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@DHMO modpow?
@AlessandroCodenotti well, mod_pow.
My Google translate output different lol
p^n %a
@DHMO Still studying you are
How is that implemented? I don't think you can do better than exponentation by repeated squaring
@AlessandroCodenotti that is indeed the current implementation
@kayak yes
Can you post your code again? (Put it up on pastebin and share a link if you don't want to spam the chat with a huge message)
@AlessandroCodenotti pastebin.com/v8ydSi3H
Ooooh, what's that code do?
(back from holiday)
I see no obvious optimization, but python isn't a language I'm familiar with
@SteamyRoot I'm searching on n for n!=a!b!
@DHMO What other conditions? I mean, clearly whenever $n = k!$ you have an example.
yep, other than n = k!.
it is conjectured that the only non-trivial solution is 10!=7!6!
So an equivalent question is whether a falling factorial can be a factorial as well
Clearly $n$ cannot be prime and one of $a,b$ must at least be the largest prime $< n$.
I'm just going to drop this here in case anyone has ideas. I wasn't sure if I should have asked here on Math.SE. SciComp seemed more appropriate but it is very quiet.
Q: Solving a difficult system of equations numerically

SzabolcsI have a system of $n$ non-linear equations that I want to solve numerically: $$\mathbf{f}(\mathbf{x})=\mathbf{a}$$ $$\mathbf{f}=(f_1,\dots,f_n)\quad\mathbf{x}=(x_1,\dots,x_n)$$ This system has a number of characteristics that makes it particularly difficult to handle. I am looking for ideas on...

@Szabolcs but you already said that the function goes from 1 to 0 when x goes from -infty to infty
that means the solution is when x=infty
@DHMO I'm solving $f(x) = a$, where $a \in (0,1)$. It was simpler to state it this way.
oh, sorry I misunderstood
in this case, I don't understand why this has only one root
is this function continuous?
@DHMO It is not clear from the properties that I describe that it has only one root. But I do know that it has only one from theoretical results.
@DHMO Yes.
If the function is continuous and monotonous in every dimension, then how can it have only one root?
@DHMO f_i(x_1, x_2, ..., x_i, ..., x_n) is monotonic in x_i, but not necessarily in x_j (j \ne i)
In a way, f_i is "conjugate" to x_i.
f_1 to x_1, f_2 to x_2, etc.
@DHMO BTW it's "monotonic", not "monotonous". The latter means boring :-) I commit this same mistake all the time :-) (I have already had to correct myself once today)
oh, lol
Have you tried to approximate the region in which the function is increasing (to avoid the plateaus) and see if you can get a good enough approximation for newton to converge?
@DHMO What does your is_prime function say for $2^{12342}-1$?
@SteamyRoot that's too large
> if n < 3,215,031,751, it is enough to test a = 2, 3, 5, and 7;
> if n < 2,152,302,898,747, it is enough to test a = 2, 3, 5, 7, and 11;
Why not just use sympy's isprime?
i don't like using libraries lol
Hi @Alessandro. Still in Germany? :)
Hi @Balarka! No, I returned home late in the evening yesterday
@AlessandroCodenotti There are $n$ functions. I can find the region where one or a few of them don't have a plateau. But I was unable to easily find a region where none of them are in a plateau. If I could get into that region, then things would become much simpler.
I have numerical analysis to study now... but I'll find some time for G-P
@AlessandroCodenotti If I could do what you are saying, my problem would be practically solved :)
Yeah, that's why I was asking @Szabolcs
Sure, sure. Let me know if you want me to ramble on about some differential topology to you sometime.
Might be too soon, I'm still dealing with the first few sections
Are you on tangent spaces right now?
I don't know then, nonlinear systems weren't a big topic in my numerical analysis course
@DHMO This is a rather lazy way out, but simply putting that formula into Approach0 gives a few reasonably looking hits.
This one seems rather popular (score 139, 40k views): Solving the integral $\int_{0}^{\infty} \frac{\sin{x}}{x} \ dx = \frac{\pi}{2}$?
@MartinSleziak wow, nice
Inverse function theorem and immersions @Balarka (I read the section on tangent spaces and did most of the exercises there)
Using logical implication: is a=>b the same as ($/exists$a)$/forall$ b ?
Then you're already pretty far down.
@DHMO In the (unlikely) case that you were unaware of that search engine, a few links about this and searching on this site in general can be found here
@user400188 No
@MartinSleziak thanks
Uhm are we talking about the same section? That's page 15 or so in my edition
Oh, I know that it's still the beginning in the book. I'm just saying that you don't need much more to hear my rant.
Go ahead then :P
@TobiasKildetoft Why not? When you draw the sets the result is the same. And logical implication has an equivalence with the set of all interpretations in which a is true is a subset of the set of all interpretations in which b is true in a formal system.
Don't you need to study numerical analysis right now? :P
@user400188 the latter is not even a complete logical expression
@TobiasKildetoft is it near complete? If so what is missing?
That's true... I usually try to read or do a few exercises from G-P in the evening, so I'll annoy you later
@user400188 some statement that holds for these $a$ and $b$
@TobiasKildetoft at the start or end? Or does it not matter?
Sure thing.
@user400188 at the end. And of course it matters
@user400188 Anyway, the two statements do not even make sense for the same types of objects in place of a and b
@TobiasKildetoft what is meant by type? I was under the impression that if a was b then the result of the statement would just be that it is a tautology
@user400188 in the first one yes. In the second one, that would be an illformed statement (or in some versions, it would just render the "exists" part void)
I think you really need to go read up on what those things mean again
I do. I have realised I made a mistake with the term exists
I was drawing it as if exists meant the set could be drawn inside the other. Like a subset
[Abstract algebra] Some musings about the associative law when a left inverse is present and kinda remind of ladder operators:

Consider an infinite associative algebra with a pair of elements $a,b$ such that $ab=1$. Then consider the following chain of products (numbers are used as labels because otherwise I will ran out all 26 letters):


Now if $x_n1=x_n$ for all $x$ then you end up with a 'ladder' like structure where
@user400188 What set?
@TobiasKildetoft If I had a statement a=>b then I would draw a circle for b and draw another inside b labeled a.
@user400188 And what would those circles mean?
@TobiasKildetoft They would represent the sets a and b
@user400188 If a and b are sets, then a=>b makes no sense
@TobiasKildetoft why not?
@user400188 What would it mean?
@TobiasKildetoft I'm searching for the page in which I found a definition of logical implication that involved sets and subsets
Would anyone care to tell the polite way to link something here?
As long as it does not take a ton of space it should be fine
"the set of the interpretations that make all members of b true is a subset of the set of the interpretations that make A true."
That is a different symbol
Logical implication as opposed to material implication
I was under the impression that logical was writen as => while material was -> or =>
Neither of those are the symbol you linked to
@TobiasKildetoft If I remember correclty, you're a group theorist, so... if $G \leq A \times B$ and $p$ is the projection $A \times B \to \frac{A \times B}{(A \times B)'}$, is $p(G) \cong \frac{G}{G'}$? Primes indicating the commutator subgroup.
I would think it has to be correct, but somehow can't convince myself...
@TobiasKildetoft Yes the symbol used on the page is |= sorry. They mean the same thing as far as I am aware.
@user400188 No, they really don't. They are usually not even applicable in the same contexts.
Maybe I should have trusted wikipedia. I was redirected there when I searched logical imlication
should not have*
@SteamyRoot So it does not matter here that the group is a direct product of course
@SteamyRoot Ohh, actually it is not true. Just consider what happens when $G$ is the commutator subgroup and is non-trivial abelian
Interestingly; in regards to material implication, when a 1 or 0 is assigned to either "A" or "B" of A->B, and the question is asked: Can I fit an A into B? (as in; can I fit a 1 inside 1? yes 1 can fit in 1, or can I fit a 0 inside 1? Yes infinitely many can fit) the result gives the same truth table as A->B normally would.
I arrived at that when I was going through the thought process that lead the my incorrect conclusions about logical implication.
What does $\neg$ mean?
@BalarkaSen The thing was I wanted it to be continuous everywhere else.
@AkivaWeinberger hi
What $\neg$ means in math?
@BalarkaSen Alternatively, remember the textbook's $f(x,y)$ where the line limits at the origin were $0$ but the parabola limit was $1/2$? Mine is essentially that divided by $\sqrt y$.
(Modulo some substitutions.)
@Ramanujan Negation, I think
If $\phi$ is the sentence "The Riemann hypothesis is true", $\neg\phi$ is the sentence "The Riemann hypothesis is false"
Another LaTeX comment for it is \lnot ("logic not").
math.stackexchange.com/questions/2080245/… I don't know all of terms in this answer :( iam unable to understand this answer now
Compare \vee=\lor ("logic or") and \wedge=\land ("logic and")
@Ramanujan Ah. $\neg (\mathrm u \perp \mathrm v)$ would mean "$\rm u$ and $\rm v$ are not perpendicular".
Extremely difficult to understand that for me :(
@Ramanujan He's using ${\rm tr}(AB)={\rm tr}(BA)$, where $\rm tr$ means the trace (the sum of the diagonal entries)
He's also using $\rm u^\top v=u\cdot v$ for column vectors $\rm u$ and $\rm v$
@Ramanujan Which one?
$\top$ is the transpose.
@TobiasKildetoft Ah, you're right. The reason it holds in my case must be because of something specific about $G$ then. Thanks :)
What he means by $\perp$ ?
@Ramanujan Perpendicular. Which means $\rm u\cdot v=0$, by the properties of the dot product.
@AkivaWeinberger vectors in matrix?
Matrices that are one wide and $n$ tall (like $\begin{bmatrix}a\\b\\c\end{bmatrix}$) can be thought of as vectors.
These are called column vectors.
If $\rm u$ and $\rm v$ are column vectors, $\rm u^\top v=u\cdot v$.
@AkivaWeinberger oh,i thought it was transpose
$\top$ is transpose
$\bot$ is perpendicular
If $\rm u$ is a column vector, $\rm u^\top$ is a row vector.
> A coin of radius $1''$ is rolled (without slipping) around the outside of a coin of radius $2''$. How many complete revolutions does its “head” make? Now explain the correct answer! (There is a famous story that the Educational Testing Service screwed this one up and was challenged by a precocious high school student who knew that he had done the problem correctly.)
Is it not just $2$? Where would I find the story about the ETS?
@AkivaWeinberger Sure, you can make the example I gave continuous.
I got serially upvoted by someone. Bleh.
@BalarkaSen Ah, I see. That'd get something piecewise, yeah?
@BalarkaSen That sounds like a good thing?
The extra rep would just be reversed tomorrow.
There's an SE bot/script which reverses serial up/down votes.
Ah. ("Serial" here means that someone went and upvoted a bunch of your things?)
In the span of a few minutes, yes.
@AkivaWeinberger Do you know what derivative means yet, in the multivariable context?
Just got to that chapter.
What is the link to review suggested edits ? TIA
@WiCK3DPOiSON You need 2k reputation, I believe.
I got a notif saying I got the privilege to review edits.
You'll see an orange thingy pop up next to the "review" button if suggested edits are available to review.
OK Thanks.
My program has reached n=510800000.
@DHMO What program?
@AkivaWeinberger a program to solve n!=a!b!
Why ? @DHMO
You have changed your question. My answer is invalidated.
No, I had an error in my $\LaTeX$
you changed from f(|x|) to f(x).
$f(x)=x\, \{0\le x\le 5\}$
Are you learning multivariable calculus? @akiva
Now why is $f(|x|)$ defined on $[-5,5]$ ?
@Mahmoud because the range of $|x|$ when $x \in [-5,5]$ is $[0,5]$.
Consider $|-2| = 2$.
$f(|-2|) = f(2)$ which is defined.
I find that non-nonsensical, why do we add them ? Just because they give the same values ?
You don't need to add them.
"$f(|x|)$ is defined on $[0,5]$" is also a true statement.
@wendy.krieger g'day
@AlessandroCodenotti Yeah. I mainly want to learn about differential forms and integration on manifolds.
@AlessandroCodenotti buongiorno
@wendy.krieger 'n mor'n
I see, I need to learn about those too sooner or later @akiva
Hi @dhmo
tis midnight here
@wendy.krieger 'te Nacht
@AlessandroCodenotti come stai
I'm going through a textbook, which so far has been mostly review for me, but not completely — and at some point it's going to get to those topics.
Do you speak italian?
@DHMO Desmos Automatically reflected it, even If I determined the domain of $f(x)$ before defining $f(|x|)$.
About a fifth of the way in.
@Mahmoud Desmos tries every real number
i've been toying with an easter proggie again. easter by the austral.
@AlessandroCodenotti No, but I know Spanish, which is kind of close
@AlessandroCodenotti un poco
Si hablo en español, ¿podrías entenderme?
Or is it too different?
@AkivaWeinberger en italiano seria "Se parlo in spagnolo, puoi capirmi?"
@DHMO I had a similar problem in my test today, my question involved finding the direction of change of $f(|x|)$, and I just concluded that $f(x)=f(|x|), x\in [0,5]$, but when asking my teacher after the test was finished, he said that you need to define it over $[-5,5]$, :/
@Mahmoud stupid teacher
This way domains of definition become somewhat arbitrary :/
isn't it summer holidays :o
I can understand most of written Spanish because it's very similar, but some terms are different
@AlessandroCodenotti mi espanol es muy mejor que mi italiano entonces voy a escribir en espanol esperando que tu podrias entender :p
@DHMO Pretty close, I guess. The main difference is the last verb.
@AkivaWeinberger I agree
I mean come on, in our problems they ask us to find the domain of definition, it CAN be anything ! I'm I getting something wrong ? @DHMO
("My Spanish is much better than my Italian, so I'm going to type in Spanish hoping that you can understand.")
Intendere is a verb in Italian too though, with a similar meaning
@Mahmoud well...
@Mahmoud You make the domain as large as you can.
your problems are stupid
Well we could also just stick to English :P
@mahmoud I think he is secretly asking for which reals $x$ does the expression $f(|x|)$ make sens
@Mahmoud What's the question?
@mercio it can also be $x=3+4i$ if you didn't add the word "real"
@AkivaWeinberger no eres americano?
@DHMO Sí que soy
yes that's whyI said "real number"
in any case it's not a good question, we all agree on that
@AkivaWeinberger entonces por que hablas espanol?
Aprendo español en la escuela
@Mahmoud so the next time you encounter these problems, it is asking "for what real numbers x is the function defined".
@AkivaWeinberger pense que todos los americanos son monolingue xd
@AkivaWeinberger $f(x)=x \, \{0 \le x\le 5\}$, find the direction of change of $f(|x|)$, but the function itself was more complicated though.
@Mahmoud But if the function was only defined for non-negative reals, then taking absolute value of the argument changes nothing
@TobiasKildetoft the point is that f(|-1|) is also defined
@TobiasKildetoft Exactly,
@DHMO Ves tú, el problema con ese lógico es que estoy judío, y que ya era bilingüe desde cuando era muy joven, porque hablo hebreo también
(I'm sure I messed up all the grammar there)
It's not clear to me how to deduce that trough logical reasoning, for that function, it's simply easy, but for more complicated ones ... Can you give me a rule that I can follow ?
@DHMO Not if $f$ was not defined there
@AkivaWeinberger I'm sure "ves tu" was a direct translation of "look at you"
@Mahmoud Do horses use trough logical reasoning?
and all those accents suggest that you used a translator
I was going for "You see" @DHMO
@TobiasKildetoft So is it wrong to define $f(|x|)$ out of the domain of $f$ ?
@DHMO No, iPhone does it for me
@AkivaWeinberger ah, I see
entonces eres trilingue
@Mahmoud You do not define it. It has already been defined
the point is he never gave the domain of definition of $f(|x|)$
@robjohn Horses ? :o
Bueno, no hablo con fluencia en español o hebreo, pero, sí, estoy trilingüe
@AkivaWeinberger debes mejorar tu hebreo :p
@Mahmoud Horses drink from troughs. It's just a bad joke at the misspelling of "through".
@mercio Once you have the domain of $f$ you obviously get the same domain for the new function
@robjohn You mean "thorough"?
@robjohn yep. your first statement when entering this room had to be a bad joke.
3 mins ago, by Mahmoud
It's not clear to me how to deduce that trough logical reasoning, for that function, it's simply easy, but for more complicated ones ... Can you give me a rule that I can follow ?
"deduce that trough logical reasoning"
so if I define $f(x) = \arccos(x)$ for $x \in [-1 ; 1]$
and I ask a poor student to study $f(x+5)$
what should he do ?
@robjohn I didn't even notice that I missspelled it :D.
"English is a difficult language. It can be understood through tough thorough thought, though."
Oops, did it again :D
@Mahmoud Yeah, $f(|x|)$ is defined on $[-5,5]$.
@AkivaWeinberger Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo!
You need a few of those capitalized @Krijn
Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo
@mercio Ohh, right, of course the function is defined on the larger interval once you take absolute value
@AkivaWeinberger :(
New try: "James while John had had had had had had had had had had had a better effect on the teacher"
It's funny how the word ''Misspelled'' isn't actually misspelled, unless you misspell it of course.
I've seen that one, too.
@Mahmoud On the other hand, the word incorrectly is spelled incorrectly
@AkivaWeinberger I'll throw in a dutch one then: Als in Bergen bergen bergen bergen bergen bergen, bergen bergen bergen bergen bergen.
Which translates to: If in the city of Bergen a lot of mountains hide a lot of mountains, then a lot of mountains hide a lot of mountains
¿Cómo como? Como como como
@AkivaWeinberger How do I eat? I eat like I eat.
The word ''blue'' isn't actually $\color{blue}{Blue}$, or is it ? Same goes for ''huge'' , or is it $\huge{\displaystyle{\text{HUGE}}}$ ? :D
Pentasyllabic is pentasyllabic
@AkivaWeinberger do you know any Hebrew variant?
Good one @AkivaWeinberger
$\displaystyle{\text{Spanish}}$ Isn't a Spanish word.
You are getting close to Russel's paradox
How is that ? @Krijn
If normal means it does not describe itself,
and abnormal means it does describe itself,
is normal normal?
@Akiva got this
@AkivaWeinberger we have a word for it
So I'll resume watching my lecture
it's called heterological
Ah, right.
And I learnt it from VSauce.
OK, so, autological means it describes itself (pentasyllabic, etc.)
@DHMO Me too ''What is normal ?''
and heterological means it doesn't (German, etc.)
@AkivaWeinberger So cohomological means...?
Sorry, I meant autological.
ahh, a shame
The question is, is heterological heterological.
@AkivaWeinberger you should talk to @Mahmoud to see how similar Hebrew and Arabic are lol
in Hebrew name is sh-m
in Arabic name is s-m
Aren' they both semitic languages?
The word $\displaystyle{\text{Infinite}}$ is heterological.
@Krijn the word "semitic", of course, comes from the same word as described above.
There's a good video on Langfocus about the similarity
Chaver <-> Habibi
@DHMO Really? Never knew that.
@AkivaWeinberger it is from the biblical character Shem
which means name
Ok, bye, school time $\displaystyle{\text{:/}}$
A bit of difference is that Hebrew uses ha- while Arabic uses al-
Also, lechem is Hebrew for bread and Arabic for meat, for some reason.
@Mahmoud fi amanillah
@AkivaWeinberger Why would you drink bread?
> The semantic development in Arabic is due to the different agriculture and diet of the Arabian peninsula vis-à-vis the Fertile Crescent.
That was my first ever Hebrew pun and I don't care how bad it was
@Krijn what does it mean?
@Krijn I don't get it
Ah, OK, lechem sounds like l'chayim
לחם vs. לחיים
@AkivaWeinberger do you guys say "ba" for "be" + "ha"?
do you write it differently than "be"?
No. (I'm not a native Hebrew speaker; I'm also confused by this)
can you conjugate a verb?
Like, me, specifically?
I guess?
Depends on the verb?
what do you mean?
There's a lot of different types of verbs. I might not remember how a certain type does the future tense, for example
(I'm bad at the future tense)
do you have different conjugations for different persons?
[Abstract algebra] whenever you saw a triple popping up in an associative law e.g. $aaa$, and that all products of $a$ and/or products that result in $a$ are defined, then you know that something related to $a$ commutes in the structure
In past and future tenses, you conjugate for gender, person, and number. In present tense, you only conjugate for gender and number.
@AkivaWeinberger I see
You have 7 types of verbs right
Although Spanish has more types lol
But also if there are certain letters in the verb the conjugation can change.
@DHMO Spanish only has three, doesn't it?
-ar, -er, -ir
@AkivaWeinberger of course not lol
those are three endings
not three types
e.g. venir is a whole new type
Right, that's irregular verbs, those don't count
Does Hebrew have irregular verbs?
@AkivaWeinberger according to your standard, many verbs won't be counted
Have fun uttering one sentence without irregular verbs
@DHMO I guess the thing where certain letters appear in certain places counts as irregular
can you elaborate on "certain letters"?
Aleph, Heh, Chet, Ayin
how do you even distinguish between aleph and ayin
And Yud also
@DHMO Most people don't pronounce a difference. You need to memorize the spelling.
But some accents have them pronounced differently
Arabic also preserves the distinction
also, bet and vau
Yeah. And Tet and Taf
And Chet and Chaf
just like "b" and "v" in Spanish
And Sin and Samech
The interesting thing is that Chaf and Kaf are one letter, which means sometimes it's pronounced the same as Chet and sometimes it isn't
Same with Sin and Shin
ווווווווו = uvuvwevwevwe
and Bet and Vet

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