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upshot, though, is that you're right that there should be an entire family of such generalizations
by taking $T(x)=x+k$ instead of $x+1$.
okay awesome will add you
So $g(x+k) = f(x)+k\implies g(x)=f(x-k)+k$
So yeah, there should be an infinite number of such conjectures.
@Daminark added you
In fact, $g(mx+b)=mf(x)+b$ should work as well.
or any $T(x)$, really.
Though not every one would be equally interesting.
For instance, $T(x)=x$ is obviously trivial---that's just $g(x)=f(x)$.
And $T(x)=0$ would similarly be trivial. (Doing some number of iterations of Collatz and then replacing the output by 0 would be the same as setting the input to zero and then iterating another map. A valid property, but a really boring one.)
I don't see a useful lesson from this as far as proof goes, though. It's cute but doesn't tells us anything about $f$ itself.
As it is it's just symbol-juggling and that usually doesn't help much.
okay here's the deal though
if we write it like $\frac{n+x}{2}$ $\frac{kn}{2}$
first of all
k has to be odd
and so does x.
I really did accidentally stumble upon the best in that form.
Here's a fun equivalent version of Collatz which Wikipedia gives.
they give one?
They give a few, but not of the kind you came up with.
Suppose we have a string consisting of the letter $a$ written $n$ times.
And we have the following 'production rules a->bc, b->a, c->aaa.
What we'll do at each step is delete the first letter of the string and append the rule to the end.
So aaa -> aabc -> abcbc-> bcbcbc->cbcbca->... and so on.
evidently this is equivalent to Collatz.
It's the "tag system" version discussed on the Wikipedia page
I suspect the point is that, in going through that, eventually you'll clear out all instances of the letters b,c and be left with another string of just a's.
And evidently the number of a's in this output string is the same as what the Collatz map would give you based on the number of a's in the input string.
So it's equivalent, though with a lot of steps in between.
Seems more a novelty than anything else, though.
I think mine is a bit of a novelty
like "hey theres actually an infinitude of collatz conjectures"
Yeah, alas.
though I haven't found another yet.
have you?
Well, one should be able to proceed as such.
Suppose we take $T(x)=x+2$, so that we want $g(x+2)=f(x)+2\implies g(x)=f(x-2)+2$
So that'd be $g(x)=(x-2)/2+2=x/2+1$ if $x$ even and $g(x)=(3(x-2)+1)/2+2=(3x-1)/2$ if $x$ odd.
hm, right.
So that one should also be equivalent to Collatz, but shifted up by 2 now.
that's interesting.
What is adj(adj(A)) for invertible matrix A ?
well, $\text{adj}(A)=A^{-1}\det{A}$
so $\text{adj}(\text{adj}(A))=(A^{-1}\det A)^{-1}\det((A^{-1}\det A)^{-1})$
Off-topic: I hate computing adjugates
for a given numerical matrix
But that should come out as $A\cdot (\det A)^{-1}\cdot (\det A)\cdot (\det A)^{?}$
Where I'm not sure of the last exponent which comes from pulling a scalar out of the determinant.
I guess it'll depend on the matrix size?
@Semiclassical I think there's no -1 inside the det
woops, you're right
Can't edit now, though. drat
Bottom line, I think, is that adj(adj(A))=cA where c is some exponent of det(A).
Well, no, did you mean det(A)^c * A?
Ok, I agree
some power of det(A), yeah. poor wording
Easiest way to check would be to take A=bI
Should be (det(A))^{n-1} I think
Sound right.
But, uh
I don't actually care enough to check :/
adj(A) = A^-1 * det(A) => adj(adj(A)) = (A^-1 * det(A))^-1 * det(A^-1 * det(A)) = A * det(A)^-1 * det(A^-1) * det(A)^n = A* det(A)^(n-2)
works for me.
So it's $\text{adj} \text{adj}(A) = A \cdot \text{det}(A)^{n-2}$.
Just for the sake of being complete.
and having nothing better to do
Right. Where $n$ is the matrix size.
kinda neat that adj(adj(A))=A for the n=2 case.
Though inevitable, come to think of it.
in that case, adjugate flips signs on the off-diagonal and entries on the main diagonal.
Yeah so you get the same determinant, right?
which cancel etc
yeah. not very exciting.
i HATE computing numerical adjugates tho
mess up everytime
and i gotta do those for school
solving equations are slightly easier because the value of the k-th unknown variable is just (determinant of equation matrix with k-th column replaced with constant coefficients of the system)/(determinant of equation matrix)
I think
yeah, cramers rule blah blah blah
hard to really be excited about any of that, though.
is cramer's rule that, or adj(A)/det(A) = A^-1, or both?
yeah meh
Cramer's rule is that, yeah.
Ah ok
Jacobi's formula is somewhat neater: $d\,\det A = \text{tr}(\text{adj}(A)\,dA)$
plus the corollary that $\text{tr}\ln A=\ln\det A$
in what sense are we differentiating
with respect to some parameter $t$ which $A$ depends on.
ah ok. so just termwise diff wrt t
should really be d/dt on the left and dA/dt on the right
considering A(t) as a function R --> R^mxn
but meh. same difference.
got it
As a special case you can think of that as differentiating with respect to a particular entry of A.
Sure, sure
(I am blatantly stealing that from Wikipedia)
which gives $\dfrac{\partial}{\partial A}_{ij}\det A=\text{adj}^T(A)_{ij}$
Which is neat.
Wait where did the trace term go?
Good question. Hm.
I think the point is that when you differentiate A w/r/t A_{ij} what you get is just a matrix which is zero everywhere except the ij entry which is 1.
So when you then do matrix multiplication and trace you just pull out one entry.
I don't see why you should get 0 everywhere. Consider [t, t^2; t^3, t^4]
differentiate respect to A_11
which is t
which I guess amounts to $dA=dt\, e_i e_j^T$.
No, I think that's meant in the sense that A can be understood as a function of its entries (all n^2 of them)
Oh, so you keep the rest constant
Just like that
Liable to be confusing, though.
So you're basically differentiating (x_1, x_2, x_3, ..., x_n) with respect to x_1 :P Not very exciting
And, plus, adj^T is just a matrix of cofactors
so it really just tells you that differentiating a determinant w/r/t one of its entries gives the corresponding cofactor.
Simple enough
Hm, so how do I prove this identity. Cofactor expansion and induct? lol
Hey that can work
dunno. I advertise, I don't derive.
Spoken like a true physicist
Wikipedia gives a proof of Jacobi's formula, but it's pretty boring.
not very hard, but not very interesting
i'll check it out later. i think induction does prove it
the identity is more cute looking
How'd your physics test come out? Sounded like you were pretty solid on it.
me too
even though I'm asian
@Semiclassical I did good on it. It wasn't a serious test, just a preparatory thing.
What've you got next?
Kirchoff et al it seems
Kirchoff's law is pretty dank
How are the teaching it? The usual (and more physically sensible) version is where each branch is labelled by a current.
That's the first law isn't it? The vector sum of the currents is 0 at each branch
the voltage law is about loops on the circuit diagram
total voltage = total emf
i think
There's another way to formulate the current law which is neat.
Namely, you associate a (formal) current to each face of your circuit.
With some particular orientation as well, e.g. clockwise or counter-clockwise
If you've got a common edge between two faces, then you add the associated currents from the adjacent faces with appropriate directions.
What's nice about this is that the current rule is then satisfied automatically.
Ah yes sure
"Mesh law" something something
What's especially cute is that this meshes well with how you might think of a circuit from the pov of cellular homology
the boundary of a 2-chain, after all, is a sum of 1-chains.
and the boundary of a 1-chain is a difference of 0-chains.
Hm, yes, I see the connection
I picked this up from a John Baez post here: math.ucr.edu/home/baez/week293.html
Though he doesn't seem to pose it in the way I've indicated. Hmm.
Wow fun perspective
I suspect that the difference with his is that, for him, $\delta I=0$ is an imposed condition
But if $I$ is already the boundary of a 2-chain, that's automatic.
Kirchoff's current law and voltage law are just a cycle condition, $dI = 0$ and $dV = 0$.
I'm bookmarking this man. Thanks!
oh, hey, he even has what I just said later down there: $I=\delta J$ where $J$ is a set of 'mesh currents'
@BalarkaSen Though, he seems to put I and V on different footings. Namely, I is a 1-chain and V is a 1-cochain.
so it'd be $\delta I=0$ and $dV=0$.
Yeah I use the same differentials for both homology and cohomology
And then $P=V(I)$ is automatic. Neat.
I'll have to look at this more thoroughly. Thanks.
np. I may have to do so as well
Quite overkill for any Kirchoff stuff you'll do, of course.
I love doing long division in my head
Heh, true
the only thing better then mental long division of numbers is mental long division of polynomials /s
$(tA)^{-1}=\dfrac 1t A^{-1}$ ?
but I bet you can do like $\frac{45}{252}$ in your head pretty easily.
main problem there is figuring out what 252/9 is
t is scalar and A invertible matrix
i can tell it factors (2+5+2=9 yay) but
a little harder to hold it in my head.
see what I do is just make $45=450$
then do the division
heh, that works.
so that's 1.
and then I count the remainders
and then do it again
I really do enjoy doing it, I find it relaxing
hi @arctictern
right. that's basically the usual by-hand version of long division
o really
@Semiclassical I actually messed up an integral for time constraint while computing the electric field for an infinitely long straight wire. But it panned out fine when I tried it after coming back home :( I did an alternative on the exam anyway
I barely remember learning division, to be honest.
It took me a while to get it again.
i guess what i do is note that 45 and 252 have 9 as a common factor because they both add to 9.
that's an interesting thought.
where do you go after that.
45/9 = 5 is automatic
also long division of polynomals I can not do in my head
at all
oh I see.
i then mentally note that 252 is closest to 270, specifically 252=270-18, and then I can divide by 9 easily to get 252=9 * 30 - 9 * 2 = 9 * 28
so you reduce it to $\frac{5}{28}$
Brb, going to gf's house
Of course, if you asked me for the actual decimal expansion...
@Dodsy math is more important
well, i'd get annoyed at you, and then I'd do long division by hand :P
mostly on the principle that dividing by something with a factor of 7 is always annoying.
okay so now you've reduced it to 5/28
I think it's mostly estimation
I don't usually reduce it.
so if I had 45/252 I'd say okay that is 1
and then I have 198
so I guess 7
then I have to basically double check
so it still is a lengthy process
but once you get to .17
that's pretty good
especially if someone just asks you off hand what percentage is 45 of 252
you can say oh about 17%.
and then if you compute the next digit
you can even say "close to 18%"
@Dodsy The other way to get an estimate is to use some Taylor series shenanigans:
$$displaystyle \frac{5}{28} = \frac{5}{30-2}=\frac{5/30}{1-2/30}\approx \frac{5}{30}\left(1+\frac{2}{30}\right)$$
@Adeek kek
Nice thing at this point is that the fractions only involve multiples of 10 and 3.
So that's $1/6=0.166\ldots$
and $10/900=1/90=0.011\ldots$
which add together to give $0.177\ldots$
blarg, how'd I miss that displaystyle. that's just embarrassing.
anyways, $0.1\overline{7}$ agrees with $5/28 \approx 0.17857$ to within half a percent. Not bad.
But one can monkey around with the fraction in similar ways to get (possibly better) approximations.
heh, including the rather simple: 45/252 = 180/1004, which is nearly 180/1000=0.180
which blah blah blah leads to 9/50 - 9/12500 = 18/100 - 72/100000 = 0.18000 - 0.00072 = 0.17928.
or one can do long division and avoid such silliness :P
oh, piddle. should be 180/1008.
@Daminark I am getting stuck in a stupid calculation :S
it is so stupid and long
and it is boring
Calculations are meh
My prof is like that he wants every little detail to be checked
even if it is long and nuance
@Daminark not dankness.... Daminankness.
Is it true that finitely generated projective module is flat ?
@Typhon heh
@Daminark grothendieck wanna be
His style is interesting for sure but I don't want to emulate any one person
@Daminark what's his style? Defining the problems away?
I don't think he really had a style or a philosophy contrary to what it appears, he was just god dang smart, that's why he never had any strong following, kinda the case with Wittgenstein as well
Ehhhh, to say Wittgenstein didn't have a following seems a bit of a stretch. (He just didn't have a following of people who actually understood him.)
The logical positivists in Vienna were fans of his, for instance.
I mean he was very smart, just that he was able to see connections and then codified them

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