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Ok, we chose $+\infty$ 'cos the function is verified for the values on the left of 1
Right. And I wanted to avoid $x = 0$..
@Srivatsan Ok, now we need to do the limit
where there is another asymptote :-)
@robjohn A vertical one :P
@robjohn I still haven't finished typing it up, but they involve the incomplete gamma function; Gautschi's inequality drops off as a special case.
@robjohn Yes, thanks for pointing it out.
(I've already upvoted your answer when I first saw it, BTW.)
@unNaturhal Right; I am waiting for you to write it down... :D
Ok, just a second :P
@JM :-) Thanks. I was just curious since I don't have Gautschi's paper.
$lim[(x\to+\infty), \left(x+\frac{1}{x}\right)]$
You can use \to instead of \rightarrow
@unNaturhal (a) What is that limit? (b) Why are you calculating this limit? Are you trying to find $m$ or $b$?
The TeX syntax is \lim _{x \to \infty} h(x)
Hmm, the power outage pulled down the mobile network 8-).
I'm just writing the limit of the function, and I realized that I don't know how to write a limit
@JonasTeuwen How are you able to chat btw?
@robjohn Don't worry, I'll post my answer once I'm done with writing it. :)
Not sure, I think the network in this building is on emergency power.
And you seem to be rather pleased with the outage. =)
Ok, let's calculate $m$
$m=\lim_{x\to \infty}\frac{x+\frac{1}{x}}{x}$
@unNaturhal Ah, right. What is that?
Yes because some colleagues have to take the train 8-).
@JonasTeuwen Are you at home or school?
I don't have emergency power at home.
@Srivatsan The factor of x, $m$
$=\lim _{x\to \infty}\frac{x\left(1+\frac{1}{x^2}\right)}{x}$
That is, doing the semplifications, 1, right? ('cos $\frac{1}{x^2}=0$)
Tip: Don't write cos: I instinctively read it like $\cos(\frac{1}{x^2})$
I can't believe I am saying this, but *'cuz* works better. =)
@unNaturhal Are you sure about the answer?
I think xD
Well, it is right. Ok, so assuming there is an asymptote $y = mx+b$, $m$ has to be $1$.
Since I started the university I'm sure about nothing xD
@Srivatsan, I will be back in 5 minutes... I have a commitment :/
I have to be out too...
Done for today. Later, y'all.
@JM Good night!
@JM Good night.
@Srivatsan See you later!
@JM: later... boy, am I slow.
"God bless you sir" got 2 up votes.
@Srivatsan Ok, i'm back
Sorry if I made u wait :/
1 hour later…
Back home!
But.. really the first derivate of $\left|x\right|$ is this:
$\frac{d}{dx}\left(\left|x\right|\right)=\frac{x}{\sqrt(x^2)}$ O_O
Why? Solving that fraction it gives 1...
not when $X<0$ it doesn't.
that's just an elementary form of $\operatorname{sgn}(x)$.
Man, I wrote all that huge post from my iPhone. That was a killer.
Hahah, that's rough
You should get a badge for it or something.
Like I said yesterday, there should be a Patience badge.
Also, I got like 6 or 7 badges yesterday and nearly double capped over two days. What the hell.
You're welcome :-P
@anon: You're in a library, right?
Not anymore. (New laptop.)
1 hour later…
Let's say you have a respiration monitor around your chest monitoring the circumference of your chest as you breathe. We'd get a stream of sampled circumferences into a computer. Without previously identifying an ideal function, such as sin(t), nor an ideal periodicity, is there any meaningful measure of "smoothness" of your breathing from the samples?
"nor an ideal periodicity" - you mean no signal analysis? ... good luck.
well, it would have to be dynamic
What would the line test[k_] := test[k] = test[k - 1] + test[k - 2] do in Mathematica (after I have defined this for k = 1, 2)?
so using the top c representative frequencies (compression) to compute some ideal and then comparing the original signal in some way to the ideal signal. Maybe that's too many steps - maybe just counting the number of frequencies which are represented above an ideal threshold?
@JonasTeuwen - looks like Fibonacci?
@Jonas: Is that = supposed to be a +? Looks like it would just define a tribonacci sequence of sorts, why?
Actually, you need to define three initial values, not two...
@anon No, that is a =.
I wonder how it works.
:= is a generator function for an array, it seems to me
I assign to the function test in $k$ the value test[k] = test[k - 1] + test[k - 2].
Then maybe it's a boolean function evaluating whether or not t[k]=t[k-1]+t[k-2] is a true statement in 0 or 1. Is that what happens?
oh, just a recursive function definition where the base case is assumed to be the lower-bound of the array index
No, it gives me the Fibonacci sequence I believe. I have tried this code but I don't see how it works.
maybe it just ignores the test[k]= part
Hmm it does 8-).
Then I wonder what test[k_] := test[k] is good for, I've seen it before.
Total dejection... :/
iPad is bd fow seeing the chat
Now better
iPad is bd fow your writing too
@unNaturhal What’s the problem?
@Ilya I posted an answer.
Don't speak
@mk I posted a long answer from my iPhone, iPad would have been awesome for that.
@Asaf I saw Alexaander deleted his comment. Perhaps for the reason of posting it as an answer
@Ilya I didn't see. I don't care if you accept his. I just extended his remark.
The world is coming to an end: I just answered a category theory question.
@Brian is it a CT question? ;-)
@Ilya Just read it and tell me if it makes sense.
@Asaf I don't want to offend you, just trying to be fair with Alexander
So you're not going to even read my answer?
@AsafKaragila dont you know me. Of course I've already read it
And does it make sense to the least?
First of all, what is A?
Wait, I'm typing comments
The comments, by the way, are the same as I saw them several hours ago. So I'm not sure which comment was deleted. I don't care if you wait for Alexander.
$A\in\mathscr F$.
For the first argument it doesn't matter.
In that comment he seemed to show the equivalence between the existence of such measure and the existence of non Lebesuge measurable sets on a real line
@anon: I hate having to negatively comment another answer, but I think that derivatives are out-of-scope for an question, don't you think?
Did he simply use $P([0,\infty])$ and $f(A)=A\cup\{0\}$?
@Ilya @Asaf Howdy!
Hi Robert.
Hi Robert
why so formal?
Hi Bobby!
my friends call me Rob :-)
@robjohn: True, but out-of-scope answers are still often okay in my opinion.
Hi @Rob, never mind about Asaf
Just not for the OP in particular.
Apparently we're either not friends or that you have some friends which call you Bobby. :-)
@Ilya Oh, is Asaf here? I have him blocked :-)
Sorry I barely can type with ipad
heh heh
Up to homotopy "bobby" is "booby".
Pick up line for topologists: "Ya know, up to homeomorphism, we're already having sex."
@AsafKaragila I had one friend who called my Bob, and my friends used to call me Robby when I was young, but never Booby. :-p
Sorry I barely can type with ipad
@robjohn That's life for you.
How much longer until a new day for mse? Two hours?
@asaf no, he didn't make it that way
@AsafKaragila You are a booby and you ought to be put in the booby hatch -J. Thurber see here
@anon Yes.
@robjohn: Mean value theorem is definitely not algebra-precalculus, but I think it's useful to have different solutions
Now, for the first argument it matters. What are the A_n, any partition of A or a fixed partition?
the answers are there for people other than the OP too
@Ilya Any infinite partition. If one exists, take it and fix it for the rest of the remark, up to a permutation of the index set.
Blue footed booby
Jacques Tits
Some great tit
G'day @BenjaminLim
Hello @robjohn
yeap that's what we say in australia
@BrianMScott: everything.. I lost my hope to graduate at university :/
@unNaturhal How so?
page of the tits group at finite groups ATLAS. Funny.
@BrianMScott I have deleted my comment on the question on a new theorem in maths.
Thank you.
A nice pair of tits
Aww, cute.
@robjohn But those are not great tits.
@AsafKaragila But they have great tail.
Long Tailed Tits
Aug 17 '11 at 4:17, by Asaf Karagila
Wow, I have some great tits outside my window!
@AsafKaragila :-)
$|461,467\rangle$. A pair of large sexy primes in a bra.
Wait for the summer, Israel is full of great tits... I love seeing them, they look lovely and they sing even lovelier.
Don't poke @Ninefingers... oops :-)
I am obviously talking about the birds.
@AsafKaragila So am I.
@BrianMScott: 'coz untill I started the University I thought to know enough about mathematica (when I was to the high school I had never studied mathematica, 'coz was enough to follow the class lesson to understand. As homework I just made the exercise in few minutes and stop. Mathematica was my favoure subject)...
Apparently, I was wrong.
@robjohn Hey I am just wondering do you work at an institution/study at one?
@BenjaminLim I am currently programming for a living, but I do work at UCLA.
I used to teach math there, but that was decades ago.
For a couple of years, before moving to Apple.
@Asaf: it should make sense but I am a bit tired to elaborate on your answer in order to digest it. You don't care if I understand it, do you?
@robjohn I’m reminded of the chipadees.
@Ilya I do, actually.
When will you have a computer accessible?
@robjohn right. I am thinking of going on exchange to one of the UCs.
@Asaf on Thursday, when I come back from Milano
I see. Thursday morning or evening?
@BenjaminLim They are good, but their state funding is poor in recent years, so tuition has risen. I imagine that applies to the out of state tuitions as well. They were always high, though.
@Asaf morning. Nise to know that you do care, it's really hard to go through - partly perhaps because I'm tired after the trip
@unNaturhal That’s actually not a rare experience. It can come as a shock, and it usually means that you need to change the way you work at the subject, but it’s not a total catastrophe.
@robjohn What did you teach when you were at UCLA?
@Benjamin in what part of Australia are you?
At the moment I think the AUD is stronger than the US dollar.
@robjohn Canberra
@Ilya Also, you should consider two things: (1) perhaps he deleted his AC related comment since it was not true; (2) Note that my answer gives a degenerate answer. If there are atoms then you can use finitely many of them; otherwise everything is either zero or infinity.
@BenjaminLim Calculus, Beginning course in Traffic flow and Fluid dynamics, Discrete Math, things like that.
It is possible that a non-degenerate measure exists if and only if there is an unmeasurable set.
@Asaf I would appreciate in the case you have time to make your answer a bit more transparent. Like adding couple or more of explanatory words :) you may think that I'm too stupid. But if you will, I'll come and punish you. Seriously punish
@robjohn For one second I was thinking if you taught commutative algebra.
I'll do that tomorrow or so.
Any particular part?
@BrianMScott: Maybe. But I think that it's impossible that now I don't remember how to do things that eight months ago I'd made mentally, without help...
@BenjaminLim Cool, on occasion, we play Australian Rails so I am familiar with some Australian geography. That site is down for maintenance, sorry.
@BenjaminLim Just under US$1.06 at the moment.
@BenjaminLim Oh, I have never taught anything close to that :-) I am mainly an analyst.
@robjohn Hello, you called (or poked)?
@BrianMScott I think it was US1.08 a few days ago or something, that broke some record I recall
@Asaf nope :) I solved the problem for myself since I have a linear operator and potential theory applies nicely, I just was interested in the general case. Namely, it seems that we can construct at least one measure but then we have to arrange somehow its definition on all sets, and that seemed to be interesting to me, because I didn't know how to arrange it. Even if the measure is 0 or infinity it is fine
We were talking about boobies and tits. Some great tits.
@Ilya I see. I'll try to do that.
@Ninefingers Hi there :-) We were having a bit of fun, talking about birds, and didn't want the chirping to bother you. I accidentally nudged you :-)
@BenjaminLim I’ve not had much reason over the years to pay attention, but this is the first time that I can remember seeing it about the US$.
@Nine do you prefer small cute tits or great ones?
@robjohn right, I was just going through some things in atiyah-macdonald.
Oy vey. Ilya, we were talking about birds.
Great tits and long tailed tits.
@unNaturhal Any idea why?
Oh hellllllllllllll crappy wifi and iPad and mse chat. Don't ever mix it
True dat.
@BrianMScott People here are worried in australia that our economy is too dependent on exporting resources to china....
@Ilya iPad and MSE just do not mix in any case.
I bid you all a fare night, I'll be back in an hour or so. I deserve some beer.
Oh hellllllllllllll crappy wifi and iPad and mse chat. Don't ever mix it
mobile interface is bad.
@BenjaminLim I can certainly understand why that would be a concern.
@AsafKaragila enjoy!
Oh I will.
@AsafKaragila Mmm. Beer. Preferably with LOTS of HOPS.
@AsafKaragila bye :D
Yeah, refill night is tomorrow, I forgot that it's past midnight and the date shows Tuesday.
Either way, to quote Professor Hubert J. Farnsworth: Dude, I bid you a fond cowabunga.
@AsafKaragila Enjoy your beer. Beer is massive in australia there are so many brands to choose from :D
@Ilya I'm not fussed really - big, small, average sized, I don't have a real preference, I appreciate them all.
@BenjaminLim That’s true here nowadays, too $-$ the number of good alternatives, I mean.
@BrianMScott: I really don't know. I think that having more time, I could recover the things that I don't remember. But the 1st February there is the exam (the test, then, the 14th, the oral part of the exam). Too short time..
@BrianMScott I'm not familiar with which brands are popular in the US but in australia it's victoria bitter that's popular among the bogans.
@BenjaminLim I mostly stick to beers from so-called craft breweries, typically micro-breweries up to some of the better regional breweries.
local brew?
@unNaturhal Ouch. That is rather close.
@BrianMScott Yeah xD
Hi guys :-).
@BenjaminLim We have several good ones. Great Lakes Brewing Company is the oldest and best-established, but the Brew Kettle makes a great American IPA, and Buckeye Brewing also has some good ones.
unfortunately I have not seen any of these brands in any liquor store here (first choice/liquor land, etc)
@JonasTeuwen Hey there :-)
@BenjaminLim I’d be very much surprised if you did: GLBC is the only one of those that has even regional distribution, so far as I know.
The only American beer which I have liked came from a micro-brewery.
@robjohn I didn't reply to your previous message... sorry, adding mathjax to le blog. The chirping doesn't bother me in the slightest :)
@Ninefingers MathJax makes it easy to add nice looking math to a web page. It is really cool.
@robjohn I agree. I also combined that with pagedown and python-markdown and it feels like I've not even left SE!
@Ninefingers I did a lot of ascii-art math on my site, partly because there wasn't much else, and partly because I was posting to sci.math (which I dropped like a hot potato when I found MSE)
@Ninefingers I will have to look into those when I upgrade my website.
@BrianMScott yeah
@robjohn pagedown is the SE editor. It's actually very easy to use - much easier than I thought it was going to be. python-markdown was a bit trickier to persuade not to eat the mathjax on the way through (otherwise it tries to convert it, gets upset etc). The rest is just django stuff in my case.
@JonasTeuwen This is my favorite when I can get it. Unfortunately, they don’t make a lot of it.
@BrianMScott I'd love to try it :-).
I'll remember it when I once go to Ohio ;-).
@Ninefingers I've not delved too deeply into the scripting 'verse of python (or django), but I know I should. I used to be a C programmer (at Apple), but now I am working mainly in Java (at UCLA).
.@JonasTeuwen Lucky enough to be able to go to Ohio. Australia is just too far away from the US
Well, I don't have any plans yet.
I'll go to Canberra in 2013.
@JonasTeuwen what's there in 2013?
@JonasTeuwen May I know why you are coming here in 2013?
I'll go there for six months as a visitor to the ANU.
@JonasTeuwen I'll see you around. I'll be in my third year then :D
Great! :-). We can meet then if we are still on this chat.
@JonasTeuwen A few years back I helped a couple of linguists there with some mathematical analysis of their data. All by e-mail, though, so I’ve never actually met them.
@BrianMScott Cool!
@JonasTeuwen Who are you visiting there, or as postdoc or something at ANU?
@BenjaminLim So is there a really excellent coffeebar in Canberra? Otherwise I'll go to Sydney 8-).
@BenjaminLim Somebody from analysis (I'll not say his name because it is not 100% certain yet). I'll go as a PhD student as a visitor.
@robjohn The only thing you'll find hard then will be the transition from ; endings to indents/spaces. I find myself typing the wrong things. Other than that doing web-dev isn't too challenging. I chose django because I used it for work up until today and could get something working quickly and get back to other things... like maths.
@JonasTeuwen I'm too poor so I don't really go out much for coffees and stuff. However the best place I know for coffee is at my uncle's place where he roasts his own beans and the taste and smell beat starbucks/gloria jeans/ anything close.
@JonasTeuwen Which area of analysis?
Ah! A home roaster. Interesting.
@BenjaminLim Harmonic analysis.
@JonasTeuwen I suspect only two people: Andrew Hassell or Alan McIntosh.
@BenjaminLim It is not a full professor 8-).
That person?
Okay, with the knowledge that it is not 100% certain that I will go there, this is the guy: maths.anu.edu.au/~portal
pierre Portal
I know this guy. He's a really nice guy and I think he works in collaboration with Alan McIntosh.
@Ninefingers When we are finished with the project push that is consuming most of my time right now, I will have to look into it. My website is mainly hand-typed HTML, so its complexity is usually pretty low. I really need to update it.
Oh wow I can't believe some guy from MATH.SE is coming to ANU :D :D :D
are you coming in the first 6 months of the year or the last?
In about a year I'll be there.
ah ok so for the first 6 months of the year. That's nice. What made you want come to ANU?
Now I feel bad. Norbert deleted his answer, and I think my comment had something to do with it. :-(
@BenjaminLim Pierre.
@robjohn What was your comment?
@robjohn I’m quite sure that it did. Perhaps you could ping him to suggest that he restore it, since it might be useful to others besides the OP.
His work? I don't know much about his research but I have met him in person once and he seems really nice and avec beaucoup de passion. He is supposed to teach Analysis I this coming semester but somehow things fell apart.
He's very good.
@JonasTeuwen I remember by Algebra tutor telling me he took a special topics course on functional calculi with him and enjoyed it a lot.
[The question](http://math.stackexchange.com/q/104027/) was tagged [tag:algebra-precalculus] and I commented "
This question is tagged algebra-precalculus, so derivatives might be out-of-scope."
@BenjaminLim Yes, he's really good at that!
@robjohn Then you shouldn't feel bad about it, you didn't say anything offensive. His choice to delete it.
@JonasTeuwen Unfortunately my analysis is not up to that level yet to know what's going on.
@BenjaminLim Functional calculi; would that be the same as useful pebbles? :-)
@BenjaminLim Basically you have an operator $T$ on a vector space, and now you have say a complex-valued function $f$ and you want to make sense of $f(T)$.
@BrianMScott Honestly I have no idea I'm just going to be in my second year.

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