We have the finite extension $E/F$. We have the $F$-monomorphism $\tau :E\hookrightarrow \tau (E)\subseteq E$. Then it follows that $\tau (E)$.
The proof is the following:
Since it is a monomoprhism, we have that $\tau (E)\cong E$. So, $[E:F]=[\tau (E) : F]$.
If $e_1, \ldots , e_n$ is a basis of $E/F$ then $\tau (e_1), \ldots , \tau (e_n)$ is a basis of $\tau (E)/F$, so $[e:\tau (E)]=1$. Therefore, $E=\tau (E)$.
Do we have that $\tau (E)\cong E$, because $\tau (E)$ is the image and so the mapping is surjective?