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Wow @mike did you see the comment on my answer?
Since when does trivial case analysis count as "incredibly hard to solve"? It may not be the most elegant solution and may take some work, but it's definitely not hard. — user2345215 9 mins ago
This totally pisses me off.
And then I got a downvote there, lol.
Geezis, it's time to delete account.
The guy's a dick.
But remember what skull said earlier.
He should try to solve it.
Then he will realise how hard it is.
But he probably won't.
Because he will give the short flawed proof.
@pedro Careful he will flag your comment.
I know the mods. =)
Anyway it is at most a suspension. =)
OK, time to sleep, lol.
@AlexanderGruber Aaaaaaaaaalex.
How's a going?
@PedroTamaroff not bad. just had a massage.
@AlexanderGruber i take it you didn't pay? =D
@PedroTamaroff haha naw
@AlexanderGruber I'm still group theorin.
I don't see how it will earn me a massage, though.
person who hit me last october's gonna be payin' for all that. (well, her insurance.)
@AlexanderGruber Did she tell you what caused the crash?
@PedroTamaroff no, i've never spoken to her actually, she just said "sorry" at the accident before we ran off to the ER
@AlexanderGruber smooth as fuck
my doctors talk to my lawyers talk to the insurance guys
i think she was texting maybe, she didn't seem drunk
no bad sequels, right?
nope :) been smooth sailing since then
good good
so, I have a problem
Suppose $M$ is a maximal subgroup of a finite (yay!) soluble group $G$. Then it has prime power index.
Now, I have proven that if $G$ is soluble and $H$ is a minimal normal subgroup, it is elementary abelian.
Then take such a subgroup. If $H\leqslant M$, $M/H$ is maximal in $G/H$ and by inductive hypothesis we're done.
Thus, suppose $H\not{\!\!\leqslant }M$.
ugh that code sucks
there you go
Then $H\cap M$ is a proper normal subgroup of $H$, and since $H$ is minimal normal, $H\cap M=1$.
Then I can set up a cool iso, right?

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