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@JasperLoy It's so winter. I now imagine Olaf using facebook when I see that blue.
@meer2kat I liked the one I saw earlier. It was more vintage. Now, you just remind me of the girls that try a little too hard to look cute.
@Nick lol cool
@JasperLoy Nice
@Nick Isn't that better than using too many Instagram filters
i don't really care. i'm in a sorority. it's what i'm like. plus that pic was from like two years ago. this was like three weeks ago
@ᴇʏᴇs depends on the picture and the filters used.
@meer2kat Boy, you're getting older. It shows.
@Nick yeah getting older happens when you get older.
@meer2kat I hate that. I hate getting older. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. Can I have some milk and cookies before I go to bed tonight. Don't forget the T-Rex on my wishlist.
@Nick okay. how old are you anyways?
@meer2kat Many lifetimes.
@Nick is a vampire
@Nick right
hi @JasperLoy
@ᴇʏᴇs #gross
@ᴇʏᴇs I dislike byood. I fwy away, now.
@JasperLoy say something before this turns into a horrible remake of the Interview with A Vampire
@ᴇʏᴇs If anyone's a vampire, I think it ought to be Jasper. Unlike Marceline who feasts on red, jasper feeds on blue!
@meer2kat How do you deal with knowing that one day, everythings going to you know, flatline. It's horrible to know that in the end, you'd be forcefully thrust into an eternity of nothingness during which the world would just go on as it is.
@Nick wat
@ᴇʏᴇs You having a nice time? I've got 60-80 years til then if I stay in good health.
@meer2kat barbieface as fuck
@meer2kat I guess
@DonLarynx lol
@ᴇʏᴇs I mean its plausible.
@meer2kat Days go by as quickly as a wink.
@Nick Yes they do. In the meantime I'm 20 years old and doing my best.
@meer2kat You'd be surprised how many 60 year olds say that.
alright i'm leaving. talk to you all later.
Later @meer2kat
hi @DonLarynx
@DonLarynx trollface as a duck. Now, I'd love to see that movie.
@Nick wow lol that's not nice
@SayanChattopadhyay Hi @Sayan, how's kung fu going.
@SayanChattopadhyay reference to dbz
whats dbz now @nick
@DonLarynx how would you know?
@SayanChattopadhyay Lizard Sphere Omega
lizard?sphere...i know omega i dont know whats lizard
@SayanChattopadhyay Gosh, do I have to flood you with over 9000 hints?
come on what were you telling @Nick
@SayanChattopadhyay Dragon Ball Z, dammit!
oh dragon ball z i finished the whole sereies when i was 10
@SayanChattopadhyay ... and how do you walk around with a name like Sayan without being a constant dbz reference magnet.
well people here dont watch anime that much
>_<' So many things wrong in the past many mentions of dbz...
He probably is only around uncultured twits that don't know what dbz is
its "over 8000" first off, (should pressure people to stop using the bad incorrect translation of 9000), the race of aliens are called saiyans (sai from japanese 菜 - vegetable) (japanese was saiyajin)
@SayanChattopadhyay every indian child who remembers toonami on cartoon network know dbz and pokemon.
Why is the translation over 8,000
and its most certainly not kung-fu that they use
point they just fight
Lion-style Kempo
@JMoravitz It was over 800 in the first english dub too. I guess there were two studios or something. Now, they're remastering everything and 9000 is canon.
@JMoravitz you never saw the db:evolutions movie , did you.... I wish neither have I.
No, I had not. Just as I have not yet (and don't plan to) seen the live action "The Last Airbender" movie
It's so bad
@JMoravitz that scene.... I only thought there could be atmost 3. The Jap, Then Eng and the Kai. That page reveals a lot!
@JMoravitz I issued a petition to the local dvd library to take it off their shelves. We can't change the fact it was made though.
At this point, I watch most of my shows without subtitles, except for sci-fi... way too many technical terms I don't know yet
@JMoravitz Use the Kaiju-jumanjuju ray!! Yakitate, Hayate!
Well, @nick there are plenty of artistic anime out there which are wholly deserving of a spot in a library. Although db/z might not be one of them, it certainly helped shape its genre and was highly influential, and so should deserve at least some level of respect.
@JMoravitz No, I meant for Last Airbender (and also After Earth). M. Night really let go after Signs.
Oh, absolutely then. Torch every copy you find.
@JMoravitz I'll throw them all into the Sarlacc Pit.
Since there seems to be an interesting overlap of interests here, might I suggest 数学ガール MathsGirl(s)
@SaalHardali yes, there is. If you want to know how, then you have go ask on main.
Cute story about a guy crushing on a socially inept girl who spends most all of her time thinking/talking math.
@JMoravitz .......................................... I did not expect it to exist.
There's some legit math in it too.
@JMoravitz that sounds cool
is it dubbed or subbed?
oh wait, it's a manga. jk.
@JMoravitz the integral of sec y dy from 0 to pi?
I doubt it got an anime yet (nor do I expect it to ever). It is as I understand just a manga at the moment.
looks neat. i'll have to check it out
I need some help with making a manga site. Can someone point me in the right direction to seek help. I give up trying from scratch, I need a tempate or something. Anyone here have any first hand knowledge of something like that? Maybe point me in the right direction.
@JMoravitz It was originally a book, supposedly the third book is suppose to be translated to english pretty soon
@Nick why not just use preexisting sites.
@meer2kat like comic-fury, tumblr? No.
@Nick no like manga panda
I have odd question.
@Owatch Its not on the recent starred, but commonly there is "Don't ask to ask questions, just ask them"
I am naming a function, but wish to name it accurately.
@meer2kat no, I need to make one like xkcd or smbc for a friend. i thought it would be easy but I just don't know shit about cms.
It finds the tangent between dx and dy.
Any $\LaTeX$ gurus here?
What should I call it? returnTangentFromAToB?
@Clarinetist many.
Is there a better word for that. .
@jmor the art is really pretty in this
I got a tabular in an enumerate environment. What's the best way to shift it down? vspace right after the \item ends up shifting down the \item as well.
@Owatch never prefix a function with return unless it's just an accessor function.. which on most labgauages, I tend to avoid.
My code looks something like

\item \begin{tabular}{cc}
1 & 2 \\
There is nothing wrong with beginning with return.
But if it pleases you I will change it to get
@Owatch just like there is nothing wrong with using "GOTO" commands,
@Owatch seriously, what's your language? He's obviously talking C/C#/C++
if you don't know of them, then that's good. They need to be forgotten.
Objective C.
@Owatch you heard nothing about goto ;/ okay
No, I have not heard of it.
@Owatch exactly. keep it that way,
Before my LaTeX question gets lost, anyone have any ideas? :P
So anyways, any suggestions?
One function returns the vector, but I wish to return the literal distance. Not dx, dy, but sqrt(dx^2 + dy^2)
@Clarinetist It's seems like you want to enumerate a table. The guys down at TeX, LaTeX and Friends will be able to help you better but if you're intending that code for a post on this site, then I suggest you simply do it the ol fashioned way 1. \$..code for table\$
Yes, I am doing that. Reason being is because it's the way actuarial exams are formatted. In other \items, I would insert more information.
I don't know what a good word for it would be. get___distance?
Wait what
I meant hypotenuse.
I'll try TeX
I sure wish I learned C++ and Java in my undergrad. I only know Python :/
I like Python, good language.
@Clarinetist which is good enough. Python developers earn almost as much as C++ developers in the modern economy. It's also the best language out there for us math peoples.
@owatch we commonly use $\sqrt{dx^2+dy^2}$ when doing calculations about arclength,
so, perhaps if that is related to what you are doing, then you can name it having to do with that,
@JMoravitz Ah yes, but what would you name it? 'getHypotenuseFromA:... B:...'?
"getArcLengthDifferential" perhaps,
If this is code that you and only you are going to be looking at, then so long as you know what it does, you could name it however you please
@Owatch gosh, it depends on circumstance and usage. have you finished all aspects of the code? If not, then name it getPoo, and in a sticky note write wht it is. That's what i do.
I wish to name it accurately. But I know what it does if it isn't.
@Owatch Peter Parker is defined first. Spiderman is defined over it.
How about we start over?
Function 1 returns vector(dx,dy)
Function 2 returns the hypotenuse of the right triangle created with dx, dy.
If 1 is named: getVector
What would you name 2?
and are dx and dy infinitesimals?
I don't know what an infinitesimal is.
@Owatch I'd name it getMag or getMagnitude
I like that, you're good Nick.
@Owatch $\displaystyle dx \approx \lim_{h \to \infty} \dfrac{x}{h}$
Indeed. Infinitesimals are essentially the smallest nonzero numbers, which are essential to the understanding of calculus.
Idk, infinitesimal just means really small.
I have done limits before. But never heard of that term.
When I saw "dx" and "dy", that's immediately where my mind went, as opposed to $\Delta x$ and $\Delta y$
of course, now that I understand the context more clearly, it makes sense why you'd use d's instead.
@JMoravitz Which is righter? $x$ tending to zero but not zero or is it x divided into infinite parts? Both sound equivalent.
the rate at which it happens though is different @nick. I'd use the divided into many parts one.
ohhhh i like this sequence
@JMoravitz Btw is $\partial x$ smaller or something?
@meer2kat a sequence that appears in 数学ガール I assume?
6, 2, 8, 2, 10, 18, 4, 12, 10, 6...etc. @jmor
@meer2kat lol, what's the def for that. Looks cool.
@Nick try to figure it out. i'll tell you if you get it right
@JMoravitz yep :) i like it!
@Nick eh... $\partial x$ compared to $dx$ has to do with the direction that you are traveling.
Its been a while since I've read it myself, lets see if I can figure the sequence out.
If there are any $\LaTeX$ geniuses on this site: tex.stackexchange.com/questions/234435/…
Oh yea. I've got it
@Clarinetist hopefully you've asked the tex chatroom
@JMoravitz I didn't. Tell me!
They aren't active at all. No one's on
@Nick you want to know?
@meer2kat @Nick the next number in the sequence is 10
OEIS doesn't know this one. lol
lol let me know if you give up @nick
Out of all of the SE chatrooms I've visited, I think Math SE's chatroom is the most active. Cross Validated, TeX, and some other ones I've seen... they seem lucky to even get activity
@Nick notice that all numbers that appear so far are even, and that all numbers that appear so far are between 0 and 18
@meer2kat Okay, you got me. I give up.
@Clarinetist english is active. so is poetry
@Nick it's an expansion of the decimal places of the value pi, multiplied by 2
@Clarinetist There are only 3 to 4 dedicated users of that room but if you do find them by luck not only will they sort out your mess, they'll advance your latex 1000 fold. All of them are birds and I thin @egreg is an egg.
@meer2kat hahahahahaha! I could not have guess that
@Nick cruel right? i wouldn't have thought of it offhand. i def would have had to sit down for a while on it
Welcome back @meer2kat
@meer2kat @nick just reminds you that if you see a sequence that you are trying to decipher, and all entries are divisible by the same number, you can try to divide by that number to get at the gold underneath
My vacuum cleaner shipped.
@meer2kat When I see a series, I'm pretty dumbfounded by it. Irregardless of what it is. I ask myself 5 questions and I quit. Is it AP? Is it GP? Is it HP? Is it arithmetico-geometric? Is it some fibonacci derivative?... then I draw a blank and I wait for someone else to answer it. I should really pursue more series. I seem to like it.
Hi, I am still alive.
@ᴇʏᴇs thanks
@JasperLoy I disagree.
back already?
@Nick good rule of thumb. reminds me of my exam last tuesday. i went through all the stuff i normally look for and couldn't figure it out and started to panic a little. next thing i knew ten minutes had passed, there were numbers across the entire page, and i still didn't know the answer.
@JasperLoy wb
@meer2kat You look different in all your three pics.
@meer2kat that reminds m of my last math test when I couldn't get any of the integrals because I was panicking too hard.
If you want a fun sequence, then try this one out: $1,4,7,11,15,19,21,24,27,...$
@JasperLoy I look immensely different everyday too. Strangely, my Finn the Human persona never seems to go away.
@JasperLoy getting older and dying my hair. changing my makeup too. also huge circumstance changes. i now work third shift and go to school full time so i don't get much sleep so my eyes look tired all the time
@Nick sounds like my freshman year in a nutshell
lol, my eye sockets are permanently purple, i hates it.
@JMoravitz the next number is 31.
@DavidWheeler Chalk
@DavidWheeler first rule of math, and also coincidentally hitchhiking through the galaxy, "Don't panic"
@Don not according to the rule I had in mind. the next term wouldn't even be in the thirties.
Anybody studied representation theory?
@DavidWheeler You can either hide it or you can embrace it. I'm mutant and proud. what about you?
@bolbteppa I theorise that all political representatives are pricks.
@Don the next number in the sequence using the rules I am following if I didn't miscount is $74$
Well you miscounted. Greatly.
@JMoravitz Is $e$ involved? How about factorials?
Nope, but the pattern has to do with representations of numbers
One that is often overlooked for its less than mathematical quality
The differences aren't montonically increasing. Loses interest
@DavidWheeler the initial pattern can be extended but JM says something vastly different.
This will give it away perhaps: try sounding the numbers aloud
@JMoravitz oh yes, these are the dates from that god-awful nicholas cage apocalypse movie.
One, Four, Seven, Eleven, Fifteen, Nineteen, Twentyone, Twentyfour, Twentyseven, Seventyfour, Seventyseven,
I'm thinking a dual order by numerical value and number of syllables.
So 121 next
It is the increasing sequence of integers such that the first entry is 1, and each $a_i$ is $min\{\|j\|_{\text{wordlength}} = \|a_{i-1}\|_{\text{wordlength}}+1, j>a_{i-1}\}$
well that was fun. i made zero progress
ehh, this seems trivial. I have more important numbers to deal with .. like Sheldon Cooper Primes
ah, word-length, 11 should have tipped me off.
Q: Sheldon Cooper Primes

NickOn the $73^{\text{rd}}$ episode of the Big Bang Theory, Dr. Sheldon Cooper, an astrophysicist portrayed by Jim Parsons $(1973 - \stackrel{\text{hopefully}}{2073})$ revealed his favorite number to be the sexy prime $73$ Sheldon : "The best number is $73$. Why? $73$ is the $21^{\text{s...

Gute Nacht
@Owatch A happy nacho-night to you too.
Oh sure. Those are WAY more important. That Fields Medal is in the bag.
here's a really dumb one. 1,11,21,1211,111221,312211,13112221
Oh, yes., that is
The next is 1113213211
Oh dear, have we re-discovered regular languages?
I think I still have the javacode for that sequence here someplace...
@DavidWheeler I detect sarcasm.
What, me? No, never.
i like making giant pyramids of that one. it passes the time pretty nicely
@DavidWheeler Dang it, now everything you say souunds sarcastic.
Seventy four, same number of syllables as one thousand five.
phuck u
I live and breathe for the sweet scent of innocence.
lol @Don yes, you see why I stopped at 27 originally
@DavidWheeler ... stop making it worse.
@DavidWheeler that sounds super creepy
(for those who didn't quite yet get meer2kat's latest sequence, its the see&say sequence)
@meer2kat reminds me of that guy who would kill and extract a woman's essence for his perfumes.
@JasperLoy Hi
@JMoravitz oh yea. i never actually said what it was. i figured people got it
(1 = "one 1", 11 = "two 1's", 21 ="one 2 one 1", etc...)
@ᴇʏᴇs Hi. I am 60 kg now.
it's pretty easy.
@JasperLoy In pounds please
@JMoravitz I was too embarrassed to ask actually.
@ᴇʏᴇs Wouldn't you prefer dollars or euros?
@ᴇʏᴇs ~132
@JMoravitz silly thing, that :)
@Nick I think kg's of gold is an appropriate unit of measurement
@JasperLoy You should eat more
kg -> lb ~ 2.2 lbs/kg
@JMoravitz I prefer atomic mass units (12th of mass of C-12 in kg). Makes everything seem big.
perks of working at a place that ships nothing but boxes
@Nick true dat
@Jasper How tall? I was 135lbs and 6foot2 for the longest time, only recently have I been gaining some more muscle (and weight)
According to the body-mass-index, I was medically under-weight
Now I'm just at the border to being considered as such
@JMoravitz and my bmi tells me I'm clinically obese, doesn't stop me from getting 1st place in a marathon.
@JMoravitz hey do you want to liposuction some fat out of me into you?
@JMoravitz 1.65 m.
That joke has been made many times by my friends @nick
@JMoravitz ... :( I wish it were a joke.
lol :D
@JasperLoy In feet and inches please
@ᴇʏᴇs Too hard for me.
Can everyone just settle on SI!?
@ᴇʏᴇs 1 m ~ 39 in
@meer2kat I frankly will not remember that
MKS is easier than FPS!
Do you know that people can die from liposuction?
@Nick how about 1 m ~ a little over a yard
@JasperLoy Yes, but he didn't need to know that...
As I remember, average male height is 5'9" with a standard deviation of 3"
nope, apparently I'm wrong. 5'6" according to goofram
@meer2kat I'll just carry a log book with the necessary info. trumps memory.
@JMoravitz that's horribly sad
@JMoravitz Really?
@Nick i suppose
according to this chart, 5'6" with standard deviation 9"
@JMoravitz I'm 5'6" and I feel like even most females are taller than me
@JMoravitz that's one heck of a SD
@ᴇʏᴇs you're taller than me. does that help at all?
Well, I suppose this takes into account children
Oh @JMoravitz That would change things I guess
That matches the statistics I remembered hearing
I weigh $5.46319468 × 10^{28}$ atomic mass units and I'm $1.70180769 × 10^{-16}$ lightyears tall.
and I'm proud and satisfied with it :)
So I got bored last summer and made this stupid dating profile and had a contingency that I wouldn't answer any messages unless they could tell me how much wood a woodchuck would chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood in cubic inches. Needless to say, I got some...interesting...answers.
@meer2kat You are still single?
Dangit jasper don't be steppin wif my math chicas.
@JasperLoy I am
@JasperLoy *single again. I dumped my bf. He wasn't worth my time. I'm seeing someone right now but we aren't exclusive.
@DavidWheeler lol you're so sassy
@meer2kat OK. I have been single my whole life, lol.
@JasperLoy Must be rough
@meer2kat A woodchuck would chuck as much wood in 1 cubic inch as the woodchuck would chuck in 0.000016387 cubic meters of wood.
My sassiness hides a deep-seated in-wait, what am I saying? Nvm.
The answer, btw, according to woflram alpha is 22.085 in ^3.
@Nick yeah?
@DavidWheeler hahahaha :)
@Nick Needs more significant figures
Well, Jasper, JB is probably taken. Sorry to tell u, bro.
@DavidWheeler Justin Bieber
@meer2kat Right now, I just want to get well and get on with life.
@JasperLoy That's a good plan!
@meer2kat no, as @ᴇʏᴇs points out, I'm imprecise.. unprecise... um, just not accurate enough, goshdammit.
@meer2kat It might never happen. There are many factors beyond my control. So you must pray for me.
@JasperLoy Someday, though, you'll meet a wonderful girl, you can give her an emo haircut, and all will be well.
Actually laughed pretty hard at that one @dav
@JasperLoy of course!
@JasperLoy have you started the meds yet?
@DavidWheeler Yes, I have.
Are they doing any good? Do you feel better?
I feel less anxious, but that doesn't solve the problem of course, but the meds have done what they are supposed to do.
WOOOOOOO! PROGRESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, Good Morning everyone. I have some Diem I have to Carpe! Multitasking can only give you so much quality. with that said, see you later and cheers, have merry life. Incase I don't see you, good afternoon, good evening and goodnight :D
Well okay then
Hasta la vista Nick
He says at midnight my time
It's noon here.
I haven't slept last night. so, for me, it's still yesterday.
@meer2kat Asia.
What part are you in of the world? Close to australia
Ahhh okay
Oh my gosh, it's almost 10 here
@Nick imagine trying to compensate for the time while working third shift. that's my life every day haha. sleep well
Jasper lives in the land of chicken rice.
I can vote to close, now. Unfortunately, I haven't seen any of robjohn's stuff cross my plate.
I will go and take a nap in an hour.
I only got 1.2k rep
@meer2kat robjohn is always grumbling stuff is being closed unfairly.
@DavidWheeler ah ok
Those people who tell me I don't want to help myself get well really hurt me.
@JasperLoy Don't hang around those people
haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate
@meer2kat I think it's weird I've never heard that song once before, yet I know it's by Taylor Swift
Do you guys like this blue colour?
they told me i look like a troll and a barbie. haters gonna hate. push off the haters and they'll back off eventually.
@ᴇʏᴇs everyone needs to hear that song. and all taylor songs actually...
I think this blue is my favourite. It's called steelblue.
it's a nice blue
Steel, like his resolve. blue, like his melancholy.
Nice one @DavidWheeler
David's blue looks like mine.
@JasperLoy I think his is more lighter
@ᴇʏᴇs Do you ever intend to get married?
@JasperLoy Never thought about it
I often feel I don't belong to the place I live in. Once I am well I must try to go elsewhere.
I often get the feeling I was born into the wrong place by mistake.
i think a lot of people feel like that.
@JasperLoy If I had a choice I would have preferred not to be born, but oh well
i sometimes feel like i'm at the wrong school or that the mistakes i've made are too big and can't be fixed, but they can be and i'll live on. we often feel like something is wrong and many people go their whole lives without realizing the blessings they have
If one is alive-there are still more mistakes to be made! Don't look back.
Thanks smart alec
Woo-hoo she thinks I'm smart! Wait, that wasn't a compliment, was it?
take it however you'd like :P
I shall take it with dignity. And a lemon chaser.
Smart people are often the most sarcastic though I suppose. We're excellent at being witty and clever even when we don't mean to be.
I don't know what's come over me.
No wonder I'm never sarcastic
@DavidWheeler A regal integrity or a lot of alcohol
I don't drink, or at least not very often. I abused my brain when I was young, and now I have to be careful with it.
A regal integrity it is.
Wait, dignity. Not integrity.
Ya, I mght not be smooth enough to be integrable.
Is there a trick to calculating the sum of the divisors of something? or is this guy calculating this stuff so fast because fiction?
There is a formula if you know the prime factorisation.
what's the formula?
it's just something that has never interested in me so i've never looked in to it
In mathematics, and specifically in number theory, a divisor function is an arithmetic function related to the divisors of an integer. When referred to as the divisor function, it counts the number of divisors of an integer. It appears in a number of remarkable identities, including relationships on the Riemann zeta function and the Eisenstein series of modular forms. Divisor functions were studied by Ramanujan, who gave a number of important congruences and identities; these are treated separately in the article Ramanujan's sum. A related function is the divisor summatory function, which, as the...
excellent! still strange that he could calculate it so quickly though; i guess the answer is yes there is a trick to it but also yes to "because fiction"
I am going to take a nap, bye.
Later, tater
drops a pin

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