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@cmw Has optimism died in Boston? Wasn't American democracy born in Boston? That's quite a tradition, have you given up on it? Will Trump try for a third term? Didn't Nixon toy with this? He blew himself up with Watergate & Viet Nam. Trump may do the same; if not, there'll be a battle. As and when it's first mooted there will need to be protests from the best Americans: approaching their congressmen & senators; (peaceful) street demos; letters to newspapers; anything, everything.
@cmw Of course, such a change in the Constitution would require support from Democrat Senators. This, at the moment, looks unlikely; if enough people make their reservations plain, it will remain unlikely. "All that is required for evil to triumph is..."
@JoonasIlmavirta The reason for Trump turning against Zelensky now seems clear: he refused to sign over 50% of Ukraine's mineral rights in return for the help already given (which was given unconditionally) and any future help. Zelensky refused to accede to this blackmail, unless, naturally, he received security guarantees against another Russian invasion. Apart from NATO membership what guarantee can there be that means anything?
@JoonasIlmavirta This is unacceptable to the Russians and Trump has already refused it. Is this an impasse? Despite all Trump's self-aggrandizing deal-making credentials, might he find this one more difficult than he had anticipated?
@Adam Trump and a desire for a third term--any thoughts?
5 hours later…
@tony No, it just requires support from police forces and at least neutrality from the military.
@tony Police already use lethal violence on protestors. It remains to be seen how much violence they're willing to use before it becomes intolerable, but it doesn't take much to break spirits.
@tony He's going to be pretty old at that point, and while I'm sure he'd have no problem being "king" forever I suspect he'll want to position Junior as a successor.

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