Darn it, I missed the showdown. Popcorns wasted. :(
@MartinSleziak This is what I am afraid of.
Popcorn jokes apart, many of the people (temporarily/permanently) left this chat recently, mostly good people who used to contribute constructively and actually talk about math. I feel like this is a fault of the community: with those people gone 80% of the conversations have either become off-topic or streetfights. I confess that I feel responsible and ashamed for this. I think we all should, and try to make this chat a better place.
I wouldn't want this community to fall apart - I used to learn a lot from being here.
I think there was a bit of similar drama in the past. Quote from this meta post: "This hypothetical situation is actually very concrete: there exists a chat user who has so far caused 2 chat regulars and good mathematical contributors (on main) to leave chat for good."
Maybe some of the users will start to discuss more in Algebraic Theory chatroom (which was rather inactive lately or abstrat algebra chatroom (which is not much better).
Or maybe they will simply come back to chat later.
From what I can tell, periodic table, here and h bar are all quite inactive recently, possibly it has something to do with the start of the school year in the nothern hemisphere
Hello!! I want to show that $\lim \inf a_n + \lim \sup b_n \leq \lim \sup (a_n + b_n)$. Do we use for that the property $\lim \inf a_n\leq \lim \sup a_n$ ? But then we have $\lim \inf a_n + \lim \sup b_n \leq \lim \sup a_n + \lim \sup b_n$. Does this help?
@MaryStar There are several posts about this inequality on the main. Like this question and probably several other questions linked there.
I think that you should try to use the definition: $\limsup\limits_{n\to\infty} x_n = \lim\limits_{n\to\infty} \sup\limits_{k\ge n} x_k$
Or some of the other equivalent definitions of limit superior.
Now when I think about how to prove it, probably some of the other definition might indeed be more suitable.
But perhaps it works even with this definition. We should be able to prove $\inf\limits_{k\ge n} a_k+\sup\limits_{k\ge n} b_k \le \sup\limits_{k\ge n} (a_k+b_k)$, right?
@MaryStar If you prove the above inequality, then you are basically done. (It only remains to take the limit.)
Now I see that what I wrote here is basically the same thing as in the second part of my answer in the linked post.
@BalarkaSen I don't feel neither responsible not ashamed for the decisions others take. People come and leave, that's a real fact, and then there are many reasons that maybe many of us aren't aware for which people are not here. As an example, on my hottest work period on my book I think I missed here some months. On the other hand, if you suggest that some users make other users to leave this chat, OK, maybe, but at the same time, they may come back anytime,
open their room and chat there all day long, and I bet no one would disturb them, or coming here and ignoring the users they don't like. They had enough options not to be disturbed if they wanna stay here.
Give me a break with these airs of too important to stay here.
In mathematics, a Taylor series is a representation of a function as an infinite sum of terms that are calculated from the values of the function's derivatives at a single point.
The concept of a Taylor series was formulated by the Scottish mathematician James Gregory and formally introduced by the English mathematician Brook Taylor in 1715. If the Taylor series is centered at zero, then that series is also called a Maclaurin series, named after the Scottish mathematician Colin Maclaurin, who made extensive use of this special case of Taylor series in the 18th century.
A function can be approximated...
@BalarkaSen True. But since you referred to all users when you said what we should do I thought I should tell you my opinion not to include me in all the next time.
@BalarkaSen The community already offers all you need if you really want to stay away from a user, like ignore this user. Some simply don't like some, and I don't think the community shoud do efforts such that all fall in love with each other. Imho, one has at hand all tools needed to avoid other users.
@Idomathart That sounds irrelevant to whatever I said. Oh, and if you don't want to be included in "all", you should leave the community. As long as you're in the community, I will include you too - you're no more special than an arbitrary user to be not included.
Since ignoring users is now trending topic here, I will ask whether there is also a possibility to hide a particular user from the transcript. (If you simply ignore user, the transcript still shows their messages - I have just test this.)
@BalarkaSen It's relevant for the simple fact we do different mathematics, we have different visions on almost anything about math and hence all this possible disputes. Community cannot improve that, if you want to understand me, because I'm stubborn on my visions, and also the others are stubborn on their visions, and so on. It's not that you included me in all, not that I'm special, not the case in these circumstances,
but you said what we all should do as if you were a decisional factor of the site, but that is just your opinion, and you can express your opinion without including me, especially in this case where I see no logic to do that.
@BalarkaSen I and robjohn did a lot of math in the past until some things happened around, like this math is not that good as other areas some practie.
i really dont get the point why u people are raising the tension in internet, i suggest you to save some keypresses for whatever useful rather than electricty/time/lifespan tension can retract human average life expectability as you know especially when it is virtual and the source of offense is ambiguous and far to reach
Since this room is much more frequented than the one where the request was posted, I though that it might be a reasonable idea to repost it here. Just in case there is some volunteer.
(I know it should not be too hard for me to learn the definition of a scheme itself, I was just looking forward for Soham to teach me about it. But thanks for telling me about them)
So being locally affine just means that the space has an open cover such that each open set in that cover gives you something which is isomorphic to an affine scheme when you take that sub sheaf
Of course, if you instead define an affine scheme as a representable functor from the category of $k$-algebras to sets, then defining what it means to be so locally gets messy
(but defining what a group scheme is becomes much simpler)
My biggest issue with affine schemes is that they have that weird point which is dense in the whole space. Modulo that, $\Bbb A^n$ is an affine scheme so $\Bbb P^n$ would be a scheme (hence, in particular, any projective variety).
What I wonder is what can one say about the manifold analogues of such schemes. Eg., locally isomorphic to $\Bbb A^n$ (or $\text{spec} k[x_1, \cdots, x_n]$ if you prefer).
Supposedly under this map there is a correspondence between effective divisors and line bundles with a choice of preferred section up to multiplication by $\mathbb{C}^*$.
But I can't find a friendly enough definition of the Abel Jacobi map to test this.
That's for Riemann surfaces though. There's an explicit description of a correspondence between homology classes of hypersufaces in a manifold and line bundles on it.
I don't know about intuitive. The idea is to note that homology class of a hypersurface (in your case, a point), lives in $H_{n-1}(M; \Bbb Z/2)$. Poincare dual of that lives in $H^1(M; \Bbb Z/2)$ - that gives a map $\pi_1(M) \to \Bbb Z/2$. That's a permutation representation of a double cover over $M$. Any double cover automatically gives you a line bundle (the transition maps $U_{ij} \times S^0 \to U_{ij} \times S^0$ extend canonically to maps $U_{ij} \times \Bbb R \to U_{ij} \times \Bbb R$)
Probably, yes. But I am working with singular cohomology, not sheaf cohomology, and my description is topological, not algebraic.
Not sufficient to give you a holomorphic section though, in general, I believe.
For one, working $\Bbb Z/2$ completely forgets about orientation, whereas every Riemann surface is oriented canonically. That's the reason you have a topological section for the tautological line bundle on CP^1, but no holomorphic ones.
Speaking of, I still need to work out an explicit topological section for the tautological line bundle w/ intersection number -1 (I know one exists by a intersection-theory argument).
Yes, in essence, if you were working with only points. Tensor product "concatenates twists", so if you have constructed a line bundle corresponding to a point, tensor product makes that same construction again and again and each time you get an additional zero.
So if you have a line bundle $\ell$ corresponding to homology class of hypersurface $M$, and a line bundle $\ell'$ corresponding to homology class of hypersurface $N$, $\ell \otimes \ell'$ corresponds to homology class of $M \sqcup N$.
Or I think it should. I haven't worked out a rigorous proof.
Question on my mind before I do yardwork. If $R^+$ is a (commutativ, unital) semiring and $R$ the ring made from it (Grothendieck construction, so formal differences of elements from $R^+$, like $\Bbb N\subset\Bbb Z$), then are ideals $I\triangleleft R$ of the form $J-J$ for ideals $J\triangleleft R^+$? (My particular context is Burnside rings associated to symmetric groups, since they describe combinatorial species.)
Eh, complex line bundles are not on principle the same as real 2-plane bundles. And sections of line bundles over complex manifolds are required to be holomorphic, not just continuous.
What did you mean by "have you not constructed a line bundle in either case"? I am confuzzled.
Above, you have stated a correspondence between divisors and real line bundles. Under this correspondence, are effective divisors sent to a line bundle with a natural choice of section?
I do not see why the adjective "effective" is relevant for real line bundles. Also, no, I don't think one gets a natural choice of section under that construction - we are passing off to homology, so that would only give a generic section even if it does.
@anon: Does the KAN decomposition of a connected semisimple Lie group always provide a diffeomorphism $K \times A \times N \to G$? (In particular, are $K, A, N$ always closed subgroups?) Do you know someplace with a good exposition of KAN?
The isomorphism $H^1 \cong \hom(\pi_1, \Bbb Z/2)$ just comes from the universal coefficient theorem. I do not know if this has a differential forms interpretation.
There's some construction giving a line bundle from any divisor.
Supposedly if the divisor is effective then this gives you a preferred section.
I've not looked enough at the construction to know why it's true, so I'm curious about 1. why there is a preferred section 2. how to think about the construction.
The counterexample to this when your divisor is not effective, is the tautological bundle. But that's as constructive a comment I can give you on this.
I don't really know how to explicitly construct a section. Mike probably does.
@BalarkaSen Your question about 'manifold schemes' is not the correct notion. There are only two Riemann surfaces locally isomorphic to $\Bbb C$. You need to work with open subsets of $\Bbb C$, which doesn't seem to me to admit a good generalization to varieties (or else compact Riemann surfaces would all be algebraic for more obvious reasons).
@MikeMiller For the algebraic groups, one would take the ones I mentioned above (unipotent radicals of the positive and negative Borels and the maximal torus)
@MikeMiller dunno what the conditions are. I'm only familiar with the decomposition for some classical matrix groups. (KCd talks about SL(2,R) for instance.)
I'm sure some or other standard lie groups textbook will state the relevant result in some section on the Iwasawa decomposition.
@arctictern Thanks, I'll try. I'd like to have an authoritative source for the fact that any Lie group is diffeomorphic to $K \times \Bbb R^\ell$, $K$ the maximal compact subgroup. It is fairly easy to reduce this to the case of connected semisimple, which should follow from KAN but I didn't know a source for that particular corollary.
@MikeMiller Referring to the new idea I mentioned, it is to do the proof for the trivial bundle $p : X\times \Bbb R^n \to X$: that, I think, can be done by taking the section $s$ with zero oriented intersection number, homotoping it away from the zero section, and then making it a section again (doing the last step should be analogous to genericity of Lefschetz maps).
Then doing this locally for points of opposite intersection number for arbitrary vector bundles, by taking a nbhd containing them over which the bundle trivializes. Do you think this is workable?
(I feel like this idea is pretty ad-hoc; there should be something simpler or more apparent)
i presume it's because the max comment length is based on characters, and Did somehow managed to squeeze it through that
re: curves crossing, i'm not sure. i would suspect the point is that, since it's a first order ODE, if they have the same values at one point they should have the same first derivative there
or even more basically, come to think of it, the only info one should need for a first order ODE is its value at one point in time. that'd seem to fix the solution before and after. so there'd be no way to have two distinct solutions, since that's tantamount to having the intersection point determine two solutions.
eh, I think so. the only thing i'm paranoid about is whether $S(t)$ could fail to commute with $v(0)$ and create problems that way. probably not, though.
What do you mean, how could solution curves cross, then they would not be unique?
If you can prove Picard-Lindelof, no reason why you can't prove the inverse function theorem (which is used in Sard's theorem which you can prove apparently), same technique and idea
So invoke uniqueness: the original solution must be zero as well
So, now we know that the kernel of the parallel translate operator is just 0, so it's injective. Apply rank-nullity to get surjectivity. Thus parallel translation is an isomorphism