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The chicken is wonderful. Now to give post-frying 20 minutes rest with the yams in my clay pot.
@KannappanSampath Isn't biting your nails supposed to be a bad habit?
Regular expressions! Where can I learn them the best from?
@Skullpatrol Well, yes! But, I still bite my nails!
@JonasTeuwen Me.
No thanks, I don't trust that.
Bah, I can't figure out how to show that geometric descent data yields monadic descent data.
@JonasTeuwen What's not to trust?
From what I read, you seem a bit fishy to me.
@JonasTeuwen Do I? But what does a fish know of the water he swims in all his life?
@JonasTeuwen Here.
Why would you need regex?
You're a fictional character on the internet...
@AsafKaragila Fact can sometimes be stranger than fiction.
Mmmmm... wine.
I would much prefer beer or scotch, but that doesn't go well with the almost-ready dinner.
What happens to all those rep I get over 200 points?
They go to Arturo. Ever wondered how he got to 100k? :-P
@AsafKaragila LOL! Please tell me the reality @Asaf
You have to pay protection rep
@KannappanSampath They simply go away. You only get badges for their worth.
They don't add to my extant rep points!
@KannappanSampath That is why you shouldn't bother biting your nails over math.
@Srivatsan Yes, a Bat-Mitzvah is for females where a Bar-Mitzvah is for males.
Well, time to go and eat the said dinner.
We are back between the morning and evening parts
Yams should be ready, and the chicken should be all juicy and whatnot.
@robjohn What happened until now?
@robjohn Do you think math is worth biting your nails over?
Just five more minutes, it's gonna be awesome.
It looks amazing.
The uploader has not made this video available in your country.
Sorry about that.
I am going to bed! Bye!
And now it's time to feast.
@KannappanSampath Good night!
@KannappanSampath Sleep well.
@Matt: hi. what does N. mean?
@Ilya Hi. I just needed to add an initial because Pierre-Yves was unhappy about all the Matts on SE.
@MattN icic
I was just reading wikipedia page on distributions but didn't find there any relations with measure
@Ilya Hi Ilya. Do you want to learn more about distributions? :-).
@JonasTeuwen maybe. not sure that will have time now for this, was going to leave
Read the book by Duistermaat! Or the one by... Friedlander I think.
@Jonas: would like to ask you - you told me that you are looking for a dual space of the original space
I'm looking for BMO.
I guess you meant that you would like to find a nice representation of the dual space (because the dual space is just defined to be a space of linear functionals over the original space), is it right?
In particular: I want it to be BMO.
I want to find a space and the form of the functionals.
I am working with the semigroup of transition kernels
in the discrete-time setting e.g. it is generated by the only one element (which is also a transition kernel) and in continuous time case its generator is a sort of Laplace operator
Good night folks!
each kernel (element of a semigroup) acts from the left on functions and form the right on measures
@Matt sleep well
@Jonas: I have some results in the terms of functions so I am thinking of using the duality to derive some results for measures
do you know what is a dual of space of bounded measurable real-value function from the complete separable metric (Polish) space?
@Ilya Hmm, I might have it in some notes somewhere, let me look.
Hmm, I don't know for the moment :-).
:-) forget
shine on, you, crazy diamond
I have only one doubt
let $L$ be the Banach space and $L^*$ be its dual. for $l\in L$ and $l^*\in L^*$ we shall write $(l,l^*) = l^*(l)\in \mathbb R$.
if we consider a linear operator $A:L\to L$ and ask that $A^*$ is such that $(Al,l^*) = (l,A^*l^*)$
then $A^*$ depends on our representation of $L^*$, right?
Yes, I believe so.
@Srivatsan We went through the morning service and a lunch buffet. I have errands to run and then get back to do some work before heading back for the evening activities.
@Jonas: I know you found this answer lacking, so I have added a bit to it :-)
@Ilya Hey there! Unfortunately, I need to go out again :-(
@robjohn Nice :-).
Hi there
Does anybod yknow, if the link posted in math.stackexchange.com/q/17891/19341 moved somewhere else or can provide a comparable reference?
If so, please post it as a comment there. Thx a lot
Maybe Euclid-constructible can help ... well done, Gerry. :P
or here of course ;-)
@draks Annoying to find one-line answers that give a link to the pdf without mentioning the title.
@draks Are you at all interested in math education draks?
because your explanations are very good.
@Skullpatrol I just wanted to be clear.
Answers to math.stackexchange.com/q/17891/19341 are +50, now ;-)
I'm hungover before I even sobered up. Sheesh.
You are back so early, Rob?
I am not Rob.
The chicken was great, you'll be glad to hear.
(Yes, I know that you're a veggie.)
@Srivatsan: I'm not sure though, Hindus are mostly vegetarians. Right?
No, that is not true. Maybe all that is true is that they may not eat cows that much.
Oh. Good.
Cows are sacred, though, right?
:) Apparently that's the next thing that comes to everyone's minds. :)
Is it also true, or not?
@AsafKaragila Oh, I answered this bit more-or-less: see my previous message.
"Maybe all that is true is that they may not eat cows that much."
I see.
Because I figured, why would you be vegetarian if your god is a herbivore? It makes no sense to take food from your god...
But it depends on the particular set of customs. My family is vegetarian.
@AsafKaragila Is this a logical argument? Or are you just bored? :)
Bored, my head is about to explode (about three times the usual amount of pain) and slightly inebriated.
Sorry, I wouldn't know what hangover is. =/
Oh, this is not a hangover. This is a whole other pain.
Whole other pain? An unrelated headache?
I am experiencing a headache for the past 13 years now. I learned to live with it most of the time, but sometimes it flares up and becomes unbearable.
I have developed a nice composure and I never show signs of pain, but it hurts. It hurts a lot.
That I would know; I had a recurring headache for few years in between. (Not nearly as long as 13 years.) // No one's given you a reasonable diagnosis?
There's none. Plus, this is not even close to recurring.
For something to be recurring it would have to stop from time to time...
That does sound terrible.
Well sometimes it really is terrible. Most of the time... well, I got used to it.
I don't know what I did for it to go away. I visited many many doctors without much effect. It went away as it came -- mysteriously.
I had taken several medications, did a CT and whatnot.
I even had a surgery to correct a deviation in my nasal cavities. It hurts like hell, and you're wide awake while they chisel a piece of your skull away. It didn't help.
Has someone done something to the MathJax on the main pages? This answer looks funny and if you right-click on a formula, a different message comes up.
It makes me wonder what the hell is going on inside my head if I cannot sleep well and I am almost always in pain, but I can still do mathematics.
@robjohn If you want to see the source, Show Math as $\to$ View TeX commands
@robjohn You might want to add a link to [This answer]
@AsafKaragila sorry, I just noticed that
Q: MathJax 2.0 - experimental features

Geoff DalgasWe are testing a new development version of MathJax on both http://math.stackexchange.com as well as this meta. We're very interested in helping the mathjax development team with any feedback related to this new version. If you find anything odd please post here. New Features in MathJax v2.0:...

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