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Hello, I'm trying to prove Hamming distance is a metric distance. The way to do it is to prove a) $ Positive case d(x) \geq 0$. b) Symmetric case $d(x,y) = d(y,x)$, and d) Triangle inequality $d(x,y) + d(y,z) \geq d(x,z) $. I think I'm able to prove a) and b) but d) is difficult
What's Hamming distance?
It's about how far you can ham.
Serious note, it's an edit distance.
$d(cat, dog) = 3$ because you need to replace $3$ letters in "cat" to get "dog".
Hamming distance is a function which gives you the different between two numbers. for example: x=100 and y=111, then H(x,y) = 2
Given two strings of binaries, it's the number of bits that need to be flipped to make them agree
I don't think it's a good idea to denote it as $H(x, y)$, seeing as how that already has an important meaning in each setting you'd see Hamming distance discussed in.
Most of those settings, it's Joint Shannon Entropy.
how do you people know this
@Semiclassical long time no see
I bombed the QM exam
Q: For $x,y \in \mathbb{Q}\setminus\{ 0\}$, prove that $\mathbb{Q}/\langle x \rangle \simeq \mathbb{Q}/ \langle y \rangle$.

Jessy CatFor $x$, $y$ nonzero rationals, I need to prove that $\mathbb{Q}/\langle x \rangle \simeq \mathbb{Q}/ \langle y \rangle$. To do this, I was thinking about using the Third Isomorphism Theorem: Let $M, N \trianglelefteq G$ and $M \leq N$. Then, $(G/M)/(N/M)\simeq G/N$. However, this would...

Hamming shows up in abstract algebra courses a lot
@0celo7 oof
but I'm hoping everyone did
@0celo7 Am computer scientist. Generally ham on a regular basis.
I just need somebody to explain the kernel of this thing to me.
it was extremely hard -- two people finished
out of 40
@JessyCat kernel of what thing?
They posted a link above. Scary notation.
Remember that problem we were talking about earlier, @arctictern?
yes. kernel of what?
I don't understand why the kernel of $f: x \mapsto \frac{x}{a} + \langle 1 \rangle$ is $\langle a \rangle$
@YOUSEFY actually, wouldn't (d) just be: if it takes $a$ changes to turn $x$ into $y$, and $b$ to turn $y$ into $z$, then I can turn $x$ into $z$ with $a+b$ changes
wait a sec. I wasn't finished typing.
@Axoren You're definitely right, but just in our context we want to explain what is it. Moreover, in the book they use small letter of d, that is: d(x,y)
Okay, now I am.
@YOUSEFY $d$ is the notation used for most dissimilarities, distances metrics, etc.
there may be a shorter sequence of changes, but all you need is the upper bound
It's a nice general one which doesn't tend to overlap with other meanings
Because isn't the identity element in $\mathbb{Q}/\langle 1 \rangle $ 0?
@JessyCat $x/a+\langle 1\rangle=\langle 1\rangle\iff x/a\in\langle 1\rangle\iff x\in\langle a\rangle$
the identity element is $0+\langle 1\rangle$, or in other words $\langle 1\rangle$
It's great how I don't see these things, isn't it?
Seriously though, I feel like such a loser.
everything's relative. you're in a chatroom full of geniuses. but learning abstract algebras puts you above 99%+ of other people.
This place is literally where all the smart people come to be smart at each other.
I'm actually doing better than everybody else in my class, too.
So how are you a loser, then?
@Axoren I've noticed that ;)
Because @Axoren when I ask things here sometimes I feel like I should already know what I'm asking about.
@Semiclassical one of the "smart" grad students asked the prof after the exam
"I thought you said it was easy"
and the prof answered "oh I thought it was"
They always do.
Our prof is pretty awful, though. He's extremely incoherent. The only thing that saves things is that he types up a set of lecture notes for each week and gives them to us.
@Semiclassical you mean a: x ---> y and b: y ---> z, then (a+b): x,y--->y,z
no, this prof is very good
very clear
but that exam, oh my god
@JessyCat Generally, you should be given the tools to understand everything that builds up from your foundations. If you lack some knowledge, there's a few things that could have happened: (1) you weren't given the tools, (2) you didn't use the tools, or (3) the tools you had need to be used in a different way than you've used them before.
A lot of things fall into the third case, which is where a lot of people aren't prepared even when they have every opportunity.
hmm. that's a bit of a weird way to write it---is a the number of substitutions, or the act of making those substitutions
All I think one needs, though, is that you can get to z by first going through y
@Axoren we also don't use some of the more technical terminology that the experts are inclined to use. Like for example, I have no idea what "killing" an element is, because I've never heard anything in any of the classes I've taken referred to that way.
and that can be done in d(x,y)+d(y,z) steps
so whatever d(x,z) actually is, it can't be bigger than that
@JessyCat I don't think that's standard terminology but then again, it's not my field.
@arctictern thanks again! :)
@Axoren it's not mine either. I'm taking it as a foundations course.
Killing an element could just be the figurative killing of it.
I think I've seen the word 'annihilates' used in a similar way
Math is so violent.
e.g. that differentiating a constant function annihilates it
> When I was at the University of Oklahoma in the early '80s, we were all required to write a brief description of our research for the (rather conservative, this being Oklahoma) Board of Regents of the University. An colleague in algebra, perhaps hoping for more state support, wrote that he was studying "annihilating radical left ideals."
If you kill an element on the imaginary axis, is it a crime?
In the early 80s, I'm sure that he got it.
@Axoren not if there isn't a body.
QFT in curved spacetime
Killing fields
annihilation operators
black holes that destroy everything
curvature blowups
smashing wave packets together
Radiation coming out of black holes. In my day, we used to call that a fart.
scattering theory oh me oh my
blowing up eight points on a plane
@arctictern I didn't realize you were old enough to have been at university in the 80s.
Now, we call it Hawking Radiation.
@JessyCat I was born in 91. That's a quote from the MO thread mathematical urban legends.
Oh damn, you're my age, @arctictern
I thought you were older.
Oh damn, you're all young'uns.
91? I thought you were 12
No, that's Balarka who's 12
If you flip it 180 degrees, he was born this year.
91 $\to$ 16
I was actually born in the early 80s
i'm an 87 birthday myself
That's not early, LOL
i didn't say it was?
I know ;P
I'm on the starred list for a fart joke.
Oh jeez.
@Axoren congratulations. This is the place where smart people come to be smart to each other...and to tell fart jokes.
@YOUSEFY Did that help?
> As a young postdoc, Misha was giving a talk at a prestigious US university about his new diagrammatic formula for a certain finite type invariant, which had 158 terms. A famous (but unnamed) mathematician was sitting, sleeping, in the front row. "Oh dear, he doesn't like my talk," thought Misha.
But then, just as Misha's talk was coming to a close, the famous professor wakes with a start. Like a man possessed, the famous professor leaps up out of his chair, and cries, "By golly! That looks exactly like the Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch Theorem!!!"
@Semiclassical I'm trying to use your technique. I'm working on it right now
I hear a similar story a few years ago, where a student proved exciting theorems about holomorphic functions with compact support. — Orbicular May 23 '11 at 22:12
hey @0celo7
I would like to discuss something super trivial
I think
so I don't understand 2
does 2 says that for each $\epsilon_k$ we have that there exists an increasing sequence such that the distance between the subsequences are all closer than $\epsilon_k$ for all k !! ?
that doesn't seem believable
@Adeek it's saying the convergence of any sequence can be sped up to an arbitrarily high degree by picking subsequences
we are given it is cauchy not convergent no ?
what is $p$?
why no love for $d$?
what is the $\nearrow$ doing?
haha you cracked me up @0celo7
it's believable.
but it is cauchy not convergent !!?
maybe he forgot to say convergent ?
what is the word in front of sequence in the second line
looks like Luud.
fundmental sequence
what is that?
cauchy sequence
why not say that then
he likes saying fundmental
him and no one else, but ok
so we have a sequence $(\epsilon_k)$ of reals
I don't think this is true for cauchy sequence actually
take it to be decreasing, otherwise this is trivial
so we have some $\epsilon_1$
Since the sequence is Cauchy we can find $N_1,N_2$ such that $d(x_{N_1},x_{N_2})<\epsilon_1$, right?
yes but we need to satisfy for all $\epsilon_k$ no ?
no, that's certainly false
not even convergent will save you then
I think I am not parsing the statement correctly ?
Is that real analysis?
maybe it is exactly
what your saying that is
you need $d(x_{n_k},x_{n_{k+1}})<\epsilon_k$ to hold $\forall k$.
that means
yeah yeah I see
I thought this would work for all k.
yeah that is trivial.
You can construct them by cauchyness at each step
yeah ok.
Ok I see it is not that bad
He used it to prove that X is banach iff every absolutely convergent sequence is convergent.
@usukidoll functional analysis I guess
what does absolutely convergent mean again?
the sum of the absolute values converges
@Semiclassical Hi.
@Mussulini that's a series
he said sequence.
the sum of the norms you mean?
I did Cauchy Sequences last semester
convergent series I meant to say
hm, ok
@Semiclassical I think I proved it. Check it. We want to show that d(x,z) steps is larger than d(x,y)+d(y,z). Now, Case d(x,z) = 0 iff x = z: then in this case no matter whatever value is assigned to d(x,y) or d(y,z), then they will always are bigger than or equal to d(x,z). Case $d(x,z) > 0$ iff $x \inq z$: Suppose that d(x,y) + d(y,z) = r. then in this case at least r = 1 or at most r= 2 while d(x,z) at most equal to 1. Thus, d(x,y) + d(y,z) is always greater than or equal d(x,z).
hi, anyone here?
interested in a quick physics dilemma? I am confused.
I am a horrible science person
I am so sorry T_T
just ask, don't ask to ask
oil sits on top of water. a block is immersed, floating in the boundary between the two. now, how in the world does the oil, which is on top, supply an UPWARD buoyant force? the sides and top of the block contact oil; side pressures cancel, and wouldn't the top pressure be down?
resolved in physics chat. oil pressure is transmitted through the water to the bottom of the block.
Maybe I can finally do some math today
Who just pinged me?
Weirdest thing - I was just closing some tabs in my browser, and I heard the ping noise
What is different between showing a function or variable to be a "metric distance" and "metric space"?
They have the same definition: Positivity, Symmetric, and Triangle Inequality
2 hours later…
@BalarkaSen Hi
1 hour later…
Hi everyone :-)
@Kaumudi hi
24 hours ago, by Kaumudi
I'm trying to find the length of the chord of contact of a circle (ie. The length of the chord connecting two points through which, if tangents are drawn, meet at a common point P $(x_1,y_1)$. I've been given that point P, and the equation of the cir le.
I've drawn a diagram and everything. If u click on that link...
I dunno how to do it using the concept of the power of a point either...
@Kaumudi you have the radius of the circle from the equation
join P to the centre of the circle
you can find the length of the new line by Pythagoras' Theorem
Uh huh...
OK, then what?
so you can find the altitude with respect to the new line
double that and you find the length of the chord
I dunno the points at which that tangent meets the circle.
Hang on...
double that and you find the length of the chord
Problem is, I dunno those points.
Hello guys.
I found something pretty cool
To drop the altitude to the line segment joining the point from which the two tangents are drawn and the center.
Graph this :D
@Kaumudi do you know PO and the radius?
$$0.5=\left(\cos \left(x\right)+\cos \left(y\sin \left(\frac{\pi }{5}\right)+x\cos \left(\frac{\pi }{5}\right)\right)+\cos \left(y\sin \left(\frac{2\pi }{5}\right)+x\cos \left(\frac{2\pi }{5}\right)\right)+\cos \left(y\sin \left(\frac{3\pi }{5}\right)+x\cos \left(\frac{3\pi }{5}\right)\right)+\cos \left(y\sin \left(\frac{4\pi }{5}\right)+x\cos \left(\frac{4\pi }{5}\right)\right)\right)$$
@DHMO Yeah..?
@Mahmoud ugh
It's crazy
And add that to it:
@Kaumudi the point is that the tangent is always perpendicular to the radius
$$\sin \left(y-11\right)=\left(\cos x\right)$$
@DHMO Uh, OK..?
@Kaumudi so you can use Pythagoras' theorem to find the length of the tangent
Then what?
a moment
be back in half an hour
What do you think of the graph ?
$$-\frac{1}{2}\cos x^2+x\cos \left(e^{\sin x}+2x\left(\sin y\right)\right)=0$$
$$\cos \left(y\cdot x\right)=\left|\tan \left(\frac{x}{y}\right)\right|$$
$$y=\left(x^2+y^2-16\right)\cos \left(\left(x^2+y^2-16\right)\left(x\right)\right)$$
@Kaumudi the point is that <PBO and another angle are both right angles
since you are given the radius and the length of the PO
then you can find the lengths of the tangents
with PB and BO you can find the area of PBO
with PO and the area of PBO, you can find the altitude of PBO with respect to PO
Oh my God.
double that and you find the length of the chord of contact
Okay, I'll try this.
Thanks! ^.^
you are welcome
@Mahmoud $\left(\cos y\right)=\left(\cos x\right)$ is better
Thank you
But I didn't ask you to graph it, I was trying to start a conversation and share those crazy functions, @DHMO
$$y=\left(x^2+y^2-16\right)\cos \left(\left(x^2+y^2-16\right)\left(x\right)\right)$$
@Mahmoud 11 got past the visual test because $3.5 \times \pi = 10.9955742876$
you have broken the graphing system
Wait what function is that ?
24 mins ago, by Mahmoud
$$-\frac{1}{2}\cos x^2+x\cos \left(e^{\sin x}+2x\left(\sin y\right)\right)=0$$
19 mins ago, by Mahmoud
$$\cos \left(y\cdot x\right)=\left|\tan \left(\frac{x}{y}\right)\right|$$
18 mins ago, by Mahmoud
$$y=\left(x^2+y^2-16\right)\cos \left(\left(x^2+y^2-16\right)\left(x\right)\right)$$
@Mahmoud polar: $r\sin\theta = (r^2-16) \cos((r^2-16)r\cos\theta)$
We are getting somewhere.
@Mahmoud I don't think so, seeing the double cosine
@DHMO: Took a break. Tried it now and it matches exactly with the formula in my textbook. U rock! Thanks(again :-P) ! :-D
@Kaumudi you are welcome
Oh, also, how to know that the line segment joining the center and the other point is bisected (perpendicularly, even) by the chord of contact?
@Kaumudi this is a theorem... but i can prove it if you want
Oh, there is? OK, what's the first step in the proof? Give me the slightest of hints, can u pls?
@Kaumudi that POA is congruent to POB (triangles)
Riight, OK.
OK, simple enough.
U know what? I'll tell u one big thanks at the end of the day, for every time u help me throughout the day :-P
@Kaumudi thanks for your gratitude
:-P Sure..?
Yo @DHMO: I found another way to find the length of chord of contact!
@Kaumudi nice
every road leads to Rome
That angle $\theta$. Find $sin\theta$ for those two different triangle and shzam, we have it.
@DHMO :-)
@Kaumudi that also works
Hey, @DHMO: Remember when I asked about that power of point theorem?
Those two triangles are supposed this be similar (AA)
So $AB/AC=AD/AE$. But the wtf, it's supposed to be that $AB.AC=AD.AE$!
No they aren't. ABE and ADC are supposed to be similar.
They aren't?
The A-angle is in common. Why are one of the two other angles equal?
Hang on, I though...okay, nvm.
Sigh. Why am I so dumb? Thanks!
I'm not that great at proving similarity. Can u pls help me to prove that those two triangles u just mentioned are similar?
Do you see why BED and BCD are equal angles?
Huh? BED AND BCD? Erm, no :-(
Oh, wait.
BD is a chord and angles subtended by the sane chord on the circumference are equal, yeah?
Sure, they are inscribed angles over the same arc.
Checking which other angle is equal...
Ah, EAB and CAD.
God, my diagram sucks. Took me awhile.
OK, so those two are similar. Soo, riight, $AD/AE=AB/AC$
And OK!
Thank you!
@Kaumudi That's not right.
The equality you wrote down
Back. $=)$
:-( I meant $AC/AD=AE/AB$
I'm blind+dumb af, sorry.
@BalarkaSen When graphing $y^2=x^2*\sin (x^2+y^2)$ I get the symbol of infinity. What does that mean ?
end of world
really, you shouldn't be surprised to get something like that. $y^2 = x^2$ is an "X", and taking a sine factor merges the ends, and adds stuff because sine is periodic
No seriously does that mean that the person who created the notation knew this ?
what makes you think that?
@Mahmoud, oh, wait, you mean when you graph it it looks like the infinity symbol! For some reason I just imagined you graphing it and it all breaking, and I was just thinking "what..."
Just a part of it @heather
there are millions of such equations which graphs to a leminscate
this has absolutely nothing to do with the mathematical idea of infinity, certainly. :P
It only shows it for even exponents @BalarkaSen
again, $y^n = x^n$ is an "X" only if $n$ is even.
Hello! If i prime factorize a number X then can all natural numbers <= X be expressed as a product of the primefactors?
If you factorise $9 = 3^2$, can you express $8$ as product of $3$'s?
no ofc not,
silly me
I was counting how many invertable elements there are in <= X and I was thinking if that has some other meaning aswell
@Semiclassical hi god
On Wednesday I gotta give an exercise group, but I don't know about what. There is no sheet that they have handed in yet and I haven't had a single meeting with the other TAs or my prof to know what would be sensible to prepare..
That's disconcerting
Can you track any of them down?
yeah, i know the other TAs so i can find them. but if the prof doesn't send us a directive by tomorrow ill send him a mail :)

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