p
@Secret But you still do research as a profession right ?
yeah, kinda trying to juggle my chemistry along with the maths
@Astyx Where is much love, a profound passion and extremely hard work a lot of fascinating things are possible (in my humble opinion).
which is why tmr I will be continuing through the chemistry literature to get the reserch proposal ready
(as well to get some hints on how to explain the weird calculations results I have so far. There is a lot of data, and some trends were seen, but so far I am not very sure how to interpret them yet)
@Astyx Depends a lot on the situation.
But for tonight, I want to try out something on ordinal collapse functions, hoepfully quick enough ,and the sleep for tmr
If you're married, have children, and another full-time profession, you'll barely be able to keep up with research going on, let alone do some yourself.
God this is stressing me out so much
I've always been bad at taking decisions :p
What decision do you have to take? :P
I (supposedly, I wont know the results until after I take the decision) have to chose between the ENS and Polytechnique, one leading to research, the other to engineering (more genrally). The latter leads to a higher pay grade but the former is what I want to do most at this tim ein my life (research in fundamental maths). I'm afraid if I go to the ENS I might ultimately lose interest in maths and have missed my opportunity to go to polytechnique.
More synthetically, Polytechnique is most notorious in the business world, while ENS is notoriousest in the research world (as you guys probably already know), especially in maths
That's a tough one. I'm sorta kicking this can down the road a bit but I'm also struggling with a math vs (theoretical, but still) compsci thing
Meh, I always just went with what I liked best at the moment.
@Waiting Hii:P lol, long time no see (chat)! To answer your question: I think I might be the worst possible and imaginable cook on this entire planet. My food always attracts someone's eye, so I actually often seek solitude when I eat:P
@Astyx Is there enough flexibility that you could do something else for grad than you did for undergrad if the fields are similar?
Like, you can do math/engineering as an undergraduate and then if you end up feeling iffy about it, do the other and still work in that field?
@ShaVuklia hehe, indeed, long time no see! Let me try something you cook and I'll tell you if you are the worst possible and imaginable cook on this entire planet :P
@Waiting depends if you eat healthy. if you do, then you might slightly appreciate what I prepare, or rather how I prepare it:P but it's in no way considered normal or even acceptable within my group of friends or the people I generally talk to at university
@SteamyRoot And you never had any regret ? I'm not too sure what I like best at the moment, which is my struggle
@Astyx follow your gut instinct! I think Steamy's words are wise :P
@Daminark Yup, although you wont get the same diploma which might eventually close some doors
@ShaVuklia How about this?
@AlessandroCodenotti if you mean in the US then yes I'm here :)
@Waiting ew:l
@Astyx Not really, I guess. It's not like I can know for sure how things would've turned out if I made different choices anyway.
And hello everyone
Gotta go eat ! I'll be back later to share the rest of my stress with you :p
hey @SoumyoB, weren't you the algebra guy here?
Alright, well, good luck!
or am I confusing you with someone now
No I'm the probability guy
@Waiting STAHP
that's a dead animal
@ShaVuklia ^^^
it's obscene
@ShaVuklia are you a vegan?
@Astyx I'll just keep replying to you so you'll be notified of the replies, heh
lol yea @SoumyoB
but I guess I confused you for someone else then
@ShaVuklia OK! There is also an apple in the picture, that is for the vegans. :P
@Astyx I think the decision that influenced me the most, was the decision to go from bachelor in maths to a twin-bachelor in maths & physics. I got both degrees (which looks good on a CV for professional work), but having to spread my attention lowered my grades in both, which lowered my chances of getting a personal PhD grant.
@ShaVuklia I was just kidding a bit! :P
@Steamy I mean you are an algebraist now so I'm p sure it's the best of all worlds
@ShaVuklia I know that as humans we feel that we've got a moral responsibility. But we're animals when it comes to nutrition. A lion doesn't see a human and think it's got a moral responsibility.
@Astyx If I'd stuck with only math, maybe I would've gotten a personal grant and joined the geometry department of my uni (where I did my Master's thesis)
my bf is actually practically carnivorous. I guess I'm a flexible person then, but if I were to break up with him, I would really like to be with a vegan person:P because we always argue about food @Waiting
@Astyx But, since my bachelor grades were low, I didn't, and when I graduated from my master's in maths in June, the geometry department didn't have funds for a new PhD student till january. The Algebra department did have funds readily available, though, so that's how I ended up with algebra :P
Well I'm almost a vegetarian. Except that I eat eggs.
you mean you're almost vegan?
because vegetarians do eat eggs
just no meat
Yes I'm that
for morals reasons? or health reasons?
Sometimes very rarely with a bit of mental preparation I can eat meat.
I was brainwashed by this vegan yoga teacher to be disgusted by meat in my high school. Had a long lasting effect I suppose
@Daminark Haha, well, my interests always were in algebra and geometry... but I nearly ended up a geometer ;)
Lol I mean I still haven't really done geometry yet so I dunno exactly what I'll do
@SoumyoB haha well whatever makes you happy I guess? I was kind of disgusted by meat from a very young age, but I made the moral/health-related decision to stop eating dairy much later on
hi chat
@Daminark you've barely done any algebra yet either
But still I'm now the algebraist advocate so do that! :P
Health related? I mean in prehistoric times we did consume a lot of meat by hunting. So I suppose our bodies have evolved to eat and need meat?
I'm just guessing, not based on any scientific knowledge
I donno, I've also heard that humans trived on cooked starches in particular, so I guess the science isn't sure about it either
@ShaVuklia Ah, I understand that. You're totally vegan, eating no meat at all? Is that even healthy for long periods of time?
We used to hunt that's for sure
@SoumyoB for most of human history people didn't eat meat very frequently.
bc it was harder to get
and some studies have shown that in places where people eat primarily vegan the people generally do live longer, so I guess going vegan can't be that unhealthy. but I don't know the validity of those sources. it's just stuff I've come across some years ago
@EricSilva yea I've read that too, and it makes sense
@ShaVuklia Not even a bit of tasty fish? :P
@EricSilva are you talking about post-agriculture era?
I imagine a vegan diet done right would cover all nutritional needs
Because of course people switched to vegetarian food then
even before the neolithic revolution people foraged more than they hunted because it took less energy @SoumyoB
I've heard that people really started to thrive when they learned to cook potatoes and the like, because most animals weren't really after potatoes anyways, so they had a sort of exclusive source of food
but after too, people mostly ate wheat based foods
modern high meat diets are actively very bad for you
@Waiting yea I do eat salmon occasionally, but that's just because I'm not convinced yet about getting my B12 and some fats through supplements and plants. but I hate it:(
@Eric I mean fair, but like, I've got something closer to a picture of what problems look like at least at the lower level, but geometry I've got essentially nothing.
Though I do wonder what the possible pitfalls in a neat-free diet are
By the way guys (not the girls) I've got some very surprising news for you all, anyone wants to hear?
@Semi i ate no meat for a while when i was a kid and one of the pitfalls is that there are certain things that are harder to get like iron
You've all heard that saturated fats are just bad, bad, bad killers of the heart's health right? Well turns out the story is more complicated than that
but like im mostly meatless no because it's cheaper to have a healthy diet
Saturated fats have been shown by several studies to increase testosterone far more than unsaturated fats
@SoumyoB I think they sell the idea that fat and sugar (carbs) are bad because we eat it so much in the Western World..
@ShaVuklia hehe, I understand your point behind the picture. How about eating hot chocolate? I'm just preparing a hot chocolate with milk now. :P It makes me so creative! :P
it's not that those things are bad it's just that we eat way too much of basically everything
@Waiting I eat cacao nibs, which is as close as I get to chocolate:d
I just go with "everything in moderation".
@ShaVuklia nice :P
@SteamyRoot lol you're boring then:P I go with "everything to the extreme!!!" :P
(just kidding, you're not boring:P I'm just slightly retarded at times wrt my life and just too many things)
@ShaVuklia actually sweet sugar (sucrose and fructose) is indeed really bad for testosterone levels
Some good discussion of vegan nutritional needs is here: mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/…
@SoumyoB I'm talking about "natural" sugar, from fruits
But you're a girl I don't know if it will have any bad effects for you since obviously testosterone shouldn't be a major concern for you
not the refined nutritionless crap they call sugar:P
I grabbed that link rather arbitrarily but Mayo Clinic is in my state
So that's neat
Hmmm anything that releases sucrose too fast into the blood is bad for testosterone
why do you care so much about other peoples testosterone levels
@SoumyoB yea that's indeed the entire point of why refined sugars are bad
and they're deprived of all the good stuff that just to come along with them in the fruits
"Pescatarian diets exclude meat and poultry, dairy, and eggs, but allow fish."
I guess I'm a low-kew pescatarian then
@EricSilva Because men of my generation aka the millennials have been shown to have ridiculously low testosterone levels than the previous generations
I'm rather a salmonarian, because that's the only fish I eat occasionally :P
who cares
T levels are falling at an alarming rate but no one seems to care
@ShaVuklia and some yogurt with fruit :P (almost forgot)
haha :P
Enjoy your elevated risks of prostate cancer
@SoumyoB people say they don't care because they don't know the empowering effects of a healthy diet
i mean my testosterone levels are fine :P
People have this idea that testosterone is just a sec hormone and low testosterone is just erecting dysfunction and nothing more
They couldn't be further from the truth
@Waiting haha enjoy your hot chocolate milk with yoghurt and fruit :P
For a fairly neutral source re: millenials and incidence of prostate cancer: npr.org/sections/health-shots/2017/02/28/517563769/…
In reality it's responsible for so many things-from how confident you look and how focused you are, to how strong your muscles and bones are and so, so much more
lol Semi keeps it really scientific :P
@SoumyoB that is so, so, so true.
it also affects your overall happiness
if you eat crap, you will feel like crap
both mentally and physically
oh wait
you're talking about testosterone?
But anyway everyone just thinks of me as a testosterone-obsessed junkie and ignores my warnings. I've even met men who think testosterone is bad and low levels of it should be maintained.
I was just talking about a healthy diet
Yes @ShaVuklia
ah never mind then
i just think it's the wrong hill to die on
anyhow, guys, is there a neat way to show $\langle 5\operatorname{mod}23\rangle=(\mathbb Z/23\mathbb Z)^*$, without resorting to writing it all out? Or should I just write it out?
it's more important to advocate for healthier diets over all
Of course, I call NPR a neutral source, but the last paragraph includes a swipe at Trumpcare
Heh :P
And while I don't mind that myself...
Finding anything neutral is hard enough in itself
And the average quality of the statistics employed in medical science isn't excactly encouraging either :/
Well. Finding sources which purport to be objective is easy enough. But that's not the same as actual objectivity alad
healthcare is a nuanced enough issue that it's possible to have an opinion that goes beyond politics
Well. Finding sources which purport to be objective is easy enough. But that's not the same as actual objectivity, alas
and i certainly think that there are people who are anti-trumpcare for reasons that arent political
Eh. I'll agree with that if by "political " you mean "partisan"
i mean yeah
usually americans equate the two
even if they're not actually synonyms
@ShaVuklia I'm eating chocolate with one hand and with the other one I try (barely) to write to you. :P
but that's because american politics are a shitshow
@Waiting haha :P take your time, I'd say
and i say that as someone who's other country of citizenship makes american politics look like it's a happy party
it's still a shitshow

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