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@anon Did not know that. Thanks. Well, to sum up, I got a bunch of nice "Thank you"s. :)
is it somehow easier with cos on top
I distinctly recall the variation with a "-" instead of a "+" being asked a few days ago, but I've not the motivation to sort through the avalanche...
There's been a lot of variations on the original int_-a^a 1/(1-e^-x)dx question I think.
I've lost track myself.
honestly I don't get the difference between PA and PRA
maybe it's nested quantifiers?
Cool, my rep now is 8.PI.
@HenningMakholm If it makes you feel any better, he once implied that I don't know anything about projections in linear algebra.
@QED which answer?
from N.S
add the two together...
If they are the same and they sum to pi/2...
ah it's the integral of 1
@Srivatsan So you are 4 full turns ;-)
Off to the park... bbl
Argh. Far past my bedtime again. I'm off, have a fantastic morning.
@HenningMakholm Good night!
Back from the park for a bit, then off to get dinner.
Too bad @Jonas is not here. We were talking about this inequality earlier today.
@HenningMakholm This place is so addictive, no?
@JM it is.
Or rather, the "rush" from solving problems is addictive...
It has driven him to sleep.
@JM: how are things with you?
Still ironing out kinks in that section of that paper with Mike.
(I kind of need the distraction to let the problem ferment properly, since concentrating on the damn thing isn't working for me.)
I probably won't understand too much of it, but I look forward to trying :-)
the paper that is.
(actually, the matter I'm wrestling with is a bit related to your series question and Sasha's answer there. If I iron this kink out, I can expand on Sasha's answer there as a bonus of sorts.)
Looks like one of those fancy LifeSavers...
(and now I'm craving for them. Damn you!)
I tried the candy cane life saver in homage to your toroidal avatars.
I should probably take out the mesh
Yeah, it'll look better sans mesh.
I don't know if I can be of much help, but if you want to run something by, the worst I will say is, "I haven't a clue" :-D
Nah, I'll let it swim in the cesspool that is my subconscious for now... :D
Fair enough.
I'm sure I'll get something. I just need to ferment.
perhaps use some fermented liquid...
Maybe more plot points? At this resolution, the borders look jaggy...
What does Gerry mean in this question: math.stackexchange.com/questions/82535/…? // Any example statement true for 2+2 but false for 4?
@Srivatsan It is totally semantical.
2+2 is a sum and 4 is not.
2+2 is three characters and 4 is not
that sort of thing.
I still think the better argument is that "=" is a special convention there...
Ok. Makes sense, thanks. @robjohn
@JM Oh, I agree, I am just trying to figure out where Gerry is coming from.
@JM I am reminded of someone complaining a few days back about x = O(x log x). :)
Hello, Akhil.
greetings @Akhil
@Srivatsan Ah, I think I was there at the time... :D
Hey @Akhil. // I don't think we have met.
I'll concede it's notational abuse, but it's exceedingly useful notational abuse.
To the extent that I think of it as notational use. =)
I think it is a brilliant and imaginative notation. [This is my new stance: I would try to avoid that notation because I hated it, not too long ago.]
@Srivatsan If it fits what I'm trying to do, I'd have no problem with it.
It is true, after all.
@robjohn What is true?
x = O(x log x)
@Sri: your previous emphasis made it a philosophical question... ;)
@Srivatsan: 1:1 :)
@tb Sorry, didn't catch the connection. :/
Someone else is having a conceptual malfunction.
@Srivatsan check again... (look for u's)
I'm off to get some dinner. cul8r
Aw, I can't believe I let it go like that. :(
Good catch, @tb. =)
I was tempted to do the fixing myself, but I didn't want to spoil it for Srivatsan. ;)
I am trying (not) to look for names that are mistyped.
Is it worth fixing all of them? There are too many occurrences. // Mobius, Holder, Bezier, Bezout, Lipshitz, Arzela, Erdos, Lovasz.
As long as we aren't filling the front page with bumps...
hi @all : Does Bertrand's paradox has anything to do with measure theory ? (I do not know anything about measure theory)
I don't think so.
@Srivatsan and the name of a certain Marquis...
What's the right spelling, and what's the typo?
@JM this one?
"l'Hôpital" is really the best way to write it...
...okay, I'm officially clueless now...
@J.M. Would a nearly-constant stream of 2 edits (say) on the main page count as flooding?
@JM Sade Adu. Cheap pun, I know, but I couldn't resist. (She's back)
@tb so who is that?
@t.b. Oh! Yes, I'm slow... :D
@Srivatsan Kinda depends on the question influx rate, I would say...
@JM do elaborate. It would be flooding if the influx rate is «high/low»?
In other news, the recent activity in this question of mine was a bit of a surprise... probably because of Noam's answer.
@Srivatsan I mean, if it were a slow day, the constant stream would have the front page filled with bumps...
@JM No, I usually don't edit it unless the old thread disappears from the main page.
So, if I can ensure that there's always at most (say) 2 old threads in the main page [bumped by me], would I be ok?
I think we're having a bit too many edits at the moment. Martin has this Sisyphean thing with the algebra tag going and misspellings of names are just too common.
At least on an "avalanche" day, there's still more new questions than bumps.
Yeah, I'm with t.b. On the other hand, I don't know what the optimal(-looking) pace is...
@tb That was my feeling too [re misspelling names]. I even edited some posts, but at the end chose to push the cancel button because I was unsure of bumping it up.
@tb I discussed this with Willie Wong and he agreed that retagging about 10 post once a week should be ok: meta.math.stackexchange.com/questions/1363/…
They must make one day in 3 months an "edit day", where we could edit all we like. =)
So I'm done for today - sory for the incovenience.
@Srivatsan Sounds like a good meta thread to start...
@JM Wow, is that reasonable? [I was just wishful thinking. =)]
I've seen nuttier proposals...
@MartinSleziak I'm not complaining about that at all. Sure, it's great if you get rid of that tag and clean up the mess and I think it's more important than misspelled names/words. My point's more that this will create a constant stream of edits already and I was trying to tell Srivatsan that he would create another huge pile of edits in addition.
I can keep away from those typos. // If there's some more-constructive edits I can do on the side, do tell me. I can pitch in.
Or... maybe at a quieter time.
@JM Do you think this will ever come again?
I'm not as sure as I was a few days ago, anymore...
Holy crap, this new profile page looks like a nuclear reactor's dashboard...
@JM: 21000 exactly! very nice.
how I hate it when this happens... I wasn't notified by the system that an answer was posted while I was typing.
I hate that, too. It happens quite a bit.
It happened to me quite a few times that I posted an answer almost at the same time as another user, although the question already open for some time.
It takes a while for the system to push a banner notification that an answer was entered.
But it was usually for question not older than half an hour I would say.
I guess we were both looking at recently active questions with functional-analysis tag.
Well, I could have spared myself about 20 minutes... However, it's a memorable moment. I post an atypically explicit answer while someone else posts the abstract version :)
Credits go to the authors of the book... I was thinking about the problem for some time and did not come up with an example.
Well, for me it was sort of the thing to try but it took me a while to get the sums right...
Although I was trying $c_00$ with the $\ell_2$-norm... but well it is probably the most natural non-complete space to try.
Well, what else is there, anyway?
It might be nice to work out the same example with trigonometric polynomials in L^2[0,1] but I guess I'll leave that to the OP.
BTW is $\ell_0^2$ some kind of standard notation for this space?
I wanted to write $c_{00}$ first, but I guess this usually denotes this space with sup-norm.
I don't know. It looked like a somewhat reasonable choice, but definitely not a good one.
But if I see c_{00} I'd want to put the sup-norm on it.
I think d is quite standard for that space c_{00}, too.
But d_2 or d^2 look awkward.
3 hours later…
@robjohn Yeah, at last... :)
@JM at last?
I was hoping to catch up to Gerry a few weeks ago. Then I hit a dry spell... :)
Ah, I didn't look at what you were replying to :-)
Just as I got near 10K, things seemed to dry up, too.
The last 200 points took a couple of days.
@JM: Congrats in any case :-)
Heh. :) Thanks.
At this point, I really shouldn't be bothering about rep anymore, but I want to earmark some rep in case I want to set bounties... I just don't want to drop below 20 if I give out a bounty.
Sounds reasonable. What do you get for 20K+?
Vote to delete negatively voted answers and stronger question deletion votes
@JM Thanks. I never tried clicking on the name in the list on the right.
@JM: On your avatar tori, is the ratio of radii about 1:4?
Let me find my notebook...
That gets magnified in my browser. If I click on it the image shown is smaller.
Okay, I started with a torus with a ring radius of 3 and a tube radius of 3/2...
Howdy folks.
Morning everyone. Quick question: if you get two equally helpful answers, each answering half of your question, how do you decide which you accept? Or do you leave it open?
Hey, @Asaf!
@Matt Toss a coin. Just accept something!
(Soften the deal for the other guy by giving copious thanks.)
@Matt Yes. It is best to accept one.
: D
Ok, will do that. Thanks & see you later!
Hey Asaf.
@rob: I started with that, but made the tube radius sigmoidally varying...
@JM I was trying to get the candy cane torus to match your avatars.
The one above has a ratio of 1:4
4 is the ring radius, and 1 is the tube radius?
I was going for the golden ratio in the life saver (8:5)
Sounds good. :) I was just tweaking radii until it looked "right" myself...
Meanwhile, I need to be out for a bit. Later.
2 hours later…
@robjohn Strange. Mf = 0. I don't see the problem?
the problem is that if this isn't clear you shouldn't be asking about Hardy spaces in the first place...
alright, will turn off the grumpy mode already
1 hour later…
Holy crap monkies! I'm trying to figure out what tools I have in the room where I'll give my presentation tomorrow. And there seems to be nobody available that has a key. Furthermore, the computer guy doesn't seem to understand what an overhead projector is.
Plus my advisor seems to think that it is very funny.
By golly.
"Furthermore, the computer guy doesn't seem to understand what an overhead projector is." - no words...
I have asked an old man which is about to retire. He still had one under the dust somewhere.
And the secretary had to look very hard to find transparant sheets!
@JM A floppy what?
To them an overhead projector is something you plug into your laptop to project the screen.
@JonasTeuwen acetate sheets? what's the thread count?
@JonasTeuwen do you mean they don't have a key at the servicepunt?
@robjohn Yes. I'm not sure about the thread count. You can write on them.
@Gortaur Yes.
@JonasTeuwen writing on your sheets? Does it wash out?
@robjohn No!
They are especially made to write on.
No key and no clue. Nice support staff ;-)
But he does have a 40" TV. He asked me if I wanted to use that one.
I remember my SV going crazy about he have to teach students using that TV and not a whiteboard
I came almost the same time they put these stupid screens in 3mE
as I understand, lecturer has a kind of small touch-board at his place to 'write' there, but they didn't find it cool at all
@JonasTeuwen seems that he think that you shouldn't arrange it in the last day (
Yes. :D.
but to be honest, whom of us always does it )
So have I noticed.
If everybody does their job properly that should not be any problem.
@JonasTeuwen ha. HA
I guess you haven't deal with IND. these morning I was sitting in Gementee waiting for my number to appear on the screen. There were 6 workers at their places drinking coffee and only 7th was serving. I spent 30 min there, and no number appeared
@robjohn That question with the Mf = 0 is a bit odd. How can the guy ask such a question and not be able to answer that question?
Not yet.
@JonasTeuwen I don't know what to tell him.
I once was there very early. There was nobody there. "Do you have an appointment?" No... Well. I could at least make an appointment.
@robjohn Neither do I :-).
[contd]: they are open from 8-30, so I came there that time not to be late at TU.
@Jonas Problem: Between 8-30 and 9-00 seven medewerkers served one man. Question: how fast will Jonas find the key?
I could also get a crowbar.
that's what we use to do in Russia :D
"If you can't figure out where the key is, I'll have to use this crowbar!"
For hitting the medewerkers?
No, to open the door :D.
"If you don't open the doors I'll whack you with this shiny new crowbar..."
About doing something in the last day, reminds me the joke about German, British a Russian students. In September they were told by a Professor to do a research on separate topics with a deadline in March. Then in March they meet. German student puts 6 book volumes of text on the table each for each of 6 months. Then British student gives 2 copybooks: Theory, Examples.
Russian brings nothing. Professor: and what about you? Russian: I'm so sorry, but yesterday I have so bloody headache that I couldn't focus
that maybe the reason why in Russia by a law you have at least three full days between any exams
Are there any serious mathematicians here willing to talk about division by 0?
@Rob I have a strong deja vu
@Rob don't do it.
You should... I tried last night and nobody cared
@Gortaur I see an orange address, but there was no ping. The ping must have gone to Rob
@Rob I should divide by 0?
@robjo: that's good that there was no ping, because I didn't want to bother you
if I would like to do it, I can just think about you, right?
@Gortaur that's true. :-)
so... nobody is interested?
@Rob What about division by 0 is bothering you?
I once tried to divide by 0.
@robjohn he's troll. you're trolled
Hell froze over.
@JonasTeuwen after I learn about complex numbers I decided: ok, let me define $p = 1/0$ and see what algebra do I have now. There were some cool properties unless I realized that p = infinity
Sure but you have the Riemann sphere where that works right?
@Rob All trolls say that!
@JonasTeuwen indeed, today is cold here in South Helland ))
@Gortaur I know what he is.
@robjohn of course you do, you read it from my thoughts while I was typing an answer to you right here
@Gortaur Indeed.
@JonasTeuwen I was 12 and I wasn't told about Riemann sphere, only about 2d representation and polar coordinates
I don't appreciate being called a troll
@Gortaur Quite cold on the bike without gloves.
@Rob please accept my apologize
@Rob Well, then don't troll.
nope, only one
@Rob: if you have a serious question, then ask it.
If you look up discussions about this topic on math stacks you would see that there isn't much about it.
There is a good reason for that.
@JonasTeuwen :-x. it's not polite to interrupt
(See the definition of a field)
@Gortaur But this is a public chatroom!
But I believe it is a topic that is worth disscussion
It's not defined, because of a bunch of reasons. Which of those reasons are you contesting?
I am NOT contesting any of the reasons
(be concise and clear, lest something like your "of" debacle happens again.)
@JonasTeuwen I took my fur-coat today, people were quite more interested in my person than usual
Russian fur®?
@Gortaur whose fur?
It is not that cold right?
I am looking for intellegent disscussion
@JM @Jonas: mouton, in fact I bought it in Russian but it was produced in Italy so I can say that I saved some Russian sheep )
@Rob If there's nothing to poke, what's left to talk about?
@JonasTeuwen It's not that cold, but you can wear it if it is from -30 to +5 and feel comfortable. I should only adjust how thick are sweater and scarf
The question labeled "Division by 0" is all I could find on this web site
though of course it's not good to bike in it, but I don't have one
Of course it's cool; why would you wear fur if it weren't cool? ;)
@ J. M. did you really think my "of" question was a debacle?
@Gortaur I'm still in a summer jacket!
@JM to be honest I was not sure if I would buy it: usually men in Russia wear дубленка which a fur coat inside out with a leather outside, and in fur-coat I looked either like Shalyapin or a pimp
Haha, that Shalyapin!
if there another one?
I don't know.
our discussion on zeros has stopped?
@JM did you really think my "of" question was a debacle?
I upvoted your answer on zeroes... :)
thank you...
I tried to be concise and clear lest something like my "of" debacle happens again
What does making a answer a "community wiki" mean?
I have to take the dog to the park and then drive into UCLA to proctor a midterm. It may be the first answerless day for a long time. :-(
@robjohn I think I will never receive Fanatic badge because I usually don't attend MSE on weekends
Is that the 100 day badge?
Yep, 100 days...
I would have that now, but I didn't know that editing a problem didn't count as connection. I worked on a problem for 2 days, and since I wasn't on chat at the time, I timed out.
@robjo: you just have to open MSE webpage for the count
I simply had the page open for the question I was editing. In any case, I am almost half way there again.
Yep, Gortaur has it. You need to visit main for 100 days...
@JM I had the page open, I think, but didn't refresh it.
Oh well...
@JM: stop torturing my ring (
As I said, I am back to 49 days, so I will be at 100 by the beginning of the year.
@Gortaur But I love tweaking rings... mmm, crullers.
@Gortaur: I've made your ring taste better :-)
I have to go to UCLA. See you in about 8-9 hours.
unless I connect from there.
See you!!
See you!
@Gortaur I have that badge!!! :D.
@robjohn See you!
@JonasTeuwen :-p
I wonder: Should I or should I not have replied? =)
Good evening, all!
good afternoon, @Srivatsan
you've already replied, don't regret about the past
You're right...
phew, for the stranger I think it seems that I just retyped some chapters from PT book here
@Gortaur The last two paras are insightful. Did you craft it?
what do you mean by craft?
I can say that I just thought of doing this representation while was writing this answer and haven't seen it before explicitly, though I usually skip that part of books on PT )
I meant like, is it original? Or is it from a book?
@Srivatsan maybe there is a book describing it, but I never seen it. I guess your understanding of it is original (though it is quite strong to state IMHO)
anyway, let's see how people like it, because previous two answer have a lack of rigor I would say
I like it, so +1.
@Srivatsan: thank you, that's very kind
I start feeling addicted to this cool blue avatar again
@Srivatsan: which kind of blue did you call it? Rama?
@Gortaur Yes, Rama's.
Hindu mythology holds that he was blue-skinned. The wikipedia page depicts a related but slightly different blue though. =/
@Srivatsan yeah, indeed (
@Srivatsan That question reminded me of this: meta.math.stackexchange.com/questions/2606/…
@Gortaur, If you are interested, yesterday's chat contains a small discussion of that aI_A + bI_B question...
And what happens if a=1 and b=-1?
@Srivatsan I am
@Srivatsan oh, I've missed it, let me think for a minute
For e.g., if a= - b and A=B is arbitrary, then aI_A + bI_B is the zero function.
@Srivatsan why. why did you give me this hint. why? ))
("for e.g." is sorta kinda redundant. ;) )
e.g. for example in some cases under certain conditions
So what does e.g. mean?
@JM =)
I find it weird to start a sentence with an abbr. like e.g. or i.e..
@Srivatsan so what about discussion?
@Srivatsan E.g. like this?
@Gortaur That was addressed to J.M. Somehow the two comments appeared in the reverse order.
@Srivatsan "e.g." is, to use computer terms, plug-compatible with "for example". So use one or the other, but blending both is like trying to stick two cards into the ATM machine... :D
@Srivatsan so that is with this discussion?
(Yes, that last error of mine was intentional. ;) )
Thanks @J.M. I guess I've been using "for e.g." for some time.
There's some minor technical problem with chat (or my internet connectivity) at my end.
I will drop out of chat for now... // Please ack if you are able to see this message.
@Srivatsan I can see this message
Thanks, and bye! @Gortaur, @J.M.
@JM do you know about the discussion Srivatsan were talking about?
See you later, @Sri.
@Srivatsan Good bye
@Gortaur I think I wasn't around. Did you check yesterday's transcript?
@JM checking it out
found it
@Gortaur It is between tb and The Chaz and Henning. I joined in briefly.
I've found it
@Srivatsan: I didn't know that you discussed it, should I delete my answer?
@Gortaur Deletion is unnecessary in my opinion.
Esp. given that none of us bothered to post an answer =)
If you are too uncomfortable, you can mark it CW, although I don't see why that's necessary. // In any case, you are helping the site by leaving the answer around.
@Srivatsan I see your point. btw, noting CW you're forcing my politeness to do it ;)
@Srivatsan: is the new way I acknowledged you ok?
You shouldn't feel obliged to set it CW...
@JM I agree, but apparently there is somebody in my head but me and RobJohn, so he thinks different

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