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Maybe @robjohn would have some idea.
@Srivatsan an idea about what?
@robjohn About geometric measure theory. Look here: chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/3129328#3129328, and the subsequent few messages.
Otherwise, I have little information regarding Geometric Measure Theory. Sorry.
Not so much of a coincidence, eh?
@Srivatsan I guess not. That is where I go when faced with something I am not sure about.
@rob: That was Aryabhata's upvote, most likely. =)
(And one other person...)
@Srivatsan what was Aryabhata's upvote?
Didn't you just get like 2 upvotes on an old post? I publicised that link in another related post... =)
@robjohn First, it's quite too late for lunch, I had some dinner though. Secondly, never being heavier than 55kg I don't see how I might expand by one single meal :-)
@AsafKaragila :-)
@AsafKaragila You are 55? Is that optimum weight or on the lower side?
@Srivatsan I hadn't noticed. Indeed I did. Geez, you are more up-to-date on my rep than I am :-)
@Srivatsan I am not more than 55kg, I never was. I'm usually around 53kg or so.
My BMI is 18 or something like that.
@robjohn Because I saw the counter tick one by one, first on the post, then on Robert's answer, then on your answer.. =)
@Srivatsan When I was 65 kg, people said that I was too skinny.
@Srivatsan what counter?
I feel so out of it
@robjohn You were also skinny? What is this world coming to?
@AsafKaragila I find people who sleep little and study hard are usually thin.
@AsafKaragila omg. with my 80 I feel myself a bit big now
@Tim I don't sleep well, but I hardly study :-)
@Ilya How short are you?
@Srivatsan no longer though...
@robjohn Votes counter. Sorry if I am not clear. I thought you could read minds. (Since you are well known to be able to read Ilya's..)
@AsafKaragila as short as 182cm
@Ilya That's what she said!
@AsafKaragila Maybe you are thinking too much about math if not study.
Brain consumes most energy.
@Srivatsan, @Rob, @Asaf, @Tim Hello
@Tim turn it off
@Ilya Something to compare to. I appreciate your weight. =)
@Ilya howdy!
@Srivatsan it's optimal when I do gym
@robjohn fine, just returned from Winter School in FinMath. How are you?
Hm, gym. I have heard of it.
@AsafKaragila who is she?
@Tim Quite. My BMI was always low.
@Ilya Hello! Are you asking me to turn off my music?
@Srivatsan you jog (from jogging), I remember
@Ilya shrug
@Srivatsan Is there some collected vote counter, or do you have a lot of profiles open?
@Ilya No, I don't.
@AsafKaragila no way. tell me
@Ilya Your mother?
@robjohn No, I don't have profiles open. Ok, full story: I posted the link in another question, got reminded of the old question and was reading it once again. Then slowly (I did refresh it since I was curious who would upvote the posts), the posts were upvoted one by one. That is all.
@Asaf: Your mother?
@Ilya Your mother?
@Srivatsan the other might have been Norbert's
@robjohn Perhaps. But Robert just got 4 votes I think. He got the Nice Answer badge.
could anyone tell me about condition of Jonas in the last week?
@Srivatsan Okay. I was thinking there were some tools of which I was unaware.
@Ilya What gave you that idea? :-) No, I don't jog.
@Srivatsan well, as I commented, his answer was much better than mine.
@Srivatsan you told me a few months ago
@robjohn Not judging. Just stating facts. :)
@Srivatsan I took 4 points around the circle and he took a lot more :-)
@Ilya He said he was having fun with other new students at a camp. This is only what I know.
@robjohn BTW now that this question came up, did you happen to look at my comment? Should I post it as a new post?
@Tim oh no. I need him sober tomorrow (((( btw, are you from NL?
@Srivatsan lemme look
@Ilya Netherland? no. I learned that while I was stalking people here in this chatroom.
@Tim: then I have too much cases left. I better ask you directly, where are you from.
Technically, nowhere.
My guess, Europe. Which is pretty much in the middle of nowhere. =)
@Srivatsan sounds like a nice question. Post it.
@Srivatsan :-p not so nowherish as Heinz hometown )
@Ilya I'm here!
@robjohn Not right away. Maybe later this week. =)
@JonasTeuwen wow! nice to see you. I had fun with your r00mmate, Igor
Hi :-).
How did you meet him?
Igor! at Winter School in Financial Math
@Ilya When you run out of ketchup, you would know! ;)
Oh, when was this?
@Jonas: just now, from Monday to Wednesday
Oh cool.
@Jonas: will you be tomorrow in TU in the afternoon? I need to talk to you. Suddenly I realized that I may need Choquet theory for my research
Yes, I will.
@robjohn One point that is implicit in the comment is this: WTH does this question have to do with complex numbers? :)
About what?
and that's not the only topic I need to discuss
Wow, you need it?
The expert on Choquet Theory is across my room 8-).
Fine, come by!
I guess
@JonasTeuwen Looks like someone found a new friend. :-)
Anyone here follows soccer matches?
How do you know that Igor is my roommate @ TU?
@AsafKaragila You're joking, right?
No, I need to know when the Super Classico ends tonight, so I could go drink beer quietly.
@JonasTeuwen the chain is the following: TU Delft on his badge. Which department? Applied Maths. Do you know Jonas? Yes, he is my roommate
Sounds reasonable 8-).
is it to me or Asaf?
To you.
icic. Could you remind me your office?
the floor and number
Tell me before you come (on here or so or j.j.b.teuwen"at"tudelft.nl).
@Srivatsan: Bill D says that he is cool with Big B since that is what he was called when he played basketball.
@Srivatsan absolutely nothing :-)
I need to leave at around 16.30.
@JonasTeuwen I'll come before. when do you start in the morning?
@robjohn Ah man. I have been exceptionally lucky with my guesses today.
Around 9.30.
@Srivatsan As you said, it is your guessing day :-)
@Ilya Are you interested in tensor products of Banach spaces? There is a seminar about that next semester.
do you remember your office phone number? I've found neither yours nor Igor's official webpage
I only have the webspace as of today.
@JonasTeuwen hmmm, dunno. at the moment, no, I guess
The number is: 84114 (and so is Igor's, we share the phone).
but why not, on the other hand. let us also discuss it tomorrow
@robjohn Soon after typing, I realised it could be taken to mean "big brother", which is not what I had in mind. (On the other hand, it could be that "Big B" rings a bell precisely because of that reason. I am not sure.. =))
@JonasTeuwen I've found it, thanks for the useful link
I need to clean vacuum now, and then have a dinner. See you all later
See you!
@Ilya later!
See you, Ilya.
Hey, no need to keep on silence!
@Ilya ? Who is silent?
@Ilya what are you still doing here? :-)
@Ilya or have you already vacuumed and eaten?
like kids ))
You've eaten kids?? Who are you? Albert Fish?
@Ilya Yes, I will try to.
where is teddy bear? did he appear for the last time?
@AsafKaragila Falbert Eash
@Ilya last time?? Hope not--he better show up sometime in the future.
One second.
one second is not quite a feature in our slow world
Back. Hello.
@MattN You show up whenever tb is being discussed.
@Srivatsan We just came back from a tapas bar so this is pure coincidence : )
How was it?
Greasy. Quite alright. : )
Stars in this room are quite a mystery to me. I wonder which two people starred "(Starred.)".
@MattN Maybe since it is self-referencing?
I was one of them. The second to star, in fact.
@Srivatsan Right, probably.
@MattN It's at least half-true =) (read the line after the "self-referencing" message).
@Srivatsan Yes. (Look I got another inexplicable star.)
Not me this time.
I am going to blame... (scans the list of people currently in the chatroom) ...Cam!
@MattN Coincidence... sure, we believe that :-)
Poor thing. The silent guy gets blamed for everything.
@Srivatsan : D
"porcòdio fus ro da !!!!!!!!" -- Anybody translate it for me? Google couldn't. It detected the language to be Italian, although I am not fully sure about it. (Link refers to a deleted post.)
@robjohn : )
@Srivatsan I think Porcòdio is a name...
Otherwise, I can't make anything of it.
Hm, thanks. But you think it's Italian?
I was answering this T_T Why does everyone have to be so fast. This is no fun.
@Srivatsan once you take the name out, it doesn't sound like anything in particular.
Hi, gang ;-)
How's my favorite bunch of math dudes doing?
@Srivatsan I'd say the person can't spell and meant to say "Porco dio fus ro dah".
Hm, maybe yes.
@Srivatsan I'd say the porco dio is the Italian swear expression mispelled.
@Srivatsan What was the context?
@MattN No context. The full answer was the text I put in quotes. =)
Rightly deleted as not an answer.
@Srivatsan Lolcakes? : )
@MattN I learned that even if Arturo answered you should post yours as well.
@MattN Myself and possibly Srivatsan.
@AsafKaragila Why?
It's good for you. If you write answers you gain experience in explaining things.
Maybe tomorrow. If I write the answer to part 2 as well.
Hey guys, I needed some help with respect to my self-study plan.
@Nunoxic What's the query?
I need to brush up my Calculus and Linear Algebra which I had last touched 3 years ago. I have working knowledge but I wanted to revise it once again. I need this in order to study Preconditioners for solving Large Dense Systems. I finished Kenneth Ross's book on Calculus I (Sequences, Series, Differentiation, Integration in 1 variable) and now need to move on to Multivariable and LA. I don't have much time. Any suggestions for books?
What perspective, engineering or mathematical? 8-).
I'd say Mathematical. I need to read about 20 papers on Multigrid, Fluid Mechanics, CFD and allied subjects. I think my Engineering knowledge of the aforementioned topics ain't bad.
How about Apostol - Mathematical analysis and Axler - Linear Algebra Done Right?
Apostol is way too dry and long-winded. Its neither fun nor concise.
@Nunoxic "Calculus and Analytic Geometry" by Thomas and Finney
@Skullpatrol, thanks but its longer than even Apostol. I would have loved these books some other time but at the moment, I have very little time. I need something quick and profound.
This talk made me lol several times. Wat?
@Srivatsan That's swearing in italian ("Dio" means "God", "Porco" means "Pig"...) + I'm told, a popular phrase from the game Skyrim
@JacopoNotarstefano That is an interesting swear phrase. =)
Heh! We're creative that way.
@JacopoNotarstefano That is true. Human creativity comes out best in swearing and obstruse sexual connotations.
@Srivatsan What are obstruse sexual connotations?
@Srivatsan The only thing that comes out of swearing is vulgarity.
@MattN Hm, you might be better of googling the terms "obstruse" and "sexual connotations". Obstruse means "concealed; difficult to comprehend" according to Merriam-Webster.
@Srivatsan Constructing a sentence with a sexual hidden meaning?
I suppose.
@MattN Hidden could be have a positive connotation as well. But obstruse (or, abstruse) usually implies a negative connotation.
But otherwise I agree with that interpretation.
Anyway. Do journals restrict the right to host a copy of your paper on your website?
@Srivatsan Meh. Of course: sex is always a bad thing and generally only tolerated if performed with the goal of reproduction.
Or is it the case that professors prefer to send copies to people who ask, and not just everybody?
@MattN You hold that view? I am unable to tell whose opinion this is.
@Srivatsan The opinion of Christians. : ) Not mine anyway.
@JacopoNotarstefano arxiv would be illegal, if that was the case. I believe you can keep the preprint on your website.
Sadly, the majority of people.
@MattN Ah. Let's not get there.. =) Sex+religion is a surefire way to much unneeded noise.
@MartinSleziak Good point. I'm asking because this custom isn't really that widespread
@Srivatsan Sure : )
I've found myself more often than not having to ask by email, rather than downloading from their website. (or arxiv)
@Srivatsan But it's so quiet in here.
:3133070 I keep mum on this. =)
@Srivatsan Agreed
Hello Brian and Martin.
By the way, if you guys check the "Jury Duty" room now, you might get a chance to euthanise two posts.
@Srivatsan Let me know when you post the question. I have the answer :-)
@robjohn I can't believe that is true. How about a spoiler? What is the asymptotic order of $c_d$? Polynomial or Exponential?
@MartinSleziak Some comments in the recent discussion about Elsevier implied that it depends on the publisher.
Hi, Matt.
Hi Brian.
@Srivatsan $\frac{1}{\sqrt{n}}$
Ok, I read it as $\frac{1}{\sqrt{d}}$.
@robjohn Do you think I deserved being suspended from the chat because of those remarks made about the time is money joke Rob?
@BrianMScott Well, it's possible. When I published my first paper I studied all I signed in detail. There was something about putting preprint on my website and that I should link to their version too. I do not paid much attention since then. I guess it would be worth a law suit ;-)
@Skullpatrol I don't think you were intending them to be offensive, so no.
@Skullpatrol How is "time is money" offensive? You surely must have said something more serious..
@Srivatsan Have you not seen the "time is money" and "money is the root of all evil" "proof"?
@Srivatsan I would like to elaborate ... but that maybe offensive to the other gender.
@robjohn Oh, that one.
@BrianMScott which discussion about Elsevier?
@Skullpatrol No no. I don't wish another suspension upon you. =)
The supermartingale question is now dead.
@Skullpatrol did you get suspended for that?
@robjohn yes
@Skullpatrol ouch. wasn't yoda in the room at the time?
@BrianMScott Thanks, Brian.
@robjohn no
Oh, okay. I thought that was around the time that we had a whole bunch of mods in the room. I guess not.
For the record, I am not even sure if we are "allowed" to call any gender the other gender. =)
@Srivatsan LOL
Are they going to make a PC badge? I would like to apply for it; I stand a good chance.
@BrianMScott Let's vote to delete!
@AsafKaragila who are you deleting?
@robjohn It was around that time when Q was insulted.
@robjohn Everything.
Wow. There's a subreddit where people post paper requests, anonymous reply with uploaded pdfs.
@MartinSleziak Not here, but on Gower’s blog; someone here mentioned it. You can see one of the outcomes here.
@Skullpatrol Qiaochu? Didn't know he was in here ever.
QED? But wait: when was Q. insulted? By y.?
Oh, of course.
@BrianMScott Was that for me? Thank you, anyways! That's what I was asking for.
@Srivatsan yes
@JacopoNotarstefano Yes, it was; the screen must have shifted just as I clicked.
@robjohn Has QED been back to the chat room since?
No, accounted deleted, in fact.
@Srivatsan There does seem to be a bit of a gender imbalance amongst those of apparently identifiable gender.
@Srivatsan THAT is sad
@BrianMScott I guess the key is not to acknowledge it though. =)
@BrianMScott Some big names in that list... After Chaos, Solitons and Fractals Elsevier again seems to be getting in problems.
It’s more than doubled in size in the last 24 hours or so.
@Skullpatrol QED has not been to chat since Jan 12
Guys, I just realised that I do not know how to write a reference for an article. Should I go: Author, Title, Journal name, Year.
Nevermind, I will look at a random research article and find out myself.
@robjohn Did he delete his account?
@Srivatsan Why don't you let bibtexstyle take care of it? cs.stir.ac.uk/~kjt/software/latex/showbst.html
Oh, you mean here at MSE...
@Srivatsan Or look at how others did it in their posts?
I should have checked your link....
Ruijsenaars S N M and Schneider H, A New Class of Integrable Systems and its relation to solitons, Ann. Phys. (NY) 170 (1986) 370-405.
I found this somewhere.
So, the first three are obvious. What is the 170 in bold? Volume number? The remaining two fields are Year in brackets and page numbers -- that's fine.
@Skullpatrol It is not under the name QED
170 is vol. nr.
It's a number, Srivatsan.
Nah, it’s the name of a number.
It's a possibly decimal name of a number.
@robjohn Does that mean that I can change my user name to QED?
It's three numerals concatenated.
It could also be octal. Or hex.
@Skullpatrol I don't think there is anything but confusion against you changing your name to anything.
Whoah! The academic license of mathematica is expensive!
I think it's bed time here.
David Gomez-Ullate and Matteo Sommacal, Periods of the Goldfish Many-Body Problem, J. Mat. Phys., 12 (2005) 351-362
Is that a good reference for this article?
@JonasTeuwen That's why your university has one for you?
No, it only has a maple license :(.
Good night folks.
I have a commercial Your Mother license.
@MattN Good night Matt.
G’night, Matt.
Now I'll have nightmares.
@robjohn Is there a reason you use so many negatives in your sentences? ;-)
'Night Matt.
@MattN Because your mother?

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