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@BalarkaSen: I know that's only "true" locally, but I don't really know a better way to think of it globally.
Oh, look, more flagspam.
I honestly think flag abuse should be bannable (at least from using flags, if not chat as a whole). Shows a rather low level of maturity, and is quite disruptive too.
I flagged borderline bullying.
I understand that, but it's been and gone man.
Like it's one thing if it's happening right now.
But flagging from the transcript doesn't help anything.
Doesn't matter, 5 people took a clear side over someone trying to help.
Have you considered talking it out, rather than resorting to a network-wide flag?
It can't be nice for that person to see a highly starred post about them in that tone. Hence flagging, get it removed.
It's too late for the posters to delete it themselves.
@ToolPurger yeah no shit. Guess that never happened before today.
I didn't realize it was starred.
That didn't show up in the popup.
They've got quite a few stars @GnomeSlice
So I see...
Hence "borderline bullying"
1v1 is fine, 1v6 isn't (1 person + 5 starrers)
Yeah unless that 1 is me.
Then it's a-okay with Tool.
How's any of the starred messages borderline bullying? None of it was intended, or received as bullying.
Double standard much.
Ways to unstar: ask a room-owner or mod to unstar. Ways to delete: ask a mod. Chat-flag... alerts a lot of people (not to mention involves an implicit suspension, which may not necessarily be warranted).
You could do a mod flag on it.
@RegDwigнt it was well natured earlier.
For some reason it won't let me do that though, on that message.
@ToolPurger yes, yes. I did say "double standards".
"Amateur bichslapper" isn't really an insult.
@GnomeSlice Which message?
2 hours ago, by Huy
@AlecTeal: I wouldn't be laughing. In fact I'm not even laughing right now. It makes me sad that you are so full of yourself and don't realize it.
@ToolPurger I would say 99,9 times out of 10 it is.
That's pretty rude.
You should really read the context of that.
@ToolPurger: Dude, this is like your first day here. YOU don't even understand the context of it.
You going to pick me now @Huy
@ToolPurger pal let it go please?
@ToolPurger: It had nothing to do with that, but great if you prove to all of us that you don't know what it was about.
@Huy it did
Read the log from the marked position.
Passive-aggressive stars aren't constructive guys.
If you have something to say, say it, don't hide behind a star.
I think as the person who actually said the line, that @Huy probably knows what actually the line had to do with anything.
I can search what it had to do with, give me a second.
On an unrelated note, check out my new avatar
I really think we should talk about grant proposals more.
Guess what I've been watching
@Huy read the log
In fact I shall read at least seven on my commute home.
Have fun!
So can we get those comments removed now?
@ToolPurger we can live without this kind of reliving of the past, no?
@ToolPurger: He was so convinced of himself and stated "I'm rarely wrong" even though here in chat and on main he is OFTEN wrong. Being wrong is nothing to be ashamed of, but not realizing it is a bad thing, especially in mathematics.
@Huy if this was the first instance you guys find of him being wrong.... that sounds pretty good.
In any case pointing out someone was wrong does not require such zeal.
@ToolPurger I am the one who was the FIRST to warn him not to say it
4 mins ago, by skill patrol
@ToolPurger pal let it go please?
@skillpatrol when I linked your comment that's because it was the start of the logs in an earlier complaint, it wasn't specifically to your comment
@ToolPurger: If you insist I can give you a list of more than 20 occurences where he is/has been wrong, but I'd much rather do some maths today instead of waste my time to prove my point to someone who's desperately trying to defend his friend.
I think more people are interested that we let this go than we continue onwards in something that is drastically sliding away from productive.
@Huy I would side with anyone who was being bullied.
Associated with Math.SE; for both general discussion & math questions alike. Just ask; don't ask to ask.
@ToolPurger: I don't think it is bullying if person A says "I'm rarely wrong" and "show me where I've been wrong" and at some time later, when person A is wrong, person B says "look, you're wrong" and person C points out that person A is too full of himself. That's my last message on the subject. If he was really offended by it, he could have told me, instead he mocked my message " Careful with the stars guys, you might hurt my feelings", so I figured he didn't care for it anyways.
@Huy if that is your way of telling someone they're wrong, you need to work on your social skills.
@ToolPurger If your way of dealing with it is by immediately flagging, well, that's hardly ideal either is it?
Maybe what he said was rude, but I don't think anyone in this chat room besides the mods have the job of being the tone police.
@Huy regarding the second sentence, what if he was hurt and didn't want to admit it because? Would you want to when 6 people pounce so quickly on something so small? Or would you rather try and play it down?
Empathy is useful.
@ToolPurger You've only been a "Member for 21 days" take some time to watch and LEARN.
@Bob it was too late for the OP to delete it, so only hope was moderator attention. Which is what flags do.
@ToolPurger Flagging for mod attention does that. Flagging as spam/offensive does far more.
@skillpatrol if to fit in here I have to jump on that bandwagon, I shall never fit in.
@ToolPurger: "so quickly", you mean over the course of an hour?

Why is this still being discussed? It's done with. Everybody here has the capacity to take lessons from this, and could do with some humility and grace.
@Bob if you click this link you'll see there's only one flag button:
4 hours ago, by Matt E. Эллен
Please stop flagging things for no reason. If you are feeling angry now, maybe step away from the chat room
There's no reply/star/flag thing like there is here.
Click on the left side, you have the option to flag as a moderator instead of flagging as spam/offensive.
All I can see is:
reply to this message
star as interesting
flag as spam/offensive
@ToolPurger Point taken (I've never tried from the transcript).
(changes will not show until you reload)
permalink | history
*nod of respect in @Bob's direction <---serious
This is what you should see. i.imgur.com/WdlJIBw.png
Still, keep in mind that spam-flag does more than what you might expect at first. The chat flag system is commonly considered broken.
@ToolPurger you need more rep pal
@Fargle that's what I see here, I also see some buttons on the right - but not on the transcript page.
Hello!!! How is it going?
@skillpatrol Actually I can't even flag for mods from the transcript
You are one.
Well, the chat has been devolving a bit, but other than that, quite fine, @evinda. Yourself?
@GraceNote Orly?
Possibly in part because the whole idea is that if it's ancient you really shouldn't be flagging it unless absolutely necessary (hence why spam/offensive is still available).
Hi Professor @TedShifrin
@Ted! Ignore my last question, I figured out that problem.
Hi skull!
Why is it devolving? @Fargle
I am quite fine too, thank you :)
I kept trying to use the constancy of $\tau/\kappa$ rather than working from the definition of a generalized helix.
I meant usual helix, Fargle, but I wonder if it holds for generalized. Dud you investigate?
Hey guys I want to ask a ton of questions so I can mine upvotes and reputation but I can't think of any questions to post halp
Do you @ToolPurger have a math question for the good Professor?
I'm okay thanks.
Guten Tag, @evinda.
@TedShifrin Yes, I did--it is true in general. Differentiate $\beta(s) = \alpha(s) - sT(s)$, take the dot product of both sides by $A$. Then all the tangent vectors to $\beta$ must be perpendicular to $A$, meaning it necessarily lies in a plane.
Guten Tag @TedShifrin
Wie geht es Ihnen?
Ganz gut, danke, und Ihnen?
(Where $A$ is the vector such that $T \cdot A$ is constant, from the definition of a gen. helix.)
Good job, Fargle.
Mir auch :) @TedShifrin
Sind Sie umgezogen?
@evinda Why? I don't know. How? Lots of passive-aggression and retroactive tone policing. It seems everyone's calmed down for now, though.
@ToolPurger: Just so you get an answer to your questions: There's a difference between being wrong and able to admit and learn from it, and being wrong and yet always thinking to be right. You've missed a lot of context. Don't try suggesting a different "social approach" of mine if you have no idea how people tried to socially interact with Alec before.
@ToolPurger: For instance, there was a 7th grader here yesterday asking questions, and when he didn't understand some of Alec's statements and asked "sorry I don't understand, can you explain further?", Alec would respond "good luck then". It was pointed out to him that he shouldn't be so mean to the kid, but he never cared to apologize or show regret.
@MikeMiller What about it
Und gefällt Ihnen der neue Wohnsitz? @TedShifrin
@Fargle Aha...
That doesn't sound too mean @Huy
Good luck and all? Do you have a link to the transcript?
@ToolPurger: You should work on your social skills then. ;-)
No seriously.
Goodnight @MikeM
If not being able to help someone and saying "Good luck in that case" or "good luck then" I've p!ssed off a lot of people.
Happy mid-day @Mike.
@ToolPurger Why not? It's not like he was asking about homework. If someone asked you to explain something further, would you explain it further, or simply stop? Whether the manner in which he stopped had a nicely toned phrase in it or not, that sort of refusal to help someone understand what you've told them is rude.
Greetings @Ted.
I can confirm that Alec is often a rude, arrogant twit :)
@ToolPurger: It wasn't "not being able to help". It was "I'm way to smart to help this stupid kid so I'll just stop helping at all".
@DanielF: Do you have a way to contact you offsite, eg an email, that you're willing to share?
Sicher, evinda, und danke noch einmal :)
Going further with this means I'll be playing devils advocate, give me a moment to read.
He threw some homophobic crap at me once, too.
@TedShifrin: Earlier this day I pointed out that he's too full of himself and (obviously) the message got on the star board. Suddenly his friend comes here and complains how we have been bullying poor Alec and demands the stars to be removed.
Gut!!! :) @TedShifrin
@Ted: There's a question about the Chern class of a blowup on main. You should be able to give him a suitable reference.
@MikeMiller Not particularly. What is it about? Moderatory things? Mathematics?
Nice one @Huy - you still got a dig in there.
Anyway Alec mentions prime numbers there, could be his mistake in thinking of en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fermat%27s_little_theorem and assuming it was homework using it? He did do an explicit computation?
I dunno, maybe he didn't want to commit to helping him through it, just give a hint? (Like a lot of comments on this site might I add)
I stand corrected asserting for a fact that it wasn't homework. It's possible that it was. But at no point did he give a reason like that for a refusal to help.
He did say "good luck then [in that case]"
Methinks Tool is Alec.
I don't know what to say to that.
5 mins ago, by ToolPurger
Going further with this means I'll be playing devils advocate, give me a moment to read.
How many more instances of this air of superiority that he projects do you want to semantically argue away? I'm sure @Huy can pick out other examples.
I'd really rather study maths and then make some dinner, if that's also alright.
As I said I'm playing Devil's advocate... that means I am deliberately going against you guys to play the other side.
I think we can all agree this discussion is pointless to continue.
Good luck with your dinner @Huy ;-)
Thanks @ToolPurger ;-)
@MikeM: G&H is a standard reference. Many years ago, Robin Hartshorne left me a note with a reference on the general case, but that, along with most everything in my office, got thrown out. I'll see if I can google-find it.
Totally fine, @Huy. I was just noting that anything that can be shot down can be met with another example. As to you, @Tool, why play Devil's advocate about this?
Ah, @MikeM, it's in a paper of Porteous. I should have remembered that, since I've referenced him a lot.
Don't worry about it @Fargle
Did you get time to watch the moore vid Professor @TedShifrin
LOL, skull. I've been a little busy.
perhaps later
I'll assume from the smiling face that the new comment is banter among friends. Just keep the bullying talk in mind you lot.
hi @robjohn have you talked chris's in the last 24 hours?
@robjohn !!!
I will go and fish for a question I can answer - before someone else answers it.
good luck pal
skull, I don't have the patience to teach Moore method, and I'm always trying to give students an intuition and a feeling for scope, but I do like socratic teaching and in office hours I get as close to Moore as I can.
I see
interesting mix
thanks for replying :-)
@DanielFischer I undeleted that answer I said I deleted the other day. You didn't see much of a connection to Parseval's/Plancherel's theorem, and I couldn't really explain any connection. I'm stupid for deleting it in the first place.
@Ted: "Show that the involute of a catenary is a tractrix." I can do it, but this makes me dizzy.
I think there are more interesting exercises for you, @Fargle. Move on :)
Like what?
You should do some computational stuff to get a feel for things, but you're probably more interested in the conceptual problems.
Yes, indeed.
#19 is interesting, partly for the logic of part b, which always troubles students. 20, 21, 24 are cool. But 26, 27 I find super interesting.
Ooh, 19 does look interesting.
And this relates interestingly to the Bishop frame, which is an exercise in section 3.
I was kinda surprised to not find Moore's name in the Encyclopedia Britannica? Considering his reputation for PhD students? @TedShifrin
Dunno, skull. He worked mostly in point-set topology and was far from a super star, albeit influential in his own way.
Did you ever meet him?
@AlecTeal I am a very irresponsible person.
@TedShifrin I never understood how to work out the bicycle problem.
The bicycle problem is hurting my head a bit, too.
morning @ted
How are the Computer Science Elections going @GraceNote?
Let's see...
The Q&A is flooded, I can say that much from my inbox already
Only two candidates so far though. That's not too shiny
Man, I've been too distracted today. Remind me to stay off this chat if I'm not discussing maths tomorrow, @skullpatrol.
@Huy ok pal
@skillpatrol I haven't. Did anything happen yesterday?
@TedShifrin are you hailing from northern or southern California?
@robjohn she got a 3 hour suspension.
@skillpatrol Ah, perhaps that is why she is not here today.
@robjohn and the whole room was frozen for about half and hour
@DanielFischer what?
@skillpatrol just this room?
@robjohn yes
@AlecTeal What what?
Oh, I forgot...another one of the created rooms too. @robjohn
57 mins ago, by Pedro Tamaroff
@AlecTeal I am a very irresponsible person.
This room @robjohn
@AlecTeal Jesting? skull hasn't been suspended for over a year. At least not as skull, maybe as skill?
@AlecTeal what part of "by Pedro Tamaroff" don't you understand pal :-)
@DanielFischer No worries then, nothing important.
No I mean when he said that (@ me) what was he talking about?
Did I ask?
I'm confused.
@Ted: Thanks. I see you posted a comment which was all I was looking for.
@AlecTeal There is a link to the message from you he responded to.
Yeah .... or you could tell me?
13 hours ago, by Alec Teal
@PedroTamaroff why are you suspending @skullpatrol
1 min ago, by skill patrol
@AlecTeal what part of "by Pedro Tamaroff" don't you understand pal :-)
4 mins ago, by Alec Teal
57 mins ago, by Pedro Tamaroff
@AlecTeal I am a very irresponsible person.
@skillpatrol you're making it worse!
@DanielFischer ah..... that doesn't help.
@AlecTeal Why not?
@DanielFischer take it seriously please.
@AlecTeal I do, but you're not making much sense, not saying what you're talking about.
@AlecTeal he did it again you know
when they suspended chris's sis
yawns This is so... meta here
being rude
You can't have too many integrals on a math site!
Sure you can.
Needs quite a few, but definitely possible.
kk thanks for your input Daniel
What did he say Skill?
it started out as condescending and got ugly fast
Was Huy involved?
he tried to break it up
Balakararreasaakala sen?
not at all
Oh really, who was involved?
Who cares? Let bygones be bygones.
Jus fuhgeddaboutit
Given the amount of comments of mine that go missing (thanks, really) @DanielFischer - sure.
The König has spoken.
@AlecTeal ?
@DanielFischer a lot of my comments vanish, which I figure is you and it's probably for the best.
You should be thankful pal
@AlecTeal Why and how do you figure it's me? We have a few more moderators. I certainly have deleted some of your comments when they have been flagged, but I'd be very surprised if a lot haven't been deleted by other moderators.
@robjohn: I hail from Berkeley, but I now live in San Diego :)
heya @DanielF
@TedShifrin Bonjour.
Only here for a moment, @skull.
@TedShifrin Berkeley's where I want to go for grad school. Is the town cool?
@Ted: You should make that reference comment an answer.
Now for something completely different: Compute $\binom{2^{32}-1}{2^{31}} \bmod{p}$ where $p = 3\cdot2^{29}+5$, efficiently. Unfortunately, all that I can come up with uses at least $\operatorname{O}(p)$ multiplications and divisions. The shortcuts by Granville et al only help for powers of small $p$.
@MikeM: Not really. I should work it out for him (at least in sketch) if it's going to be an answer.
@DanielFischer to whomever it concerns, I am grateful
@Ted: That's usually my policy, but in practice this means questions never have an answer.
@AlecTeal Okay.
Pseudodifferential operators are silly.
No they're not, @MikeM.
They're a very elegant idea.
Hello @Alec @Ted
@MikeMiller don't let @robjohn see that
Yes, @Fargle, although it's changed a lot over the years. I'll be up there in a month or so, though.
@Ted: I know that. :)
Hey @Rememberme
Done any spuds today?
hi @Remember
Spuds? @Alec
Neato. If I get my act together, I can hopefully go there. Supposed to be one of the best math graduate programs in the country.
They're like small potatoes
Wait did I miss something today here ??
@Pedro @Fargle: The bicycle problem is cute. You end up with a differential equation that cannot ordinarily be integrated in closed form. I have a nice Mathematica program that draws it all for any given original $\kappa$ function.
Yes, @Fargle. There are plenty of others, ones which will give you more financial support. You and your adviser (and we) can discuss this in a few years :)
Sorta, @Remember. You missed a lot of pointless bickering, and then bickering about bickering.
@Fargle: I'm too old and cranky for all this bickering.
Well, I need to get going. I have a futon to go buy.
@TedShifrin I'm too young and idealistic for it.
I find it funny how hard it is to prove absolutely basic facts.
LOL ... keep it up, @Fargle. And keep me posted on the interesting problems.
That's all.
Try to prove $1/2$ isn't an integer, @MikeM :P
I'll do my best. I want to break into the curve theory section!
Surfaces get even more interesting, @Fargle ...
Oh dear.
I haven't been here coz of some nice physics questions and a bit if topology.. So I am have no idea about the so-called bickering
Until later !
@Rememberme Probably best.
Hey @Fargle what have you been thinking today
Later, @Ted! (Good to see you online again!)
Mostly differential geometry, courtesy of @Ted. I think soon I'm going to hit Dummit-Foote and delve further into field/Galois theory.
Yo! ^_^
How's it going?
@Fargle I am huge fan of Galois theory after the analogy between it and covering spaces
Yeah, Balarka mentioned that earlier. It seems really clever. Grothendieck was The Man.
Wrong room.
True ....
Alexandra the great
Your new avatar is visible @GnomeSlice
I probably won't keep it for long.
I'm just obsessed with Robotech at the moment
what's the value of the @RandomVariable today?
Is it an old anime, @GnomeSlice?
Hey @skill!
@Khallil hi
@Khallil Fairly, yeah.
I don't even watch anime, this is the first one I've ever watched
Robotech is a science fiction franchise. The franchise began with an 85-episode science fiction anime TV series adaptation produced by Harmony Gold USA in association with Tatsunoko Production Co., Ltd. and first released in the United States in 1985. It was adapted from three original Japanese television series. In the series, Robotechnology refers to the scientific advances discovered in an alien starship that crashed on a South Pacific island. With this technology, Earth developed robotic technologies, such as transformable mecha, to fight three successive extraterrestrial invasions. ��2�...
I'm a big fan of the old anime style.
@Fargle: Grothendieck did not invent that analogy. It's as old as covering spaces, which are about as old as topology.
Green guy is the guy in my avatar.
@MikeMiller Yeah, I meant its formalization, but even that is me talking out of my rear about things I don't understand yet.
If you like that, you may like ZOIDS, @GnomeSlice.
It's a mecha with a similar feel. One of my favourites!
heh, zoids was on when I was a kid
The same for me! I'm guessing you've just entered your 20s, @GnomeSlice?
@TedShifrin did you pass through LA on your way north?
@Fargle: No, that's still just as old. Grothendieck's invention was going back the other way again, and using the idea of covering spaces to develop a notion of fundamental group for schemes (an algebro-geometric object).
I'm of a similar age, @GnomeSlice!
@robjohn He's still in San Diego
@skillpatrol He just said he was hailing from Berkeley...
@robjohn He's hails from
@MikeMiller :-p
@skillpatrol ?
@robjohn I hail from Berkeley, but I now live in San Diego
@skillpatrol Yes, his home is in San Diego, but he is now in Berkeley.
@robjohn: I can like silly things!
@MikeMiller it's not silly!
@robjohn "I hail from Berkeley," to me, doesn't mean "I'm hailing to you from Berkeley."
32 mins ago, by Ted Shifrin
@robjohn: I hail from Berkeley, but I now live in San Diego :)
@robjohn So you claim...
@robjohn: Is that what you worked on back in the day? I don't think I ever asked what you did thesis work on.
@MikeMiller Yes, I worked on pseudo-differential operators in grad school and gave a talk at UCLA about them.
and I almost got suspended for telling him the prefix "pseudo" doesn't belong in math :P
@robjohn I think I missed that one :)
@skillpatrol I doubt that, unless you were being extremely obnoxious about it.
I care about them in the context of elliptic PDE. Some stuff, like how the symbol of a PDO changes under a change of coordinates, just seems disproportionately hard compared to the statement :)
@skull: Of course, pseudodifferential operators lie firmly in the realm of pseudomathematics.
@robjohn I'm exaggerating.
@MikeMiller Where do pseudoholomorphic curves lie?
May 14 '12 at 13:25, by skullpatrol
@robjohn I object to the use of the prefix pseudo- (from Greek ψευδής "lying, false") in math because it is used to mark something as false, fraudulent, or pretending to be something it is not.
@PVAL: Pseudomathematics is the study of mathematical objects whose names start with "pseudo".
eh, basing arguments on the greek roots of words is a bit troublesome to me
I hope the pun "lie" was intentional.
@PVAL: I wonder if we can popularize the term "analytic topologist". This seems like a reasonable name for some who uses gauge theory or pseudo holomorphic curve theory to do topology.
Also more evocative for someone who doesn't know the term "gauge theory".
@Semiclassical how so?
it doesn't capture the way meanings drift and change over time. language isn't static, even though its history certainly is.
@MikeMiller If you want to be inclusive, just call them people who study things named after Witten.
post-Witten mathematics?
@PVAL: You exclude the instantonners.
@Huy - I assumed he was going to call them half-wittens.
@MikeMiller As far as I understand (which is close to nil) SW theory subsumes the invariants related to instatons.
@Richard Booooooooooo!
At least say for smooth structures in 4 dimensions
@PVAL: There are some things that we don't know how to do without instantons. My friend Chris Scaduto just wrote a thesis on them.
@MikeMiller: what kind've stuff, if the answer is something that can be said with reasonable brevity?
(looking at his paper on arxiv i'm guessing the latter condition isn't satisfied, but just in case...)
@MikeMiller I wouldn't be surprised if that is still considered SW theory (at least to some). I don't enough about instatons to say what we can or can't do with them, I just thought that stuff fits under the large umbrella that is SW- theory.
Maybe. I think Ciprian would just call it gauge theory.
But this is of course not an exciting point. I just like the sound of "analytic topology".
now you just need some way of turning that into "holomorphic topology" (kidding, of course)
There are also people who do (or did) this kind of stuff that say that they study "geometric PDE's" and there are others who call themselves "differential geometers" and others just call themselves "topologists".
@Semiclassical: Under very general conditions I don't understand, there should be a spectral sequence from a Floer theory to a version of Khovanov homology. (Just think of this as "there should be a relationship between...") Up until now all results have been done with $\Bbb Z/2$ coefficients. Chris was able to show this with $\Bbb Z$ coefficients in the case of instanton Floer, the first result of this type, as far as I know.
@PVAL: That's why it's up to us to make it hip.
I think Ted calls himself a "differential geometer"
i definitely don't follow that (I've heard the words floer/khovanov, but never studied that). but i also don't see where the point re: "stuff we can't do without instantons" comes in

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