(actually, the matter I'm wrestling with is a bit related to your series question and Sasha's answer there. If I iron this kink out, I can expand on Sasha's answer there as a bonus of sorts.)
I think we're having a bit too many edits at the moment. Martin has this Sisyphean thing with the algebra tag going and misspellings of names are just too common.
@tb That was my feeling too [re misspelling names]. I even edited some posts, but at the end chose to push the cancel button because I was unsure of bumping it up.
@MartinSleziak I'm not complaining about that at all. Sure, it's great if you get rid of that tag and clean up the mess and I think it's more important than misspelled names/words. My point's more that this will create a constant stream of edits already and I was trying to tell Srivatsan that he would create another huge pile of edits in addition.
Well, I could have spared myself about 20 minutes... However, it's a memorable moment. I post an atypically explicit answer while someone else posts the abstract version :)
BTW is $\ell_0^2$ some kind of standard notation for this space? I wanted to write $c_{00}$ first, but I guess this usually denotes this space with sup-norm.
At this point, I really shouldn't be bothering about rep anymore, but I want to earmark some rep in case I want to set bounties... I just don't want to drop below 20 if I give out a bounty.
Morning everyone. Quick question: if you get two equally helpful answers, each answering half of your question, how do you decide which you accept? Or do you leave it open?
Holy crap monkies! I'm trying to figure out what tools I have in the room where I'll give my presentation tomorrow. And there seems to be nobody available that has a key. Furthermore, the computer guy doesn't seem to understand what an overhead projector is.
I guess you haven't deal with IND. these morning I was sitting in Gementee waiting for my number to appear on the screen. There were 6 workers at their places drinking coffee and only 7th was serving. I spent 30 min there, and no number appeared
About doing something in the last day, reminds me the joke about German, British a Russian students. In September they were told by a Professor to do a research on separate topics with a deadline in March. Then in March they meet. German student puts 6 book volumes of text on the table each for each of 6 months. Then British student gives 2 copybooks: Theory, Examples.
Russian brings nothing. Professor: and what about you? Russian: I'm so sorry, but yesterday I have so bloody headache that I couldn't focus
@JonasTeuwen after I learn about complex numbers I decided: ok, let me define $p = 1/0$ and see what algebra do I have now. There were some cool properties unless I realized that p = infinity
@JonasTeuwen It's not that cold, but you can wear it if it is from -30 to +5 and feel comfortable. I should only adjust how thick are sweater and scarf
@JM to be honest I was not sure if I would buy it: usually men in Russia wear дубленка which a fur coat inside out with a leather outside, and in fur-coat I looked either like Shalyapin or a pimp
I would have that now, but I didn't know that editing a problem didn't count as connection. I worked on a problem for 2 days, and since I wasn't on chat at the time, I timed out.
I can say that I just thought of doing this representation while was writing this answer and haven't seen it before explicitly, though I usually skip that part of books on PT )
@Srivatsan maybe there is a book describing it, but I never seen it. I guess your understanding of it is original (though it is quite strong to state IMHO)
anyway, let's see how people like it, because previous two answer have a lack of rigor I would say
@Srivatsan "e.g." is, to use computer terms, plug-compatible with "for example". So use one or the other, but blending both is like trying to stick two cards into the ATM machine... :D
Esp. given that none of us bothered to post an answer =)
If you are too uncomfortable, you can mark it CW, although I don't see why that's necessary. // In any case, you are helping the site by leaving the answer around.