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I see there was something between Bill and Ted, and then some mods came in. Too bad I missed the excitement.
@BillDubuque I don't think the word "inconsiderate" is impolite. It means that the user was "acting without consideration" and was "thoughtless of others".
That is precisely what happened.
@Chris'ssis Hello :) after you suggested me this wonderful book, I downloaded it and I am on the 6th chapter of Interesting Integrals. I have a few more chapters to finish off :) I was wondering what's the next step after this book?? Where do I go after this ?
@Chris'ssis also the book is fantabulous ;)
@TheArtist My book? (unpublished yet):-)
@Chris'ssis yoy have a book, oh I remembered u did say about a book :)
@Chris'ssis Ohhh...when will it be released? :)
@TheArtist Confidential for some reasons :-)
Morning all!
@TheArtist I have over 10.000 problems and solutions created by me. I deserve to have a book.
@Chris'ssis okay :) Will it be within the next 6 months? :D Il be done with this book by Jan end :D
hello, i have a small question, if $X$ is contractible and $Y$ is homeomorphic to $X$ can we deduce that $Y$ is contractible please
@TheArtist It depends on many factors.
@Chris'ssis 10,000 ? :o Wow that is soo cool, I can't wait for it xD
@Chris'ssis okay :-) Yay :D 2015 is going to be an awesome year then
@TheArtist Well, I don't add them all to my book. Some of them are only written on old papers, not even on computer files.
@TheArtist The bad thing is that I would have liked to publish my first book with someone, but ... it's not possible.
@Chris'ssis :-)
@Chris'ssis you mean two authors?
@TheArtist Yeah. Together we would have published an incredibly crazy awesome book. Well, sometimes it's hard to explain to some the things I see in the future.
@Chris'ssis cheer up :) don't feel bad, maybe it happens for a good reason
@TheArtist Maybe.
@Chris'ssis :-)
@TheArtist I wanna be on top, not for the sake of being on top but as a consequence of my research in the area of integrals, series and limits. I love very much what I do, it gives a meaning to my existence, I don't fell like a body without soul, but toally fulfilled. :-)
feel like
@Chris'ssis Maybe publishing your OWN book/work is the correct step :) and maybe that's why life didn't let you share the work with someone else, becoz you deserve to be on the top :)
@TheArtist hehehe, that sounds so good! :-)))
@Chris'ssis Great people publish great things by themselve :) Super Great people publish By themselves and without any reference :)
@Chris'ssis having your own book , and I remember seeing while on the chat that you don't have a mathematical background....isn't that crazy awesome enough?
@TheArtist My mom said I went crazy. She said: "Who will buy your book? You have no background in mathematics.". :-) Yeah, it's going to be the greatest challenge to me so far! :D
@Chris'ssis A great book sells many copies with time :) irrespective of the author
I'm only interested in the book itself, not in money (of course, I have nothing against gaining money). The book is meant to feed my spirit, not my pocket!
@Chris'ssis only a few need to read first :) if they love it, they will talk about, those words spread :)
@Chris'ssis wasn't referring to the Money when I said "sells" :-)
@TheArtist The amazing thing is that after a while all these things flow so naturally, I mean you can easily create very nice problems with very nice solutions ... It's like riding the bike, once you learn riding, you continue to go, things simply flow naturally.
@Chris'ssis You can surprise mom when people buy :) I know I will buy
@GustavoMontano Bredon's Topology and Geometry covers point set topology, differential topology and algebraic topology.
The interesting thing is that no one from my family knows (understand) the things I do, neither my relatives, friends. Sometimes my work is subject to all kind of jokes! :-)
@Chris'ssis Hmmm :-) I don't know that for sure, I'm still learning to ride :)
@Chris'ssis Wow, what do they think your doing ?
@JasperLoy How are you
@TheArtist Mathematics (but that's all)
@TheArtist Bad.
@Chris'ssis oh I see :)
@JasperLoy what's wrong ? :/
@Chris'ssis Maybe you can get a great mathematician to write a foreword for your book.
@TheArtist You will get a copy of her book?
@JasperLoy I wouldn't like to push anyone saying nice things about me. I am the way I am.
@Chris'ssis I'm curious :) What's the title going to be ?
@TheArtist probably something like : A collection of integrals, series and limits (Vol I)
@JasperLoy Yep I will :) @Chris'ssis will you be putting it on Amazon? :) I hope so
@JasperLoy I will definitely buy it....becoz of many reasons ^_^
@Chris'ssis How many volumes will there be?
@JasperLoy As many as I can publish. If I manage to prepare a book to be published, then I'll definitely want to publish a second book (at least).
@Chris'ssis I see. If you have over 10,000 problems, I think you can publish 10 books, lol.
@JasperLoy Where is much love and passion ... wow ... you can reach any target I think :-)))
@Chris'ssis I feel so bad these few days. I don't think I can start studying in 2015. I might need to wait till 2016. I don't know.
@JasperLoy Why? :(
@JasperLoy Christ!!! 2016? That's not that good! :-)
@Chris'ssis Well, I have already waited many years. And there is a possibility I might never ever be well enough.
@JasperLoy May I ask, what's the problem?
@Chris'ssis I know what you will say. You will say I can still try to study even if I am not well, but that is not possible.
@TheArtist Well, to cut the long story short, serious mental problems.
@JasperLoy Why it is not possible?
@Chris'ssis It is possible to get well, but very, very hard.
@JasperLoy can't study as in can't go to college or literally can't open a book and study alone?
@JasperLoy I talked to you many times, I saw you writing things many times, and I never ever imagined you might possibly have a mental problem.
@TheArtist Both. I still hope to go to grad school.
@Chris'ssis Yes, but that's not the point here. The point is that I just cannot function well enough in daily life, even though I can write things here.
@JasperLoy You're one of the most balanced persons I've ever met.
@JasperLoy I hope you get well soon
@Chris'ssis Thanks. If you want to help me, you can pray for me. Pray that I get well soon enough and go to grad school.
@TheArtist Thanks.
@JasperLoy OK
@Chris'ssis What about you? When are you going to do your degree in math?
@JasperLoy My life is very complicated at the moment, but I hope in the future I'll be able to do some in this respect.
@Chris'ssis OK. Complicated? Sounds like mine.
@JasperLoy Things are not always the way we want.
@JasperLoy Yeah, you see? You're not alone. :-)
@JasperLoy just so you know :) and feel "not alone". My life is complicated too
@TheArtist Would you like to summarise in one sentence, like I have?
OK, sorry to hear that @TheArtist.
@JasperLoy Yeah , don't worry....people have greater problems than what You and I have :-)
@TheArtist By the way, if I were not here just now, you would have deleted without me seeing.
@TheArtist Nope. I never trivialise people's problems, and I hope they don't trivialise mine either. Every problem is unique, so it is best not to compare and say this is worse or that is worse.
@JasperLoy Since you asked it . and u were online :) so I assumed you caught it.....was about to ask if you did, if you didn't
@TheArtist Maybe you can try to marry her?
@JasperLoy I wasn't really comparing. At least it gives the idea that it's not only me or you in the world who's in probs/feel alone (as Chris sis said)
@JasperLoy No she loves her parents too, and they would die if she does something that they don't like
@TheArtist I see. If they die because of that, I am afraid they don't really love her. This is my honest opinion. There is too much non-love in the world being passed off as love.
@JasperLoy I know that, I truly understand that. But she was Brought up in that society, where respect matters more than their child.
@Chris'ssis OK. You two broke up?
@JasperLoy Yeah ...
@TheArtist I live in a messed up society too.
Oh god, I can't delete the previous messages :/ I wish there was that option
@Chris'ssis I'm sorry to hear that
@TheArtist I think you should not worry about them.
@JasperLoy what are few wrong things in your society ?
It's OK.
@TheArtist I rather not mention here. It's too painful for me to talk about it.
@JasperLoy hmmmmm
@JasperLoy okay :)
In fact these days, I try to keep my location a secret in this chat, though many people already know.
I hope time will cure the messed up societies, but sadly I guess it will take along time for that
@TheArtist Where do you live?
@JasperLoy secret location :p
@TheArtist I understand. I keep mine a secret these days because there may be spies.
@JasperLoy I understand :) I don't even like to have my personal stories online even while being anonymous, that's why I tried to delete all of those....
@KhallilBenyattou how are u
By the way, mods and room owners can see deleted messages.
@JasperLoy Really? And who are room owners? There are people like that?
@TheArtist Room owners are appointed by mods. They can do some things others can't, like pin a message, change the room title, etc.
@JasperLoy oh okay thanks
@TheArtist For example, anon is a room owner of this room.
@JasperLoy I see
I'm well thanks, @TheArtist.
How've you been? ^_^
@JasperLoy How you doing?
Looks like I'm still accumulating downvotes from someone. Up to 7 now.
@KajHansen If the system doesn't handle it, we can look at it.
Thanks @PedroTamaroff. I'll let someone know tomorrow night if it's still going on. I'm suspicious because it started immediately after I flagged someone's post in chat, which got said person temp-banned.
@KajHansen When did this happen?
@PedroTamaroff, do you see Doorknob's starred post on the side? Scroll up just a few lines from that. System says around 3:26 AM, which I assume is UTC.
@KajHansen OK.
@KajHansen In general, I would just recommend you keep your flags private. They are private for a reason, which I would guess you know is to avoid any personal grudges between users.
I've dreamt in code yet again!!! I may have even lucid dreamt!
@Kaj: the script will reverse it. Stop being anal bro, its happened to me before
@Jasper this time I was about to write down the precise algorithms but as I woke up I saw a text from my ex, and sadly I could only remember a vage idda. This is dtill a start!
@KhallilBenyattou me too
I'm amazed to see that a kid think like that, it's exactly the way I like to see things.
Think & Create
@BalarkaSen ^^^
His voice tone is slightly bothersome, and borderline aggressive. Maybe I need to watch the whole video to avoid being put off.
It seems the media has inflated his persona, as usual. =/
> At age nine, while playing with shapes, Jacob built a series of mathematical models that expanded Einstein's field of relativity. A professor at Princeton reviewed his work and confirmed that it was groundbreaking and could someday result in a Nobel Prize.

That's what TED says.
> Both the Daily Mail and Time stories included a quotation from by Scott Tremaine, a physicist at the Institute for Advanced Study, who had been contacted by Mrs. Barnett to comment on the young Barnett's physical ideas. Tremaine, after viewing the now deleted YouTube video, commented in an email provided by Mrs. Barnett: "I'm impressed by his interest in physics and the amount that he has learned so far. [...]
> The theory that he's working on involves several of the toughest problems in astrophysics and theoretical physics. [...] Anyone who solves these will be in line for a Nobel Prize." That's what Wiki says.
I'm disappointed that TED has grown to be so sensationalist.
I am also disappointed at TED. It had potential
Wow thats bs, if it was truly groundbreaking wouldnt he have been accepted to princeton?
I think one of the greatest challenges is to be an ordinary person and manage to achieve great things like the ones achieved by the known geniuses. I consider myself just an ordinary person (letting apart the things that were said in chat about me).
+1, I can't listen to his voice and the tone either.
Quite frankly, the comments section is full of trolls
@DonLarynx: You should read up on some recent AskReddit threads about maths. It's truely depressing.
@Huy The voice and tone are not that important as the things he says.
(or ELI5, not sure where they were)
The comments section ... is full of trolls?
@Khallil I left out the "as always" meta-comment for added special effects
(it worked)
@Chris'ssis: Maybe you should write them down then.
@Huy Sure. Maybe.
I can finally start with actual GR today. But I don't feel like it yet.
@DonLarynx: That's not even the worst. :D
@Huy In general people must be appreciated for what they are, not for what they aren't (I think). I might meet in you in the real life and tell you I don't wanna discuss with you about math because I don't like your face. It the same thing with the voice and tone.
@Chris'ssis: I'm not sure what you're trying to tell me.
@Chris'ssis: And what would be the problem of that?
"I'm actually an undergraduate researcher studying turbulence using the Navier-Stokes equation (one of the 7 unsolved problems). We are attacking the problem by computationally modeling turbulent shear flow, and let me tell you, this is a heck of a problem. I'm on the programming side of the project, so I'm not working as much with the math, but this is some pretty fascinating stuff. So yes, there is a lot of math still out there to be solved, and the problems listed above all have interesting sub-problems as well"
@Huy what she is really saying is: She favors simpler topologies over others.
@Huy hypothetically speaking ... (I mean what it really matters are the ideas, not the details like voice, tone ... :-))
@Chris'ssis: I'm afraid I still don't quite see your point.
You guys don't like his tone of voice, eh? He hasn't hit puberty yet, give him a break
@Chris'ssis: To you maybe, but if anyone sends me a video of some speech (that I don't know anything about), the most important thing will be the first impression, which will be the speaker's voice (tone).
@Huy I see. OK
I'm trying to write up a proof. Back later.
@Huy Every time I read BEMDAS I die a little inside.
@Chris'ssis: I know the important thing about a speech is not at all exclusively the speaker's voice, but should be the content. But the voice is part of it, and if it annoys me so much I can't even listen to the content, that's really not gonna help.
@PedroTamaroff: I've never seen that expression before. Where did you read it?
Ah, I see the comment now, @PedroTamaroff.
What if the aliens are just a bunch of partying burn outs that wanna make love to our women? Love is the universal language not math.

I like this post
That's a real mathematician.
back to working on project euler
@PedroTamaroff: Most of the times, reddit is a terrible place to discuss maths, unfortunately. There has only been one incident where there was actually a thread about maths being productive, that I've witnessed.
@Pedro We share similar beliefs.
I saw :O:O:O BODMAS and fainted.
Isn't it more commonly known as BIDMAS, @DonLarynx?
I ask ex out ---> ex blows me off ---> I show indifference ---> she texts me three days later ---> by then I've already found a date, no cares given, i've moved on, FREEDOM
I remember this being a math chat. Ah, the good 'ol days. =P
It's a game
I don't understand what you mean, @Don. U_U
I'm not going to read that because I'm sure you could've summarised it in about a sentence (or even two).
@DonLarynx: Plot twist: You don't have an ex.
@Huy: I wish.
So does she.
@Huy have you seen trainspotting?
yo ! I'm at 6663 rep :P any suggestions how I can make it 6666 ?!! :D
@r9m Get a question up- and downvoted.
@DanielFischer Oh noes ! I got an upvote .. and standing at 6673 ! :(
@r9m Quick, find seven bad answers to downvote.
@DanielFischer that's too much :P lol
@r9m Find somebody who upvoted one of your questions and convince her/him to convert it to a downvote? $6673 - 5 - 2 = 6666$
@DanielFischer ah ! that sounds nice ! :) have you ever upvoted any of my questions ? but I guess you can't do that for me .. now that you are the law-man in the town :D (I mean mod)
@r9m I wouldn't have done that before either, seems wrong to downvote a good question.
@DanielFischer (^_^) I know :-)
So anyone up for some rogue activity ? =P
@r9m Do you wanna see something too-nice-to-be-real?
@Chris'ssis YES !!! :D
@Chris'ssis took it :)
@r9m let me know if you see ways of approaching it (when you want to). I created it yesterday.
@Chris'ssis okay :) I can see what motivated that question there ! :D I'll try :-)
@r9m :D
@r9m Starting from a simple result one can get so many awesome results !!! ;)
@DanielFischer sama do you have any idea what math110 wants here ? :)
@Chris'ssis :)
@r9m However, the problem requires a special approach this time (or no, maybe you find something very easy).
:19285766 Take you time. LOL, no bombing, just sharing some nice things to you. If you don't like them I won't share them anymore. :-)
@Chris'ssis no that's not what I meant ! phrases like 'requires a special approach' freaks me out and drives me out of my natural train of thought (I am very easy to distract)
@r9m OK :D
@r9m Makes no sense as written. There must be some condition on the $a_k$.
@DanielFischer I love the "then I can't."
@DanielFischer I think so too !
@PedroTamaroff LOL
At the average rate of two problems per day (I am currently at 3/day), I should finish project euler's 500th problem by the time I graduate in August.
is there a name for $S^2$ with a line connecting some two dots on the sphere?
@DonLarynx haha .. not bad ;)
@DonLarynx What are you graduating in?
@iwriteonbananas: "A sphere with two points on it connected by a line"
@Pedro a bachelor's in math. I basically have a degree in applied already, but i'm just completing the pure sequence now and taking some extra Comp sci classes
@DonLarynx Ah, OK.
@DonLarynx: There are pure and applied maths BSc degrees at your uni?
They are offering Calculus of Variations next semester but I chose not to take it
I wanted to take it, but didn't have enough time.
Secret No Longer (SNL): I got a 71 in Calculus 3.
Problem 23 done ^.^
@DonLarynx But your more of a CS guy, then?
@Pedro I lost myself in a relationship that summer and also took 5 math classes - not a great combo
@DonLarynx: Always blaming the ex.
I'm an average math student right now but hopefully I improve next semester.
@DonLarynx That doesn't really answer my question, does it?
@Pedro did my previous statement answer it
@Pedro Perhaps...I consider myself more of a programmer.
@Pedro The answer is no.
my special field are inequalities, in our math circle in Leipzig we solved hundreds of such problems and two students were at the last IMO in south africa with a silver medaille — Dr. Sonnhard Graubner 2 mins ago
@DanielFischer ^^
@r9m Yes, he can give decent or good answers. If we could only bring him to make that the main part of his contribution here ...
@DanielFischer :-)
At first I hated <vectors>, now I love them. I find that if I hate something at first, I tend to love it with enough exposure.
@DonLarynx: Like your ex?
@Huy: The key here is to reduce exposure.
Hello everyone!!!
@Jonas: well, they managed to scare me away. — Martin Argerami Dec 18 at 18:35
Do you think he means that he wants to leave the site? That would be a pity :-(
It's from the discussion on his post on meta: My problem with the closing brigade.
Hallo @DanielFischer!!! How are you?
Hey @Huy!!! How is the weather today? :D
@Chris'ssis he's a nice guy but there are hundreds of people like him around the world who didn't have the same amount of support as he had (he was given a full tuition scholarship)
Talk about Awesomeness !! !! :D I love this answer !
Moving on from an ex is rather complex but you maintain your respect :)
@DanielFischer I know what I need to do now ! Start a bounty that would take (-50) from me .. ask a question and see if I can get a +25 and accept an answer before it gets more votes =P
@evinda: Extremely snowy, like yesterday.
@r9m Now, that would lose you 23, you need to lose 27. Bounty + 25 + be downvoted once or downvote two bad answers.
@evinda Having a headache.
@DanielFischer Oh!!! Not good... Is it cold there?
@evinda That too.
@DanielFischer ah ! right ! but I don't like downvoting or getting downvoted ! :( M.Se accounts starts with a $+1$ ... and that is the root of my trouble ..
@r9m: I can downvote you any day.
@Huy find an answer of mine that deserves a downvote and explain to me why it deserves a downvote .. then you are free to do whatever you want !
@r9m: I am free to do whatever I want anyways.
@Huy well in that case suite yourself ..
@DanielFischer Are you in Germany?
@PedroTamaroff Please respect the many different viewpoints on how to use MSE to teach, e.g. a professor (JDH) wrote "the policy of encouraging weasily half-answers to questions that have been deemed to be homework, consisting of obscure hints only, amounts to an annoying policy of encouraging bad answers here at math.SE, and I am completely opposed to it". Deeming one viewpoint "inconsiderate" of others is not mediating.
Anyone here familiar with noncommutative ring theory?
Q: $P$ : prime ideal, $ R/P$ has no nilpotent elments. Then $R/P$ is integral domain.

GuillermoLet $P$ be a prime ideal. Suppose that $R/P$ has no nonzero nilpotent elments. Show that $R/P$ is integral domain. What I did : WTS : $(a+P)(b+P)=ab+P=0+P$ implies $a+P=0+P$ or $b+P=0+P$. but it means that $ab \in P$ implies $a \in P$ or $ b \in P$. The nilpotent condition means that $a \n...

Doesn't definition of integral domain usually include condition that ring is commutative?
I'm just wondering why you use term non-commutative.
Because we can define prime ideals a a non-commutative ring.
Oh, I'm not sure.
$R$ isn't necessarily an integral domain, but can $R/P$ be?
And isn't $R/P$ integral domain whenever $P$ is prime? In that case the condition about nilpotent elements is redundand.
That's true in a commutative ring.
For a non-commutative ring, doesn't the same proof show: If $P$ is prime then $R/P$ has no zero divisors?
The definition for prime in a non commutative ring causes the original proof not to work.
$P$ is prime if $AB \subseteq P$ then $A \subseteq P$ or $B \subseteq P$.
@user153330 This is just a personal theory: I think almost any human brain can be trained to excel in any field.
@RobertCardona Lam: Exercises in Classical Ring Theory, p.143; Exercise 10.3: Show that a ring R is a domain iff R is prime and reduced.
I guess this could help. (A proof is included there.)
That was a very nice trick!
why do we call Maxwell's equations on free space even if there exist charges and current??
I know that I musn't put this question here
Back to my work.
@BillDubuque Although I agree that poor users misuse "hint" style, it is very biased to talk about "obscure hints", or of a policy that "encourag[es] bad answers".
@RobertCardona Perhaps you can post an answer to that question. (It seems that you have thought about the details.)
@PedroTamaroff I do find many hints obscure, to the point where I wonder if they actually work.
Thanks! I will!
Maybe the answer does not have to be that detailed - you can always refer to Lam's book for the auxiliary result. (Or if you can find it somewhere else.)
Google returns some reasonably looking hits, like this blog.
@PedroTamaroff The point is not to argue that specific viewpoint, but to give an example of the many viewpoints, in particular one on the opposite end of the spectrum, (and held by a very talented teacher).
I wasn't familiar with the terminology: Reduced meant no nonzero nilpotent elements. So my searches didn't turn anything up :/
@RobertCardona What was your question?
@BillDubuque Be it of a talented professor or not, that quote is too biased to contribute anything to our discussion.
It actually wasn't an original question, I just came across it randomly
@RobertCardona Sorry for putting words in your mouth up there, but please use [text](link).
It's okay! I will next time!
@PedroTamaroff Well, I don't think it is too biased. But anyway, I am not really part of this discussion.
In any case, Martin helped me out. I did my own searches before but didn't get anywhere because I wasn't familiar with the correct terminology to search for. But I am now!
@N3buchadnezzar I got 66968
I used a greedy algorithm
Just wish I had figured it out on my own :/
@BillDubuque At any rate, I'm a moderator, but that doesn't mean I cannot give my (albeit disputable) opinion on site policies. I oppose to you limiting my freedom of choice of words just because I am a moderator. In particular, I would never reprehend a user for telling another user he's being inconsiderate, if that's he's honest opinion.
It is well-known that the PDF of two continuous RV of the form (X Y/X+Y) can be obtained by min(X,Y).
If we have another RV, Z, (X Y/X+Y+Z) How we can the PDF of this form?
@PedroTamaroff Can we do away with this rule? This seems to be the only room on SE that has this rule. So the state law contradicts the federal law.
Oh, I just investigated further, it appears you gave me an np complete problem @N3buchadnezzar, apparently the algorithm I gave is sometimes not optimal.
@JasperLoy It is a good rule. Unlinked questions or Wiki links take up a lot of space.
Does anyone know any easy complex analysis textbooks
@PedroTamaroff They take up space, but so what? One just reads the next message if he is not interested. I don't see any reason other than for aesthetics.
@user130018 Easy is subjective.
Aesthetics are nice, @Jasper. They annoy me because of that reason.
@PedroTamaroff For me it's usually textbooks that are overly verbose and take up more pages than necessary to explain concepts
@PedroTamaroff It is your duty as a moderator to be respectful of all viewpoints. Writing off as "too biased" those viewpoints you disagree with is very poor mediation.
@user130018 So you prefer dry texts?
@PedroTamaroff Yes
@user130018 Take a look at Gamelin's Complex Analysis.
@JasperLoy I did, and Gamelin doesn't even define certain terms
@BillD Just so you know, your chat profile's (about) says "Moderator for Math.SE". You can edit it here.
@user130018 OK. Maybe take a look at Rao's Complex Analysis.
The above conversation regarding how to moderate makes me recall the idiom "Those who can, do; those who don't, teach."
@JasperLoy That one looks pretty difficult but let me check it anyway
@user130018 It does use point set topology and lesbesgue integration.
Never mind then
@MikeMiller it says retired moderator
Your definition of easy must be really different from mine lol
@user130018 OK. Take a look at Conway's Functions of a Complex Variable I.
He's edited it, @Jorge.
@BillDubuque There's a difference between being respectful, and not giving your opinion. You seem to think that us moderators should approve of anyone's viewpoint and pat them in the back. I can give my opinion, and still be respectful of all viewpoints. As a moderator, I am entitled to my opinion, and I am entitled to saying something is biased.
@user130018 Thanks for reminding me. I should not recommend that book anymore then.
@user130018 Have you looked at Rudin's Complex Analysis?
Have you tried Visual Complex Analysis by Needham?
@quid And those who can't teach, teach how to teach.
@user130018 Maybe also try Freitag's Complex Analysis I.
@JasperLoy +1
@RobertCardona I don't know any math, but I have a vast knowledge of math books, lol.
@JasperLoy Maybe take up a job as a librarian?
I've been meaning to get started on the second volume of that, it looks really good.
Do you have an idea about this? math.stackexchange.com/questions/1084728/…
@PedroTamaroff I was intending to start studying next year, but it seems I might not be able to do so now, so maybe I will go look for a part time job until I am ready to study.
@DanielFischer Someone who teaches teachers how to teach in my country said that the empty set is the same as the set containing the empty set.
@PedroTamaroff I said "respect" - not "pat on the back". Do you know the difference?
@JasperLoy If ZF is inconsistent, that is provable.
@BillDubuque Well, I think saying 'too biased' is not disrespect though.
@DanielFischer Indeed. :-)
@BillDubuque your comment is condescending, in my opinion.
@Jasper The point is that the more effort a mod spends attempting to sincerely understand the diverse viewpoints in the community, the more hope they have of helping devise successful compromises. Immediate dismissal of some viewpoints as "too biased" etc is not very fruitful in that regard.
@PedroTamaroff Rudin has a Complex Analysis book?
@user130018 Real and Complex Analysis
Such a ridiculously hard book!
@user130018 Buy the softcover version ;)
@DanielFischer What's the term for a map between Hilbert spaces - not necessarily surjective - that preserves the inner product? I just used 'orthogonal' in an answer but it's not right.
I guess maybe 'isometry onto its image' but that's ugly.
@MikeMiller Unitary can include being surjective, or not, depends on the author. Isometry usually doesn't imply surjectivity (but sometimes does).
@MikeMiller Othrogonal transfomation seems fine.
I would have called isometry surjective, because I'd like the word isometry to denote an isomorphims.
If you say "$T$ is an isometry of $H_1$ into $H_2$" that indicates that you don't assume surjectivity.
Anyway, I guess the answer is clear enough.
@DanielFischer Well, there is still some assumption there. Because one can also say that even when isometry means onto.
Or "isometric embedding", @Mike.
The use of the word unitary annoys me when the Hilbert space isn't over $\Bbb C$.
@MikeMiller You seem easily annoyed.

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