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working on it :P
@Hippalectryon What kind of error?
Fixed it
Fixed fixed it
Potential infinite loop error
As in please do not run
unless you want to repeatedly crash your browser :P
xD God dang it, please work
it works, HALLELujah!
it displays numbers
@Alucard Does this work?
i mean, it's something
so now it repeats whatever you say to it
The last link works. Try f([n,1,0]) and it should return 2n+1
ok, definitely somethings up here again, time to eat my pancake, but it's not there
so Peter Pan, here we go again
Hey !
Is anyone alive here ?
Does someone come up with a clever algorithm to solve this ?
leet speak, yes no yes no, no maybes anymore
I need to check if in a list of length N there is a k such that $(0,k-1) < k < (k+1,N)$
In other words, if given a list of numbers, there is a number "k" in this, such that every number before it is ordered descendant and after it ascendant
I can only come up with checking for each number, but there has to be a better way
Ok, let's do this
I crash my fathers car, and you serve him, k thanks
@Alucard Who are you talking to?
I have noticed you saying random things to no one for some time now.
@Maks You mean given a list $a_1,\cdots,a_N$, find if there is a $k$ such that $a_i>a_{i+1}$ when $i<k$ and $a_i<a_{i+1}$ when $i>k$?
Yep, exactly that
Hi @Maks, tern
you could do some kind of binary search on consecutive terms I guess
Oh no, wait
$ a_i < a_(i+1)$ when $i < k$ and $a_i > a_(i+1)$ when $i > k$
First ascedant, then descendant
like a peak, you go up, find k and go down
If there is a k
Hi @TedShifrin ! How is it going ?
Doing OK. thanks. Haven't seen you in ages.
Yeah its been a while
I dont have many math courses this year
Only numerical analysis
Did you miss me ?
Of course :)
Hahah thanks
Would you like to help me ?
Like in the old times :D
I have no idea about what you're talking about ...
@arctictern That :D but inverted
I need to create an algorithm
like I said, binary search on consecutive pairs
To find if there is a $a_k$ in a list of numbers $a_1,..,a_n$, such that $a_i < a_(i+1)$ if $i < k$ and $a_i > a_(i+1)$ when $i > k$
That's the best way ?
There isnt a quicker way ?
binary search should be pretty quick no?
I just improved your "check every k=1,2,..." algorithm exponentially
Yeah it is quite fast, but is it the fastest ?
I'd wager it is, more or less
I know, I'm not complaining
Oh, I'll try that, thanks !
@arctictern most of the time i talk to myself, walked now alot and actually screwed what i have set in my mind.
for the most part, a chatroom is a place to talk to others, not to oneself in front of others.
Right up to the point where I start rambling on something and subsequently realize that no one is listening anymore. :/
there is room for talking to oneself in ways which leave room for others jumping in depending on others' interest and ability to contribute, of course. but this exception does not apply to streams of unexplained non sequitors lacking all context.
Hi @JoshKeneda.
hi @arctictern in H do you define the inner product as <x,y> = Re(x\bar{y}) ?
well, that's a formula for it
personally, I would define <x,y> as the one corresponding to the quadratic form (which has a formula via polarization), and then define the Re() operator with respect to the inner product
okay awesome. I just wanted to verify something I am calculating the following. conjugation by elements $\eta \in S^{3}$ gives us an element of $SO_4$
indeed $S^3\times S^3\to{\rm SO}(4)$, where $(u,v)$ corresponds to the map $f(x)=uxv^{-1}$, is a double cover
conjugating by $\eta\in S^3$ preserves the real axis, so restricts to a double cover $S^3\to{\rm SO}(3)$ (now $\Bbb R^3$ being the space of imaginary quaternions)
hm I see
@arctictern you would define it as $<u,v> := 1/2(u\bar{v} + \bar{v}u)$ ?
given that $u,v \in H$ ?
With a normed division algebra, we're already assuming there is some kind of quadratic form corresponding to a (necessarily unique) inner product. So the inner product is in some sense in-built. The standard way to go between quadratic forms Q(-) and symmetric bilinear forms B(-,-) is Q(x):=B(x,x) and B(x,y)=[Q(x+y)-Q(x)-Q(y)]/2 when the characteristic is not 2.
But it so happens that $\langle u,v\rangle=(u\overline{v}+v\overline{u})/2$ is true
(slightly different from what you wrote)
what would be the quadratic form associated to the hamiltonian ?
I want to see how that would give that $<u,v>$ is given as above
@ramanujan_dirac hi
the quadratic form is just the norm i guess? $Q(x,x)= \overline{x}x$. Substituting this in the formula that interpolates between Q and B, u get ur inner product B, which we discussed before.
yeah I see that makes sense
okay cool yeah I agree with everything now @ramanujan_dirac I have seen this stuff as well in my quadratic form class in the start
@ramanujan_dirac personally I'd define $\bar{x}$ using the ${\rm Re}()$ and ${\rm Im}()$ operators, and define those operators using the inner product
but yes $Q(x)=x\bar{x}$ is true
okay cool
or in other words if $h= a + bj$, then $Q(x) = \sqrt{a \bar{a} + b \bar{b}}$
my preferences are geared towards the classification of normed real division algebras, in which the inner product is in-built but things like conjugation and real parts are not.
@ramanujan_dirac that is also true, but kind of ugly
I see
@ramanujan_dirac you can edit your own messages within a 2 minute window
hover over your own message, click the drop-down menu button on the left, click edit
one thing I proved the other day is that if $X\in M_2(\Bbb O)$ (with $\Bbb O$ the octonions) then $X^3$ is well-defined if and only if $X\in M_2(H)$ for some quaternionic subalgebra $H\subset\Bbb O$. hopefully generalizes to $M_n(\Bbb O)$.
oh that is awesome. Btw is there some result about connection of division algebras and homotopy groups of $O_n$ because as we go to $O_{\infty}$ there seem connection between number of repetition some pattern and number of division algebras @arctictern
this is explained in baez's The Octonions
very cool
Baez explains that the division algebras yield elements of the corresponding homotopy groups (k=1,2,4,8), although he doesn't prove they are generators, that nothing happens for other k=3,5,6,7, or Bott periodicity.
I can prove the mod 8 periodicity for (morita equivalence classes of) clifford algebras, but not of homotopy groups of O(inf).
it's also related to the parallelizability of spheres (i.e. the trivializations of spheres' tangent bundles)
for $S^1$, if you draw tangent lines to it at every point, you get a kind of "crop circle." one can "unpress" the stalks, essentially rotating them into a third dimension, in order to get a cylinder $S^1\times\Bbb R$. the question is if this can be done to any sphere $S^n$. turns out to only be possible for $n=0,1,3,7$ (division algebras)
division algebras are also inherently linked to the classification of projective spaces, jordan algebras, and simple lie algebras
why ? I am interested to know more about this
Well, given the unit sphere in a division algebra, you can trivialize it by applying left or right multiplication maps to each tangent space to move them all to the tangent space of the identity. In other words, for example for $S^3\subset\Bbb H$, if $TS^3=\{(u,v):u\in S^3, v\perp u\}$, we have $TS^3\to S^3\times \Bbb R^3$ given by $(u,v)\mapsto (u,vu^{-1})$.
(In fact I just used that in my most recent answer to prove the space of all oriented 2D planes of 4D space itself forms $S^2\times S^2$.)
As for why nothing else works in any other dimension, that doesn't have an obvious explanation, but it's a corollary to the generalization known as Adam's Theorem or the Hopf Invariant One Theorem.
I tried to prove it myself with more elementary topology, but to no avail. One thing I noticed is that any trivialization of $S^{n-1}$ is equivalent to a subgroupoid of the action groupoid $S^{n-1}/\!/{\rm SO}(n)$ with trivial automorphism groups.
(in the hopes of using groupoid theory)
@arctictern are you currently working on this ?
daydreaming and scribbling about it
i am currently working reading UCLA paper by paul balmer generalizing spec of a ring
to triangulated tensor categories
dunno what triangulated means
@arctictern So you have an abelian categories and triangulated categories is defined as follows a triangle is if you have the following sequence of given by the following data : an additive automorphism from category D to D given as $T : D \rightarrow D$
then a triangle is a sequence of morphism $U \rightarrow V \rightarrow W \rightarrow T(U)$
This is part of definition and it there need to be class of distinguished triangles satisfying certain conditions
Hey there everyone!
Hello !
How's it going?
good just about to head to sleep
nights everyone cya @Daminark
Alright, catch you around @Adeek!
1 hour later…
hi, a little problem, it can be solve in one line (compréhensible d'un éléve de prépa) : math.stackexchange.com/users/408734/dattier?tab=questions , who can find the line ? Maybe @LeGrandDODOM lol
if @LeGrandDODOM doesn't find, he must change his name for another more adapted, I propose lepetitdodom
And he must change his class A+ for the class Z-, lol
hello, @s.harp do you know what it hapens here : math.stackexchange.com/questions/2213224/…
@Daminark rick rolling is frustrating and not humorous :P
I mean I can find a number of people who will strongly contest that
I'm one :P
it's a bit trolly, but not funny
Well you can't really say that something "is not funny", like there's no objective standard
If people are amused, then as far as they are concerned, it's funny
Rick Ashley's music is a joke.
Joke = funny
@skill Now that you parse it that way...
"April is the cruellest month, breeding / Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing / Memory and desire, stirring / Dull roots with spring rain."
starts with april 1st
rickrolling :P
A practical joke is a mischievous trick played on someone, generally causing the victim to experience embarrassment, perplexity, confusion or discomfort. A person who performs a practical joke is called a "practical joker". Other terms for practical jokes include prank, gag, jape, or shenanigan. Practical jokes differ from confidence tricks or hoaxes in that the victim finds out, or is let in on the joke, rather than being talked into handing over money or other valuables. Practical jokes are generally lighthearted and without lasting impact; their purpose is to make the victim feel humbled or...
In Western culture, April Fools' Day is a day traditionally dedicated to conducting practical jokes.[4]
I have a sequence of continuous functions $f_n:\Bbb R\to\Bbb R$ and it converges pointwise on some set $X$, how bad can $X$ be?
1 hour later…
For a sesquilinear form, does positivity imply hermiticity?
ie $(x,x)≥0$ for all $x$ implies $(x,y)=\overline{(y,x)}$
Well, that was way to simple, $(x+iy,x+iy)=(x,x)+(y,y)+i(x,y)-i(y,x)≥0$ so the real part of $(x,y)-(y,x)$ must be zero and $(x+y,x+y)=(x,x)+(y,y)+(x,y)+(y,x)≥0$ so the imaginary part of $(x,y)+(y,x)$ must be zero
for show : It isn't because a solution is short and easy to understand that it is easy to find
for to show : It isn't because a solution is short and easy to understand that it is easy to find
I think everyone knows that sometimes short and easy solutions aren't easy to find...
Also, one of those questions is closed
And the most recent one states "This question have an answer of less ten lines with a level of license begining (L1-L2).". I find the "number of lines" to be an awful metric, because it depends heavily from author to author how much is written on a single line; and I have no idea what level "license beginning (L1-L2)" is.
Hello, i have $F$ is a continuous function such that $\lim_{|t|\rightarrow+\infty}\dfrac{F(t)}{|t|^m}=+\infty$
how we deduce that $\forall M>0, \exists C(M)>0; F(t)\geq M|t|^m-C(M)$
Use the definition of a limit?
it is $\forall M>0, \exists B>0, |t|>B\Rightarrow F(t)> M |t|^m$
how to find the constant $C(M)$ ?
Well, how many "candidates" for $C(M)$ do you have?
Wait, nevermind.
i don't know
i see if $|t|\leq B$ then $F$ is continuous on a bounded then $|F(t)|\leq C$
You know that $F(t)$ is large enough outside the interval $[-B,B]$
And inside $[-B,B]$, it's a continuous function on a compact set
yes i understand thank you
So you can use the extreme value theorem
$F(t) \geq N$ for some $N$ when $|t| \leq B$
ohh , i just use $F(t)>M |t|^m$
and $F(t)\geq-C$
then $F(t)\geq M |t|^m-C$
Not necessarily!
how ?
The $M|t|^m$ can ruin things inside the interval $[-B,B]$, I think.
You can subtract another term to fix that, though.
(I mean, suppose that $F(t) = -C$ for some $t \neq 0 \in [-B,B]$. Then $F(t) < M|t|^m - C$
i don't understand
You have two inequalities: $F(t) \geq -C$ and $F(t) \geq M|t|^m$
You can't just claim that $F(t) \geq M|t|^m - C$
why ?
Because if $x \geq 1$ and $x \geq 2$, you can't conclude that $x \geq 3$ ? (take $x = 2$ for example...)
i sum the two nd devide by 2
then you have to divide the right-hand side by $2$ too
So you get $M/2$ and $-C/2$
You want to show that $F(t) \geq M|t|^m - C(M)$, not $F(t) \geq \frac{M}{2}|t|^m - C(M)$
they say for any M>0 there exists
so as when we use \varepsilon
So $M$ is already fixed.
2 hours later…
[Position dependent pseudoinverse]
Let $S$ be a semigroup. Suppose we have the following axioms:

$\forall x \in S, axb=x$



$\forall y, cyd=y$

Now compute:
$(caxbd)^5=(caxbd)(caxbd)(caxbd)(caxbd)(caxbd)=(cxd)^5\neq c^5(axb)^5d^5$
Or more explicitly:
$c^5x^5d^5\neq (cxd)^5$
I think I need some more advanced tools. Just ramming a bunch of elements together permutatively and see what pops out is too inefficient
Yes, it seems I do need the green's relations to characterise this further
hey dudes!
what's up!? :D
so theorems can be false also ?
Technically they're not really "theorems", I guess
"Mathematical theorems you had no idea existed, cause they’re false"
It's a jokey title
Oh wow
That's a really neat one.
Ohh Ok.
how can a paradoxical proof be really a proof?
Should go in my list of fake proofs that all integers are equal :O
You have a list?
I mean, how can a paradox be considered a proof?
Well, clearly, it has 100 entries, because it has an integer number of entries and all integers are equal :P
Haha :P
the proof to the halting problem is simply a version of the liar's paradox
It's a list me and 2 friends made while we were Master students
and decidability theory is based on a faked proof
Partially because we loved to mess around during boring classes, partially because we shared the belief that these fake proofs were the best way of convincing people that certain pitfalls really are dangerous
@nbro The proof of Gödel's incompleteness theorem is also inspired by the liar's paradox.
Hello, good morning! Anyone up for some good questions on finite fields with cyclic extensions?
@AkivaWeinberger Everything which is self-referential can be somehow paradoxical
I don't think it's a valid proof
I bet we can prove a lot more things by using self-reference-like proofs
Say, you have $F$, an extension of $\mathbb {Z}_2$, such that $|F| = 2^3 = 8$. What are the three automorphisms of $F$ fixing $\mathbb {Z}_2$?
Can someone please help me with this: math.stackexchange.com/questions/2215878/…
Q: Which is the correct method for estimating error in $f$?

blueIn the formula [called the Lens Equation] if I have to find maximum permissible error in $f$ (from the graph) which is the correct method? $$\frac{1}{f}=\frac{1}{v}-\frac{1}{u}$$ Method 1: $${df}=f^2\left(\frac{dv}{v^2}+\frac{du}{u^2}\right)$$ Method 2: $${f}=\frac{uv}{u+v}$$ $$\ln(f)=\ln...

Hi blue
$f$ depends on both $u$ and $v$, right?
@blue A minor observation: In method 2, it should be $f=uv/(u-v)$.

$f = \dfrac {uv} {u-v}$
And therefore,

$df =[\dfrac {uv} {u-v}]_u + [\dfrac {uv} {u-v}]_v$
where you're getting the partial derivative of $f$ with respect to $u$ and $v$
I'm missing something, silly me hahaha
$df = [\dfrac {uv}{u-v}]_u du + [\dfrac {uv}{u-v}]_v dv$
@HarryEvans I don't think this is intended as differentials as such, but rather in the sense of error analysis. For instance, if you do $z=x/y$ then $dz/z=dx/x-dy/y$. If you know that the experimental $x$ and $y$ differ from the true values by $1\%$, then you could have as much as $2\%$ error.
(You could also find that the errors effectively cancel out, e.g. 2.02/1.01=2. But in a typical experiment you don't know that, so one assumes the worst case scenario for error analysis.)
@nbro All that means is that you don't understand the proof well enough. (I'm actually a little hazy on the details of the halting problem thing, but Gödel's proof actually uses a very clever construction to make the "self-referential" thing work.)
@AkivaWeinberger Godel's argument = Cantor's diagonalization argument applied to a version of the Liar paradox, if memory serves.
@AkivaWeinberger I understood the proof of the halting problem, it's a simple proof by contradiction
but it's based on the liar paradox
Modified in such a way as to not be a paradox, though.
at this point is like saying that proof by contradiction do not really work
@Semiclassical Huh, the version I read didn't look like Cantor diagonalization
I don't actually remember the details either, though.
@nbro **proofs
the thing is, the contradicting fact contradicts the assumption directly
Well, the version you saw may not have been Godel's original argument?
…Isn't that how proofs by contradiction are supposed to work?
@Semiclassical Probably
@AkivaWeinberger the contradiction, as far as I know, doesn't have to be a direct contradiction of the assumption, but some contradiction in the reasoning
Relevant bit: "Godel’s important modification to [Cantor's] argument was the insight that diagonalization on computable functions is computable, provided we use a Godel-numbering of computable functions."
I have heard of a Cantor diagonalization proof but I didn't read it except pop-math stuff about it "list an infinite collection of PA truths you can prove by writing them as an infinite word of 0's and 1's. write the diagonal and replace 1's by 0's and vice versa. That's a new truth not in your list"
No idea how that formalizes
The proof I know is by Tarski schemas.
That's discussed in the link, though probably not in such a pop-math way.
I'm admittedly not interested in reading through it myself, though.
@BalarkaSen I vaguely remember discussing something about this with you a few months ago
Dec 28 '16 at 23:42, by Akiva Weinberger
@BalarkaSen In any case, this all has to do with Gödel's construction of a sentence that says "This sentence is unprovable". $g$ is "The statement with Gödel number $x$ is unprovable", and $f$ is "Replace all instances of the free variable in the formula with Gödel number $x$ with the number $x$."
I think the idea was to consider $h=f\circ g\circ f$, so that $g\circ h=g\circ (f\circ g\circ f)=(g\circ f)\circ(g\circ f)=f\circ(g\circ f)=h$
Ah, I remember now.
But now I'm confused as to how exactly that gives us the desired sentence
@Semiclassical Actually it doesn't matter, we need to use u and v with signs....both can be considered positive in this case
u is the object distance which will be negative
and v should be positive
So if we take the magnitudes
then the formula still holds
(I should have mentioned that in the question though :-P)
It seems more of a physics question than a maths question :/ I'm not sure it will get answers on this site
@HarryEvans I took the logarithm...
And then differentiated
I took only the magnitudes to remove the confusion arising due to sign conventions
@AlessandroCodenotti LOL :-P I assume that refers to Terence
"though" problem..spelling error there :-D
Um, I'm looking for a faster way to solve sums like
$$\int \dfrac{1}{2 \cos 2x + 1} \: \mathrm{d} x$$
I know that the answer to this is fairly simple
$$\DeclareMathOperator{artanh}{artanh} \dfrac{1}{\sqrt{3}} \artanh \left(\dfrac{\tan x}{\sqrt{3}}\right)$$
plus the constant.
@blue what's the correct spelling? I'm not english
@SBM Put $u=tan(x)$
though is short for although
It should take only 1 minute or so
After using u=tan(x)
I don't know any shorter method
This is probably silly, but why does $S\cap (N+P)=0$ imply $N\cap (S+P)=0$ in the proof below?
@BalarkaSen Here's something that should have a simple proof, but I'm not actually sure how to do it elegantly.
Consider a plane in $\Bbb R^3$, along with a sphere tangent to it. The complement of that has three components: a half-space, a ball, and a half-space-minus-a-ball.
Consider the closure of that last one. It clearly deformation retracts onto its boundary, but is there an easy way to show it?
@AkivaWeinberger What do you mean by a simple proof? You just contract everything from infinity to wrap around the sphere component in the boundary of the closure, yes? That should be the deformation retract.
Something like that. But it's not very rigorous.
I don't know how to write it down, if you're looking for that.
Nah, sure it is :)
I guess you'd probably use something about how that's a closed half-space with a circle on its boundary plane quotiented to a point
@BalarkaSen If you can't write it down, it's not rigorous :P
Sure. Pictures are rigorous. I can't write down half the pictures I say.
@AkivaWeinberger Yeah, I guess.
That is an odd sentence.
@AkivaWeinberger can't you do a linear retraction even?
@Akiva Project everything deformation retract the half-$\Bbb R^3$ until you reach the equator of the sphere (so you're retracting half space to $\Bbb R^2$ with the unit disk removed and the upper unit hemisphere attached to the boundary).
The rest needs to be something non-linear.
Or at least a retraction such that the segment between $t$ and $r(t)$ doesn't leave the space
(also answer to @Alessandro: you can do it linear 'till it reaches the equator of the sphere, not afterwards)
Ah, right, you took out a whole sphere, not half of it
So you want to - what - deformation retract the half-space (interior of the parabolid removed) to $xy$-plane with a paraboloid touching the origin in the $xy$-plane?
I seriously don't know how to write that down.
You're fitting a paraboloid in between the plane and the sphere?
Can't you like, first project downward onto a surface that looks like a ball covered by a sheet, and then tuck in the sheet underneath the ball?
@SteamyRoot Akiva wants to write that.
But yes.
I'm guessing that in this case it's enough to write the deformation retract for a two-dimensional section, and then expand it by rotational symmetry...
@Akiva No, I mean you just retract the bit of $\Bbb R^3$ in between $z = 0$ and $z = 1/2$ to the lower hemisphere that fits between them.
Because for the upper bit it's projection, like I, Alessandro and Steamy said.
Right, I see
I feel like this should be a special case of some theorem
So upto homeomorphism I guess you want to retract $D^2 \times I$ to the cone $C(D^2)$ inside it.
That should be super-obvious.
@BalarkaSen How do you see that?
Remember that it's being deformation retracted onto the plane $\cup$ the sphere, not just the sphere
That's what I meant, I just don't want to repeat the plane everytime I say it. Pinch $D^2 \times \epsilon$ to the circle around the cone at level $z = \epsilon$ for some small $\epsilon > 0$.
Then push it down.
hi chat
@blue The errors can be considered as positive/negative, but you need to treat u/v consistently when it comes to signs.
I don't get what you're saying but whatever
In general, I think it's best to do all error analysis with definite signs at first, and only at the very end take magnitudes.
It's the same tucking idea. Anyway, whatever, I don't care enough to write this down. Don't see the point in doing this.
@Akiva Actually you don't even need that. def ret $D^2 \times I$ to $C(D^2)$, just by projecting. In doing so you do get the plane, because you retract $\Bbb R^2 - D^2$ to $\Bbb R^2 - pt$ where $D^2$ is the unit disk in the boundary plane.
What you're doing is you're projecting outside the solid cylinder in which the lower hemisphere is inscribed in. So you retract to $(\Bbb R^2 - D^2) \cup (D^2 \times I - L)$ where $L$ is the solid lower hemisphere.
Then retract $D^2 \times I - L \to \partial L$ by projecting each $D^2 \times t - L_t$ to $\partial L_t$ where $L_t$ is the (disk) level set of the solid lower hemisphere at $z = t$.
In this process you also retract $\Bbb R^2- D^2$ to $\Bbb R^2 - 0$ where $0$ is the vertex of $L$. This finishes everything.
Hello!! Is there an other way to solve 2^n=2000 without using logarithms?
Hello @SteamyRoot !! Do you have an idea?
Is it true that if we have linear transformation over $R^n$ then we have $T(R \times R \times R)$ m-times is equal to linear transformation with R m-times ?
@MaryStar Given that the answer is literally $n=\log_2 2000$, no.
If you want to estimate that result, there are ways. (For instance, 2^11=2048 so therefore n is a bit less than 11. A linear approximation to log yields the more precise estimate of 11-0.024.)
(ignore that 'more precise estimate', it's wrong.)
Hi @Ted
Hi Balarka
Problems like this make me cranky, if only because of how lazy they are: math.stackexchange.com/q/2216179/137524
You have a hint. Use it.
@Semiclassic: Did you find any of the missing pages back in the main office?
@Semiclassical Ok, thanks!!
Not yet. Haven't gone over there yet since our TA meeting in that building isn't till 2:30.
Was hoping to catch my advisor on research stuff before that, but haven't seen him yet.
@AkivaWeinberger Ok... I guess your idea was sound too. $\Bbb H^3$ deformation retracts to $\Bbb R^2$ fixing a circle $S^1$ on the boundary plane; so $\Bbb H^3 / S^1$ deformation retracts to $\Bbb R^2/S^1$. Sounds like $\Bbb H^3/S^1$ is precisely the component of the complement you talked about.
(I think; by universal theorem of quotient maps)
We have an equilateral triangle with edge a. Inside there is an other equilateral triangle where the vertices are on the middle of the first triagle. This method is repeated.

I want to find the area of the nth triangle.

The area of the first triangle is $\frac{a^2\sqrt{3}}{4}$.

So the next area is $\frac{(\frac{a}{2})^2\sqrt{3}}{4}$ ?
So, is the area of the nth triangle $\frac{(\frac{a}{2^{n-1}})^2\sqrt{3}}{4}$ ?
Hey everyone!
Hello @TedShifrin !! Do you have an idea bout my question?
@MaryStar It'll be a proof by induction. Suppose you've got a equilateral triangle of area $A_n$. Show that $A_{n+1}=cA_n$ where $c$ is an appropriate scaling factor.
(you've pretty much got $c$ already.)
It is true that the side of the new triangle is the half of the previous one, or not? @Semiclassical
Should be, yeah. To be nerdy, after the first step you've got a triforce:
...bah, why isn't that loading.
well, it works as a link. (oh hey, link)
And, really, $c$ should be pretty obvious visually from that picture.
@TedShifrin ...just got an email from the prof saying he's not going to be there today for either our TA meeting or his own office hour.
So either he's talked with the grader about this issue himself, or he's not paying attention to it at all.
So, the constant is 1/4, right? @Semiclassical
And therefore it holds that a_n=\frac{a_0}{4^n}, right? @Semiclassical
Hi@Semiclassical , any good starting reference for Chua's circuit ? :)
origin of Chaos in them ?
Smetimes I think
Our whole world works on an abstraction!
like numbrs 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
they are simple abstractions

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