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It is also known that $$\binom nk_q=\binom{n-1}{k-1}_q+q^k\binom{n-1}k_q$$
I want to prove that using the definition above.
I have a combinatorial proof of this using Ferrers diagrams and counting partitions and whatnot.
But I want that one! =D
Let $\pi \colon \mathbb{F}_q^n \to \mathbb{F}_q^{n-1}$ be the projection on the first $n-1$ coordinates. For a $k$-dimensional subspace $V$, $\pi(V)$ is $k-1$-dimensional if and only if $e_n \in V$, and $\pi$ induces a bijection between the $k-1$-dimensional subspaces of $\mathbb{F}_q^{n-1}$ and the $k$-dimensional subspaces of $\mathbb{F}_q^n$ containing $e_n$.
HELP @DanielF !! :)
That gives the first term on the right.
@TedShifrin You use all-caps? Atlanta must be burning.
LOL ... My analysis savior has failed me? :)
So, @Pedro, we need to see that every $k$-dimensional subspace has $q^k$ preimages under $\pi$.
@DanielFischer OK. Would you like to continue or would you rather I write things alone?
@TedShifrin This one? I guess it will turn out easy after one has found the right trick.
@TedShifrin I answered a uniform convergence question.
But finding the right trick isn't so easy.
Not that one though.
Yeah, @DanielF, that's the first uniform convergence proof I've gotten stuck on :) I'm usually good at these. But it's amazing the crap that people post, even after they've been warned ...
Yeah, @Pedro, it's sneaky.
Is it really acceptable to answer your own question? It feels so odd...
@Studentmath Yeah, it's cool.
It's good!
I have urged some people to do that after I hint them to figuring it out, @Studentmath.
Well, @Pedro, it's turning into summer ... I was dripping wet after tennis :(
Well, will do it, thanks! I managed the question last night\morning Prof @Ted!
@DanielFischer "Let's integrate over a grey elephant shaped countour..."
Yippee for you, @Studentmath!
@TedShifrin Well, sweating is good.
I prefer winter :P
@TedShifrin I'm currently - when I'm not otherwise occupied - trying to apply Dini, so I need to see that $$\limsup_{x\nearrow 1} \sum_{n=0}^\infty \frac{x^n}{(1+x^n)^n} \leqslant 2.$$
I prefer tempered weathers.
Is that like tempered distributions, @Pedro? :D
@Daniel: From my Mathematica graphing excursions, I would say that's definitely true, but I don't have a proof. I was trying to do my usual thing of turning the series into an integral, but haven't seen how to do so here.
@TedShifrin Well-tempered pianos.
@TedShifrin Haha, I meant "templado."
Ah, how Bach of you, @DanielF
Nobody beats the Maestro. Not even Shostakovich.
Well, I was just listening to the Shostakovich Piano Quintet yesterday :)
I'm a huge fan of little-known piano quintets :)
@DanielF: If you're trying the Dini route, how do you know the limit is continuous?
@TedShifrin That is what needs to be shown. Since it is continuous on $[0,1)$ by standard arguments, we need only be concerned with continuity at $1$. $\liminf f(x) \geqslant 2$ is easy-peasy.
By Dini, the limit function is continuous if and only if the convergence is uniform.
Oh, you're starting your summation at $n=0$, and I was starting it at $1$. I see.
Constant difference, not essential.
Of course; but I was confuzled for a bit.
@DanielFischer LEL:
That was a good start.
Your algebra's not right, mr @Pedro.
@PedroTamaroff What is "LEL"?
It's the new way to say LOL.
I was wondering that.
Waaaaaaaay cooler.
Maybe he's embarrassed :P
@Chris'ssis I just came up with the series $$1+\sum_{k=1}^n(-1)^k\frac{\log(2k+1)}{k}$$ in a totally different way. I need to work on that sum.
but it's parktime now, then Mother's Day.
@robjohn Do think this has a (nice) closed form?
@Chris'ssis I don't really have any idea yet
@robjohn Every day is Mother's Day, lol.
@PedroTamaroff I posted above a nice series you might enjoy.
Hi @Jas
@KarlKronenfeld (unprintable words here)
@Sawarnik Ah?
math is nice
@mito_562condrio meth is not, though
@PedroTamaroff Objection!
@PedroTamaroff right
If you want to be the sort of user who answers book recommendations here are detailed instructions on how to succeed: First, do not read the question. Just skim the first few sentences and then post a list of some books for the topic asked for. Post at least 5 but more is better since more choice is a better recommendation (best recommendation would be to post the top 100 books on Amazon for that topic!).
Ok, I'll do that.
You should also post a long series of comments encouraging piracy and telling people how to pirate, too.
I'll get to that.
I guess I'm the only one disturbed by users posting differential geometry text recommendations when their primary tags in answers are precalc and elementary-set-theory and they have not a single answer (or question) in DG?
@MikeMiller No, wait, I know what you're going to do now. Just gimme a sec, I'll do it for you.
Textbook rec questions usually suck, and so do their answers.
I was agreeing with you.
: )
Usually when I complain about people on the internet I get the picture above^
Especially annoying because I think xkcd is not funny.
Holy hell, someone who shares my xkcd opinion
we're rare nowadays, @MattN.
Some are funny, some aren't.
@MikeMiller Yeah, actually I thought I was the only one. : D
What is xkcd
@DanielFischer I haven't come across a single funny one.
I sometimes find PhD comic amusing.
Anyone familiar with maple ?
I think PhD comics are also unfunny
They had like, five or six gags
And then just repeated them for ten years
I have L := {x=0} {x=1} and trying to find a command that gives me the number of elements of L.. =(
@N3buchadnezzar I was forced to use Maple for a year
What does L do
@MikeMiller Oh, I don't follow any comics. But I remember that I laughed at at least two of them. I'm not sure I saw more than that.
There's only one internet comic I've ever really liked.
In reality I define L := singularities(f(z),z) and it spits out L := {z=0} {z=1} ... and I am trying to figure out how many singularities it has.
@MikeMiller Oglaf?
@MikeMiller What's that?
I just killed a lizard in my home.
Why the hell would you kill a lizard?
Because it crawls all over the place and is disturbing?
Yeah. Might put it into a cup and throw it out the window?
I find killing animals disturbing (unless they're insects or fish).
Are you a vegetarian?
But it doesn't mean I could kill the animals I eat.
Yeah, someone else does the killing.
Ok, except chickens maybe.
@JasperLoy Yes.
I once opened a window when I was a child and accidentally injured a lizard. It limped away and I was extremely disturbed by it.
For me, it is alright to kill animals for food or if they are pests.
I think humans are a pest.
I dislike the society I live in. One day, I will try to move to another country.
Humans are the same wherever you go.
But some places are more sick than others.
I doubt it.
Actually I don't.
You're right.
I now no longer subscribe to any religion.
That's wonderful, congratulations on making the world a better place! : )
Hi @Jas
@ಠ_ಠ Hello Bart.
@MattN. I saw the edit, lol.
I'm not hiding anything, just couldn't make up my mind which I wanted to write.
I have dealt with my PTSD. Now I need to deal with my OCD, and then I can do whatever I like.
I hope to study math next year and get completely well by the end of next year.
That's great! I would think a PTSD is much more difficult to deal with than OCD.
@MattN. "Great!"
I have said this for many years, but I hope I don't say it again!
@MikeMiller Yes, great. Some real progress.
@MattN. Humans are the greatest pests ever on Earth.
It gets worse with every page.
Will you call my killing the lizard an evil act?
I will.
It's somewhat evil.
What if it is a cockroach?
It's still evil.
But mosquitoes, just fine.
@BalarkaSen That's weird.
@JasperLoy It's not. Kill the ones that does real harm to you =)
But avoid killing otherwise.
Why is $$ \frac{P'(z)}{P(z)} = \sum_{k=1}^n \frac{1}{z - a_k} $$
Try writing $P(z)$ in product form, @N3buchadnezzar
@N3b Write out $P$ explicitly and use the product rule; you'll see it.
P(z) = \prod_{k=1}^n (z-a_k)
Alternatively take the derivative of $\log P$.
\log P(z) = \sum_{k=1}^n \log (z-a_k)
@MikeMiller That, I didn't think of.
Thanks =)
Many people have chided me for killing the lizard, I feel like a criminal now.
@JasperLoy Smooth Criminal
@JasperLoy Well, try not to kill any animal from now on. You'll feel better.
Animals kill animals for food. So I think it is alright for me to kill animals for food or if they are pests, as long as I do it quickly and painlessly.
@BalarkaSen do you see the link between this math.stackexchange.com/questions/790285/… and Galois theory ?
Let me see.
What do you mean by same complex root and coefficients?
I mean the roots are the coefficients
You mean that roots are all equal (so it is something like $(z - a)^n$) and coefficients are all equal?
@GabrielR. Ah.
$\prod_{i=1}^n (z-a_i)$ so that the elementary symmetric polynomials are $(-1)^k a_k$, correct?
I believe loads of them can be found by simply programming stuffs.
You know, they're only a few, and my guess is that there are none with real coefficients for $n\geq 5$
@BalarkaSen How about ants?
@JasperLoy OK if you can't see them.
@GabrielR. Oh, real coefficients?
That's pretty hard then.
@GabrielR. You already pointed out a family : $X^n(X-1)(X+2)$
@BalarkaSen it has $0$ as a root, so it's unoriginal
@GabrielR. So you want no $0$?
I want $, lol.
@BalarkaSen since if $P$ is one such polynomial then so is $XP$
@BalarkaSen and you can on with the family $X^nP$
Actually, this is a pretty good question.
but more of number theoretic interest than galois theoretic.
@BalarkaSen But consider the following mapping $T:(x_0,\ldots,x_{n-1}) \rightarrow (e_0(x_i),...,e_n(x_i)$ where $e_p(x_i)$ is the p-th elementary polynomial for (x_0,\ldots,x_n)
@GabrielR. OK.
The polynomial is over the purely transcendental field extension $\Bbb Q(x_1, \cdots, x_n)$
This question is looking for fixed points of $T$ (which may be defined alternatively as a mapping over R^n or C^n)
and the roots are there too.
so we are looking for polynomials over $\Bbb Q(x_1, \cdots, x_n)$ that splits over there.
but this somewhat loosens the conditions up, so I guess this is just a fact.
and if you look for the inverse of $T$ you solve polynomial equations (D'alembert) For $n\geq 5$, Galois tells that $T^{-1}$ has some properties.
So T is a pretty good mapping I guess :P
Yeah, you're right.
$T = T^{-1}$ is identity in the case of these polynomials
math.stackexchange.com/questions/789890/… answered my own good question! So happy
Heya guys
Oh Linear Algebra...
so does it imply that such polynomials must necessarily be solvable over $\Bbb Q$?
i have to think about it now.
dang it, @GabrielR., i was revising my group theory.
I answered a lhf.
read this @BalarkaSen books.google.fr/…
"Can one show that for n => 6 the transformations Tn^-1 are obtained by composition of Tm^-1 of lower degree m operating on suitable subspaces of E^n?"
Provably no.
@BalarkaSen Do you understand the definition of S ? I mean, why is that interesting ?
@GabrielR. S? What 'S'?
@BalarkaSen first read what H is. He defines then $S=H^{-1}TH$
and he considers the inverse of $S$ in the scope of Galois theory
why ?
I don't really see an algebraic significance of this.
What does he mean by "homeomorphism of $\Bbb E^n$"? Perhaps homeomorphism from $\Bbb E^n$ to itself?
yes of course
@Sawarnik I don't know .. but I don't think there is a mistake anymore :P
@GabrielR. I think I am starting to get what he is saying.
$H^{-1} T H$ really shifts the original $e_k$ of the roots by continuously mapping it to somewhere else.
Let's take an example.
Darn that is not a homeomorphism.
Give me a good example of a nontrivial homeomorphism, @GabrielR.
in which space ?
$\Bbb E^n \to \Bbb E^n$
I thought of exponentiation termwise.
But logarithm behaves weird at the negatives.
linear transforms are trivial ?
@GabrielR. Of course.
But let's do it this way.
$f : (\Bbb R^+)^n \to (\Bbb R^+)^n$ as $f : (x_1, \cdots, x_n) \mapsto (e^{x_1}, \cdots, e^{x_n})$
A subset consideration is almost nearly the same.
yeah yeah
Now, we are concerned about $f^{-1}Tf$, which acts like this
$(x_1, \cdots, x_n) \mapsto (\log(e_1(\exp(x_i))), \cdots, \log(e_n(\exp(x_n))))$
Now they are asking if the inversion of this map is can be done by radicals.
you may run in trouble with finding roots but let's suppose they exist
@GabrielR. good observation, but we are using this as an example here so ok.
the technicalities can be addressed later.
@GabrielR. Actually, this problem essentially reduces to the question of whether a polynomial of degree $\geq 5$ is solvable by radicals and expoenentials/logarithms.
hmmm I see now ! thank you @BalarkaSen
@GabrielR. The answer is negative assuming Schanuel's conjecture.
his final question is actually interesting
Gotta eat, be back later
ok, let me see what he asks.
@GabrielR. Well, it seems too general to me.
Hahah, the previous notation for Tate-Shaferevich group was TS.
@GabrielR. Actually, my explanation was wrong.
It actually asks whether a quintic over the field generated by rationals and exponential/logarithm values is solvable through radicals and exponential/logarithms.
So in general, this is like asking whether a polynomial of degree $\geq 5$ in the function field $\Bbb Q(f)$ is solvable over a radical extension of that field. For example, is $x^5 - \log(3) + \exp(2)$ solvable through radicals and exponential/logarithms?
@BalarkaSen Can you prove that $\sqrt{19}^{\sqrt{19}^{\sqrt{19}}}$ is not an integer? :P
@Sawarnik I believe no.
But I also believe that this is an open problem.
Orly? Not an integer?
@Sawarnik I can't guarantee though.
Oh, integer?
@BalarkaSen Yes!
It becomes much more interesting.
@Sawarnik I think one might have to do explicit bounding of $\sqrt{19}$ to derive that.
And it seems utterly non interesting and completely tedious job.
@BalarkaSen Ah! Don't you have a NTist way?
I hate trick theory problems. But let me think on it.
@r9m Hmm, how did you discover that mistake?
@Sawarnik i tried to apply a similar inequality elsewhere and got devastrating results :P
@Sawarnik I give up. Not interested. You tell.
@r9m So you should try to apply the new inequality elsewhere and try to get devastating results :P :P
@BalarkaSen Uh oh! It was just my curiosity. I don't know the answer!
OK, then I'll think about it!
But I have to go now, bye.
@Sawarnik imp :P
@BalarkaSen Ok. Byes.
@r9m Hmm. Let me put up some courage to go through that!
@r9m How does sin(B-C/2) equal cos(B-C/2)?
@Sawarnik nope ..
@r9m You write $\frac{\sin A + \sin B}{2\cos \frac{C}{2}}=\cos(\frac{B-C}2)$? :/ .... :/..... :/
@Sawarnik the numerator $\sin A + \sin B = 2\sin(\frac{A+B}{2})\cos(\frac{A-B}{2})=2\sin(\frac{\pi - C}{2})\cos(\frac{A-B}{2}) = 2\cos(\frac{C}{2})\cos(\frac{A-B}{2})$
@r9m Hmm, so the culprit lies in the fact that I remember the formulas wrong.

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