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phew you are here
@anon the cayley graph of Z_2 \star Z_2 \star Z_2
the base node be 1. that bursts to three nodes corresponding to a, b, c. the edge connection those to 1 is double-directed as a^2 = b^2 = c^2 = 1
a bursts to two nodes ab and ac. similarly b does to bc and ba and c does to ca and cb
so the graph is a tree where each node has valence 3 and the edges are two-way
so... Cay(Z_2 \star Z_2 \star Z_2) is the standard 3-adic tree, not?
the top node has three successors, every other node has 2 successors, no?
i am not talking about successors. i am talking about the nodes they share
each node in the graph shares 3 nodes
each node has valence 3, yes. but in the tree picture of the 3-adic integers, the top node has valence 3, and every other node has valence 4
for example even though a has successor ab and ac, a shares edges with three nodes : 1, ab and ac
@anon oh ok so it's just the name i suppose
good, so it's what i thought it was
thanks for your time @anon
the other day you were originally talking about C2 * C3
@anon erm? that's PSL2(Z) no?
it's just a truncated Z_2 * Z_2 * Z_2
i have already drawn it
I am not sure what you mean by truncated, but OK
Bonjour tout le monde!
yo @Kaj
Hey there. I'ma take a shower in a sec, but I'll be out in a few minutes.
i am now trying to draw alternating group A_5 by quotienting out this graph by relation (ab)^5 = 1
it seems to converge to a truncated icosahedral graph.
urk. i snipped a piece of hair along with the graph on the image. darn.
I see you're still looking into Cayley graphs @BalarkaSen
yes @Kaj. it's my homework.
lol'd @ "quotienting out"
@KajHansen what's funny about that?
I like to say "modding out" personally, but I think that's slightly abusing terminology that's being borrowed from ring theory.
Hey there @TheArtist
@KajHansen i've also heard modding out said by a vast number of mathematicians. but still not getting the lol...
I just think your verbiage is funny, that's all
@KajHansen hey
erm. ok.
@BalarkaSen, super easy problem, but I'm interested in your solution. Suppose you have a field extension $K/F$ of finite degree. Choose any $a \in K$. Show that $a$ is the root of some irreducible polynomial over $F$.
@KajHansen assume not. then a is not a root of some irred poly over F.
thus, a is not algebraic over F
Ah, interesting. All finitely generated extensions are algebraic. That's a 3rd proof I know.
so a, a^2, a^3, a^4, etc are also not algebraic in F
@KajHansen what was your approach?
Here's my original solution, which I think isn't as nice:
Consider the set $\{1, a, a^2, a^3, \cdots, a^n\}$. This has $n+1$ elements, and so the elements cannot be linearly independent, since we assumed $[K:F] = n$.
That's actually nice.
Therefore, $c_1 + c_2a + c_3a^2 + \cdots + c_{n+1}a^n = 0$ has a nontrivial solution.
Why can we use the same $\epsilon$ as what Alex Jordan comments in math.stackexchange.com/questions/1018672/…
any idea guys? :) @robjohn
Which is precisely a polynomial evaluated at $a$ that equals $0$.
Here's a better solution though:
Choose any $a \in K$ and consider the evaluation homomorphism $\operatorname{ev}_a: F[x] \rightarrow F[a]$. Now apply the isomorphism theorems. Certainly, $\operatorname{Im}(\operatorname{ev}_a) = F[a]$.

Now, notice that $\ker\operatorname(ev_a)$ cannot be trivial. Otherwise, we'd have $F[x] \cong F[a]$, which is absurd since the latter is a field and the former is not. Therefore, the homomorphism has nontrivial kernel, which is precisely those polynomials with $a$ as a root.
Also he has provided an answer, but I think that's his personal belief :/ I don't see why one can't use $\epsilon$
@KajHansen urk. killing a mosquito with guns.
Probably. But I think it's hilarious, and I love it. :P
"...since the latter is a field". Why is $F[a]$ a field?
@MikeMiller, damn it. You're actually right, my reasoning is circular.
$F[a]$ is a field whenever $a$ is algebraic. I'm so used to taking that for granted that it totally slipped my mind this time.
I think any argument will probably end up coming down to the first argument you gave.
Hmmm. I'm certain I can patch that up. I'd just need to show that the kernel there is nontrivial. Let's see. It would suffice to show that the map isn't injective, and we have that $[K:F]$ is of finite degree...
I'm just messing around at this point, haha
Yes, you can. Would you like to think about it or would you rather I wrote down how?
I wouldn't mind either way. This is a problem I solved ages ago with my first argument, and it came up again recently with one of my friends taking algebra this semester.
The arguments are (secretly?) the same. The homomorphism $F[x] \to F[a]$ is $F$-linear, i.e., is a vector space homomorphism. So because $F[x]$ has infinite dimension and $F[a]$ has finite dimension it cannot be injective.
Oh hey, there we go! Thanks @Mike
But we haven't done anything new (and despite you mentioning it, we haven't invoked the first isomorphism theorem).
it's the same argument as @Kaj's.
Granted @MikeMiller. I just like being silly and trying to prove things in multiple ways no matter how ridiculous.
Example: I can prove that $\sqrt[n]{2}$ is not rational for all $n > 2$.

Suppose $\sqrt[n]{2} = \frac{p}{q}$. Then we'd have $2 = \frac{p^n}{q^n}$. Rewriting this, we have $2q^n = p^n$, that is, we have $q^n + q^n = p^n$. This is false by Fermat's last theorem.
That is a classic DS way.
Forget about it.
I can prove that without working nearly as hard. :P
FLT not strong enough to prove irrationality of $\sqrt{2}$, however.
what has happened?
and someone also needs to make her understand that "mad" is usually meant in it's americanized version as "angry". like "you mad at me?"
What on earth is up with Chris'sis "About me"? Also, his down votes.
@TheArtist In general you can't since that integral does not converge. However, one can take the Cauchy Principal Value, but one must say that that is what one is doing.
@KajHansen Evidently, yesterday Chris's sis and Pedro had a problem and a mod stepped in and banned her temporarily. That is what I understand, but I was gone all day yesterday, so this is all gotten from what others have said and reading what transcripts I've read.
@KajHansen I don't know about the downvotes.
@robjohn ohhhh I got it. thank you very much :)
That's bizarre. Pedro seems fairly non-confrontational.
Oh well. Hopefully things work out since they both have a lot of quality posts.
@KajHansen I think he was pointing out that the chat guidelines ask that we don't post a lot of banner titles of questions or answers to chat, but rather use the [text](link) format. However, he said it along the lines of "will you never learn to use..."
Ahh. Chris'sis can be a bit annoying in that respect, especially combined with the niche obsession with esoteric integrals/series. But certainly nothing to get in a fight over. :/
@robjohn , Another small question, in this question do you see Did's answer, and I have commented on it, he has replied , however I still don't understand how he did that (even though I showed that I got it) can you check it out and help me understand how he got + :) math.stackexchange.com/questions/1022745/int-01-sqrtx21-dx
@TheArtist what part is confusing?
@robjohn Considering the integral from $\sqrt2$ to infinity ???? And not the other way round....c? :) I'm not getting it....why integral? And why does taking from $\sqrt2$ to Infinty make it +?
@TheArtist $\int_a^bf(x)\,\mathrm{d}x=-\int_b^af(x)\,\mathrm{d}x$
@robjohn ohhhh ohhhh Ohh :) ok ok got it :) Thanksssss :)
2 hours later…
@TheArtist I've added an answer with what I consider are the important issues and a pretty simple real method to compute the Cauchy Principal Value.
shameless advertisement 100+ of ones own question !! :-) please help !
@r9m The bounty not enough fo you?? :-)
@robjohn please check my advertisement link :-) .. I added the bounty .. no one responding to it :'( .. guess I'll have to raise it ?! :O
:18629587 I don't know...
ooh ,, number of active days !! :) that means I'll just have to wait longer for it to come to the first page of the featured tab !!
@r9m did you mean to have $P'$ twice in (2)?
@robjohn no no .. they are two expressions ! I wanted to know if both can be bounded above or not !
@robjohn did you get the Math.SE coffee mug ? :-)
@robjohn Yes it's great :) Thank you very much....and less terms and more simple....thanks alltttt
I mean your answer has less terms and much more simple :D
@r9m Indeed! I love it. It is 12 oz and that is what is just right for most tea bags. 8 oz and you have more left in the tea bag, but not enough for a real second cup
@robjohn oh ! Nice :-)
@r9m Did you get one?
@robjohn nope :( .. I have low rep .. but I also don't know if they are giving mugs anymore ! :) ..
@r9m How did you know about the mugs, then?
@robjohn I once read an old meta post which said mugs were gifted to top users during the Christmas or around that time :)
They give mugs? :o
@r9m how much reputation do you need to earn a mug? :)
@r9m Ah... I forgot exactly when I got it. I thought maybe it was when I became a mod
@r9m I use that mug all the time!
@robjohn I guess non mod people also got 'em .. 8k+ users with position in the first page of the monthly rep ranking .. as far as I can remember ! @TheArtist
@robjohn :D haha !! I wish I had one too :P .. although I'm a newbie in M.Se !
@r9m oh ok :)
@r9m I'll have to look back in my email. I know I sent a thank you note to Anna Lear when I got that swag package.
oh ! my blog stat peaked after I linked my recent entry to the answer I gave to Chris'ssis's question ! :D
Q: Math Stack Exchange Top User Swag

Rebecca ChernoffAs a thank you for being awesome, if you have at least 8075 reputation (as of Apr 23) and are on page 1 or page 2 of … http://math.stackexchange.com/users?tab=reputation&filter=all … we'll be sending you a little care package shortly: Math Stack Exchange t-shirt in your size Math Stack Exchan...

^ yess !! that :D
Luckily I had 23456 that day :-)
Awesome !!! :D
How do you remember the exact amount ? :p @robjohn
@TheArtist I could say that I have an eidetic memory, but actually I just looked back on my network profile. I think you can see exactly how much anyone had on any day there.
Why is @Chris'ssis sis leaving this site. She gave me a lot of nice books to read :/ Don't leave. We will miss you
@robjohn wow, never knew such a feature existed
@TheArtist I hope things will cool down. She had a run in with Pedro and a mod from another site yesterday while I was not around.
@robjohn Oh I see
OMG !!!!! .. rage quit threat !! :O @Chris'ssis please calm down !!!!
@r9m There are 349 users with rep at least 8075 now. I bet they wouldn't do that now :-)
@robjohn but they also restricted it to the first two pages in ranking!
@r9m Ah, that's right. That limits it to 72.
What happened to Chris Sis, she threatened to resign?
@robjohn page 1 and 2 are just unfair !!! :( you all are Rep Monsters !!
user 1551 (the 72nd user on 2nd page) has 32.7k reps !! unreachable without a long time/consistently regular contribution !!
@JasperLoy the whole thing that I know is in the transcript.
@robjohn OK. I think the rule not to expand the link is a stupid rule. I don't follow it myself. It is the only room in SE with this rule.
@robjohn It does not matter much to me, but I would advocate for the rule to be removed.
@JasperLoy it can get annoying if there are too many expanded links on the page.
@robjohn I just ignore them, so it is not annoying to me. This reminds me of how the government here blocks websites because they are annoying to some stupid members of this country.
@JasperLoy if there is a mathematical discussion going on, the math is scrolled off pretty fast by expanded links.
@robjohn Which is why we use arrows to reply, and always scroll to the bottom. =)
@JasperLoy perhaps this is not the case on other sites.
@robjohn ManishEarth suspended chris's sis ?
@JasperLoy it is annoying to have to constantly scroll to see something said just a little bit ago
@TheArtist that's what it looks like from the transcript
Btw I thought we can talk about anything on this chat :) I remmeber I used to talk off topic stuff and got into a fight with Sawarnik
@robjohn That sounds very intolerant to me. These links were purposely made to expand by design, on the SE network. =)
@robjohn But ManishEarth is a Moderator on Chemistry stack exchange. Can he suspend users in math stack exchange ?
@TheArtist Yes.
@TheArtist we can talk about things other than math, but it still has to be tasteful and respectful. We don't want a lot of arguments on chat or profanity.
@TheArtist chat is chat... there is no distinction. That is why the URLs are all chat.stackexchange.com
@robjohn oh she was suspended from the chat?
From my research on foreign language learning books, it seems most of them have been dumbed down over the years, just like math books.
@TheArtist yes
@TheArtist Chris is a girl.
@JasperLoy Chris is a boy, Chris'sis is a girl.
@JasperLoy I know I know :D it was a typo.
Today, someone hurt me too, even though what he said is still in line, in this chat. Because he said two things, not just one.
@N3buchadnezzar No meat no pudding. =)
@JasperLoy =)
@JasperLoy 2 + 2 = 5, for large values of 2.
The OUP website is really terrible. It is so not updated.
I usually stay in an ultra calm state .. :-) .. but taking the so called smart-pills often induces feats of insta-rage that even I can't control ! :( .. when I realize that I feel ashamed ! @Chris'ssis please accept my apologies for yesterdays behavior.
@robjohn If I link you to a French book, can you tell me if it is too hard to learn from for a total beginner?
@JasperLoy I was barely capable of reading French when I was in grad school. I don't think I would be of much help
@robjohn I see. I am trying to learn French and German to native level fluency. =)
@JasperLoy I could do what I did because I knew Latin
@robjohn There are too many books to learn French, German, Italian and Spanish. I still cannot choose which series to use. It's a bit like choosing math books. =)
@JasperLoy I learned 2 years of french and 2 years of German when I was in high school. I only know (remember) how to tell hello and good morning
The past few weeks, I have been reading reviews and seeing previews of more than ten series.
Hello @alizter, lol.
Hi @JasperLoy. What is the drama about?
@JasperLoy If you have an Android phone, use the DuoLingo app, it teaches you using sounds as well, and pictures, ergo, its very good.
@JayeshBadwaik OK. I prefer books. I am traditional, lol.
@Alizter I don't know. I think Chris's Sis was pissed with Pedro, that's all.
@JasperLoy Try that app, you can use it anywhere, on trains, just give it a try.
@JayeshBadwaik OK. I read about it too. =)
@JasperLoy I finished my physics coursework at 3am on friday :)
@Alizter Great! Do you have any recommendations for learning French or German?
@JasperLoy I learnt German and Germany is a very nice place.
English is also a germanic language
@Alizter Yes. That's why I want to be reborn there. =)
@JasperLoy Do you mean choosing between them?
@Alizter No, I mean learning both of them. Any books to start from scratch? I have done my own research, but you might know something I don't.
@JasperLoy You could "try" the GCSE language books. Especially AQA.
I did AQA German.
@Alizter Do the books come with audio?
online resources help aswll
is money needed but very very good.
I belive that AQA teacher packs come with audio
@alizter Tell me which uni you get into when the time comes. I will tell you too.
@JasperLoy OK
Heya homies.
Someone quickly throw me a pythogorean triplet.
Any pythagorean triplet $(a,b,c)$ such that $ c^2 = a^2 + b^2$
C'mon. Throw me one :D
@usukidoll yo yo yo
do you know how harmonics in pdes work
I got everything except for the n part ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
or I do just plug in n because for harmonics n = 1,2,3...
@usukidoll Do you mean Harmonic Analysis Methods in Dispersive PDEs ?
harmonics..wave equations I am doing this problem in my notebook right now
I have found the product solutions of harmonics but what about for n
I still have n as unknown variable...so I don't know how to solve for n unless I plug in for n =1,2,3...
@usukidoll Geez, good luck with that :D
hey come back here
drags Nick
help me plzzz!
No, I've got homework and I suck with waves.
@Alizter: Help @usukidoll . I tag you.
does he know pdes?
@usukidoll I know he knows DEs
Patience is key :D
nope slams Nick against the wall
@usukidoll I've upvoted your question. Please hurt me no more.
get me a pde master
@usukidoll they're pretty hard to come by at this hour of day.
Patience ;)
-_- nevermind I found it in another book
it's just plug and play arghhh
because if we let n = 2, then the result would be $u_2(x,t) = b_2sin(2 \pi x)cos(2 \pi at)$
thank you book from a cancelled class
@usukidoll You are now a PDE master. Aren't you glad you didn't have training wheels?
I was reading up this inorder to help you but that stuff is a bit hard to digest quickly. Good job learning so much :D
Can someone help me with some integration by parts?
I want to integrate the following integral by parts $$ \int_0^{\pi/2} \arctan\left( \frac{\cos x}{\sin x - a}\right) \tan x\,\mathrm{d}x $$
I keep getting $$ \arctan \frac{1}{a} - \int_0^{\pi/2} \frac{a \sin x - 1}{a^2 - 2 a \sin x + 1}\log \cos x\,\mathrm{d}x $$
But by numerical calculations this seem wrong. Where did I make a mistake?
@Nick I do not know harmonics. I also do not care.
If my bounty question has no answer after 7 days what happens?
1 hour later…
@Alizter What are you doing now?
@JasperLoy He's busy not caring about harmonics :D
@r9m I hope @Chris'ssis will be back soon :/
@Hippalectryon I hope so, too. Not that I think that Pedro was trying to be a bully, but I would hate it if someone were to leave because of someone they feel is a bully. However, it has happened in the past.
Nobody can bully me, lol.
Because I am a big bully, lol.
@JasperLoy No meat, no pudding
@N3buchadnezzar LOL. I have been having a flu for two weeks.
Try meat pudding :D
@robjohn =) I do not care for all the drama.. I care about mathematics
@JasperLoy Well, mr."won't go to the doctor" , how are you doing now?
@Nick I think better. I think I can go running tmr.
@JasperLoy running from the doctor?
@JasperLoy ... stay hydrated :D
So, Everybody busy here?
@Nick Stay dead ;)
@Integrator Integrals
@Integrator I guess busy is a relative term...
@N3buchadnezzar Integrals?
@Integrator Integrals!
@robjohn Yes! So, you're busy!
@N3buchadnezzar @Integrals!?
I love integrals!
@N3buchadnezzar Me too! Except the fact that I can't really solve them!
@Integrator :p
$$ \int_0^\infty \frac{\log x}{x^2- bx + 1}\,\mathrm{d}x $$
@N3buchadnezzar That's cheating
@N3buchadnezzar I don't even know what is meant by! $$\Li_2(x)$$
@N3buchadnezzar How do you even type that?
@Integrator No $\text{Li}_2(x)$ is needed
@Integrator that's the Logarithmic Integral (Li)
@N3buchadnezzar How would you solve that integral?
Dissregard the previous post. It should have been $$\int_0^\infty \frac{\log x}{x^2- bx + 1}\,\mathrm{d}x$$ with $b>-1$,
@Integrator Split it at $x=1$. Then use $u \mapsto 1/x$ on the integral over $(1,\infty)$.
@Nick I see! Something like $\text{Si}(x)$
@N3buchadnezzar I've no Idea, what you're saying but in which book I can learn this?
@Integrator use \operatorname
@userX Have you heard of Assimil?
@UserX Thanks $ \operatorname{Si}(x)$
That's the sine integral function
$$\int_0^\infty\frac{\sin x}{x} $$ ?
Well the definition is $\operatorname{Si}(x)=\displaystyle\int_0^x \frac{\sin t}{t}\mathrm{d}t$ but yes
@Integrator did you try to split it at $x=1$?
@N3buchadnezzar Do you have something against me? If so, we can work it out :D
Plus you have to include a differential in your integral so you know what you're integrating over

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