Hey hey! How many sequences $(a_1,\dots,a_n)\in\mathbb{F}_q^n$ are there such that $a_i\neq a_j$ for all $1\leq i<j\leq n$ and $a_1+a_2+\dots+a_n\neq 0$. Where $p$ is a large prime.
It seems to me that there are $p(p-1)(p-2)\dots(p-n+2)(p-n)$ such sequences. There are $p$ choices for $a_1$, $p-1$ choices for $a_2$ since we can't pick $a_1$, and so on until and including $a_{n-1}$. When picking $a_n$ we can't pick any of the $a_i$ where $i<n$, and also can't pick $-a_1-a_2-\dots-a_{n-1}$, so there are $p-(n-1+1)$ choices.