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And whom?
The inequality is false.
@Ted Want to help me with an English problem?
Not right at the moment, @Mike. We're embroiled in the analysis problem.
What if I say it's a linear algebra problem?
Ah, when $x$ is near $1$, it seems that $$\frac{1+x^{n+1}}{1+x^n}>\root n\of x$$ fails.
So how did you determine it fails, @Pedro?
@TedShifrin I used a CAS.
mr eyeglasses would call you a cheater :P
But it seems not to happen in a nbhd of $x_n$.
Well, my thinking is that you're wrong.
Although I need use a preliminary inequality which perhaps cost me too much.
I want to plot g_n-g_{n+1}
for a nbhd of x_n
How do I do that in Mathematica?
I just did the plot in Mathematica, @Pedro. Your inequality fails miserably. Manipulate[
Plot[(1 + x^(n + 1))^(n + 1) - x (1 + x^n)^n, {x, 0, 1}], {n, 10,
While @Pedro's thinking, what's your question, @Mike?
@TedShifrin I think it can be salvaged!
`g[k_] := x^k/(1 + x^k)^k - x^(k + 1)/(1 + x^(k + 1))^(k + 1);
Plot[g[k], {x, 1/((2 k)^(1/(2 k))) - 1/k,
1/((2 k)^(1/(2 k))) + 1/k}], {k, 10, 1000}]`
Plot that.
That's what all the false posters kept saying :P
That seems to suggest g_{k+1}>g_k
In a nbhd of x_{2k}-
I removed the $x^k$ factor ...
@Ted Lay is not my favorite author so it's hard to tell what he means in some problems. I finally translated what he meant.
Well you're smarter than me.
So no worries.
(not my favorite was changed from some harsher wording)
Still I'm screwed. SIGH.
I think.
I think it dips below 0, @Pedro. I'm about to find out.
Also all the TeXed up equations should have had x_2n
Question (not hostile, just curious); why is this problem so interesting?
I dunno, @Pedro. It doesn't want to show me negative.
Well, I found it interesting, as I enjoy uniform convergence arguments and couldn't find one that worked. And then a dozen people keep getting it wrong. So that makes it more intriguing.
@MikeMiller Cause it shows the subtleties of analysis.
Thank you for that edit, @Pedro :D
@Pedro Well, you're an expert in that.
@MikeMiller Expert? Hardly.
Oh, you edited.
I don't know if you're an expert in the subtleties of analysis.
We're all going to get banned, @Mike.
been there done that today
Well, @Pedro, now I no longer know what to believe. I'll ponder more after dinner.
They banned you, @skull?
@TedShifrin yep
I'll be back later.
Subtle, Subtly and Subtlety
Is there any theorem/corollary/anything that says if $f$ is differentiable at a point, then all the directional derivatives at that point in any direction exist and are also equal to the same value?
@skullpatrol get in that room
@ಠ_ಠ If $f$ is differentiable at a point, all directional derivatives exist there. But they are in general not all equal.
@DanielFischer Can you check this (long) proof ? math.stackexchange.com/a/790946/66096
@GabrielR. Too long for today, I'm going to bed in a couple of minutes. I'll look tomorrow.
Okay, thank you @Dan
Alright, thanks in advance @DanielFischer
@GabrielR. The roots can be complex.
You're introducing order.
It says real.
@PedroTamaroff no you misread
The you can be complex, but the OP wants real roots.
@PedroTamaroff Gabriel is the OP.
@GabrielR. Unless you made a very stoopid error, it looks like a promising idea.
@PedroTamaroff are you going to blame me for Mariano not coming to the chatroom too?
I got a Wolfram evaluation for $n=4$ running for 2 hours and it just crashed...
It says I am disconnected from the chat...ping anyone?
@ಠ_ಠ same here, plus the main site lags/cuts down
Okay thanks so it's not just me
@STajbakhsh It’s not you - an unknown number of users are not getting proper routes to our data center right now.
We are aware of connectivity issues to our New York data center. Internap is having a device issue upstream they’re working to fix ASAP.
^^ @ಠ_ಠ
Oh, thanks @hic
I live in NYC
Yeah, stuff's even been down for me (midwest).
I'm sure glad they spend their time redesigning the profile page and not the important issues >8(
@ಠ_ಠ how is it in NYC ?
@Gab It's sooooo hot
@Gab I don't even have an air conditioner
@ಠ_ಠ how many celsius ?
I thought every American had air conditioning lol. Are you in an apartment ?
@Gab Yes but some Americans are poor. I live in a housing project provided by the government
@Gab 25C but I am sensitive to heat. I sweat buckets at any temperature above 20C

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