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@Cerberus: Have you been mistaken for Joonas?
5 hours later…
@tony Ehh I don't know!
3 hours later…
@Cerberus: It's not something that one would forget.
@tony You'd be surprised to know what things I forget!
2 hours later…
Having three heads and being canine probably helps with that some.
Q: Were we being too harsh towards the second answerer of the ἅπτω question

Canned ManI read through the comments for the second answer to luchonacho’s question, and I feel the user never received any welcome message or positive vibes from the community at all. I do not disagree with the answer being completely wrong, and have commented on the things I feel I could provide a quali...

Q: Were we being too harsh towards the second answerer of the ἅπτω question

Canned ManI read through the comments for the second answer to luchonacho’s question, and I feel the user never received any welcome message or positive vibes from the community at all. I do not disagree with the answer being completely wrong, and have commented on the things I feel I could provide a quali...

Sorry for the double posting, I did not know that it would be posted automatically here; I thought it didn’t since nothing happened the first few minutes or so.
1 hour later…
Working with Ambrose all day has gone quite well, though I am now stuck on a simple question: Quid illud quod morī nōn timuit? Immō prō omnibus sē obtulit dīcēns quod frūstrā propter sē aliī perīclitārentur: sibīque potius mortem optābat, nē ipse aliīs causa mortis esset.
Very verbatim:
What/Which that which he did not fear to die? Quite the opposite: For everyone himself he offered, saying that for no purpose because of / by means of / through himself others were put in danger: and for himself instead/rather death he chose, not himself for others to have been the cause of death.
Rewritten to normal English: What/Which [thing? -> fact?] that he did not fear to die? Quite the opposite: He offered himself for everyone, saying that for no purpose others were put in danger because of himself: and for himself he rather chose death, for fear that he himself would have been the cause of death for others.
Live with power = CUM POTESTATEM VIVIT ?
Cool! VIVE is the same as in Spanish vive con poder.
Well, except that you pronounce it VIIVE
You mean a long /i:/?
Except the /v/ rather than /w/ pronunciation of Classical Latin, it is indeed the same.
Could one perhaps use the ablative?
1 hour later…
@CannedMan No worries! The system has a number of unintuitive delays.
Thanks for bringing it up! I hope my view doesn't come across too cynical.
No, indeed, as expected from you it is grounded, factual and helpful.
@CannedMan For the lack of a better word, quid illud quod might be better treated as a "phrasal cluster". Much like the French qu'est-ce que il y a should not be analyzed as "what is it that it has there" but "what is it".
@CannedMan Thanks!
What exactly is going on grammatically then?
Good question! Please ask a question on that. That deserves proper analysis in front of all eyes.
Right, will do!
Literally it seems to be quid [est] illud quod, a relatively simple relative clause, but understanding and translating (in that order!) quid and quod well is hard.
I hope you do not mind me quoting from this conversation … but I will still ask first.
Do you?
I will take my chances; I am sure a re-write will be possible if need be.
@CannedMan yeah Ī

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