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Well, it turns out such things are connected to finding the eigenvalues/eigenvectors of a linear transformation (matrix)
Posted on main for the first time in months lol
saw that
Hi pal @ParthKohli
@infinitesimal Hello.
How are you?
I've been excellent. A change that I've noticed in myself is that I'm now able to "see through" problems in fields that I haven't formally studied.
Really? Give an example.
I think they call that "mathematical maturity."
Q: mathematical maturity

Steve P.So, I finished my undergrad with a degree in applied mathematics, but when reading some graduate level texts and/or papers, I often find myself struggling. I eventually get there, but I often feel like I lack the intuition necessary to be able to come up with concepts on my own. I feel like I'm...

I'm glad to hear that pal @ParthKohli :-)
Sometimes, I think mathematics is like being a mechanic. When you first start, all you do is turn bolts. Even a simple repair, is a long sequence of bolt-turning. Later, you're able to "compile" certain sequences of bolt turning, like: "take off the radiator, to get to the water pump". An expert can compile at a very high level: "rebuild an engine".
Grr...I'm really mad about what I'm reading about Ferguson
@DanielFischer Hi, I would like to prove that $\binom{n}{k}=\frac{1}{2i\pi}\int_{C}\frac{(1+z)^{n}}{z^{k+1}}dz$. I cannot get that expression if I write the integral as $
$ where $r$ is the radius of the circle $C$.
Now using the binomial theorem I can write $(1+re^{it})^n=\sum_{k=0}^n \binom{n}{k}r^ke^{ikt}$ right ?
I think I misunderstand something because $\binom{n}{k}$ is the coefficient of $z^k$.
What's making you mad @DavidWheeler?
Ferguson, MO has some problems with their police department.
Police routinely stop people there for no probable cause, and then, having done so, will write citations for such crimes as "Manner of Walking In Roadway", "Failure to Obey", "High Grass and Weeds". If people fail to appear, or miss a payment on their fines, arrest warrants are issued, often with no notice.
When arrested for this, often people have to post bond for release, and often this bond payment is not applied to their fines. People wind up racking multiple warrants as a matter of course.
The town officials acknowledge, in city e-mails, that the entire purpose of this is not to protect public safely, but to generate revenue for the town.
@Gato Note that $dz = ire^{it}\,dt = iz\,dt$. That's why you divide by $z^{k+1}$.
I just got some meds from the doctor. Exactly what I predicted.
Fluvoxamine which is an SSRI and clonezapam which is a benzodiazepine.
Did you talk to your doc about dosage adjustments if necessary?
It's only the start. We can adjust later on.
Lol, I know that. I just wondered if you asked.
No I didn't.
I have realised that without my father I think I would not get any mental problems.
Maybe I would have won the Fields medal by now, lol.
But now I am reduced to doing 1+1=2.
Oh, you underestimate yourself. I bet you can also do 2+2.
If I can get well somehow I still might be able to solve Riemann.
Perhaps. That ought to be something.
It is comforting that the doctor said 'Don't kill yourself, we can help you'.
'Don't help yourself, we can kill you', LOL.
That's so morbid, Jasper. Funny, too.
You know, I feel less anxious after taking the clonezapam, maybe the placebo effect has set in, lol.
OK, but honestly, the anxiolytics do work, but I am not so sure about the antidepressants.
hey do you know about collatz conjecture.
Try to keep a journal, if you can. It might help your doctor with dosing.
isn't the conjecture obvious?
Don't sound like a crank.
since you are forcing every number to 1?
It's only obvious to me if $n = 2^k$
because it will end in positive numbers for sure.
and if it is not 1, you process it and process it until you get 1.
How can you be sure you do not get a cycle that never reaches 1?
we can prove by contradiction that it cannot end in any other positive integer
if it ended for example on an odd/even number other than one we would be able to process it again,
like it can't end in 2 because we can turn that1
3 to 10 to 5 to 16 to 8 to 4 to 2 to 1
4 to 2 to 1
Ok, but why does it HAVE to end?
and so on
ok you mean why don't we get entrapped in an eternal cycle?
Hey @infinitesimal.
Indeed, that's the "devil in the details"
like we have reached "p" and we process and reach "q" after sometime which points again to p?
The numbers might go up and down erratically.
ok so the conjecture is accidently designed in such a way that has no such cycles (to whichever gazillions of numbers it has been checked)?
and now about golbach conjecture too.
i wish to talk.
suppose we have some infinite collection of numbers.
one of those is prime numbers
one is the counting itself.
one are the even, one are the odd , etc.
lets make our base the positive integers
i mean to say the prime numbers are so relatively dense wrt the base that every number ($\ge 4$)can be represented as the sum of two such numbers.
but the main problem is prime numbers are kinda random.
You could make a statistical argument, but that would not be a proof.
i mean it could be proved if we categorize and study other such nnumbers which prime no.s are a dubset of. e.g. numbers which have exactly 3 divisors.
On the other hand, if we knew ALL the zeros of the Riemann zeta function (in the critical strip), we could have something better to work with. But that is also a very difficult problem.
and finding about $\zeta(3)$ and which is related to primes maybe?
Some problems are easy to state, but hard to solve.
i told my friends about such things and they often laugh and say "this is easy"
maybe we shouldn't judge a book by it's cover?
Your friends are not professional mathematicians, I take it?
neither am I :D
Hard problems can take centuries to solve, if it can even be shown they ARE solvable. What's worse, it is known that not every problem IS solvable, so we never know at the outset whether or not we've "found a bad one".
It is not known whether my mental problems are solvable.
I need to believe that something extraordinary is possible.
@ABeautifulMind Ok, but are they able to be formulated in a first-order arithmetic?
@DavidWheeler Maybe third order.
Sounds like you need a meta-doctor. :P
@ABeautifulMind you remind me of the chemistry chapter i recently mugged up on chemistry in everday life.
@ADG What is it about?
about drugs
about soaps and detergents
about antioxidants
and so on..
@DavidWheeler What's a problem that can't be proven true or false?
Okay WTF " Some problems are easy to state, but hard to solve. - 12m ago by David Wheeler ▼ " - who starred that? Was it an overzelous judge from the "Stating The Obvious award" panel?
The Problem encoded via a Godel numbering system that says that "This Theorem is Unprovable"
I need a suggestion.
@AlecTeal That's a little harsh :P
I deleted jasperloy at gmail dot com long ago so I cannot get it back. What shall I use for my new gmail account?
Don't do it @ABeautifulMind no matter how convincing of an argument the voices make.
@ABeautifulMind [email protected]
@AlecTeal gmail does not distinguish with and without dots.
It does.
It does NOT.
It does to.
I am 100 per cent sure Alec.
It'd be really bad if it didn't.
@AlecTeal Comments can be starred even if they're silly. Especially if they're silly, if past stars are any indication.
It is by design and for a good reason.
@ABeautifulMind clearly you know best.
I just checked
My girlfriends gmail has a dot, and it worked without
It also doesn't distinguish between capitals and small letters. So Abeau is the same as a.b.eaU
No way
@Committingtoachallenge you're straight!?
@ABeautifulMind Yeah I knew the caps one
@AlecTeal Yep legit
@alec are you gay?
So you are bi?
@AlecTeal Oh I thought you meant 'you're straight' as in 'truthfully?'
I was like "No way @Committingtoachallenge you're straight?" rather than the dot thing.
Darnit, Jasper, stahp hitting on the math dudez.
I am not gay but I like Justin Bieber a lot.
@ABeautifulMind respect=lost
Yes I am straight, I lived with my first partner for ~2.3 years and my current for ~2.66 years, both female
My partner is my pillow.
Oh, you have a waifu?
What the heck is a waifu
@AlecTeal Because I look like Justin Bieber in my younger days.
That's no excuse to like him.
But I would never get a tattoo. I might try drugs though.
But drugs here are mostly illegal. So I have not tried them.
I have no tattoos or piercings at all
I have never had a piercing(which is very uncommon in Australia)
Shut up random talkers/trollers
Are you 12 @ABeautifulMind
I am what is considered 'a good boy'. I don't smoke or drink or take drugs.
You seem like the person those cyber-nanny programs were invented for.
@AlecTeal Probably older than you, 34 this year.
@DavidW My new assignment is mostly on lie algebra's, should I be scared?
@AlecTeal I like porn.
@DavidW And the Vect category
@Committingtoachallenge Do you already know about associative algebras?
I hope nobody flags me. I don't think anything is offensive.
@DavidWheeler What does this mean?
@DavidWheeler He hasn't taught us anything in class that wasn't on the last assignment
Hope and reality. AH!
@Committingtoachallenge What does "what" mean?
So nothing on this assignment until after we hand in
@DavidWheeler What is an associative algebra referring to?
@AlecTeal I am 34 but never had a gf, LOL. Can you believe that?
@Committingtoachallenge Do you know what a ring is?
@ABeautifulMind hmm.. thanks for the flags then......
it's starting to bubble to network wide, soo maybe you want to stop.
@DavidWheeler I believe so, it is two operations that are groups
@Committingtoachallenge No
@Vogel612 What was flagged?
It is one operation that is a group and one that is not
Or was that a field
justin bieber and adult videos
Yes that was a ring
Your second answer is closer
hello all of you mathematically superior individuals
I think it was abelian addition and monoid multiplication
Abelian group addition
@Committingtoachallenge That is (semi) correct
@Vogel612 I will stop, but worse things are said in the Eng room and nobody flags.
And it distributes and closure of course
Which doesn't really make it okay, you know?
Mathematicians differ as to whether or not rings without unity should be called rings
@Vogel612 However, if I post a link to an adult video in this chat, that should be flagged.
Offensive is always a subjective thing anyways and some room cultures are more forgiving than others
So a ring is a abelian group binary operation, usually addition, and a monoid usually multiplication with a distributive axiom
Without unity?
If the monoid is not commutative you need TWO distributive axioms
@Vogel612 Exactly, so people decide if they want to flag or not, and I may or may not be suspended, which is fine.
@Committingtoachallenge are you stuck on what a group is?
Yes- the ring $2\Bbb Z$ has no multiplicative identity.
anyways I'm outta here again, since conversation is kinda over ;)
@Committingtoachallenge would it be worth me filling in the "Field" page on that wiki?
@AlecTeal Ring section maybe haha
BTW google "Maths.kisogo.com Group"
the style of many proofs are there
@Committingtoachallenge No need to start a new room. I like everything in one place you know
@ABeautifulMind But multiple conversations were occurring
I think this new room thing makes for too many rooms.
@Committingtoachallenge Which is fine as there is threading.
@Committingtoachallenge And also everyone can participate openly.
@ABeautifulMind how did Justin Bieber look in your younger days?
@Committingtoachallenge And also you get to multitask.
@ABeautifulMind I can't multitask well at all
@robjohn He looked like me in my youngest days. I think we were meant to be twins but somehow we separated. His father is also an asshole.
This asshole father, nice mother, abused child shit is pretty common in the world.
Men are generally more abusive than women.
Women can be abusive too, but it is not very often.
You are probably going to get reported again lol
For saying?
Saying the facts of the world?
For saying ahole twice
I think asshole used in certain contexts is fine. If one user calls another asshole in this chat for no reason then that is flaggable.
But asshole can even be used jokingly, like the following.
Hey Alex don't be an asshole.
@Committingtoachallenge every time I've called you a bitch it has been with love
Just wanted you to know that.
Yeah, son of a bitch can be used lovingly you know, just watch Good Will Hunting.
You should hear what I say on Xbox Live
Shall I say most people who flag me are just immature and superficial?
But if I say all people of a particular race or religion is ~!@#$, then that is definitely too much.
@ABeautifulMind chat has a lot of that going around
And I never say such things in this chat.
@Flyk it's not normally like this
the problem is that each individual message has no context when flagged, people will just approve the flag based on the content of the message that was flagged
@AlecTeal meh, it has its moments
Sorry but the Eng room has influenced my chat culture to a large extent.
You go there and hear much worse things.
I'm amazed you got that many flags and didn't get banned
that almost never happens
WHy is that so? Because my friends in high places are here? I don't know.
@Flyk you tell someone on SO "Stop being a tard and RTFM" you get a 30day ban
they're oversensitive usually.
But I am not pushing it. I just feel like talking a lot today. Maybe it is the medication, lol.
@AlecTeal like @ABeautifulMind says, it's all down to the individual norms of each chat room
we have some weird conversations in the DMZ that would get most people banned
same goes for the bridge, I guess
@AlecTeal On Eng, you tell them CTFD, check the dictionary you know
@AlecTeal sec.se chat room
Not sure what that is
Information Security Stack Exchange chat room
@Committingtoachallenge flagged for cursing :P
@Committingtoachallenge All depends on the high ranking users online at that time.
:20610831 If you get a bunch of folks from Islam say, then you are definitely banned.
No, just a fact. No racism.
:20610831 I didn't really flag :p
@ABeautifulMind I don't know, there are no statistics on which chat room generates the most flags
I think it all boils down to intention. If the intention is not malicious, no need to flag.
but I know historically Mathematics is quite high on the list
@Flyk I think the Bridge, lol.
@ABeautifulMind yeah probably the bridge is #1
@Flyk In math, we often get flagged for saying bananas.
For example, how long is your banana?
that really is lacking a lot of context, though
@ABeautifulMind I don't have one!
@Flyk Oh, you are a girl! Hehe!
well, I'm bored again now
Once someone said "I am awesome" and she got flagged in the Islam room.
this was fun, see you soon (maybe, probably not)
@Flyk please come back some day.
They treated the Islam chat like a mosque where women cannot promote themselves
@Committingtoachallenge When are you getting married? Waiting to have kids first or what?
Hahaha in a few years :P
I wanna get married, maybe in my 40s, after I get well and go to grad school, if that even happens.
But I don't think I want kids.
First my kids will have my bad mental illness genes.
I don't wanna bring more suffering to this world
If you don't have the time to love your children, don't have any. Don't abuse them.
So many people have kids for the sake of having someone to abuse.
So many men marry for the sake of having a wife to abuse.
Then they get divorced and remarry, as if it is some kind of game.
All the marriage vows mean nothing to them
@Committingtoachallenge It's so sweet to have a gf that cares for you. =) You are very lucky.
I know xD
In Australia most of the things you have said aren't true
and men don't abuse their wives much in Australia
I live in a society where I consider many parents to abuse their children and the government to abuse its citizens.
Parents treat children like puppets to serve their own emotional needs.
They don't treat them as separate individuals with distinct thoughts and emotions.
This is a super sick culture.
And yet these sick people are proud of this sick culture.
Mostly narcissistic personality disorders to me.
These people won't even get what I am trying to say because they like the life experiences and wisdom to even fathom the depths of these words.
Who cares if they are 60 years old?
Most people grow more stupid as they grow older, because they learn all the wrong things from this sick world.
Babies are born with this innate wisdom that is clouded by an imperfect society as they age.
@ABeautifulMind i like porn too
Wow, I am talking TOO much.
@iwriteonbananas Let's not get flagged anymore.
@ABeautifulMind I would talk more, but I am being taught stuff by David in the other room haha
@Committingtoachallenge Life is more interesting than math lol
But my grades lol
@Committingtoachallenge when you get rings sorted please fill out the page on the wiki
@AlecTeal Alright :)
I'll talk you through that later
Use {{Definition|Abstract Algebra}} and stuff so the categories are all dne
@Committingtoachallenge I think I am going to start a new math account and start answering questions again, lol.
@ABeautifulMind Sounds good :)
@ABeautifulMind Well don't need to start a new one
@ABeautifulMind But answering questions is good
@Committingtoachallenge I wanna start afresh.
@ABeautifulMind If you wish :). It is sad to kill your statistics on chat message counts
@ABeautifulMind How was the doctor visit, I can't believe I forgot to ask
@Committingtoachallenge I got some fluvoxamine and clonazapam.
@ABeautifulMind Are you feeling positive?
@Committingtoachallenge Slightly.
@ABeautifulMind I hope you are feeling better
@ᴇʏᴇs A little for now.
Guys, I just changed my email address. Check your inboxes.
I want a gmail e-mail
@ABeautifulMind Hey
Hi. I have two (not really related) queries, but I am not sure if they are substantial enough to be standalone questions. The first is 'If you can restrict the domain, do all mathematical functions/operations have an inverse?' (As I understand it an operation is a function in Abstract Algebra). The second question ' Is mathematics falsifiable?' Falsifiable in this context means 'has a converse' or
'can be refuted', I think some people define it as 'can be experimentally checked' or something in that vein.
Guys I am going to delete my current SE accounts, but I will be back with a new one very soon.
@ABeautifulMind Will we be able to identify you
I just had a great interview.
@ABeautifulMind Again?
@ᴇʏᴇs Yes. I shall call myself Jasper.
@Chris'ssis Yes. It will be the final time. Also check your inbox for my new email address.
@ABeautifulMind OK
@pleasedeleteme how many of them will you create?
hey anyone who can help me with Parity??
ok no one i'm out!!
Parity can have a lot of meanings
Hi @DavidWheeler
Hi, eyes have it.
Unless you're a cyclops
Or a noclops.
can anyone tell me when does $\phi(k)$ divide $k$, where \phi is the euler totient function?
Q: How do you find all $n$ such that $\phi(n)|n$

FreemanWhere $\phi(n)$ is the Euler phi function, how do you find all $n$ such that $\phi(n)|n$?

Thanks :)
Hi guys, I am back with a brand new account and I can chat now!
I promise never to delete my email or SE account again!
Please upvote my answer before I cannot chat again.
Rockin' that 23 rep
65 now, time to call it a day and retire, LOL.
@JasperLoy Riiiight.

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