For instance, $T(x)=x$ is obviously trivial---that's just $g(x)=f(x)$.
And $T(x)=0$ would similarly be trivial. (Doing some number of iterations of Collatz and then replacing the output by 0 would be the same as setting the input to zero and then iterating another map. A valid property, but a really boring one.)
I don't see a useful lesson from this as far as proof goes, though. It's cute but doesn't tells us anything about $f$ itself.
As it is it's just symbol-juggling and that usually doesn't help much.
It's the "tag system" version discussed on the Wikipedia page
I suspect the point is that, in going through that, eventually you'll clear out all instances of the letters b,c and be left with another string of just a's.
And evidently the number of a's in this output string is the same as what the Collatz map would give you based on the number of a's in the input string.
So it's equivalent, though with a lot of steps in between.
solving equations are slightly easier because the value of the k-th unknown variable is just (determinant of equation matrix with k-th column replaced with constant coefficients of the system)/(determinant of equation matrix)
@Semiclassical I actually messed up an integral for time constraint while computing the electric field for an infinitely long straight wire. But it panned out fine when I tried it after coming back home :( I did an alternative on the exam anyway
@Daminark what's his style? Defining the problems away?
I don't think he really had a style or a philosophy contrary to what it appears, he was just god dang smart, that's why he never had any strong following, kinda the case with Wittgenstein as well