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Hi @JasperLoy
@ᴇʏᴇs Hi. Now you can finally ping me as myself.
Hi @MikeMiller I have a brand new account
I'm with skull on this one.
I swear by my mental health I will never delete my email or SE again.
I purposely changed everything today because from today I will do many things differently.
Mathematics is really Psychology. Psychology is really Biology. Biology is really Chemistry. Chemistry is really Physics. Physics is really Mathematics.
5959695 is my network ID, interesting?
How do you find your network ID
Hi everyone, small question: How could I read the ring: R[q][[x]] and what's the difference with R[[x]][q]. For the first one, is it the ring of fine sums of x with coefficients in q or the ring of formal power series?
@ᴇʏᴇs Go to your network profile from your math profile
the 6 is out of place
Mine is 4049159
Different from chat ID.
Also different from Math ID.
@DavidCardozo $R[q]$ is a ring, and $R[q][[x]]$ is the ring of power series over that ring. Elements are power series in $x$, whose coefficients are polynomials in $q$ with coeffs in $R$.
Similarly, $R[[x]][q]$ is the set of polynomials in $q$, whose coefficients are power series in $x$ over $R$.
whenever you go to a profile page, it's listed in the url
These two rings are probably isomorphic, but I don't want to say that for sure. You might take it as an exercise to prove it.
Exercises and exercise are important as @TedShifrin says.
@MikeMiller I think not, I suspect that they are different.
Well, take it as an exericse to prove so :)
Today the doctor told me 'Don't kill yourself, we can help you'.
@JasperLoy did you ask about a therapist?
@infinitesimal He and I both agreed this is not the time. For therapy to be effective, one's mind must be calm first. And he and I both agreed on the same medication.
One cannot do math when tired. One cannot do therapy when overly anxious.
One must sleep first. One must calm down first.
Hi, Jasper. Calm! :)
good night, @Mike
to quote a line from dinotopia: "breath deep, seek peace"
Hi @TedShifrin my brand new account today and brand new email to mark my brand new start with treatment.
Yes, @Jasper, I got your email. Thank you.
Did you like the doctor?
Yes, he is alright.
Let me explain why I chose my gmail username.
I deleted jasperloy in the past, so cannot get it back.
I then wanted mathematics, but it is taken.
So I decided to combine the two into jasperloymathematics.
It's longwinded, just like you :P
I was thinking whether the mathematics should come first, but better to but jasperloy first.
hi @Semiclassical
yes, good as you are, you're not universal in mathematics, @Jasper :)
Anyway, j also comes before m, lol.
I like being at the end of the alphabet :P
T is not exactly at the end!
had another block determinant / exterior algebra question for you, @ted, though specifically in a commutative context
Antoni Zygmund goes from A to Z
Thanks @DanielF for getting my serial downvoting reversed. I guess it wasn't so many points, but to me it's the principle that matters.
LOL @Jasper ... I go from S to T. :P
@TedShifrin Antivoting or downvoting?
@JasperLoy fun fact, there's an episode of Star Trek with a librarian named Atoz
I was downvoted, @Jasper. I don't know what antivote is :P
I imagine antivoting means removing upvotes.
One can remove upvotes for edited posts.
OK, I rewrote.
Morning, @Ted
@Semiclassical: OK, but i go off to class in a few minutes.
Nobody reads the differential topology tag!
To serially downvote or upvote, learn from ME.
I do, @Mike, but I haven't been on here much.
k. it's a quick statement
Jason Mraz released an album called Mr. A-Z
I should start doing real analysis so people will see my questions ;)
Do not upvote more than 5 a day.
Do not downvote more than 3 a day.
I don't think that many topologist types hang out at SE, @Mike. John Hughes is one. He would be good for your question.
Right when I posted it, I checked to see if studiosus was still active - he would almost certainly know the answer.
But he stopped coming a month and a half ago. :(
Oh guys before deleting any online accounts, make sure you don't lose access to connected accounts!
the statement you quoted before regarding 2-by-2 block matrices with commuting entries was that the following maps are equivalent: 1) taking the determinant of the entire matrix wrt to the underlying field, 2) taking the determinant of the 2-by-2 matrix in the commutative ring, and then taking the determinant of the matrix which results
Where do all the topologists hang out?
Rats. He has been amazing. He and I have overlapped on lots of geometry stuff.
More at MO, mr eyeglasses.
Under bridges where nobody can find us, @ᴇʏᴇs
@TedShifrin You're welcome. I like the voting to be orderly. That has a certain Sisyphos touch to it, but well.
or, less tediously, a 2-by-2 block matrix with commuting blocks A_{ij} has the determinant det(A_{11}A_{22}-A_{12}A_{21})
I don't like people taking out the temper on math that way, @DanielF.
When one says topologist, I wonder which kind they refer to: point set, algebraic or differential.
Geometric/algebraic/differential ... I don't consider point set mathematical research at all.
You don't need them all commuting, @Semiclassical, just some adjacent pair. And it works for $n\times n$ blocks.
I did the starring, lol
@TedShifrin Why not?
You always get me in trouble, @Jasper.
Is it because point set is exhausted?
the fact that i've never taken point set topology is a sign that i'm a physics grad student not a math one, lol
Question: How are the elements in $ R[[x]][[q]] $ ?
@DavidCardozo They are very happy.
now, i came across this note which proves that that scenario works in general
I meant how is a typical member of that set.
OK, off to class.
@TedShifrin There are researchers in point set topology. But the work they do is, in my experience, very close to logic and set theoryt.
but the proof feels way too clunky, so i was wondering if you knew a better way
kk, talk to you later then
Yes, @Mike, I know there are researchers. But it's a very tiny window of interest in mathematics.
Oh, @Semiclassical, the proof isn't clunky at all. I'll talk to you later. :)
well, the proof in there :P
Sure. It's a subfield of a subfield of logic. That's all I was saying. :P
See ya.
@ᴇʏᴇs Lol
If I wanna solve P=NP I should go into logic right?
The question specifically says it can be as simple as you want.
more like computer science
yeah, and tautologies are pretty durn simple :P
I only took one class in logic.
But a few grad schools offer logic as a qual.
I looked at the book our logic class uses and it's some model theory book that looks super hard
@JasperLoy for completeness, you should not take that class in logic, as well.
Soundness and completeness theorems
It has stuff like Malcev's local theorems of group theory, Hilbert's Nullstellensatz of field theory and Steinitz dimension theory for field extensions..doesn't even sound like logic but I guess logic has a lot of algebraic applications
Is it because of Zorn's lemma or something?
Who can tell about Zorn's Lemma? (cf. Jerry Bona)
Model theory frequently has algebraic and number theoretic applications. Presumably there's going to be a model theoretic proof of the Nullstellensatz.
Yea I've decided not to take the logic course
I'm gonna take real analysis, topology, and algebra instead
I think I am going to start a blog soon.
@JasperLoy be sure to shamelessly plug it here.
I am shameless. The whole world knows I am crazy.
I send 58 people an email to tell them my new email and only one replied, LOL. Not that there is a need to reply.
is there any room about python on StackExchange ?
Snakes SE
@JasperLoy Do you really give a f*ck on what the world think about you? Who is the world? You need to believe in yourself, no need for thr opinion of the world.
hi @Chris'ssis how are you doing ?
I would have never succeeded in anything if I had ever given too much importance to what the world believes about me.
Who is the world to tell me who I am? How is the world to tell me about my limits? How is the world to tell me what I can do and what not?
@JasperLoy ^^^ Talk to yourself, not with the world. Do you really need anyone's opinion? Learn to trust yourself.
@Chris'ssis You are right.
@JasperLoy Respect yourself! It's OK to talk to the others about your problems, but don't put much hope on what the others think about you. You have only one option, to trust yourself 100%.
*looks at sidebar. What the heck...
@Ramanewbie I just had a magnificent interview. All went perfectly. The results will come in the following 2 weeks.:-)
@Chris'ssis Wouahou so prestigious
@Chris'ssis by who ?
Hi, I'm struggling to understand what it means to say that a polynomial q_(_t) is defined by ∑(n_=0 to ∞) _q_(_t) x_^_n = f_(_x, n, t).
@Ramanewbie Well, with a company from the city near (not reall near, but this is not a problem) my village.
@Chris'ssis Great ! About what topic ? integrals ?
@Ramanewbie I mean I had a job interview (automotive industry).
@Chris'ssis a job interveiw... wait, does it mean you met someone to get a work ?
@Ramanewbie Yeap.
@Chris'ssis oooh ok, in French it doesn't mean the same...
@Chris'ssis That's cool !
@Ramanewbie If I go there I'll probably create an awesome team to continue my work on some very hot topics I thought of in the past (mathematics).
@Chris'ssis How many people are applying for this job ?
@Ramanewbie It doesn't matter. I'm the best one.
@Chris'ssis -__-
@Semiclassical haha, nice. :-)
@Chris'ssis Let's just wait two weeks then...
(i'm a definite mountain goats fan, heh)
@Ramanewbie It might take even more than that. The only problem is that ask for a better salary than others would do. If they accept ... wow (it's just a matter of money here) :-)
@Chris'ssis How much would they give you ?
@Ramanewbie Well, I cannot discuss here these details.
@Chris'ssis ok ok
@hftf It's hard to discern what your notation means....
@David, yes I tried editing before it timed me out
I'm looking at the answer to this question: math.stackexchange.com/questions/1194409/…
I understand that the q 2,r (t) polynomials come from generalized Laguerre polynomials, L_n^(-1) (t)
I have no idea how the q 3,r (t) polynomials come from
More specifically I am lost as to how the polynomial q n,r (t) is defined inside a summation
I am currently taking a look at this paper liafa.jussieu.fr/fpsac13/pdfAbstracts/dmAS0202.pdf as referenced in the answer but it is taking me a while to understand
Well, what you do, is choose an $r$. Then you expand the Taylor series for the exponential, and the $q_{r,n}$ polynomial is the $n$-th coefficient (presumably the Taylor series is expanded about $0$).
@robjohn did you try this one? $$\sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac{1^{(2011)}+2^{(2011)}+ \cdots + n^{(2011)}}{n^{2014}}$$ I also posted it yesterday. In the numerator we have the falling factorial.
@Chris'ssis I didn't see it, but I think I can do it.
if you sample n integers from 1...n uniformly and independently. What is the expected size of the minimum?
I feel it should have a nice asymptotic answer but I am not sure how to get it
my guess would be the constant e :)
@Chris'ssis Usually, $(x)_n$ is used for the falling factorial
@robjohn Indeed.
is it just sum 1/i^2 for i = 1 to n ?
In addition to no longer deleting SE and email accounts, I will now also not delete any emails, lol.
@JasperLoy I never delete any e-mails to keep records
@JasperLoy Will you not delete spam mail either
@ᴇʏᴇs Oh I will delete spam. And I delete everything in the bin as well, lol.
@David do you have any idea how I might achieve that in mathematica? I know for the q 2,n (t) i can use LaguerreG[n, –1, t].
I think a lot of people flagged A Beautiful Mind just now.
Who is he anyway?
@JasperLoy John Nash
@ᴇʏᴇs I think Will Hunting is Bart Parker.
@DavidWheeler nevermind, I understand it now; it didn't occur to me that there were polynomials in t acting like coefficients of a polynomial in x.
(1) 1 + (t) x + (t²/2 – t) x² + (t³/6 – t² + t) x³
How should I integrate $\int \frac{du}{\sqrt{u}}$ ?
Is it just $ln(\sqrt u)$ ?
h' @ᴇʏᴇs
Isn't $\sqrt{u}$ a function of u..
Hi @Ramanewbie
@Owatch Maybe you can try re-writing the expression
What do you mean?
I wish I could render LaTeX on my phone
Its integral (du/sqrt(u))
If thats easier to read.
I could write it as u ^ -1/2
I got it!
Silly me.
@Chris'ssis Do you really mean falling factorial? If so the terms are $0$ until $n\ge2011$, right?
How would you suggest approaching $\int tansec^{4}x dx$?
@robjohn Sure. It's about the aesthetic part.
I should sub tan
@Owatch Use $u=\tan(x)$
It will give me sec^2x
Which cancels a lot
@Chris'ssis yes, it's a very pretty question :-)
@robjohn Glad you like it! :-)
@hftf Not always, but it is good practice and most certainly will mean your question is well recieved.
@robjohn That leaves me with $\int u * sec^{2}x dx$
If you star this post. Total stars will be at 11111
Perhaps I can express sec^2x as u
Yes I can
I guess I've been pretty bored today. Otherwise I probably wouldn't have bothered writing this much on a question unlikely to see more activity: math.stackexchange.com/questions/674982/…
@Alizter it seems I got an answer ;)
@Alizter (tho it might have taken a lot of shameless edit spamming to push the question up the front page…)
@hftf If they are genuine edits that is fine. Be careful if you edit too much the post will become community wiki and you won't get rep from it.
@Alizter I believe they are genuine edits (maybe spread out a bit) as I was still researching the problem after I posted it
@hftf Its fine then, don't worry. I see your question is very well written. Well done.
@Alizter thanks, I'm not a math student, it's just a question out of my own curiosity/interest. In fact I'm still trying to grok the answer given
@hftf What do you study?
CS, linguistics, I used to do physics
@Owatch If $u=\tan(x)$, then $\mathrm{d}u=\sec^2(x)\,\mathrm{d}x$, so $$\int\tan(x)\sec^4(x)\,\mathrm{d}x=\int u(u^2+1)\,\mathrm{d}u$$
Yes I solved that way!
I'm now trying to figure out how to approach $\int \frac{1}{x \sqrt{lnx}}dx$
Which is difficult.
@hftf Cool :) So thats grammars, automa and stuff right?
@Owatch It's similar to the one I helped you with if you can make the correct substitution
I got it
@Alizter that's just a small part :o)
@ᴇʏᴇs at the local waffle spot
@iwriteonbananas Are you getting Belgian wafels with chocolate syrup
can someone told me why $\{z\in \mathbb{C}, 1<|z|<2\}$ is connected ?
@ᴇʏᴇs no, the topologists just wait outside of it for the waitresses to get off work
@Vrouvrou your grammar suggests that you ask about a possibility in the past.
Suppose I have a complete k-partite graph G = $K_{x_1,x_2,…,x_k}$. Then the union of all $K_{x_i}$ union G equals the complete graph K_(sum of x_i), correct?
@Vrouvrou what does that set look like?
@iwriteonbananas it looks like the set of point which are between the complexe ball of radius 1 and the ball of radius 2
@Vrouvrou exactly. that set is clearly connected
why ?please
@Vrouvrou Whats your definition of connectedness?
@Vrouvrou do you see any way to partition the set into disjoint sets
no but mathematicaly we can't prove this ? by contradiction ?
@Vrouvrou Well say there existed two sets that were disjoint and open that made up your set. What would be the problem?
i don't know
If you were to say $sin\theta$ = u, how would you write $sin2\theta$ ?
@Vrouvrou Well how would you prove $(0, 1)$ is connected?
$2u\sqrt{1-u^2}$ @Owatch
@Owatch well $\sin 2\theta = 2\sin\theta \cos \theta = 2\sin \theta \sqrt{1-\sin^2 \theta}$
I was already substituting identities. But it looks like this goes deeper then.
Why are you using $u=\sin(\theta)$ for $\sin(2\theta)$? Why not just use $u=2\theta$?
@Alizter it is convex , but there is an other proof using the suprmum of a set
Well. I'm trying to get rid of cosine.
$8 \int \frac{sin2\theta}{sin\theta}cos\theta d\theta$
Why are you removing the cosine? It seems simpler to just open up the $\sin2\theta$
That simplifies to $2\cos^2(\theta)$ using the double-angle identity for sine
It used to be $16\int cos\theta cos\theta d\theta$
Is there a better way to do it than transforming it to what I have above?
Not that I know of. But then again, what do I know?
$\cos^2(\theta)=\frac{1+\cos(2\theta)}{2}$ @Owatch
I don't know, what do you know?
Nice one @teadawg1337
Also playing with parts should get you the right answer
Is the complete k-partite graph k-edge-colorable?
@Alizter ?
@Vrouvrou That was for the integral not you.
ok so you don't know about my problem
@iwriteonbananas are you there ?
@Vrouvrou your set is connected because it's path connected. For example you can connect $re^{i\theta}$ to $se^{i\psi}$ by first a circular arc and then a radial line.
@kahen is it convex ?
no, it's an annulus. of course it's not convex
so we must prove that is connected, if we separated with two open sets what is the problem please ?
I made a sad discovery today
When testing my eyes, I found I see worse out of one than the other.
@Owatch Same with me, my left eye is 20/20 but my right is 20/40
I wish they were equally as bad.
For consistency sake.
@Vrouvrou topologically speaking your space is the same as the pointed plane
@Owatch are you ambidextrous?
Then why fuss about a small inconsistency with your eyes when there is a much bigger one with your hands?
Because they require glasses with different lens curve/thickness for each eye.
@iwriteonbananas what is pointed plane ?
Which is undesirable.
@JasperLoy: Why another account?
Because the lenses need to correct what your eye's lens cannot, and focus light on the retina. This means that they cannot be the same, or else only one eye will have correct vision.
I simply asked why that is undesirable, I wear glasses like that myself and don't find them any different than normal ones.
You can't think of why having inconsistent eye vision would be less desirable than eyes that were equally off?
I wonder what math enthusiasts are chatting about right now...
I'm not chatting about anything at the moment :P
Professor assigned 50 questions for next class.
I had class Monday, and he assigned this for Wednesday.
How many hours did it take to do 4 a day tee dog?
Yo @Semiclassical
What can be the reasons for a moderator to delete a bunch of comments on a post on MSE?
Hello!! Could you ake a look at:
Q: Distance of two lines

Mary StarUsing vector methods show that the distance between two non parallel lines $l_1$ and $l_2$ are given by $$d=\frac{|(\overrightarrow{v}_1 - \overrightarrow{v}_2) \cdot (\overrightarrow{ a}_1 \times \overrightarrow{a}_2)|}{||\overrightarrow{a}_1 \times \overrightarrow{a}_2||}$$ where $\vec{v}_1$ an...

@G-man Off topic or not constructive usually, too chatty too
Hi, I really love algebra(that is linear, abstract), however taking two courses in real analysis i loved the rigor of it, especially proving stuff.However i kind of hate differential equations since most courses just make us memorise a bunch of techniques, what area in real analysis do you think i would like
@Antonio then I believe that there is no review queue for comments.
@G-man Right.
@Varun more advanced courses in differential equations can be very rigorous too (and not focus too much on solution techniques).
Of course there are also courses on advanced techniques which are very non-rigorous...
It depends on the lecturer
@AntonioVargas, I generally love the theoretical aspects of a subject that is proving stuff finding relations, hence i have a huge love for algebra and combinatorics, one field that i think i might be interested in is Functional Analysis
So it's purely by coincidence that a moderator might stumble upon a series of comments that he/she deems unworthy and delete them, and there isn't much that can be done about those which go unnoticed?
@Varun There are many lively fields with aspects of those. You'll definitely find something you enjoy.
@G-man Well you can flag comments for moderator attention, so perhaps that's how the mod found them.
@AntonioVargas what are other interesting areas in Real Analysis since i was causually flipping through a journal of real anlysis in my library almost all of the papers were related to differential equations in one form or another
OH right! Stupid of me.
@Varun good!
@AntonioVargas yo
@Varun I see you're at IIT Guwahati. Was that your first choice for an IIT?
was there a determinants question i had rambled about a few days ago? i remember i'd talked about something, but wasn't sure what @AntonioVargas
$\int e^{\sqrt{x}} dx$
@G-man woah!!! Well Considering my rank and the choices i had then and what i knew about myself CS at Guwahati was the best choice i could get
@G-man are you form India or related to IIT somehow
Yeah I'm Indian, planning to appear for JEE next year.
I know a friend who goes to IIT Hyderabad.
@G-man oh cool, if you really want to crack IIT with a top rank, then please dont spend much time on Math overflow, seriously IIT is a rat race with the competition sickening, I spent a lot of time on AOPS which led me to getting a not so good rank in IIT. Dammn i should have joned CMI
@Owatch isn't the right thing to say either 'I know a guy' or 'I have a friend', but not 'I know a friend', because him being a friend already establishes that you do,in fact,know him?
@Varun There are too many for me to list, but I found this one
@Semiclassical Yes, something related to Legendre polynomials, iirc?
@G-man Sure.
chebyshev polynomials
@Semiclassical One of those things
i put up a question about it, finally, and then a bounty when no one touched it :/
Q: Extending a Chebyshev-polynomial determinant identity

SemiclassicalThe following $n\times n$ determinant identity appears as eq. 19 on Mathworld's entry for the Chebyshev polynomials of the second kind: $$U_n(x)=\det{A_n(x)}\equiv \begin{vmatrix}2 x& 1 & 0 &\cdots &0\\ 1 & 2x &1 &\cdots &0 \\ 0 & 1 & 2x &\cdots &0\\0 & 0 & 1 & \ddots & \vdots \\ \vdots & \dd...

still hoping someone will take a bite
Is $e_k^T e_k$ just the identity?
@Varun thanks for the advice! Will remember.
no, it's just a projector. i'm not using einstein summmation
Sorry for being thick, but is $\mathbf{e}_k$ some basis vector? Then $\mathbf{e}_k^T \mathbf{e}_k$ is a scalar?
Equal to 1, I guess
@teadawg1337 $\int e^{\sqrt{x}} dx$ What should I do?
it should be a matrix
so i've got my transpose backwards bah
Ohhhh I see
I just had my vectors on their side
@teadawg1337 It's under IBP, but I would be tempted to substitute $\sqrt{x}$
actually, i think it's internally consistent since i'm implicitly writing the basis vectors as rows rather than columns
but that's not conventional, so i think i'll quickly edit
It's probably more likely that yours is conventional and I was just confused :)
anyway, let me read the rest...
nah, basis vectors as columns is more typical
@Semiclassical If the basis vectors are the standard basis, then would you not just get a sum of dim+1 terms as the resulting det?
i'm not following you
Let me see if I understand
for example if you're in $\mathbb{R}^2$, then your matrix is $$A_2(x) + t \left( \begin{matrix} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 \end{matrix} \right)$$ or $$A_2(x) + t \left( \begin{matrix} 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 \end{matrix} \right)$$ ?
it's one of those two, yes
Hmm, ok, I'm starting to see the problem

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