i have this set $E=\{a,b,c\}$ with this topology $\tau=\{E,\emptyset, \{a\},\{a,b\}\}$
I have to show if $E$ is path-connected or not ?
I have to construct a continuous function between a and b, b and c , a and c.
1) between a and b:
$\varphi_1: [0,1]\rightarrow E, \varphi_1(t)=a, 0\leq t<1, \varphi_1(1)=b$
$\varphi_1^{-1}(\{a\})=\emptyset, \varphi_1^{-1}(\{a,b\})=[0,1[=[0,1]\cap]-1,1[$(is open ), $\varphi_1^{-1}(\emptyset)=\emptyset$ and $\varphi_1(E)=[0,1]$
2) between c and b: if i suppose that $\varphi_2: [0,1]\rightarrow E, \varphi_2(t)=c,0\leq t<1, \varphi(1)=b $ then we have $\va…